I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 172 12 generals, catch and fight!

With a wave of Shi Huang's hand, Cao Cao immediately fulfilled the promise that Shi Huang made to his soldiers:


One hundred silk satin!

"Don't worry, the warriors, Cao will send these things to the camp later.

Since the First Emperor had already promised, Cao Cao naturally did not dare not obey.

But at this time, Bai Zhi said:

【'never mind. Still discount it. 3

After thinking about it for a while, Bai Hei immediately found out what was wrong.

Qin Ruishi wants to follow him back to Daqin, and even if he has a daughter, how can he bring a hundred brocades?

It is better to convert it directly into cash, which not only avoids the inconvenience of carrying it back and forth, but also pits Cao Cao on the way.

It seems that the reward was given by the First Emperor, but in fact, whether it is a daughter or a brocade, it is all provided by Cao Cao.

Not only that, but Qin Ruishi was the one who won the first title, and he had to bring it back to Qin in the end.

Repeat this over and over again, take it out of Cao Cao's hands and bring it back to Daqin, and make sure you don't lose money!


Cao Cao naturally did not understand such modern words and expressed his doubts.

【‘Just change it to gold!’】

Simply put, Baihei is more straightforward.

Don't underestimate the 100-piece brocade. During the Three Kingdoms period, the brocade was very valuable.

Especially the most famous Shu brocade, but an inch long and an inch of gold, where did the nickname "Jin Ma Chao" come from, and it did not borrow the reputation of Shu brocade.

If you put sackcloth on your body, do you see if anyone cares about you?

Not only that, in many places at that time, Shu Jin was used as a currency in circulation!

However, when such high-end goods arrived in the Qin Dynasty, they were not so honorable, so Bai Hei would not miss this opportunity to make money, and immediately asked Cao Cao to exchange it for cash and take it away.

Seeing that the first three winners were all Qin Ruishi, the first emperor was instantly delighted, and he couldn't wait to see the battle of the generals.

"Meng De, get ready to start."

"Please sit down, Your Majesty, and I will make the rules of the competition. 35

Although Cao Cao could feel the urgency of the First Emperor, the generals' competition was different from that of the soldiers. Their competition was more particular and had more projects.

If you start in a hurry without formulating detailed projects and rules, I am afraid that it will be difficult to tell the winner at that time.

Cao Cao's hesitation caused Bai Hei, who was beside him, to curl his lips: "'There are so many things, you have more things every day. ’]

Saying that, he gave Cao Cao a blank look.

Being reprimanded by Bai Hei, Cao Cao did not dare to retaliate, so he had to stay where he was, waiting for the next step of Emperor Shi Huang's instructions.

Hearing Bai Hei scolding Cao Cao a few words, the first emperor suddenly became interested, turned his head to look at Bai Zhu and said, "Little Rui Beast, do you have any ideas?"9

['What ideas can you have, nothing more than horse fighting, foot fighting, archery, and hand-to-hand combat?

Both the First Emperor and Cao Cao were taken aback: "Melee?

[‘In simple terms, it is a fight with bare hands. ’]

"Horse combat, foot combat, archery, hand-to-hand combat..."

Chewing on the four competitions mentioned by Bai Zhu, the more Cao Cao thought about it, the more interesting it became.

Although it seems that the process of Bai Zhi's proposal is a bit sloppy and even a bit abrupt, the four projects mentioned really cover almost all the current competition methods.

Although the fighting methods they have formulated are complicated, but in summary, they are nothing more than these four categories.

"Sir Rui Beast said that it is indeed exquisite, but..."

Glancing at Bai Hei, Cao Cao seemed a little hesitant to speak.

He was afraid that if he accidentally made Bai Hei angry again, he would be scolded.

[‘If you want to say it, just say it, and you are a jerk. ’]

Cao Cao:

My dear, I am being scolded for speaking, and I am being scolded for not speaking!

"I mean that although the competition project has been decided, the generals won't be judged whether they win or lose, so it is still necessary to formulate more detailed evaluation criteria.

For what Cao Cao said, the first emperor nodded in agreement.

Indeed, different competition methods require different rules. If the rules are messed up, winning or losing the game will be meaningless.

【‘It’s not that many things, it’s just a fight of their own family, and it’s not a ring, everyone who wins and loses is watching, and they don’t know it in their hearts?

Looking at Cao Cao in front of him, Bai Zhu stretched out his paw and nodded his head.

Seemingly inspired by white and black, Cao Cao lowered his head and thought about it, as if it was really sauce purple?

Whether it is Yuwen Chengdu and Gao Chong, or Guan Yu, Dian Wei, Zhou Yu or Zhao Yun, which is not an upright man?

