I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 175 The winner is divided! The cook is dead and has something to do to burn paper!

Yuwen Chengdu's arrow directly broke the farthest small flagpole.

Speaking of which, Zhao Yun and Guan Yu are not completely incapable of doing it, but the difference is that Yuwen's Chengdu arrow is usually shot out.

And if Zhao Yun and Guan Yu were to shoot like this, they would definitely beat drums in their hearts.

In front of everyone's eyes, it's okay to shoot, but once you miss it, isn't your face lost to your grandma's house in the future?

In the final analysis, the two of them fell behind only in terms of mentality.

Not only that, the difference between them and Yuwen Chengdu is that as soon as Yuwen Chengdu makes a move, it can be done casually, like breaking a flagpole, with a success rate of over 90%.

As for Zhao Yun and Guan Yu, they are much inferior. Even if you think about it in your heart, it's only a 30% chance.

At this point, the five of them no longer hesitated. With Yuwen Chengdu's immortal arrow and Gao Chong's silence on the side, the five of them understood.

Immortals fight, we mortals should not join in.

Quickly shot the remaining arrows in their hands, Guan Yu, Zhao Yun, Xu Huang, Zhou Yu, Cao Hong and others took their positions one after another.

However, everyone's departure will attract a burst of applause and cheers.

The archery skills of these five people are superb, especially Zhao Yun and Guan Yu. Almost all of their 18 arrows landed on a row of targets less than 50 paces away from the arrow from Yuwen Chengdu, and they all hit the target. the location of the center.

This time, even if you searched the entire military camp, it was difficult to find it, so although it was not as good as Yuwen Chengdu, the soldiers cheered for several cheers.

At the same time, their hearts are also more and more looking forward to the next game.

The duel between Yuwen Chengdu and Gao Chong is the real peak duel!

After the five people completely left the field, the enthusiasm of the surrounding soldiers quickly reached its peak!





The cheers one after another even overshadowed the sound of the gongs, and the soldiers in the front row vigorously picked up their weapons and hammered to the ground.

The soldiers in the back row raised their hands and jumped to cheer on the two generals.

Slowly, Cao Cao raised his right hand - this means to silence the surrounding soldiers "Seven-Five-Three".

If you shout loudly during the archery competition, it will easily affect the status of the two people in the field.

Sure enough, as soon as Cao Cao's hand was raised, the surrounding soldiers immediately shut their mouths.

Everyone began to become cautious, and even their breathing began to slow down, for fear of disturbing the performance of the two in the field.

Finally, under everyone's attention, Gao Chong smiled and clasped his fists at Yuwencheng:

"Since Brother Yuwen has superb archery skills, he has no choice but to accompany him with an arrow."

After speaking, Gao Chong calmly picked up the longbow in front of him, pulled the bow and arrow, aimed at a five-color flag in the distance, and released his hand within ten breaths.


With an incomparably fierce momentum, the bow and arrow roared out, and then, under the gaze of everyone, crossed the middle of the five-color flag and nailed it to the ground behind the five-color flag.

At the same time, the five-color flag trembled slightly, and then the top half of the five-color flag fluttered and fell to the ground.


The surrounding soldiers were dumbfounded.

When did you have two such powerful generals in your barracks?

Gao Chong's level of this arrow is far not inferior to that of Yuwen Chengdu just now!

"Hoo! Year



The soldiers who were watching the battle became more and more excited, and the uniform shouts sounded around again.

First, Yuwen Chengdu protested with an arrow, and then Gao Chong followed with an arrow, and the two went hand in hand!

At this point, the so-called "farthest limit" flagpole originally placed by Cao Cao is no longer enough, and a new target must be set.

"Quick! Put new objects on the two generals.

Cao Cao immediately waved at his soldiers.

The subordinates quickly noticed Cao Cao's words, and then turned to look at Cao Cao:

"General Cao, I don't know what the object refers to?"

Cao Cao's face turned black immediately, and he was embarrassing himself in front of Shi Huangdi and Baihei, wasn't it?

"As long as it can be used as an arrow, take it all and put it farther away.

