I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 182 Yuan Shao is defeated, and the remaining soldiers are defeated!

Yuan Shao's deployment of troops was not as unorganized as Gao Chong imagined, but extremely regular.

The troops in the west of the city and the troops in the south of the city converged, and then slowly stationed at a place not far from Yuan Shao's army.

The men and horses in the north of the city also gathered together and slowly converged towards the central army.

It is conceivable that if Gao Chong really sent troops, no matter which part he attacked, he would definitely be cut off by the other two and attack the rear army.

At that time, even if the tiger and leopard cavalry is brave, it will be difficult to break out of the siege in the chaotic army.

"Fortunately, Lord Rui Beast expected the enemy to come first, otherwise our army would have suffered losses!

Cao Cao couldn't help but sighed as he watched Yuan Shao's mobilization of troops under the city.

Although Yuan Shao suffered a major setback and his army was shaken, the entire army was still mobilized in an orderly manner, and it was not the best time to defeat Yuan Shao.

"Yeah, if it were me, I would have left the city to fight Yuan Shao long ago."

Gao Chong leaned the golden tiger-headed spear against the edge of the city wall, looked at the orderly Yuan Jun under the city, and asked worriedly:

"But Yuan Shao's army has no food and will retreat sooner or later. If we don't take the opportunity to send troops, once we let him run away, it will be troublesome for General Cao to attack in the future."

For Gao Chong's statement, Cao Cao agrees very much.

It seems that Yuan Shao is besieging the city, but in fact, now that Yuan Shao has given birth to the heart of retreat, the First Emperor and Bai Hei could have just ignored it.

Anyway, as long as they finally complete the task of the special topic.

But Cao Cao is different. Others can leave, but Cao Cao cannot.

Once Yuan Shao is really forced to return to Jizhou, Cao Cao will attack, and the outcome will not be known.

【‘What are you talking about, so happy?’】

While the two were chatting hotly, white and black cooing came from behind.

"Lord Rui Beast."

"Lord Rui Beast."

The two bowed respectfully.

['How is it? Have Yuan Shao's troops gathered?']

In order to save communication time, last night, Bai Hei appointed Zhen Mi as the "No. 3" shit shoveling officer, so that it would be much easier to communicate with everyone in the future.

"Lord Rui Beast, Yuan Shao's troops are slowly gathering, and it looks like they can complete the gathering tonight. 99

Cao Cao glanced at the situation under the city and predicted decisively.

【'Okay, Gao Chong, I have prepared some good things under the city, you can lead the Qin Ruishis to take the tactical beast to send gifts to Yuan Shao. l

Saying that, Baihei stretched out his big chubby paws and pointed at the city.

Cao Cao had a hundred question marks in his heart. Gift? For Yuan Shao?

Gao Chong's face was calm, he knew that Lord Rui Beast must have a new idea.

"Follow the instructions of Lord Rui Beast.

Without a trace of hesitation, Gao Chong immediately ran downstairs with a golden tiger head gun.

Let alone a mission, even if Baihei asked Gao Chong to jump off the city head, Gao Chong would execute it without hesitation!

When he arrived at the bottom of the city and saw the gift that Bai Zhu had prepared for Yuan Shao, Gao Chong was so happy that he could not close his mouth.

Well, is it a human thing?

Thousands of buckets of horse manure and human manure are neatly placed on the ground, and you can smell them from far away!

Even, many of the thousands of buckets of feces still carry golden juice.

My dear, if thousands of buckets of feces were poured down your head, I can't imagine how Yuan Jun would react!

For a time, Gao Chong actually looked forward to it?

"Move all the things on the Suzaku Organ Beast, and follow the book to attack!"


Looking at the golden juice in front of them, the Qin Ruishis were not at all curious. The moment they heard Gao Chong's order, they understood the purpose of him.

Good guy, Yuan Jun is blessed!

In the city, the confused Cao Cao still didn't know what Bai Hei was going to do, but he didn't dare to ask more, so he respectfully waited by the side, looking forward to when Bai Hei would be able to say it himself.

Seeing that the smoke was already rising from Yuan Jun's camp under the city, Bai Hei nodded with satisfaction.

When it was estimated that Yuan Jun had already started to eat, Bai Zhi patted Cao Cao on the shoulder:

['Cao Thief, go and inform Gao Chong that he can send troops!'

"As ordered!"

Cao Cao immediately flew down the city and went straight to Gao Chong's place in the city. He wanted to see, what gift did Bai Zhu give Yuan Shao?

