I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 173 Horses fight for high pets! Wonderful battle!

"I lost."

Xu Chu calmly bowed his hands to Dian Wei.

If you lose, you are defeated, you just need to admit it, and it's not ashamed.


Dian Wei also carried a pair of iron and iron halberds behind his back, and then cupped his hands towards Xu Chu.

Both sides retreated.

During this battle, the surrounding soldiers who were watching couldn't help but applaud and cheered for the two of them. Even the First Emperor's chest was heaving and his eyes were fixed on the two of them.

"Meng De's subordinates really gather fierce generals!

"Your Majesty is wrong."

Being praised by the First Emperor himself, although Cao Cao was proud in his heart, he was still very modest on the surface.

Immediately afterwards, Guan Yu and Zhao Yun had a fight.

For the battle between the two, Bai and Hei have been looking forward to it for a long time.

Although according to the ranking of the folk songs of the generals of the Three Kingdoms, Zhao Yun ranked second below Lu Bu.

Guan Yu ranked fourth behind Dian Wei.

It seems that Guan Yu's martial arts are not as good as Zhao Yun's.

But in fact, the two have never played against each other, and the gap between the second and fourth rankings is even smaller.

So now, Bai and Hei also want to see, if these two really fight together, no matter whether it is horse, foot, or archery, or fighting, who will win in the end?

Due to the change of time and space, Zhao Yun didn't know Guan Yu at this time, he joined Cao Cao's men early, and he did not have the achievement of seven in and seven out on Changbanpo.

Guan Yu even served the First Emperor and Bai Hei, and had nothing to do with Zhao Yun.

Therefore, there is no hatred between the two, nor will they keep their hands.

Soon, under Cao Cao's proper arrangement, Guan Yu and Zhao Yun mounted their horses respectively, and then stood on the field.

Everyone knows the Qinglong Yanyue Saber in Guan Yu's hands, especially the generals who killed several lords' allied forces in front of the battle a few days ago, so there is a high voice among the soldiers.

"General Guan is mighty!"

"Mighty! 35

"Mighty! 55

"Mighty! 35

The so-called watch the fun is not too big, and it is talking about the surrounding soldiers.

Under their whistling, Zhao Yun looked a little ugly.

Originally a very balanced fight, now all the voices turned to Guan Yu, making Zhao Yun's face somewhat unable to hang.

But it's no wonder that since joining Cao Cao, he has hardly fought a tough battle.

Only a few days before the wind was smooth, although it also killed a general of the coalition army, but compared with Guan Yu's record is slightly shabby.

In this way, it is not difficult to understand that the soldiers support Guan Yu.

But the reaction of the soldiers was that a seed was planted in Zhao Yun's heart, and he wanted to rectify his name!

I, Zhao Yun, am by no means a mediocre person!


Zhao Yun shouted loudly and flipped the silver spear in his hand, immediately urging him to sit on his horse and go straight to Guan Yu.

Facing Zhao Yun, who was pressing down with power, Guan Yu raised the Azure Dragon Saber and exerted force with his right hand, also urging him to sit down and go to meet Zhao Yun.

Unlike Dian Wei and Xu Chu's 750 battle, Guan Yu and Zhao Yun's weapons are all long weapons suitable for horse battles, so the battle between the two is clear.

Every time, the horses hedge, and then the two take the opportunity to fight for a round, immediately separate, then turn the horses, turn around and fight again!



The sound of swords colliding is endless, and every once in a while, the two weapons in the field will collide with each other.

Zhao Yun's bright silver spear attacked fiercely, and the cheers from the soldiers before the game really planted a strong competitive spirit in his heart.

The bright silver spear flew up and down under his swing, stabbed and swung, and every blow went straight to Guan Yu's vital point.

In this regard, Bai Hei and others are not worried.

The strength between Guan Yu and Zhao Yun is similar, even if it is Zhao Yun's level of attack, Guan Yu can obviously withstand it, the time to really decide the winner is definitely not now!

As Bai Hei expected, the two of them fought for a hundred rounds on the horse, but they couldn't tell the winner.

Not even who has the upper hand and who has the lower hand.

Although Zhao Yun was always on the offensive in terms of tactical position, Guan Yu's Green Dragon Saber was also impenetrable when wielding it, leaving Zhao Yun no chance to take advantage of it.

