I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 181 The army is in chaos and decided to withdraw!

When the two armies faced off against each other, apart from their aura, the general's influence on the entire army was incomparable.

Before the fight started, Jiang Qi, who was the main general, fled after his horse, and the rest of the horse army, look at me, I look at you, and run!

The main generals have all run away, could it be that they are still left to die? In an instant, the army was defeated like a mountain.

Seeing Jiang Qi fleeing in the sky, Gao Chong ignored it.

Bai Zhu had instructed in advance that he should keep some people back to disturb Yuan Shao's army. Now Jiang Qi still has more than a dozen guards. Once he escapes back to Yuan Shao's camp and brings back the news that the food has been burned, Yuan Shao's army will be in chaos.

"Call, speed up! 99

In order to avoid unexpected incidents, Gao Chong ordered to move forward at full speed and return to Luoyang City as soon as possible.

Fortunately, the Suzaku Organ Beast was more powerful than he imagined. Not only did it hold a lot of things, but it was still running smoothly, without the slightest slowdown.

After about a stick of incense, Gao Chong returned to the city with the food of two thousand Suzaku Organ Beasts.

Seeing Gao Chong returning, Cao Cao immediately went up to meet him, and seeing that each of the mechanical beasts was full of food, he was even more delighted:

"General Gao, you saved the entire Luoyang City!

Cao Cao told his soldiers to unload food, while he was full of praise for Gao Chong.

He made a rough estimate and found that the food for the 2,000 Suzaku Organ Beasts in front of him was enough for the soldiers in Luoyang City to eat for a month!

According to Lord Rui Beast, Yuan Shao can be repelled in seven days, otherwise, how could he return to Daqin in time?

"By the way, General Gao, Lord Rui Beast has instructed you to look for him as soon as you come back."

Suddenly, Cao Cao remembered Bai Hei's instructions.

"The matter of food will trouble General Cao, and I will now go to meet Master Rui Beast.

Gao Chong bowed his hands to Cao Cao, and then slowly retreated.

When he came to Bai Hei's bedroom, as soon as he entered the door, Gao Chong saw Bai Zhu under the massage of the two women.

"Lord Rui Beast."

Without continuing to move forward, Gao Chong stopped outside the door of the inner room in time.

Even after following Bai Zhu for a long time, he still followed the rules and did not dare to overstep a bit. It was precisely because of this that Bai Hei kept him by his side.

[‘Well, here you are. ’]

"Listen to General Cao, Lord Rui Beast called me.

[‘There is something for you to do.

"Lord Rui Beast despite your orders. 99

Gao Chong bowed respectfully.

[‘Here is a kit, which contains the tasks I gave you, take it. ’]

Due to the inconvenience of communication, in Jingyang Mansion, Yingyinman11 was still used as an interpreter. Now in the entire Luoyang city, except for the first emperor, few people can understand Baihei.

Even Gao Chong, who has been waiting by his side, only has a good understanding of some daily behaviors and languages, and can't cover everything.

In this way, Bai Hei didn't bother to elaborate, so he simply wrote the strategy in advance, and then stuffed it into the bag, let's learn from Zhuge Liang!

Respectful hands took the package, and Gao Chong immediately exited the white and black bedroom.

After opening the kit, after reading Bai Hei's instructions, Gao Chong immediately began to prepare in the city.

In the city, food is abundant, and Gao Chong is also preparing for the next battle.

But outside the city separated by a wall, the pot has already exploded at this moment.

Not long after Gao Chong returned to Luoyang, Jiang Qi quickly returned to Yuan Shao's central army with the remnants.

Immediately, Jiang Qi was recalled to Yuan Shao's tent, and the remnants were quickly settled in the soldiers' camp.

In the process of Jiang Qi's report to Yuan Shao, the remnants of the soldiers quickly spread the news of the looting of food throughout the entire army.

When they came, each of them had only seven days' worth of food on them, now four days have passed, and there are still three days left, and they will have nothing to eat.

Now that the food route has been robbed, and the food supply in the rear is not available, I am afraid that they will soon starve!

Just when the army was panicking outside, inside the tent, Jiang Qi's life was not easy.

Yuan Shao was furious when he learned that he had lost the food!

"You, you! You actually lost three months of food for my 200,000 army. In a few days, what will my 200,000 army eat? Ah?"

Yuan Shao's face was full of sadness, but if he really wanted to kill Jiang Qi, he would be reluctant. Now that Yan Liangwen is ugly, there are not many generals under him.