But the closer the distance, Cao Cao's heart became more and more panic, good guy, how to stink?

Cao Cao was speechless until he came to Gao Chong and looked at the golden juice on the two thousand Vermillion Birds.

Do you know?

After being speechless for a long time, Cao Cao regained his senses and said quietly:

"Sir Rui Beast's understanding of the art of war is truly amazing and admirable.


Gao Chong nodded silently.

"Yuan Jun is estimated to have started to eat. Lord Rui Beast means to attack now. 35

"Follow orders!"

Soon, Gao Chong set off with Qin Ruishi driving the Suzaku organ beast.

This attack caught Yuan Shao by surprise.

It's not the shield player's business, but the whole army is eating now, and there is not much food, so it's a pity to waste a meal.

However, the enemy was getting closer and closer, and he had no choice but to issue an order to defend immediately.

But obviously, it's too late.

Qin Ruishi on the Suzaku Organ Beast has begun to move!

Barrels of golden juice were thrown away, but the golden rain fell on Yuan Shao's barracks. If it wasn't for the smell, it would still look pretty gorgeous.

At first, Yuan Shao thought it was a crossbow arrow, but soon, Yuan Jun realized something was wrong.

The dry ones came together and poured down, and a lot of them fell directly into the pots where they made the rice!

Wait until you look closely, smell, taste, vomit one by one

For a while, Yuan Jun didn't have time to defend, and they all bent down and vomited.

In an instant, Yuan Shao's camp was full of filth, and the smell was even more foul.

"Okay, go back to the city" "!"

Seeing such a violent reaction in Yuan Shao's camp, Gao Chong nodded in satisfaction.

It seems that this attack worked well!

Yuan Shao seemed to be unable to eat the meal.

As soon as Gao Chong left, Yuan Shao started jumping in the barracks.

"Bastard! Shame! 35

"Why has I, Yuan Shao, been so insulted?"

He wished he could chop Cao Cao into a hundred pieces on the spot, Yuan Shao was furious.

My dear, I was eating when suddenly a mouthful of soup fell from the sky, penetrated directly into the tent, and fell into my bowl, leaving a huge shadow on Yuan Shao's heart.

I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing, half a day, it is estimated that the soldiers have no appetite, and the rest of the food can last another day.

But if you don't eat, you won't have the strength to fight!

"Ziyuan, quickly think of a way, I will cut Cao Thief into eight pieces!"

At this time, a huge black pot appeared behind Cao Cao...

Xu You's face was also ugly.

Compared with Yuan Shao, he was even worse.

When the golden juice hit the ground, he was holding a bowl outside to boost his morale. Fortunately, he hadn't noticed it at first. He didn't realize that the taste was wrong until he drank it in his mouth. When he looked up, he ended up with a golden The mask, "squeak", pure natural yellow skin care, the effect is good!


Thinking back to the scene at that time, Xu You couldn't help but started to vomit again.

Resisting the urge to vomit, Yuan Shao slapped the table fiercely:

"The thief Cao deceived me too much, and I ordered the whole army to attack the city immediately!"

Finally, under the insult of Cao Cao, Yuan Shao decided to attack the city in a big way.

In the city, Bai Zhu had noticed Yuan Jun's movements for a long time, but he was dismissive of it.

['Send a tactical beast to Cao Chun and Zhang Liao to give orders that once the Yuan army forcibly attack the city, order them to attack the rear of the Yuan army, only to harass and not to fight with them. ’]

['In addition, send the remaining 4,000 Cao's cavalry troops to Yuwen Chengdu to harass Yuan Shao's right flank. You can only harass them. Once the enemy strikes, retreat immediately!']

['Gao Chong was responsible for bringing Qin Ruishi to harass the left wing, and at the same time ordered all the Wudang flying troops to return to the east of the city, and save the shot to stop Yuan Jun's attack! l

Three military orders were issued in one breath, and the arrangement of white and black came out.

Cao Cao tasted it carefully, and soon understood the essence of it.

Now, Yuan Shao's army is probably not much stocked. Since they can't retreat, I am afraid that Luoyang troops will attack, so it is better to fight a wave.

But Baihei's arrangement was able to "trapped" him to the city.

Although there are not many troops and horses in the city, Luoyang City has been quite strong after renovation.

There are 10,000 Wudang flying troops in the city, and the number of bows and crossbows is innumerable. It is not difficult to defend the Yuan army's attack.