"Yes, General."

The subordinates quickly led the way.

After a while, the entourage came back with more than a dozen soldiers, and when he looked up, even Cao Cao couldn't help being surprised.

Dude, you brought the barracks here, didn't you?

Seeing some things that he couldn't use at all, he actually moved them all over!

"Put it on."

Helpless, Cao Cao had to bite the bullet and tell his followers to make mistakes and set things up.

When Bai Hei looked at the things that had been set up, he immediately stretched out his claws and covered his face, okay, all the ferrules were brought up, and what the hell is the throwing pot next to him?

"Your Majesty, Lord Rui Beast, is ready."

Cao Cao said bravely.

"let's start.

The First Emperor said with a normal expression.

"The game continues!"

Cao Cao immediately waved to the two of them.

Now, the two of them each shot an arrow, and each gave Xu Chu an arrow, leaving eight arrows each.

One person and one arrow in front are considered a draw. If you want to decide the winner, you must think of other ideas.

Yuwen Cheng's eyes swept across a spherical ring-shaped object in front of him. Its height is obviously much higher than the target in the distance. There are three ring-shaped iron rings at the top.

Although he didn't know what this thing was for, Yu Wencheng frowned, thinking about it.

"General Gao, how about you and I play some new tricks?"

"What's new?"

Gao Chong said without showing weakness.

"Look at the iron ring in front of you, you and I each shoot an arrow, make sure to pass through the iron ring in front of you, and then hit the target in front of you, how about that?

As soon as Yuwen Chengdu said these words, it caused a commotion from the surrounding soldiers.

Everyone can see clearly that the iron ring has three circles, and there are six circles in total, and it is obviously a lot higher than the arrow target.

If you want to hit the target through the iron ring, there is only one way, with the help of the iron ring to temporarily turn the bow and arrow!

It's not impossible, but it's extremely difficult!

If you are not careful, the iron ring will block the bow and arrow, and even cause the bow and arrow to get stuck inside.

Even if the steering is really achieved with the help of the iron ring, who can guarantee that it is just in the direction of the arrow target?

Not to mention that all the soldiers present thought it was impossible, even Cao Cao, who was on the side, shook his head, it was too outrageous, he had never seen such an exciting gameplay.

"Why not?"

Since Yuwen Chengdu proposed, Gao Chong naturally has no reason to refuse, otherwise wouldn't it be a confession?

Seeing that Gao Chong agreed, Yuwen Chengdu simply stopped being humble:

"Since I proposed it, let me make a sample.

After speaking, Yuwen Cheng picked up the longbow in front of him.

However, he did not rush to draw the bow, but looked at the six iron rings in front of him seriously.

【‘Yes, even if you are so competitive, you still know how to think about others. l

Looking at Yuwen Chengdu's actions, Bai Hei nodded silently.

For this kind of archery project, it is not a good thing to shoot first. Once there is a mistake, it will give the opponent a chance to counterattack.

Even if there are no mistakes, opponents can use your achievements and effects to set their own goals without challenging the impossible.

Obviously, Yuwen Chengdu made such a choice in order to make Gao Chong a little more relaxed. After all, this project was proposed by him himself.

Soon, after observing, Yuwen Cheng picked up an arrow in front of him, drew a bow and an arrow, and prepared six iron rings.

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, he took a few steps back, then stabilized his body and released the longbow in his hand.


The bow and arrow quickly passed through the six rings, then formed a parabola and shot towards the target.


With a steady sound, the bow and arrow went down from top to bottom, stabbing a little on the top of the archery target.

I didn't even touch the hoop even once!

"Good shooting!"

Seeing this arrow, even Cao Cao couldn't help but admire.

Although the overall angle of the bow and arrow is slightly upward, the arrow is just stuck in the center of the target.

The most commendable thing is that Yuwencheng was able to break through the shackles of the rules, avoid colliding with the iron ring, and hit the bullseye in the form of a parabola.




The surrounding soldiers quickly cheered, and General Yuwen Chengdu actually did it!

After the cheers, the pressure soon came to Gao Chong's side.

