I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 184 With Gao Chong, it's useless to play flowers

After the defense and preparations were done, Cao Cao personally stepped into the ring: "I announce that this competition has officially begun!"

Hand-to-hand combat is different from horse combat, archery or even foot combat.

It can even be said that hand-to-hand combat is completely different from the first three methods, regardless of horse fighting, archery, or even foot combat, which requires a weapon.

Just think of the battle between Gao Chong and Yuwen Chengdu in the horse battle. The characteristics of the golden tiger head gun can just restrain the phoenix wings and Jin Rui, Gao Chong's natural advantage.

But hand-to-hand combat is different, their weapons are only their own fists and legs.

Of course, if your martial arts are advanced enough, all your organs can be used as weapons.

Hand-to-hand combat is the truest, most essential, and wildest battle for human beings!

In order to increase the level of excitement in this hand-to-hand battle, Cao Cao added a "team battle" rule on top of the white and black rules before the match.

Since the number of people participating in this battle is too large, initially, the "group" is used as a unit to fight each other.

When the first group is decided in the group battle, the five people will be divided according to their individual strengths, and the final battle will be held.

The maximum number of people in each group is five, and all soldiers can participate – participate!

Of course, in order to limit the time of the competition, Cao Cao made a series of regulations according to the actual situation, and finally screened out a whole 20 groups of small groups.

In addition to the small group formed by the generals, the soldiers were also high in morale. Even if they failed to join the final battle, they stood on the periphery and cheered wildly for their comrades.

According to the rules set by Cao Cao, the 20 groups did not use catching and fighting as the rules of the competition, but all stood on the field and participated in the chaos.

Twenty small groups, fighting at the same time!

I have to say, the way Cao Cao designed is really exciting.

Of the twenty groups, the most powerful ones were Baihei and the five-member group under Shi Huangdi.

Yuwen Chengdu, Gao Chong, Guan Yu and two Qin Ruishi.

In second place, it is under Cao Cao's command:

Dian Wei, Zhao Yun, Xu Chu, Xu Huang, Cao Hong.

The third place is:

Xiahou Dun, Le Jin, Li Dian, Zhang Liao, Zhang He.

Originally, Dian Wei's group wanted to add Zhou Yu, but Zhou Yu knew that hand-to-hand combat was not suitable for him, so he withdrew from the battlefield in the first round of duel.

The final three winners of the team battle were Yuwen Chengdu, Dianwei, and Xiahou Dun.

According to the rules of the competition, two groups need to be finally decided, the top ten will be selected, and then the individual battle will be held.

The three groups will fight separately, and the eliminated side will be determined according to the final number of wins.

And for each group of battles, the rules for the final victory are also very simple. Which group of people can still stand in the final field will win.

The first one was Yuwen Chengdu team vs. Dianwei team.

Although on the surface, Dian Wei was the team leader, but secretly, it was Zhao Yun who was always making suggestions.

There is no way, except for Zhao Yun who has a little IQ, Dian Wei, Xu Chu, or Cao Hong are all rough.

Only Xu Huang has a slight IQ, but compared with Zhao Yun, it is still a lot different.

"If we fight one-on-one, we definitely don't have any chance of winning.

Zhao Yun glanced at Yuwen Chengcheng and Gao Chong in front of him. As long as there were two of them, they would not be able to fight one-on-one anyway.

"So we have to quickly form a more-play-less situation."

He quickly went through all the possibilities that he could think of in his mind. Zhao Yun looked at the two Qin Ruishis in the first group and nodded:

"We must use two Qin Ruishis as a breakthrough.

"Dian Wei and Xu Chu, you two are in charge of fighting against two Qin Ruishis."

"Ah? Two generals fighting against Qin Ruishi, isn't that overkill?

Xu Huang quickly raised an objection.

"Otherwise, Dian Wei and Xu Chu are the two most valiant and fastest people in our group, as long as they can quickly defeat the two Qin Ruishis, they can immediately form a double attack against Yuwen Chengdu and Gao Chong!

Zhao Yun's words immediately made the eyes of the other four light up. Indeed, even though Qin Ruishi was also experienced in many battles, he was extremely brave.

But Xu Chu and Dian Wei, which one is not the one in ten thousand warriors?