Coupled with the harassment of the three-way soldiers and horses, Yuan Jun will definitely not be able to advance or retreat.

In this way, when the rations are completely exhausted, the army will inevitably collapse and cannot be stopped.

This plan not only effectively dragged Yuan Shao's army under Luoyang City, but also avoided the loss of troops and horses in the city.

"Master Rui Beast is wise."

Cao Cao bowed in sincerity, saying he was wise.

For Cao Cao's reaction, Bai Hei nodded in satisfaction.

Cao Cao is not a mediocre person, he is also a man who uses the military like a god and is extremely proficient in the application of the art of warfare.

But since Cao Cao sees through it, it's the best!

Silently patted Cao Cao on the shoulder:

['Cao Thief, very spirited!']

[‘Since you understand, I will leave the rest to you, and I will go back to sleep. Dream J

After speaking, Bai Hei leisurely walked down the city and went straight to the rattan chair in the bedroom.

Looking at the back of Bai Hei leaving, Cao Cao didn't know what to say for a while.

If there is no white and black, I am afraid that I would have died in Luoyang by now, right?

Feeling a little moved in his heart, Cao Cao quickly turned his attention to the city again.

At this time, Yuan Shao's army had already begun to move towards the east gate of the city.

The former army was almost covered by shields, and archery was useless at this time.

Cao Cao made a gesture, indicating that the Wudang Flying Army should not move.

Sure enough, with the advance, Yuan Shao's front army has gradually approached the city wall, and the middle army without shield protection has also entered the range.

"Without being a flying army, throw the enemy's middle army!

"A wooden cannon stone to strike the enemy's front army"

"Wait the command flag and order the other three-way military horses to start harassing!

Soon, seeing that Yuan's army had made a plan, Cao Cao immediately ordered the three armies to go out!

In an instant, the eastern part of the city of Luoyang became lively.

Countless wooden cannon stones smashed towards the city without money.

Although there is a shield to protect it, but the big stone or something is still covered with kerosene, and when it falls to the ground, the rockets on the city will immediately follow.

When the kerosene on the stone sees an open flame, it will immediately burn.

The offensive of Yuan Shao's former army, who was besieging the city, was stagnant.

In addition, wave after wave of crossbow rain from Wudang's flying army was pouring down on Yuan Shao's central army.

Without shields, they are like lambs to be slaughtered, and there is no difference.

Seeing that more and more people were falling from the Chinese army, Yuan Shao had no choice but to order that the Chinese army temporarily retreat and withdraw from the projectile range on the city.

Now, he can only hope that the front army will give some strength to put some pressure on the city head, so that the middle army can take the opportunity to rush to the city. Using the shields scattered on the ground, continue to attack the city.

It's a pity that Yuan Shao's abacus quickly failed.

Gao Chong quickly noticed the situation on the city wall. Yuan Shao's former army had already started to set up a cloud ladder, ready to attack the city wall!

Once they really entangle the defenders on the city wall, then Yuan Shao's central army will have a chance!

Therefore, in any case, we must block the impact of Yuan Jun's front army on the city wall and reduce the pressure on the defenders!

Fortunately, there are Suzaku Organ Beasts.

The Air Force is a cross-generational service!

Seeing the cloud ladder, a lot of people have gathered around the city wall.

If it is said that attacking them from the top of the city is not easy to attack, but Gao Chong's two thousand Qin Ruishi turned over and shot them, it was a living target!

This principle was used in the hexagonal castles of medieval Europe.

The six protruding bastions are equivalent to the 2,000 mechanical beasts currently controlled by Gao Chong. They have a clear view of the Yuan army on the city wall.

Slightly lowered the flying height of the Suzaku Organ Beast, keeping it in a position that was difficult for Yuan Jun's ground troops to attack, Gao Chong ordered the two thousand Suzaku Organ Beasts to quickly line up in two rows.

Alternate attacks were launched on Yuan Jun, who was sieging the city wall.

After the first row swarmed the shots, the second row's attack quickly followed, and the arrows and arrows poured out, causing great damage to the defenders on the city wall in an instant.

"..Quick! Defense!"

Since Yuan Jun's former army in charge of sieging the city almost had a shield in hand, after seeing Gao Chong's attack, they quickly put the shield behind their backs to defend against the "big bird" attack.

But in the city, Cao Cao keenly smelled the fighter.

