I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 174 Yuwen Chengdu's Unparalleled Archery!

In an instant, the air seemed to pause for a moment.


The people around also breathed a long sigh of relief, and the horse battle was over.

The next moment, Gao Chong withdrew the golden tiger-head gun and bowed his hands to Yu Wencheng.

Yuwen Chengdu also returned the gift in time, and the two did not say much.

"Wow, the generals in His Majesty's army are indeed unparalleled in the world. Whether it is General Yuwen or General Gao, they are the number one generals in the world."

Cao Cao looked at the two slowly entering the table, and his face was full of envy.

This is what he really said, if he gets two generals, why worry about the big things?

It's a pity that I missed my life.

"I declare that the horses will fight, and General Gao ~ Chong will win!

Standing up, Cao Cao announced loudly.


"Roar! 99


The surrounding soldiers smashed the ground with their weapons and shouted to cheer for Gao Chong.

No matter when, in the military camp, the strong are always respected.

Soldiers not only worship the strong, but are more likely and willing to follow the strong.

There was Xiang Yu in front and Lv Bu in the back. Even if Lv Bu betrayed his promise and parted, his soldiers still couldn't bear to attack him. This is evident.

Now that the horse battle is over, after Cao Cao announced the result, he quickly turned his head to look at the First Emperor: "Your Majesty, will the next battle be held immediately or...?

Looking up at the sky, it was very late.

The First Emperor quickly ordered that the competitions of archery, foot combat, and fighting would be held in the future. Tonight, all the soldiers can drink and eat meat!

Anyway, there is still a long way to go before returning to Daqin, and there is no rush to compete in martial arts.

Due to the horse battle just now, all the soldiers are already a little tired. If they start the next battle immediately, I am afraid it will be difficult to show their true level.

"I will order another 500 cattle, sheep and horses to be added to you, all the officers and men to celebrate!"

Rarely happy, and without having to pay for it by himself, the First Emperor waved his hand and promised a reward of 500 livestock.

Due to the lack of condiments in the army, the large horses, cattle and sheep were roasted directly on the fire, but even so, the soldiers were still very happy to eat.

Now that the first emperor is rewarded with five hundred heads, can you not be happy?

Immediately, the entire barracks mountain shouted long live, and wherever they saw it, they all knelt down.

"Long live Your Majesty! 99

"Long live Your Majesty!""

"Long live Your Majesty!

In the sound of the mountain, Shi Huangdi and his party slowly withdrew from the barracks.

It was not until he was completely far away that Shi Huang looked back at Cao Cao:

"Munde, are you alright?"

"No problem, no problem, only five hundred horses, not much, not much.

Cao Cao immediately patted his chest and made a promise.

Just kidding, let alone 500 horses, even if it is 5000, Cao Cao will have to get it!


Kill the horse!

If the First Emperor was unhappy and started to take action, the few troops in his hands would not be enough to see, even if he only drove himself out of Luoyang City, it would be unacceptable to Cao Cao.

When he left Luoyang City, he would have given up all his previous achievements, not to mention rewards, and even no contribution points!

Don't you see, the disciples of Yuan Shu, Lü Bu, Liu Bei, and Meng Huo?

Talking and laughing all the way, everyone quickly returned to the first emperor's bedroom.

"Your Majesty, it's getting late, so I won't bother you any more.

Cao Cao bowed respectfully to the First Emperor.

"Meng De should rest early. 99

After speaking, the first emperor disappeared from the sight of everyone with white and black.

On this night, the barracks celebrated endlessly, and the soldiers sang and danced as if they were celebrating the New Year.

He slept peacefully all night, and early the next morning, Cao Cao sent someone to greet him, and at the same time waited on the first emperor to change his clothes.

After finishing the grooming, the first emperor brought white and black to the school grounds under the guidance of Cao Cao.

At this time, after a night of repairs, all the soldiers had returned to their usual solemn and solemn atmosphere.


The First Emperor nodded in satisfaction.

Cao Cao is really handsome!

It is really commendable to be able to quickly gather the hearts of the army after the carnival last night, and the appearance of today's soldiers does not seem to have changed in the slightest.