But it still has to be dressed up.

"Come on, Jiang Qi lost his food and grass, his sin is unforgivable, drag it down, and beheaded!"

Yuan Shao waved his robe sleeves and was about to kill Jiang Qi.

Xu You on the side rolled his eyes, this is a favor sent to the door, don't do it in vain, and immediately spoke out to discourage:

"The lord is not allowed. Killing the generals before the battle is not good for the battle."

Taking advantage of the steps Xu You gave, Yuan Shao frowned and immediately repelled Jiang Qi:

"Don't hurry up! When I destroy Cao Cao, I will definitely not spare you lightly!

Jiang Qinuo retreated.

"Ziyuan, now our army's food and grass have all been damaged, and the whole army will be out of food in three days, what do you think is good?

For a time, Yuan Shao hurriedly spread his hands, but there was nothing he could do.

"Don't worry, my lord, it is the patience of our two armies that will be tested at this time. Whoever perseveres will win."

"But the army has no food, how can we persevere?

Yuan Shao was confused, and immediately wanted to withdraw from the army:

"How about I temporarily withdraw from the army, wait until the food preparation is sufficient, and then come to attack Cao Cao?

Hearing what Yuan Shao said, Xu You immediately retorted:

"My lord, it is absolutely impossible, if you retreat now, Cao Cao will definitely send someone to cover up and kill us, and then we will fall short!

"But after three days, the entire army will run out of food, and there will be chaos in the army. If this is the case, it is better to retire early."35

After a little thought, Xu You had an idea.

"My lord, I think it is better for us to hold on for two more days and see the situation in the city. If there is still no change, we will order the front army to attack the city on the last day, and then the rear army will retreat slowly.

In this way, it can not only stop Cao Cao's pursuit, but also save some food. ""

Yuan Shao nodded silently.

Although Xu You's strategy was cruel, it could be said that he completely abandoned the former army, but in this way, not only could he trap Cao Cao and make it difficult for him to pursue, but also a lot of rations could be left.

As long as they carry out some looting along the way, they can at least insist on returning to Jizhou.

"Well, as Mr. Yi said."

Yuan Shao quickly made a compromise.

It's just that White and Black will not give them time to breathe.

When the two of them were studying countermeasures in the military tent, two thousand Vermillion Birds had already taken off from the city head of Luoyang, with Qin Ruishi and Zhuge Lianbo, hovering above Yuan Shao's army.

"My lord, two thousand big birds suddenly appeared in Luoyang City, and now they are hovering above my army!""

"What? Go out and see!""

Yuan Shao took Xu You and immediately prepared to leave the camp to check.

But soon, before they could go out completely, countless crossbow arrows fell from the sky, not only pierced the mop of the camp, but also shot the nails to the ground.

"Quick! Protect the lord!"

Since all the shield players were sent to the front army, there were not many shield players left in the central army, and there were still a few people who were there to protect Yuan Shao and Xu You.

With the help of the table in the tent, he was able to resist without incident.

However, the soldiers outside the camp did not have such conditions as they had. Because they lost the protection of the shield soldiers, all the soldiers in the middle army could only flee in a hurry.

But obviously, running around doesn't solve the problem.

Under the rain of several rounds of crossbow, Yuan Shao's central battalion soon mourned everywhere, and almost half of its soldiers were injured.

Under great pressure, Yuan Shao had to order:

"Immediately transfer all the shield players of the former army back to the central army! 35

After Yuan Shao transferred all the shield soldiers back to the central army, Cao Cao immediately received an order from Gao Chong, and there was no flying army in the city to shoot!

As early as Cao Cao appeared around Luoyang City, he immediately dispatched people from Xudu to make various bows, crossbows, short arrows and other objects, and transported them to Luoyang one after another.

In defensive battles, they are much more useful than swords, spears, swords and halberds.

But, for the first battle, the preparations he made were almost useless - relying solely on the Panda Rui Army, he almost defeated the 400,000 coalition forces.

But fortunately, when Yuan Shao attacked for the second time, the crossbow arrows prepared in advance finally came in handy.

As a result, Cao Cao strongly supported Gao Chong's attack that would have almost no casualties, and tens of thousands of items such as crossbow arrows were carried to the Suzaku Organ Beast at no cost.

In this regard, Gao Chong is not polite, whether it is bows and arrows, or Zhuge's crossbow, the most important thing is the arrows, now that there are arrows and food, there is no problem.