Therefore, against the two Qin Ruishis, as long as they can quickly end the battle, they can withdraw to help the other two, and form a four-person attack on the local Yuwen Chengdu and Gao Chong. In this way, the winning rate will naturally increase greatly!

"But what about the others?

Xu Huang also had a worry, no matter how brave Dian Wei and Xu Chu were, there was a limit, and it would take time to defeat the two Qin Ruishis.

Therefore, in a fixed period of time, the two against Yuwen Chengcheng and Gao Chong must hold on to it, and the rout speed cannot be faster than Qin Ruishi's speed!

In addition, the remaining one, naturally, the longer the better.

After thinking for a long time, Zhao Yun made the final decision:

"It's up to me and Xu Huang to fight Yuwen Chengdu and Gao Chong respectively."

Zhao Yun and Xu Huang are the only people in the second group who are good at defense. As long as they persist until Dian Wei and Xu Chu end the battle, they will be successful!

In this way, the remaining Cao Hong is naturally fighting against Guan Yu.

Zhao Yun's careful thoughts were clearly seen by Bai Zhi outside the court, my dear, why don't you play Tianji horse racing?

"Little Rui Beast, I see that some of Cao Ying's generals seem to have set up some kind of plan, so there won't be any accidents, right?

['No, no. ’]

Baihei shook his paws disdainfully.

['Old Zhao, don't worry, you can break through ten guilds with one force, and with Gao Chong there, it's useless to play flowers.

Just kidding, how many iron tackles did Gao Chong pick?

If it weren't for the fact that it was impossible to sit down on a horse, with Gao Chong's strength, the iron pulleys of the whole camp would not be enough?

What's more, with Bai Hei and the First Emperor in charge, they didn't dare to play other tricks, except for Tian Ji's horse racing tricks, which were of no use.

It's a pity that the first group has Gao Chong, which will make all their strategies invalid!

Soon, the five-person battle started quickly.

As soon as the drums sounded, the members of the second group went straight to the person they needed to fight according to the established plan.

Yuwen Chengdu vs. Zhao Yun.

Xu Huang versus Gao Chong.

Cao Hong against Guan Yu.

Dian Wei and Xu Chu fought against Qin Ruishi respectively.

It wasn't until the battle started that Dian Wei and Xu Chu realized that Qin Ruishi didn't seem to be as easy to deal with!

Soon, they suffered the loss of not doing their homework.

You must know that only 1,600 people were selected out of the 200,000 Qin troops. It is conceivable how strong Qin Ruishi's combat effectiveness is!

Not only that, these two are the elite of the elite, the sharp of the sharp!

Among the 2,000 Qin Ruishis, through battle selection, these two were finally selected, which shows how fierce their strength is!

Especially at the beginning of the battle, Dian Wei and Xu Chu were eager to win, and in eagerness, regardless of the consumption of the attack, Qin Ruishi seized the opportunity and took the opportunity to entangle them with them.

After more than 30 rounds of fighting, Dian Wei and Xu Chu realized that something was wrong. Why did it seem that the two Qin Ruishis were also waiting?


It was Gao Chong's plan!

As long as the two Qin Ruishis dragged Dian Wei and Xu Chu, and when Gao Chong and Yuwen defeated Zhao Yun and Xu Huang, they would immediately form a pincer attack!

Even if Qin Ruishi was defeated, Gao Chong and Yuwen Chengdu teamed up to fight against Dian Wei and Xu Chu, and the winning rate was definitely above 80%.

"No! Can't wait any longer!"

Feeling more and more that the situation was not right, Dian Wei seized the opportunity and rushed forward, aiming at Qin Ruishi in front of him and punching him fiercely!

Seeing that Xu Huang's support was getting harder and harder, Xu Chu's heart was also very anxious.


He and Dian Wei's attacks started at all costs!

With their good physical fitness, especially with so many Cao Ying soldiers around, how could Dian Wei and Xu Chu lose face?

Abruptly received two punches from Qin Ruishi, Dian Wei swallowed the blood that was about to spurt.


Using all his strength, Dian Wei directly lifted Qin Ruishi in front of him, and before he could react, he slammed into the field and threw it out!

Dian Wei wins!

Just when the members of the second group thought the game was about to end and they were about to win.

A loud voice came.

"Bang! 35

Gao Chong's vigorous kick directly kicked Xu Huang off the ring, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Almost at the same time, Gao Chong also won!

"bring it on."