"Thanks for the praise, Your Majesty, I don't know which contest Your Majesty is going to watch today.

As for the competition item, it is natural that the first emperor should decide it himself.

After pondering for a while, the first emperor's eyes fell on Bai Hei: "Little Rui Beast, what do you think?"

【'I do not want to see. l

"Nonsense, I'm serious.

[‘First compare to archery? Yesterday’s battle was fierce, so let them rest for half a day.

"Okay, let's look at archery first!

The competition of archery is different from the competition between the two sides.

Under Cao Cao's orders, the soldiers and soldiers in the army quickly prepared.

Take dozens of archery targets, place them near, far, and farther, and then plant several command flags at the places where the bow and arrows have the longest range.

Immediately afterwards, Cao Cao personally distributed bows and arrows to twelve people, each with ten arrows, no more and no less.

In order to facilitate the calculation of the results, the bows and arrows in the hands of each of the twelve people were painted in different colors, so that after the competition, they could arrange the positions of the bows and arrows.

"According to the position of the bow and arrow in your hands at the end, the winner will be decided, everyone please."

After finishing speaking, Cao Cao bowed his hands to several people.

As soon as Cao Cao's voice fell, Xu Chu bent his bow and took an arrow, aiming at the nearest target.

"Clap clap clap clap..."

Under everyone's almost foolish gaze, Xu Chu shot all ten arrows in his hand in one breath.

Not to mention, although Xu Chu is old and rude and has poor archery skills, he has chosen a good target!

The target he chose was less than fifteen meters away from him. At this distance, the worst archer could hit the bullseye casually, right?

"After shooting, all hits, what about the holy beast, the white tiger? Let me ride it!"

Proudly putting down the bow and arrow in his hand, Xu Chu looked up only to realize that something was wrong: "Hey? Why don't you shoot?"

"I tell you, I've been hit, and no one can rob me!"

Seeing Xu Chu's naive face, Cao Cao couldn't help but stretch out his hand to cover his face.

Man, what a shame!

Don't say that you are messing with Cao Cao when you go out in the future, it's really shameful!

The other eleven people look at me and I look at you, but no one answered Xu Chu.

Even the most simple-minded Dian Wei did not make a sound.

"I dare to ask General Cao, what kind of result will be the final victory?

Yuwen Cheng looked up at Cao Cao.

For the archery contest, he secretly made up his mind that he would win the match no matter what!

Therefore, he also wanted to know more about the rules of archery than fighting.

[‘Lao Zhao, why don’t you tell him that in order to make the game more exciting, we simply don’t have rules for archery and fighting, we just need to convince the crowd!

Suddenly, Bai Hei came up with an idea.

Nodding his head, the first emperor quickly conveyed the meaning of white and black:

"In order to make the archery competition more exciting, there are no rules for this archery competition, you can play freely, and the winner only needs to be able to convince the crowd.

After Shi Huangdi said this, Yuwen Chengcheng nodded silently, and then looked at Gao Chong.

Obviously, apart from himself, among the remaining eleven people, only Gao Chong is his biggest opponent.

But it didn't matter now, because Xu Chu had already been eliminated before the game started.

"I don't agree!

Xu Chu shouted that he wanted ten more arrows.

"I want ten more arrows!"

"Nonsense! You shot the arrow yourself, and you are still messing around here! Fork out!"

For Xu Chu's unreasonable trouble, Cao Cao immediately reprimanded him, and immediately sent someone to drag him out.

On the one hand, he was afraid of disturbing the interest of Bai Hei and Shi Huangdi.

On the other hand, he knew clearly in his heart that Xu Chu's archery skills were indescribable, almost the same as Xun Yu's ability to pick up a knife!

At this level, don't embarrass the old man here!

"I would like to give you an arrow.""

Just when the soldiers almost dragged Xu Chu out on the spot, Yu Wencheng opened his mouth and expressed his willingness to deduct an arrow from his hand and lend it to Xu Chu.

"I would also like to donate an arrow."

Gao Chong on the side is naturally not to be outdone. Yuwen has already spoken out. If his ten arrows are better than nine arrows, even if he wins, it will be disgraceful, right?