Even in order to prevent Yuan Shao's army from reusing it, after several arrows, Gao Chong took advantage of the fact that the Chinese army had no resistance, and took the opportunity to set a few fires.

Due to the special attributes of the Suzaku Organ Beast, the kerosene and the arrows on the ground soon caused Yuan Shao's central army to ignite a raging fire.

For a time, Yuan Shao's army was in chaos, and his soldiers fled in all directions, some fled for their lives, some put out fires, and some even took advantage of the chaos and robbed them and started their old jobs.

Seeing this scene, Cao Cao immediately accepted Gao Chong's order, and then ordered the Wudang flying army in the city to aim at Yuan Shao's former army, and the arrows were fired!

Since most of the shield soldiers were urgently transferred to the central army by Yuan Shao, the defensive strength of the former army was greatly weakened.

Although they also have a lot of crossbow arrows in their hands, the lethality of shooting upwards above the city is really limited, especially for the big birds in the air, it is difficult to cause the slightest damage.

On the contrary, whether it is the Zhuge Lianbo in the sky or the Wudang Flying Army in the city, their arrows can be said to be destructive to Yuan Shao's former army.

Without the protection of their shields, they almost became lambs to be slaughtered.

But people all have the instinct to survive. In the face of the dense rain of arrows, the soldiers of the former army almost subconsciously ran towards the back, trying to escape the projectile range of the bow and crossbow on the city.

But the situation of the Chinese army is not optimistic now, not only fire everywhere, but also chaos.

Under Xu You's suggestion, Yuan Shao dispatched a thousand swordsmen who were specially responsible for maintaining order in the army. Anyone who retreated from the front army would be killed without mercy!

As a result, the soldiers who ran behind the front army were immediately beheaded by the big swordsmen.

The bloody red in front of them told them that they couldn't step back!

But under the city, tens of thousands of crossbow arrows are still constantly being thrown, and if you look back, you will die, if you don't look back, you will die!

Under the dilemma, the survival instinct drove them completely crazy.

"Brothers, we fight!"

The soldiers of the former army quickly picked up the weapons in their hands and attacked the big swordsmen who were allies in the last moment.

Yuan Shao's army in front of the east gate was 10,000 people. Although after several rounds of battles, there were only 3,000 people left, but once they turned around and attacked the central army, their strength should not be underestimated.

Even, in order to cooperate with them, Gao Chong deliberately ordered Qin Ruishis to use the Zhuge Lianbo in their hands to clear the way for them.

With Gao Chong's intentional "help", Yuan Shao's former army rebels finally got rid of the "Big Knife Squad" and successfully broke into the Chinese army.

"Since Yuan Shao is ruthless, why don't we just turn against him, go back to Jizhou, and continue our life!"

In the chaotic army, someone soon became the leader.

"Kill Yuan Shao!

"Kill Yuan Shao!

"Kill Yuan Shao!

For a time, the chaotic army was like a rainbow, shouting slogans to kill Yuan Shao, and went straight to Yuan Shao's central army tent.

Seeing this scene, Gao Chong shook his head helplessly, and then gave the order to retreat.

After Gao Chong returned to Luoyang, the Wudang Flying Army in the city quickly stopped attacking. Since Yuan Shao's army was in trouble, they would definitely let them fight internally.

"General really worked hard. Before we could do anything, Yuan Shao and the others started to mess up."

Seeing the chaotic situation under the city, Cao Cao was even more delighted to pat his hands and laugh. If so, Yuan Shao would not be far away from defeat!

Taking advantage of the towering head of the city, Cao Cao has been sending people to keep an eye on the situation in Yuan Shao's army.

I saw that the rebels did not have the help of the Suzaku Organ Beast, but they were still vigorous and went straight to Yuan Shao's army camp.

After Gao Chong stopped attacking, Yuan Shao quickly gathered a group of personal followers, and continued to gather the remnants, and his power gradually recovered.

"My lord, the rebels have entered the central army, and it is not far from our camp!"

Xu You hurriedly rushed into the tent, wanting to take Yuan Shao to retreat first, and then make plans.

"Don't panic, Ziyuan, I have already mobilized two thousand cavalry troops from the rear army, and I can immediately strangle the rebels! 99

Although Yuan Shao was resourceful and prudent, he could not be called a mediocrity.