Repelling Xu Huang, Gao Chong slowly came to Dian Wei.

Just like Gao Chong's strong state, at this time, Dian Wei's aura had begun to become disordered because he resisted Qin Ruishi's two punches.

Facing Gao Chong's aggressiveness, he kept backing away, wanting to take this opportunity to regain some strength.

Gao Chong was not in a hurry, he saw through Dian Wei's thoughts, and even had the intention of waiting for Xu Chu on purpose.

Sure enough, after approaching the battle between Xu Chu and Qin Ruishi, Dian Wei quickly launched an attack on Qin Ruishi, two against one!

Qin Ruishi was quickly thrown out of the ring by Dian Wei and Xu Chu.

During this process, Gao Chong did not step forward to help, but stood there and watched Dian Wei and Xu Chu's actions with great interest.

"Do you really think that you can win this way?"

Gao Chong's face was full of jokes, which made Dian Wei and Xu Chu very uncomfortable.

"Extremely arrogant!

Dian Wei and Xu Chu, one on the left and one on the right, like two savage oxen, rushed straight to the high pet.

Two fights one, now Yuwen Chengdu and Zhao Yun are still fighting, in their opinion, the fight seems to have come to an end, two fights one, can they still lose?



Following the movements of Dian Wei and Xu Chu, Gao Chong also bowed forward, rushing towards the direction where Dian Wei and Xu Chu collided!

With two strong sounds, the three bodies collided, setting off a large amount of smoke and dust on the ring.

After the smoke and dust passed, only two figures appeared faintly.

One is Gao Chong.

The other one is Dian Wei.

When I looked around to find Xu Chu, I saw Xu Chu falling off the stage, screaming.

Well, with one hit, a great enemy was directly resolved!

Looking at Xu Chu's appearance, let alone team battles, even individual battles were difficult to play, and he directly lost the ability to fight.

Xu Chu's serious injury was a wake-up call for Zhao Yun. Before Dian Wei was ready to hedge against Yuwen again, Zhao Yun stopped in time.

In an instant, everyone on the field stopped and looked at Zhao Yun.

"We conceded.

Zhao Yun spread out his hands and admitted generously.

Just kidding, the next game is the match against the third group, and Dian Wei and Xu Chu are defeated, how will they fight next, or they will be eliminated in one match?

Seeing Zhao Yun frankly admit defeat, Cao Cao off the field couldn't help but stretch out his hand to cover his face.


So embarrassing!

Stately and seem to have some luck?

In response, Bai Hei nodded in appreciation.

Zhao Yun's choice was actually very wise. Instead of wasting all his energy in the first match, it was better to concentrate on the second match.

In fact, neither the second nor the third group can beat the first group.

As long as Zhao Yun and the others defeated the third group, they would naturally be able to advance to the individual battle.

··For flowers...

So if they put too much fighting power in the first match, they will suffer a lot in the third match, and even risk being overturned!

After voluntarily admitting defeat, the second group quickly withdrew.

Next, the first and third groups will compete.

With the second group as a lesson from the past, several members of the third group, Xiahou Dun, Li Dian, Le Jin, Zhang Liao, and Zhang He.

They just casually fought back and forth with Gao Chong and a few others, and then "accidentally" fell off the stage very tacitly.

I have to say that the acting skills of the third group are really bad, none of the five people are real.

In this way, the first place in the Yuwen Chengdu group is firmly established.

Next, is the most important second and third group of the battle.

In terms of overall strength, the lineup of Dian Wei, Xu Chu, Zhao Yun, Xu Huang, and Cao Hong is stronger than that of Xiahou Dun, Li Dian, Le Jin, Zhang Liao and Zhang He.

But in the last game, Xu Chu was seriously injured, which was equivalent to four against five.

Fortunately, Li Dian and Le Jin were both Confucian generals, let alone wielding knives and guns. Even if they threw away their strong sticks, the two together would not be Dian Wei's opponents.

The battle begins soon.

Although Zhao Yun has always been on the defensive in the battle between Zhao Yun and Yuwen in Chengdu, it does not mean that Zhao Yun is not capable of attacking.

On the contrary, against anyone in the third group, Zhao Yun's attack ability is one of the best.

Now that Xu Chu was folded, they could no longer use a one-on-one method. Zhao Yun and Dian Wei were on the front, Xu Huang was on the left, and Cao Hong was on the right. The four formed a pocket formation, wrapping the five people in the third group together. .