So, the remaining eleven people, except Dian Wei, who was not good at archery, all contributed an arrow.

In this way, Dian Wei had ten arrows all at once.

"It's just... the arrows in your hands are of different colors, so I'm afraid it's hard to count. 99

As the organizer of the competition, Cao Cao also has Cao Cao's difficulties.

['That's not easy, just get Xu Chu's ten arrows back, and then deduct one from the hands of the other ten people. ’]

Baihei quickly gave Cao Cao a move.

Cao Cao also immediately understood: "Sir Rui Beast said exactly what he said.

Therefore, Cao Cao ordered his men to detain one arrow from each of the ten men, and then retrieved Xu Chu's ten arrows from the target and handed them back to Xu Chu.

Due to the adoption of the new rules, Xu Chu's ten arrows were too close to each other, so the result was canceled and the game restarted.

【‘Lao Zhao, who do you think will win?’】

Seeing Shi Emperor's lips move, Bai Zhu immediately seized the opportunity and asked Shi Emperor a question in his heart.

Good guy, you always ask me, are you tired, and you are not Di Renjie, this time I will ask!

Being turned against the generals by white and black, the first emperor smiled helplessly:

"I think the Yuwenqing family will win in the end."


Baihei asked immediately.

In fact, the reason why he turned against the customer is because he can't make up his mind.

If you want to say who is the best in archery, then it is really up to you, even Bai Hei can't say how.

But in this regard, the first emperor has quite his own opinion.

"You see the fighting spirit in Yuwen Chengcheng's eyes, especially the determination to win, have you ever seen him have such a mood?"

Looking at the description of the First Emperor at any time, Bai and Hei looked intently, and sure enough, after yesterday's failure, Yuwen Cheng's eyes were extremely firm, and his temperament changed suddenly!




Especially the fact that Gao Chong, who won him yesterday, was standing by his side, which made him full of energy.

[‘Well, it makes sense. ’]

Baihei nodded slightly, agreeing with the first emperor's judgment.

The archery competition among the twelve has officially begun!

Xu Chu, who was a scumbag in archery, shot ten arrows and got ten more arrows, but it didn't change his final result.

It seems that he himself knew this, so after regaining ten arrows, he quickly bent his bow again and said to Dian Wei:

"Come on, old man, how about we compete?

Good guy, I Dianwei can't bully others, and I can't bully you?

Dian Wei's poor archery skills were known to the entire army, but the amazing thing was that he threw darts with incredible accuracy.

But archery is not the same as darts after all. Due to the thick joints, Dian Wei is several times more difficult to control than others.

Under Cao Cao's patient archery teachings several times, Dian Wei just got enlightened.

And then decisively gave up the practice of arrows!

··For flowers....

Since grandpa doesn't practice well, he doesn't practice!

Because Dian Wei was a few excellent warriors, and his temperament and talent were not suitable for practicing arrows, Cao Cao did not compete with him.

As a result, Xu Chu and Dian Wei, who fought the most fiercely in Cao's camp, honorably became archery idiots.

Xu Chu's poor archery skills can be traced in history. Cao Cao once competed with archery skills. Everyone went up to shoot and won a lot of applause.

As for Xu Chu, he was good. He knew that his archery skills were not good, so he didn't dare to play.

If that's the case, that's fine, he even rushed forward and fought with Xu Huang because of the brocade robe!

Well, since archery can't compare, I'll grab it!



"Swish 35

Under the silent gaze of everyone, Dian Wei and Xu Chu shot the arrows out of their hands.

Not to mention, Xu Chu's archery skills were slightly better than Dian Wei's. There were twenty arrows in total, and only one hit a medium-distance target, which was Xu Chu's last arrow.

"Aah! I hit! I hit!"

Seeing that the last arrow hit the target, Xu Chu couldn't help raising his arms and shouting.

Looking at him, it was as if he had won the final championship.

"Fork out, fork out, it's too embarrassing."

Cao Cao waved his hand immediately, and Dian Wei and Xu Chu retire.

The two originally wanted to join in the fun and did not want to win the first place.

After the two left, the remaining ten people's game was officially started.