In the process of fighting with Gongsun Zan, it was precisely because he was not chaotic in the face of danger, refused to escape, and took the initiative to fight the enemy bravely, that resisted Zhao Yun's attack and prevented the entire army from being defeated.

Now, Yuan Shao once again showed the sobriety that he should have as the land of the four states.

Once he retreats, the entire Yuan army, the Yuan army on all sides, will be completely destroyed!

Therefore, when Xu You checked out the tent, he quickly thought that there were still 2,000 mobile cavalry in the rear army.

When the army was besieging the city, Yuan Shao divided all the horses into four parts, each part was responsible for a city gate, and allocated 50,000 foot soldiers, led by Chunyu Qiong, Zhang He, and Gao Lan respectively, but the horse army only had 20,000 people. After removing the 5,000-horse army assigned to Jiang Qi, the remaining 10,000-horse army was 2,000 each, and the last 6,000-horse army was handed over to Ju Yi, as the 757th team of the Mobile Department, patrolling around Luoyang.

But now, the 2,000-horse army of the rear army quickly got Yuan Shao's order and came to support.

At the same time, Ju Yi was also sent by Yuan Shao's messenger, and he immediately led 6,000 cavalry to come to the rescue.

Before the rebels arrived at Yuan Shao's camp, two thousand cavalry arrived first.

"Go back now!

The leading general, Xin Ming, held a long spear and scolded the rebels in front of him.

But when they got here, the rebels had no way back.

"Kill Yuan Shao! Return to Jizhou!"9

"Kill Yuan Shao! Return to Jizhou!""

"Kill Yuan Shao! Return to Jizhou! 55

A higher-than-sound cry made Yuan Shao's army, who had not yet rebelled, couldn't help but feel sad.

Now, there are only three days left of their rations.

The troops responsible for transporting food were robbed, and after three days, they were about to run out of food.

"Don't do it yet!"

Seeing that the hearts of the army were shaken, Yuan Shao immediately walked out of the camp and gave an order to Xin Ming.

The next moment, Xin Ming led two thousand cavalry troops and rushed straight into the rebels.

Originally, the rebels were in disarray, and the weapons in their hands were not even picked up from nowhere. Naturally, they were not the opponents of Xin Ming's 2,000 cavalry troops.

In just one round of rushing, the rebels were rushed to pieces and fled.

At this moment, Ju Yi led 6,000 troops to come.

"My lord, it's too late!"

"Not too late.

Yuan Shao looked at the rebels who were running away in front of him, his eyes were cold:

"I will kill all these rebels, hang their heads outside the camp, and let all the soldiers in the army see!

After speaking, Yuan Shao threw his hands and returned to the camp.

Now that Ju Yi and Xin Ming have both arrived, the situation is completely stabilized, and Yuan Shao no longer needs to be on the front line.

"Now that our army is in chaos, Cao Cao didn't take the opportunity to sneak out of the city. Next, I plan to gather the soldiers and horses of the four city gates together, and then retreat slowly, Ziyuan, what do you think?"

Xu You immediately picked up the conversation:

"What the lord said is that the more Cao Cao dared not fight, the fewer soldiers he had in his hands. As long as we gather our men and horses together, leave the soldiers in ambushes, and slowly return to Jizhou, we will make plans."5

"If that Cao Cao really dared to leave the city, he would just encircle him on all sides and annihilate him in a single sentence. If it doesn't work, we can retreat slowly.

"Just to my liking!"

Soon, Yuan Shao arranged it, and the military horses around Luoyang City began to move slowly.

On the city, seeing Yuan Shao's army making a big move, Cao Cao thought of a sneak attack.

"General Gao, it's better for me and you to lead an army at this time, and go out of the city, taking advantage of the chaos of the Yuan army, you will definitely be able to dampen its spirit!""

Cao Cao is gearing up for a battle out of the city!

For Cao Cao's suggestion, Gao Chong refused.

The reason is also very simple, Lord Rui Beast disagrees!

Although Baihei has never appeared in the city, Gao Chong will ask Baihei for instructions for every new action.

Just now, Gao Chong also wanted to go out to the city to fight, but in order to reduce losses, especially Yuan Shao, although he lost a lot of soldiers and horses at this time, his morale was also low, but it was not until the time when the fuel was exhausted, so Baihei refused. In response to Cao Cao's request, he insisted on continuing to garrison.

Although Cao Cao was in a hurry, he then saw the foresight of white and black from Yuan Shao's deployment of troops.

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