Such a fight can't help but the surrounding soldiers are very addicted and hearty! Meet the opponent!

"I didn't expect that General Zhao would be so powerful?"

After more than 100 rounds of fighting, many soldiers around have discovered strange places.

According to their original thoughts, with General Guan's bravery, wouldn't it take a few minutes to take down Zhao Yun?

But it didn't seem to be that simple until it was really fought.

"Yeah, I didn't expect it either!"

"If I could be a pawn under the two generals, it would be worth dying for! 55

For a time, the magnificent force of the two was quickly sought after by the soldiers.

One shot and one knife, all open and close.

If it is really placed on the battlefield, every swing can take away several lives of the enemy!

"Little Rui Beast, who do you think will win if the two of them fight?"

When Shi Huang saw the place, he couldn't help but turn his head to look at Bai Zhu.

After a little thought, Bai Hei quickly gave his answer.

[‘Guan Yu. ’]

The First Emperor was surprised: "Why? Could it be that Zhao Yun's martial arts are not as good as Guan Yu's?"

Looking at the fight that continued on the field, Bai Hei shook his head:

['Of course not, because of the weapons in their hands. l

White and Black gave his own explanation.

[‘Guan Yu’s Qinglong Yanyue Sword weighs eighty-two catties. ’]

[‘Zhao Yun’s bright silver spear weighs thirty-six kilograms. l

[‘Although it seems that there is no difference now, after waiting for a hundred rounds, the difference in weapons will appear. 】

Is that so?

For the statement given by Bai Hei, the first emperor was dubious.

After all, looking at it now (bbcc), the fight between the two is evenly divided, and Guan Yu has never been able to take advantage of the upper half.

But soon, with the passage of time, when the battle between the two reached about 230 rounds, Bai Zhu's judgment finally showed his correctness.

At this time, the strength of both of them is not enough at the beginning.

The moves in his hands gradually became more simple, from the initial prodding and swiping to a single smashing each other.

At this point, the weight of the weapon becomes extremely important.

In horse battles, one can either play an extra round while they intersect, but this way of fighting involves sacrificing the weight of the weapon.

Zhao Yun's bright silver spear weighed thirty-six kilograms, so it was obviously not included in this list.

Since they were all one-round contestants, Guan Yu's 82-jin Qinglong Yanyue Knife seemed to have an incomparable advantage.

Although it takes more power to swing, but in the process of fighting, the extra power will be amplified in the form of double, and then the pressure will be applied to the opponent.

Eighty-two pounds of weight, waving it, is the power of thunder!

Especially when the two of them had reached the end of the battle and their vigor was not so strong, Zhao Yun had to use 100,000 points of energy to block every heavy blow from Guan Yu.

Not to mention the quality of the Bright Silver Spear itself, each shock of the Azure Dragon Saber alone can consume twice the strength of Zhao Yun.

On the battlefield, Guan Yu soon discovered this, and he immediately waved the Azure Dragon Saber in his hand to attack Zhao Yun with a more stern stance.

Every time the two horses crossed, Guan Yu's Qinglong sword would smash heavily on Zhao Yun's bright silver spear. After less than 300 rounds, finally, after Zhao Yun fought with Guan Yu, his right hand became numb, and the bright silver spear almost fell on the spot. Get off the horse.

Fortunately, Zhao Yun immediately stabilized his body, and then his left hand quickly grabbed the bright silver gun that was about to fall.

After the first round, Guan Yu did not attack again, because he knew that Zhao Yun lost.

Sure enough, the next moment Zhao Yun immediately raised his gun and surrendered: "General Guan is really powerful, and he will be defeated."5

Guan Yu also immediately returned a salute: "Where, Guan Mou won because of the Azure Dragon Saber, not counting, not counting.

After "commercial blowing", Guan Yu and Zhao Yun each withdrew.

The wonderful fight between the two quickly drew applause from the surrounding soldiers, even Cao Cao and the First Emperor.

In this battle, although Zhao Yun failed to win, he also successfully proved that he was by no means a hero.

How can a general who can fight Guan Yu for three hundred rounds be at a disadvantage?

"Wow, congratulations, Your Majesty, and congratulations to Lord Rui Beast for winning another good general!"