The archery skills of these ten people, no matter which one they are, are invincible in the world, but now, they are all gathered together.

"Everyone, let it go.

Knowing that he was incomparable to others, Cao Chun drew out the bow and arrow behind him, bent the bow, and shot nine arrows in a row, each of which hit the long-distance bullseye firmly.



"Roar! 35

The soldiers gave bursts of applause, and Cao Chun exited the stage with honor.

Of course he did it on purpose.

Although he knows that he can't compare to other people, at least he has to leave the stage with honor, and he can't be forked out like Xu Chu, right?

Therefore, Cao Chun pursued victory in a steady manner and chose the most confident shooting method, and he did not lose face in the end.

But in this way, all the pressure came to the remaining nine people.

Since Cao Chun has already come off, it means that among the remaining nine people, in any case, his grades cannot be worse than his, otherwise, wouldn't he have no self-knowledge?

After weighing their weight, Li Dian and Zhang Liao walked out one by one.

Both of them are capable generals under Cao Cao. Although their martial arts are not super-first-class, their archery skills are also considered to be at the entrance level, which should not be underestimated.

With Cao Chun in front, they could only choose a farther target.

He also shot nine arrows one after another, neatly.

Due to the long distance, each of them has a target that is not in the center.

However, this did not affect the applause and worship of the soldiers - even Cao Chun's level was far above that of ordinary archers.

Therefore, after Li Dian and Zhang Liao finished shooting, the soldiers also responded with warm cheers and applause and bid them farewell.

As a result, there are only seven people left who have not yet been tested.

The remaining seven people are undoubtedly very confident in their archery skills, and no one wants to be the first to make moves and give up first.

So for a while, no one made a move.

The situation has fallen into an embarrassing situation.

Seeing this, Yuwen Chengdu laughed loudly: "Since you all intend to be humble, let Chengdu shoot an arrow first to cheer you on!

After speaking, without waiting for other people to react, Yuwen bent the bow and arrow, pulled the whole bow into a full moon, and then with a "whoosh" sound, the bow and arrow shot out in the blink of an eye.

"The distance of this arrow is far enough! 35

"Yeah, that bow looks like a hard bow, I'm afraid it's hard to pull it off."

"Look, the first place must be Lord Yuwen."

As soon as the arrow was shot, even the surrounding soldiers saw that it was extraordinary.

The next second, everyone only heard a "click", which was the sound of the flagpole breaking!

Looking closely, at the farthest flag placed by Cao Cao's order, the flagpole has been broken by the bow and arrow.


Everyone was dumbfounded for a while.

Such arm strength and precision are too terrifying, right?

Even Cao Cao never imagined that Yuwen Chengdu's archery was so terrifying?

You must know that the flag is the farthest range in Cao Cao's military camp. No one has ever been able to maintain such accuracy at such a long distance!

Even if Lu Bu is reborn, I am afraid it will be difficult to achieve!

With one arrow, Yuwen Chengdu convinced everyone present.

"So, you're welcome.

Seeing Yuwen Chengdu shoot such a miraculous arrow, the rest, such as Cao Hong, Xu Huang, Zhou Yu, Guan Yu, and Zhao Yun, immediately stood up.

What is the arrow of Yuwen Chengdu used for, do you think it is a simple arrow?

of course not!

It's for cleaning up the battlefield!

Aren't you all waiting for the last shot, I, Yuwen Cheng, will shoot first, breaking your thoughts!

However, his idea was immediate, except for Gao Chong who was still insisting, the rest immediately gave up.

Just kidding, with such a distance and such a high level of accuracy, even Guan Yu and Zhao Yun, who have always been proud, can hardly compare.

Therefore, after Yuwen made the arrow, the five of them immediately entered the field, then bent bows and arrows respectively, and shot towards their own target.

Still hitting the bullseye steadily, Zhao Yun and Guan Yu's shooting skills are still a lot better than others, but they seem to be a bit worse than Yuwen Chengdu.

Not because they don't want to, but because they don't dare.

Under the watchful eyes of the public, the challenge is of course no problem, but if it misses the target, it will be a big loss! Knife,

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