Yuwen Chengdu's perfect success suddenly increased his pressure.

However, it seemed that he was not nervous.

He easily picked up the bow and arrow in front of him, and Gao Chong followed suit and took a few steps back.

Just when everyone thought that he was going to use the same shooting method as Yuwen Cheng, he slammed his legs hard, and then the whole person took off into the air.

When the height of the jump was at the same level as the iron ring, the bowstring was released with a "swoosh" sound.


After a loud bang, the bow and arrow actually shot through the target and took the part of the bullseye out steadily.

Just as wonderful!

The surrounding soldiers soon cheered again, cheering on the two generals.

"Okay, really good, I congratulate Your Majesty, with such a good general, why worry about the uncertainty of the world?"

Cao Cao immediately turned around and gave Shi Huang a rainbow fart.

['It's clearly just envy and jealousy, congratulations. l

Facing Cao Cao's rainbow fart, Bai Hei disapproved.

What he is worried about now is that, according to such a comparison method, I am afraid that it will not be able to compare the winner and loser in the dark!

Now the two of them still have seven arrows in their hands. If each of them is compared in this way, I am afraid that dinner will not be able to keep up with the heat.


We have to figure out a way to make them win and lose as soon as possible!

However, Bai Hei was too lazy to move his mind, so he immediately handed the errand to Cao Cao.

【‘Come here, Cao Thief, think of a way to let them quickly decide the winner, otherwise they won’t be able to eat dinner. '1

Under Bai Hei's instructions, Cao Cao quickly glanced at the utensils in the audience, and finally set his eyes on the throwing pot.

"Come here, take the pitcher to a position farther than the five-color flag.

Cao Cao waved his hand, and his subordinates immediately followed suit.

"Two generals, if whoever can shoot the bow and arrow right into the pitcher will win, so what?

Cao Cao was very proud of the solution he came up with.

Because the pitching pot is placed in a special position and the opening is upward, there is no tricky way at all. The only way to win is to calculate the strength and the arc of the bow and arrow.

But with such a long distance and such a small spout, I am afraid it cannot be accomplished overnight.

Even if neither of them has completed it, at least one can judge who wins and who wins by the landing points of their bows and arrows. Even if there is only an inch difference in the end, at least there will be a winner, right?

So thinking about it, Lord Baihei's instructions should be considered a good completion.

For Cao Cao's proposal, the two naturally have no objection.

As the pitching pot was placed very far away, the two also began to contemplate in their hearts.

How can we get the final victory?

Seeing Cao Cao's one-handed trick, Bai Hei had already made a fuss in his heart.

If you really follow the rules and shoot the bow and arrow into the throwing pot according to the parabola, it is simply a fantasy. If you can really do it, don't use archery. You can directly study the parabola equation and participate in the National Mathematical Olympiad for primary and secondary school students. Isn't he good?

So, if you really want to win, you have to find another way!

Sure enough, after a brief thought, Yuwen Chengdu and Gao Chong immediately picked up the bow and arrow in front of them.

Seeing the movements in the hands of the two, Cao Cao was immediately stunned. Could it be that they really wanted to shoot?

But is it too difficult?

Wouldn't it damage the prestige of the two generals if they missed?

For a time, Cao Cao was a little worried, would the questions set by him be too difficult?

But soon, the actions of the two dispelled his doubts.

The bow and arrow were easily drawn, and when it was almost useless to aim, the two immediately loosened the bowstring.

Looking at the relaxed state of the two, Cao Cao was dumbfounded. The question he set up was very simple?

At the next moment, the two arrows threw the pot in the center without any bias, and then shattered the pot, and shot it just on the bottom of the pot.


Cao Cao secretly said that it was not good, so the two took advantage of it!

Sure enough, according to the reports of the soldiers after inspection, both of them hit the bottom of the pitching pot accurately, and there is almost no difference.

Another draw!

Guiltily, he looked back at Bai Hei, and Cao Cao lowered his head silently.

Unexpectedly, it failed.