Although he was very envious in his heart, it was not himself that Guan Yu had surrendered, nor Cao Ying, so such generals would probably be out of luck with him.

Therefore, by virtue of Guan Yu's victory, Cao Cao immediately congratulated Baihei and Shi Huangdi.

"Zhao Yun is also a good hero, Meng De should know to cherish it."

The result of the competition was there, and Shi Huangdi was too lazy to be humble.

"That is that, that is, Meng De should obey His Majesty's orders."

After the guest set is over, the fifth game is officially over.

Next, is the highly anticipated sixth horse battle.

"Which two generals will fight next?"

The first emperor looked at Cao Cao.

"Back to Your Majesty, it's General Yuwen and General Gao."

Cao Cao replied respectfully.


The first emperor raised his eyebrows, and his interest suddenly came.

Yuwen Chengcheng and Gao Chong were the number one generals of Da Qin, and even Xiang Yu, Meng Tian and Ying Bu, who were also five tiger generals, could not be compared with these two.

Moreover, although the two of them are both top-notch generals in the world, they have never competed because they are in the same camp.

The first emperor also wanted to see, between Gao Chong and Yuwen Chengdu, who wins and who loses?

"let's start!"

The first emperor quickly ordered.

"Get on the horse with two generals!

Cao Cao on the side immediately shouted at the soldiers not far away.

Soon, Yuwen Chengdu and Gao Chong were launched.

Since Bai Hei had already given instructions in advance, the horses of the two of them were first-class horses, and they were even better than the mounts of the first ten people.

This is not because the white and black are biased, but because the martial arts of the two are too strong. It is not difficult to imagine that if the quality of the horses is not good, it must be a pity if one of them loses.

Under the spotlight, the first round of the two began soon!

Just the first blow, everyone saw the difference.

Unlike Guan Yu and Zhao Yun's open and close fighting method, the battle between Yuwen Chengdu and Gao Chong can't even be counted in "rounds".

In the first round alone, the battle between the two continued for a dozen times.

The first half of the golden tiger-headed spear and the phoenix-winged golden rui were mixed together, and everyone wanted to take the opportunity to press the opposite end.

At their level, as long as there is suppression on the weapon, the winner can almost be determined.

From the outside, the golden tiger-headed spear not only looks much sharper, but also looks extraordinary.

And the phoenix wings are even more so, not only the upper part is completely gilded, but also the torso part is specially made, very hard.




Unlike Xu Chu and Dian Wei, where every blow is a heavy blow, the battle between Gao Chong and Yuwen Chengdu relies on the word "fast".

In the blink of an eye, the two of them had already struck back and forth with their weapons more than a dozen times.

"God, how fast?"

"Yeah, I feel like I don't see it clearly at all!"

"so amazing!

For the fight between the two, the soldiers were so fascinated by it that they didn't even dare to blink, for fear of missing a wonderful moment.

Even Guan Yu and Zhao Yun, who were fighting just now, became more and more convinced.

On the surface, it seems that Yuwen Chengdu and Gao Chong's style of play is very labor-saving, but usually laypeople watch the fun while experts watch the doorway.

Guan Yu and Zhao Yun are both leaders among military generals, and naturally they can clearly see the benefits.

"Little Rui Beast, why do I think they don't seem to be doing anything?"

In a low voice, the First Emperor turned his head and glanced at Bai Hei.

Although he was the first emperor of China, he didn't know much about fighting.

Fortunately, there was Bai Zhu to explain it for him.

[‘Old Zhao, don’t look at them on the surface as they don’t consume as much energy as Zhao Yun and Guan Yu fighting. ’]

【‘Actually, the energy they put in is far more than the fighting style of Zhao Yun and Guan Yu. ’]


The first emperor then asked.

【‘Pay attention to the movements in their hands, not only are they as fast as lightning, but also the parts of the weapons in their hands are only a little bit at the top?】

After being reminded by Bai Hei, the First Emperor noticed that until now, the fight between the two was actually limited to the front end of the weapon?