['Yes, it's a clever strategy. ’]

Although he had a clear understanding of Zhao Yun's white and black mind very early, but this battle, even if it was only four or five people's scale, let Zhao Yun play well.

It can be seen that Zhao Yun in history is simply perfect. Liu Bei kept him by his side as a guard, which is really overkill and a waste of talent.

To put it bluntly, except for the two younger brothers, Liu Bei doesn't believe in anyone.

If Guan Yu hadn't traveled a thousand miles alone, I'm afraid Liu Bei would never have handed over Jingzhou to him.

At the moment, Zhao Yun's method quickly wrapped the opponent's five people together, not only avoiding the dilemma of four against five, but also the four of them were always in a state of attack, constantly pushing the third group members to the edge of the ring.

Among the members of the third group, with the exception of Xiahou Dun, who was quite capable of fighting against Zhao Yun and the others, even Zhang Liao and Zhang He could hardly compete with such fierce generals as Dian Wei and Cao Hong.

When there was no way to retreat, Dian Wei saw the opportunity, repeated his trick, and slammed into the three people in front of him!


With a loud noise, Dian Wei hugged the three and fell to the bottom of the ring.

At the same time, Zhao Yun and Cao Hong attacked from left and right, forcing Xiahou Dun into the ring.

As for the only remaining Zhang He, he was quickly jumped off the ring by Xu Huang.

Good guy, a suicide attack, and the soldiers who were watching the battle were laughing back and forth, and even the First Emperor couldn't help laughing.

"It's a shame, it's a shame!"

Cao Cao covered his face with his hands and couldn't bear to look directly.

['Cao Thief, you have such a clever civil and military talent as Zhao Yun, but you are still not satisfied. His methods are all good strategies to win within the rules, which is rare. ’]

Cao Cao listened to Bai Hei's words, and Cao Cao could understand Zhao Yun's behavior, but in front of the entire army, he surrendered at every turn, and perished at every turn. Is Jiang Zi really good?

Ren Cao Cao was entangled in his heart, and the third battle ended smoothly. In the end, Zhao Yun's group successfully advanced to the second place!

And due to Xu Chu's serious injury, he withdrew from the single-player competition. As a result, there were only nine finalists.

They are: Yuwen Chengdu, Gao Chong, Guan Yu, two Qin Ruishi, Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Xu Huang, and Cao Hong.

Gao Chong's strength was obvious to all, and he directly became the first echelon, so he didn't need to participate in the competition.

The remaining eight people began to catch and fight at the same time.

After defeating Guan Yu, Zhao Yun and Xu Huang in a row, Yuwen Chengdu successfully advanced to the second place.

With his fighting skills, Zhao Yun successfully defeated Cao Hong, Xu Huang, and finally fought against Dian Wei.

Because Dian Wei lost too much strength in the previous battles, he was finally defeated by Zhao Yun, and Zhao Yun advanced to the third place.

In this way, the top three places are settled. As for the specific ranking, we can only rely on the next competition. Of course, it is also the most essential and exciting part of the competition.

The rest of the fight became very interesting.

Contrary to everyone's expectations, they originally thought that the two Qin Ruishis would be the eighth and ninth at the bottom.

What everyone did not expect was that the two actually fought against Cao Hong and Xu Huang in a row, and finally were forced to fight, ranking sixth and seventh respectively.

Due to the continuous battle, Xu Huang and Cao Hong's vigor was exhausted, and the two Qin Ruishis were always there as assistants, so they saved a lot of energy and became sixth and seventh, which was naturally expected by Bai Hei.

The eighth and ninth places are Xu Huang and Cao Hong respectively.

At this point, the remaining battle is only Guan Yu against Dian Wei, and the two will compete for the fourth and fifth place.

Then there is the battle between Zhao Yun, Yuwen Chengdu and Gao Chong to compete and determine the top three candidates.

In order to make the rest of the competition more exciting, Cao Cao, after consulting Shi Huangdi and Baihei, ordered the game to be suspended and distributed cold water and fruits to the soldiers. After a short rest, the next game was started.

"Little Rui Beast, do you really know what kind of reward I can get this time!"

Before returning to the Q&A space for luck, the first emperor had already begun to look forward to the reward.

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