['Cao Thief is really useless. ’]

After complaining, Bai Hei sat slumped on the chair. If they couldn't think of a way, they would starve.

No way, since you can't count on others, you can only rely on yourself.

The white and black eyeballs rolled, and then his eyes fell on the iron ring.

Suddenly, an idea popped into his mind.

['Cao Thief, you ordered someone to bring a piece of wood, and then cut a hole in the middle, about the size of a bow and arrow, put it in an iron ring, and move it to the center of the field. "

Cao Cao obeyed Bai Hei's orders immediately.

Wooden boards can be seen everywhere in the military camp. You can easily find a piece of the necessary things for camping.

As for the hoop, just remove one of the same size from anywhere.

So, in less than half a column of incense, the soldiers of Cao Ying carried what Bai Hei wanted.

[‘Listen, you two, whoever’s arrow happens to pass through the hoop wins. If they all pass through, the one who goes past will win first, if it gets stuck, the one with more in the past will win. 】

['The shot to the board or other places is invalid!']

As soon as the black and white words were finished, Cao Cao immediately understood.

The surrounding soldiers also suddenly realized.

In this way, a draw is almost avoided!

It seems that Lord Rui Beast can't wait to decide the winner!

If you want to win, you must pass through the iron ring, and if you cross the iron ring, you must compete. This rule is for the real competition between the two!



Gotta be tough!

"Yes! 99

The two responded at the same time, and then took out two arrows from the quiver in front of them.

【‘For the sake of fairness, Cao Thief, count them.

Bai Hei waved his claws and handed over the presiding job to Cao Cao.


Cao Cao's first number blurted out, and the two had already bent their bows and arrows, so Cao Cao could only call out the last number.


The two of them drew their bowstrings one after another, staring at the iron ring in front of them.

Someone must win this battle!

Someone has to fail too!

Due to the width of the iron ring, it is impossible for the two bows and arrows to pass through at the same time, so this battle must go all out!

Concentrating, the breathing of the two almost stagnated, and the movements in their hands were firmly pinched, not daring to relax.


The last number was finally read out by Cao Cao.

Almost at the same time, the two let go of 2.2 at the same time.


After the sound of the bowstring vibrating, a slight cracking sound came.


It was the sound of the bow and arrow being smashed.

Because the distance between the two people is similar, the bow and arrow will inevitably collide in the process of passing through the iron ring, which will definitely cause one of the arrows, or even two arrows, to break at the same time.

It doesn't matter though, as long as the rest of the piece is long enough.

From the current angle, it seems that the two bows and arrows have all been broken, but the interesting thing is that the first half of the two bows and arrows seem to be hanging in the iron rings.

One of the arrows has already shot most of it, and the other arrow has only the arrow inserted, and most of them have not yet penetrated the iron ring.

Who wins and who loses is clear at a glance.

Now only the soldiers need to check the color of the arrow body and make a judgment!

Soon, the soldiers sent by Cao Cao brought back the answer.

The arrows that pass through most of them are the arrows of Yuwen Chengdu!

"I announce that Yuwen will win the archery competition!

Cao Cao stood up and announced loudly.

Finally, the battle between the two decided the winner.

Ma Zhan Gao Chong, Archery Yuwen Chengdu!


Yuwen Chengdu clasped his fists at Gao Chong.

"Where, you are not good at archery.""

Gao Chong clasped his fists, his face even more indifferent.

If you lose, you lose, and there is no excuse.

"However, in the next foot and hand combat, General Yuwen has to be careful.

"Hahaha, good! You and I have fought four times, and we must have a good time!

The hands of the two were held together, and there was a feeling of heroic sympathy.




Seeing the friendly handshake between the two, the surrounding soldiers shouted even more.

['Okay, okay, stop the ink, where's the cook? Grandpa is going to starve to death. l

Baihei touched his already starving belly.

"Cook... You didn't kill me..."

Cao Cao replied in a low voice.

Xu Chong should be regarded as the best cook in Luoyang at present, but he was beheaded by Bai Hei a few days ago.

So now Cao Cao's subordinates have almost no cooks who can do it.

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