I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 183 All are destroyed in an instant, the mission is about to be completed!

"My lord, the army must stand firm and must not be divided! 99

Yuan Shao's army fell into such a dangerous situation, Xu You was still constantly offering advice to Yuan Shao in the big tent of the Chinese army.

However, what he didn't notice was that Yuan Shao's face had long been impatient.

The next moment, Guo Tu came to Yuan Shao's tent.

Guo Tu, courtesy name Gongze, was a native of Yingchuan.

Yuan Shao's advisors were originally Han Fu's men, and later urged Han Fu to surrender to Yuan Shao.

After joining Yuan Shao's camp, Guo Tu began to cultivate his own partisans, constantly slandering Yuan Shaojin.

Especially this time, Xu You's strategy failed again and again, allowing Guo Tu to seize the opportunity again.

He took advantage of the news from Shenpei from the rear that Xu You's family had violated the law, was caught by Shenpei, and slandered Yuan Shaojin.

"My lord, there is news from Shen Pei.

Guo Tu respectfully stood at the door of the tent and told Yuan Shao:

"Xu You's family has broken the law and has now been detained by the trial court, please ask the lord for instructions, what should I do?

After speaking, Guo Tu immediately raised his head and glanced at Xu You.

Xu You's whole body trembled immediately, good guy, it looks like Guo Tu is going to do something to himself!

Sure enough, the next moment, Guo Tu continued:

"My lord, all the cavalry troops that went to chase have been wiped out. Xu You is a fellow of Cao Cao, a minister..."

Very interesting, Guo Tu didn't say anything next.

He knew that as long as the seeds were planted, Yuan Shao had his own way.

Sure enough, Yuan Shao glanced at Xu You suspiciously:

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Xu You immediately stepped forward to excuse himself:

"My lord, although I am from the same town as Cao Thief, since I joined the lord, I have not contacted Cao Thief again. As for my family, I really don't know about it."5

"I don't know?"

Guo Tu on the side gave a flattering smile:

"Is it difficult for Mr. Xu or an honest official?"

Xu You shivered subconsciously. Could it be that Guo Tu has some evidence?

Greed for money is a major weakness of Xu You.

When it comes to accepting bribes, whether in Jizhou or during the expedition, he has done a lot.

Sure enough, Guo Tu immediately produced evidence that Xu You was greedy for ink.

"Look, my lord, this letter was collected by the trial court, and it is evidence that Xu You accepted bribes. 35

With a "crack", Xu You knew that he was completely finished.

Yuan Shao took the evidence and checked it out. Sure enough, there was evidence in every piece of evidence, and it seemed that Xu You's crime was confirmed.

"Personal husband! Come on, take it with me!

The two soldiers at the door quickly stepped forward and detained Xu You.

"You have offered many tricks, causing my army to collapse, and when I return to Luoyang, I will punish you for your sins!

Pointing at Xu You, Yuan Shao cursed fiercely.

After all, if you lose, someone will definitely take the blame. Since Xu You has caught up, it's you!

Xu You was naturally hard to argue, and Yuan Shao didn't even give him a chance to explain, so he immediately ordered someone to fork him out.

As soon as he walked out of the camp, he ran into Jiang Qi 770 head-on.

Jiang Qi lost the battle and was scolded by Yuan Shao. If it weren't for the fact that there were not many generals in the army, Yuan Shao would have split him in half long ago.

Just now, he found Guo Tu in private and asked him to save him.

It just so happened that Guo Tu received a letter from the trial partner and agreed to jointly put Xu You in prison.

Until he saw Xu You being framed, Jiang Qi couldn't help but feel sad.

Due to the defeat, Yuan Shao became more and more suspicious, and Xu You's case was an example.

Jiang Qi thought for a while, he had just lost the battle, and even if he could escort Yuan Shao back to Jizhou in the future, it would be difficult to escape the crime.

Maybe, Xu You's current situation is exactly his future fate.

At the same time, when Jiang Qi was thinking hard outside the tent, Guo Tu lived up to his entrustment and quickly slandered Yuan Shaojin.

Now that Xu You was arrested, Yuan Shao couldn't rely on him in the panic, so he had to look at Guo Tu.

"Prince, you know, I have always respected you very much, but now that Xu You betrayed me, only you can advise me. 35

Although Guo Tu had already scolded Yuan Shao one hundred and eighty times in his heart, Yuan Shao had almost always followed Xu You's strategy since he launched the army, and he didn't know where he left the other advisers.