[‘Due to the special structure of the golden tiger-headed spear and the phoenix-winged golden rui, although they seem to be easy, in fact, the two have to spend more energy for fine control. 1

['Not only must we get rid of the oppression of the opponent's weapon, but we must also find a way to use the characteristics of the weapon to suppress the opponent's weapon. ’]

In fact, it is not difficult to understand, the principle is the same as that of Qi's knife, because the length is too long, the part closer to the top is more difficult to control, and it takes more energy and effort.

Therefore, although the two people in front of them don't seem to move much, they are also consuming a lot of physical strength and energy during the continuous handover of weapons.

Even Bai Hei guessed, it is very likely that the battle time between the two is much shorter than that of Guan Yu and Zhao Yun!

With Bai Hei's explanation, the First Emperor quickly looked at it again attentively.

As Bai Hei said, although Yuwen Chengdu and Gao Chong had only just started the war, fine beads of sweat were already on their foreheads.

If you look carefully, it is not difficult to find that the eyes of the two people are staring at the front end of the weapon, and the movements in their hands are also extremely cautious.

In this kind of high-end competition, if you are not careful, you may be seized by the opponent and then defeated.

With the convenient shape of the golden tiger-headed spear, Gao Chong stabbed towards Yuwen Chengdu every time.

And Yuwen Chengdu also took the trouble to use the two small branches of phoenix wings and Jin Rui to restrain Gao Chong's weapons again and again.

However, Gao Chong was not discouraged. After several unsuccessful attempts, he quickly turned his attention to Yuwen Chengdu's mid lane.

So far, almost all of Yuwen Chengdu's defenses have relied on the special shape of the phoenix-winged Jinrui, that is, two small ones, to clamp the golden tiger-headed spear.

But after Gao Chong's observation, if he specializes in Yuwen Chengdu Middle Road, the unique appearance of Phoenix Wings Jinrui will be greatly weakened.

To put it bluntly, it is to attack Yuwen Chengdu's chest. At the height of the chest, it is difficult to use the small branches to block the phoenix wings no matter how Jin Rui takes them.

Once the advantage of small arms is lost, the phoenix wing Jinrui is almost indistinguishable from the ordinary long spear.

Seeing a glimpse of a fighter plane, Gao Chong quickly rushed to attack and went straight to Yuwen Chengdu's chest.

Seeing this, Bai Hei couldn't help but slapped his thigh fiercely!


Good guy, Gao Chong didn't follow him for so long in vain.

At least being able to find Yuwen Chengdu's weaknesses in a short period of time and make use of them is invaluable.

In the high-level battle between the two of them, let alone such a weakness, even the slightest mistake will be infinitely expanded!

The moment Gao Chong swung his gun, Bai knew that Gao Chong might have won the horse battle project.

Sure enough, just as Bai Hei thought, seeing the direction of Gao Chong's attack, Yu Wencheng immediately became alert.

Just when he subconsciously wanted to use the two small branches of the phoenix wings, he realized that at such a height, the possibility of just blocking the golden tiger head spear with the small branches was too small.

Since the phoenix winged golden rui itself has a height, whether it is from bottom to top or from top to bottom, it is difficult to just resist.

If you stretch out one hand and hold the phoenix wing Jinrui from the middle, you can make full use of the small branch, but it will also cause the strength to not be fully used.

Once Gao Chong exerts all his strength and pursues him, I am afraid that Yuwen Chengdu will be difficult to change hands for a while, so it is not impossible to lose.

But in a hurry, Yuwen Chengdu had no choice but to use the middle part of the phoenix wing and Jin Rui to resist Gao Chong's attack.

Sure enough, seeing that Yuwen Chengdu was holding the middle part of the weapon, Gao Chong immediately seized the opportunity, held the gun in both hands, and quickly stabbed Yuwen Chengdu in the face.


The continuous air-breaking sound rang out, just by listening to the frequency of the air-breaking sound, those who were watching the battle could imagine how fast Gao Chong's attack was!

Of course, Yuwen Chengdu is not a mediocre person, although it is difficult for him to change hands for a while now, he can only use half of his weapon to resist Gao Chong's attack.

For this reason, he still insisted on the attack of Gao Chong more than ten times. It was not until the twentieth time that the Golden Tiger Head Spear broke through the defense of Phoenix Wing and Jin Rui, and then went straight to Yuwen Chengdu. .

In the end, it stopped less than ten centimeters away from Yuwen Chengdu's eyes!

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