Due to focusing on defending Gao Chong's attack, at this moment, many siege soldiers had nothing above their heads. Cao Cao decisively ordered that the Wudang Flying Army changed its attack and lowered it and launched a direct shot at the foot of the city wall!

As a result, more than 90% of Yuan Jun on the city wall was shot.

After all, you can't siege a city with two shields, can you?

Even if you have two shields, you have to have weapons to attack when you go to the top of the city. Under the circumstance of being attacked on both sides, Yuan Shao's front army will soon be stretched.

Originally, the number of the former army was more than 50,000.

In the near-suicide attack, most of the damage has been lost, and the rest are almost all huddled in the corner, using shields to defend, not daring to attack again.

As for Yuan Shao's central army, it was even worse.

Originally, after seeing that Cao Cao had changed the direction of Wudang Fei's shooting, Yuan Shao wanted to use the Chinese army to cover up and continue to attack the city.

It's a pity that soon, the other two military horses immediately restrained his rear army.

Yuwen Chengdu, who was in charge of attacking the right wing, led an army of 4,000 horses and went straight to Yuan Shao's camp.

Under the first attack of Yuwen Chengdu, I just wanted to see it and go straight to the tent of Yuan Shao's army!

Frightened, Yuan Shao immediately mobilized heavy troops to protect the right flank.

Seeing that the two armies were about to be surrounded, Yuwen Cheng did not want to fight, and immediately led his men to retreat.

Yuan Shao's army rushed to nothing.

Then, something happened in the back.

Under the leadership of Cao Chun, three thousand elite tigers and leopards rushed left and right, causing Yuan Shao's rear army to be in chaos.

Moreover, Cao Chun's purpose does not seem to want to kill, but to enter from the rear with three thousand tigers and leopards, and then take advantage of Yuan Shao's heavy forces to concentrate on the right flank, and penetrate towards the left flank!

Kill the Yuan Jun camp directly!

"Defense! Defend quickly!

In the large tent of the Chinese army, Yuan Shao had lost his mind and was at a loss.

How do you feel that (Zhao Lizhao) Cao Cao's army can pull out any troop casually, and he can punch him in the opposite direction?

Now, Yuan Jun has a "big bird" above him.

There are tigers and leopards in the back.

There are cavalry on the left.

There are also bows and crossbows in the city.

For a time, Yuan Shao was in a state of turmoil.

Finally, Xu You offered another plan:

"Don't worry, my lord, now that our army has tens of thousands of horses, we can immediately mobilize the horses to destroy the cavalry on the left flank first, and then transfer the heavy troops to the right flank to defend the attack of the tiger and leopard cavalry."

"Then order the central army to retreat and hold the main camp, and Xu Tu will plan later!

I have to say that Xu You's approach is indeed a good idea.

But the difference is that he underestimated Yuwen Chengdu.

Originally, Yuan Shao's 10,000 cavalry army was mobilized in the chaos of the army, and now Yuan Shao's army and horses are in chaos, and the soldiers have no intention to fight at all.

In a hurry, Yuan Shao handed over 10,000 horse troops to Xin Ming, and let him be responsible for destroying Cao Ying's horse troops on the left wing.

In the sky, after stabilizing the situation at the head of the city, Gao Chong quickly noticed the dispatch of Xin Ming's horse army, and immediately ordered Qin Ruishi to turn around and fly towards Xin Ming's horse army.

If nothing else, shoot him two rounds first!

It was another unharmed attack from the top up, and Xin Ming's troops whose morale had been low was even more inclined to retreat. And morale is low.

Originally, Gao Chong wanted to do another round, but unfortunately Yuwen Chengdu's Ma Jun has come close, if he shoots again, he will definitely hurt his own people.

Therefore, Gao Chong had to hover over the two armies, waiting for an opportunity.

Soon, he saw an ironic scene.

As soon as the two armies fought, Xin Ming was hit by a hammer from Yuwen Chengdu!

Seeing that the coach was killed, Yuan Shao's horse army, whose morale was already low, even ran away, jokingly, the coach was killed, who still gave his life?

Then Yuwen Chengdu mobilized his troops to cover and kill, taking advantage of Yuan's decline, chased and killed another wave, and almost reached Yuan Shao's Chinese army camp again.

It was not until Yuan Shao was forced to send back the heavy troops again and defend the central army that he barely managed to keep the main camp.

At this point, Yuan Shao's troops were completely divided and surrounded.

Except for the hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses that were huddled together, the rest of the former army, the horse army, were all wiped out by Cao Cao.

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