But on the surface, Guo Tu can only pretend to be grateful:

"The lord is so important, how can Tu not be grateful?

"Now, let's make a plan for the master."

Hearing what Guo Tu said, Yuan Shao was naturally overjoyed:

"Speak the rules quickly. 35

"Although our army is slightly defeated, there are still 130,000 troops, and Cao Cao will definitely not dare to fight us head-on. 95

"Well, exactly!"

After some flattery, Guo Tu had long since fooled Yuan Shao into obedience.

Actually, where's what's slightly down.

The former army was wiped out, and the cavalry army was left with only a few hundred remnants. The living space was squeezed to only one camp, and even the food was only left for two days.

The current Yuan Jun can be said to be running out of fuel, and seeing that he is about to be destroyed, it is not easy to be spoken to by Guo Tu's clever words.

"But Cao Cao has many generals under his command, and the defense of the lord's Chinese army is the top priority.

Yuan Shao strongly agrees with this.

Whether it was the tiger and leopard cavalry who was used to wearing the camp, Yuwen Chengdu who almost entered the camp, or the high pet who showed off his might in the sky, none of them could be resisted by the generals of Yuan Jun.

"The rules are very true, but I don't know who can be the defense general of the Chinese army?"

"Jiang Qi.

Guo Tu quickly said a name.

It was Jiang Qi who had just escorted the food and grass unfavorable.

Yuan Shao was not a fool, and quickly raised his doubts:

"But Jiang Qi failed to escort the food and grass, I just scolded him, will he hold any resentment? 35

Seeing that Yuan Shao was worried, Guo Tu immediately showed off his eloquent skills.

"My lord is worrying too much. Think about it. He lost food and grass. Not only did you not punish him, but you also entrusted him with such an important task. Wouldn't he be grateful to Dade and try his best to protect you?"

On second thought, Yuan Shao felt that what Guo Tu said also made sense.

"Okay, I'll leave this to you."

Soon, Yuan Shao, as Guo Tu said, handed over the defense of the Chinese army tent to Jiang Qi.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Yuan Shao went back to the tent after patrolling the defense, ready to undress and sleep.

When Guo Tu handed over the defense of the Chinese army to Jiang Qi, Jiang Qi's mind became alive.

Although Guo Tu repeatedly instructed him, the lord will definitely reuse him in the future.

But Xu You's lesson came first. Yuan Shao was a temperamental person. After this battle, Jiang Qi naturally had his own scruples in his heart.

Seeing that his friend Xin Ming was beheaded by Cao Cao, now Yuan Shao's horse army has been lost, and the former army has also been wiped out.

The most important thing is that now Cao Cao has set up three suspects, making Yuan Shao's army unable to move.

In this way, being trapped here is tantamount to sitting still.

Therefore, since he had mastered Yuan Shao's defense of the Chinese army, Jiang Qi couldn't help but attack Yuan Shao's idea.

If he can kill Yuan Shao and go to see Cao Cao with his head, he will surely be rewarded by Cao Cao.

Now that Yuan Shao's army is about to be defeated, it is a good time!

After deciding to do it, Jiang Qi quickly found dozens of his cronies and switched them around Yuan Shao's tent.

"When you see the fire, immediately surround his tent, wait for me to transfer my troops to another place, and come back immediately to kill him, and then we will take his head and go to take refuge with Cao Cao! 39

At an agreed time, in the early hours of the morning, Yuan Shao's camp in the east of the army caught fire.

Because Jiang Qi held the military power of defense, he quickly mobilized most of the soldiers in charge of defense to fight the fire.

When Yuan Shao heard that the fire was on fire and was getting dressed and preparing to leave the tent, Jiang Qi rode a tall horse and led dozens of personal soldiers, rushed into Yuan Shao's tent, and hacked Yuan Shao to death on the spot.

Yuan Shao has been in business for many years, and there are naturally many personal soldiers. He has received a lot of favors from Yuan Shao on weekdays, and naturally he is unwilling to give up. The two sides fought fiercely on the spot, until Jiang Qi cut off Yuan Shao's head and threw it out, and both sides retreated. , confrontation.

In an instant, Yuan Jun's camp was in chaos.

Qin Ruishi, who was in charge of stalking, immediately reported the incident to Gao Chong.

Immediately, Gao Chong gave orders to the two outside troops to attack, and at the same time, Gao Chong himself also dispatched the Suzaku Organ Beast out of the city to attack Yuan Shao's camp.

The person sent by Jiang Qi in charge of contacting Cao Cao was also quickly caught by Gao Chong. Gao Chong was dismissive of Jiang Qi's refuge, and he was not a good person in the face of adversity.

But since he can make Yuan Jun chaotic, it will naturally help to destroy Yuan Jun, so Gao Chong ordered Jiang Qi to lead his troops to cooperate with Cao Jun's cover-up.

When Yuan Shao died, he was a leaderless group of dragons.

Regardless of Yuan Tan, Yuan Shang or Yuan Xi, none of them were in the barracks.

In addition, Jiang Qi led dozens of personal soldiers to set fire everywhere, and the rest did not know how many rebels there were, and the entire Yuan Shao camp became a pot of porridge.

To the north, Cao Chun led 3,000 tigers and leopards to attack the city and pull through the fortress, directly piercing the defense of Yuan Shao's army, and smashed into the Chinese army camp.

On the other side, Zhang Liao led an army of 1,000 horses to cover and cheer outside.

At the same time, Yuwen Chengdu led 4,000 cavalry directly to the central army, turned with Cao Chun, and controlled the situation.

The group of dragons was leaderless, and the army was in chaos. The remaining hundreds of thousands of horses quickly put down their weapons and chose to surrender.

As for Jiang Qi himself, his head was blown out by a hammer from Yuwen Chengdu!

After the situation was completely stabilized, Gao Chong slowly controlled the Suzaku Organ Beast to land nearby.

"General, now that Yuan Shao has surrendered hundreds of thousands of soldiers, what should we do?"

Zhang Liao and Cao Chun did not dare to arbitrarily decide who the real leader of Luoyang City was, and they were very clear in their hearts.

"First escort them here, and then decide when I go back and report to Your Majesty and Lord Rui Beast. 99

"You two lead all the troops and stay here, and General Yuwen and I will return to the city to report."


Zhang Liao and Cao Chun naturally did not dare to disobey Gao Chong's orders.

Soon, Yuwen Chengdu and Gao Chong returned to Luoyang City on the Suzaku Organ Beast.

"Lord Rui Beast, our army has completely controlled Yuan Jun's surrender, Yuan Shao died, and his subordinates came to ask for orders, how to deal with the surrender? 55


Bai Zhu's snoring became louder and louder, no matter how much Gao Chong shouted, he couldn't wake up.

Helpless, he had to go to the palace overnight to find the first emperor.

The first emperor was even simpler, he waved his hand and handed it all over to Cao Cao.

As a result, Cao Caomei's snot bubbles came out.

Good guy, not to mention the annihilation of the allied forces of the feudal lords, and the biggest Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu are all dead, who else in the world is his opponent Cao Cao?

So Cao Cao went out of the city overnight and subdued hundreds of thousands of soldiers.

There is still a lot of food in Luoyang City, so it is not a problem to support them.

However, in addition to secretly rejoicing, Cao Cao did not forget to thank Baihei and Shi Huangdi.

He knew very well that whether it was Wudang Flying Army or Suzaku Organ Beast, they were all rare "immortals", without them, Cao Cao would not be what he is today.

So, in addition to being grateful, he was even more humble, and he dispatched Meiji, wine, ingredients and wood from each of them overnight to serve the First Emperor and Baihei.

As for himself, he only took a nap for a while, and before dawn, he waited early outside the white and black bedroom.


Lazily stretched his waist, and as soon as Bai Hei got up, Cao Cao personally stepped forward and said:

"Lord Rui Beast, Yuan Jun was defeated last night. We have already recruited their soldiers. Your Majesty is still awake. Please Lord Rui Beast to decide how to advance the army next?"

Baihei scratched his head:

【'Next step?'】

What's next with Laozi?

It is your business to unify the last year of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Now what Bai Zhu wants to do most is to wait for the end of the day, quickly return to the Qiyun space to sum up a wave of points, and finally return to Daqin safely.

[‘I don’t know, you can do whatever you want. ’]

Baihei waved his paws, signaling Cao Cao to deal with it at will.

"Lord Rui Beast, please put on your shoes.

Seeing Bai Hei get up, Cao Cao immediately handed over a pair of shoes diligently.

Black and white face one black:

【‘When did you see me wearing shoes?l

Cao Cao shyly smiled:

"It's abrupt, abrupt."

Without waking up Cao Jie and Zhen Mi who were still sleeping, Bai Hei walked out of the hospital slowly.

Outside the courtyard, there is a bamboo forest, which Cao Cao newly called people to plant in.

That's right, it was just "transplanted". Cao Cao gave the order to die. If one batch died, he would replace it with another batch. Anyway, before Baihei left, he must ensure that the bamboo was fresh.

After nibbling on a bamboo, Baihei squinted at Cao Cao:

【‘Cao Thief, how many points do you think you can get this time?’】

Cao Cao's waist immediately bent lower:

"Thanks to you and Your Majesty's blessings, this time Cao Cao can only get some rewards, and he doesn't dare to ask for too much."

[‘Well, you are very interesting. ’]

White and black nodded in satisfaction.

Indeed, their mission this time seems to be to hijack and control Emperor Liu Xie of the Han Dynasty.

But in fact, they also took the opportunity to wipe out Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu, as well as most of the main forces of the princes.

Even if Liu Biao, Liu Zhang and the like still have sons and have a lot of troops on hand, but after this battle, there is no mobile force, let alone compete with Cao Cao in the Central Plains.

To put it simply, at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty at this time and space, the surname was basically Cao.

Seeing that Bai Hei did not speak, Cao Cao immediately bowed sincerely to Bai Hei:

"Lord Rui Beast, before you leave, if you have any orders, your subordinates will obey them. 35

Cao Cao's heart is like a mirror, without the First Emperor and Bai Hei, there would be no Cao Cao today!

Therefore, before returning to the Qiyun space, Cao Cao will do his best to repay Baihei and the first emperor.

【‘It seems that tomorrow is the fifteenth day, what are you going to do today?’】

Sitting in place, before the sun came out, Bai Hei was already thinking about today's program.

Suddenly, Bai Zhu looked at Cao Cao in front of him and remembered something:

['Cao Thief, there is really one thing for you to do. ’]

"Despite your instructions, Lord Rui Beast, I will go through fire and water, and do whatever you want!"

Baihei waved his hand:

['It's not that troublesome, but Guan Yu, Zhen Mi, and Cao Jie have to stay here for a while. When I return to Daqin, I can call them. Of course, including your daughter, what do you think? J

Cao Cao immediately fell to his knees:

"It is her blessing to be able to follow Lord Rui Beast. 39

What Cao Cao said was sincere.

If nothing else, just relying on the means of traveling through time and space, white and black are absolutely extraordinary!

Don't look at him being lazy all day, but every time at a critical time, when is it not Bai Zhu who stands up and stabilizes the situation?

If Cao Cao didn't believe in time and space before, but after the appearance of the space of luck, Cao Cao believed it.

If Cao Jie can follow the white and black, it is not difficult to imagine that in the future, he will definitely have both blessings and luck.

For their own people, white and black are never stingy!

Just look at Gao Chong!

"Lord Rui Beast, last time we competed, and the last hand-to-hand battle has not yet started. Since we can complete the task tomorrow, why not fight for the last time today?

Suddenly, Cao Cao remembered Yuan Shao's unfinished martial arts project.

In the first three competitions, Gao Chong won the horse battle, and Yuwen Chengdu won the foot battle and archery competition. Now Yuwen Chengdu has won two games and Gao Chong won one game.

['Okay, let's do it. "J

Baihei waved his paws.

Now, there are no troops around Luoyang City that can threaten Cao Cao, so Cao Cao directly opened the city gate and transported all the things he bought from the neighboring state capital into Luoyang.

After the meal, Cao Cao personally invited the two to the school grounds.

Different from the previous battles, this time, Cao Cao even invited some of Yuan Shao's subordinate generals, such as Zhang He, Gao Lan, etc.

The last hand-to-hand battle, especially the farewell to Bai Hei and the first emperor, Cao Cao will naturally not be stingy, and the scene is extremely grand!

However, due to the lack of time, Cao Cao had to temporarily set up a high platform, as the arena for the competition, and it was convenient for everyone to see clearly.

Regardless of whether it is a soldier who has surrendered, or a soldier in Luoyang City, even if you are a refugee, you will have the opportunity to watch this fight.

Of course, at the same time, Cao Cao did not forget to set up guards for Shi Huangdi and Baihei.

Inside and outside the three floors, Shi Huangdi and Bai Hei were surrounded by water, all of them were the most elite soldiers of Cao Ying.

In fact, with Bai Zhu around, Cao Cao didn't have to prepare anything.

Bai Zhu's martial arts have now reached the realm of martial arts masters, how can ordinary cats and dogs be able to peep?

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