It's not like the phenomenon of obviously losing but not admitting it?

What's more, there are still two judges sitting next to him. Even if there is a disagreement, as long as the First Emperor speaks, won't there be no objection within minutes?

After he figured it out, Cao Cao immediately nodded his head and said, "Sir Rui Beast said exactly what he said, but he is being stupid."

['You're not smart. ’]

Angrily, he gave Cao Cao a blank look, and Bai Hei turned his back.

Now that the idea has been given, the next thing is for Cao Cao to do.

After walking around for a while, Cao Cao finally gave the list of the competition.

Unlike a pawn match, captured pawns are not counted.

However, the battles of the generals and the captured generals were also included, such as Zhang Liao and others who were originally under the tent of Lv Bu, were also included.

"Your Majesty, Lord Rui Beast, this is the final list to participate in this competition"


Respectfully presented the final list to Shi Huangdi and Bai Hei, Cao Cao sweated.

After running back and forth a few times, I finally got this thing done.

And by the way, Cao Cao also attracted the atmosphere group - the personal soldiers of these generals.

How can there be no one to cheer for the battle of the generals?

If you want to say who is the hardest, it must be the personal soldiers of the generals. As for Zhang Liao who has no personal soldiers, Cao Cao will also arrange several "personal soldiers" for him.


Looking at the roster handed over by Cao Cao, the First Emperor looked intently:

[Yuwen Chengdu, Gao Chong, Cao Chun, Zhou Yu, Dian Wei, Zhao Yun, Xu Huang, Cao Hong, Zhang Liao, Li Dian, Xu Chu, Guan Yu. 】

No more, no less, just twelve people.

Originally, many generals under Cao Cao wanted to participate, but they were all kicked back by Cao Cao.

According to their level, let alone a competition, they are not even worthy to lift shoes for Yuwen Chengdu, Gao Chong and others!

In order to let himself lose a few people, Cao Cao decided to repel them all, and in the end only a few elites from Cao's camp were left, such as Xu Chu, Xiahou Dun and others.

Even Cao Ren, Cao Zhen and the like, Cao Cao didn't let them go in the end, after all, what they were best at was not fighting alone.

[‘Well, yes, they are all warriors in the world. ’]

Looking at the roster in front of him, Bai Hei silently gave Cao Cao a like.

With such a lineup, if there is still Cao Cao in the next Q&A space, Bai Hei can ask how Cao Cao is developing.

Good guy, almost all the warriors of the Three Kingdoms have been wiped out in one go!

And the most terrifying thing is that the generals of the other two countries were almost killed and wounded.

The generals of Soochow Wu were not originally strong in land warfare, and Zhou Yu, the only one who could be called a handsome man, was still in Cao Cao's camp.

Not to mention the state of Shu, Liu Bei was gone, and Zhang Fei was also dead.

If it is calculated like this, there are few princes in the world who can compete with Cao Cao.

After hearing Bai Zhu's inner voice, the first emperor looked at him curiously: "Little Rui Beast, who do you think will win in the end?"

The white and black eyes rolled: ['Which item are you talking about?']

"Everything you can say.

What the First Emperor thought was that since the white and black have been known for a thousand years, a thousand years in the middle, and a thousand years in the bottom, the generals in front of him must be no strangers to him.

However, this was an injustice to Bai Zhu.

To say unfamiliar, it is indeed not unfamiliar.

Whether it is Guan Yu, Yuwen Chengdu or Gao Chong and others, or even those generals in Cao Ying, Bai and Hei are all familiar with them.

But it is limited to their names, although they know their approximate force value, but because there are all kinds of opportunities, Bai Hei has no idea who can beat whom.

Foot fighting, horse fighting, archery, hand-to-hand combat, a total of four ways of fighting.

Looking at the list of twelve people in front of him, Bai Hei fell into contemplation.

Zhou Yu is purely a matter of fact, and can be completely ignored. He belongs to the master of strategy and the dwarf in battle.

Cao Chun can also be directly ruled out. Although the tiger and leopard riding is powerful, it does not mean that Cao Chun's own force value is high.

As for Cao Hong, although he fought bravely and saved Cao Cao's life several times, his force value is really not enough compared to the others.

As for Li Dian, Zhang Liao and Xu Huang, although they all left a deep impression in history, they are still not comparable to Guan Yu's level.

As a result, there are only six people left who have a chance to win the championship.

Yuwen Chengdu, Guan Yu, Gao Chong, Xu Chu, Zhao Yun, Dian Wei.

The martial arts of these six people are further divided into two steps.

The first step: Yuwen Chengdu, Gao Chong, Dian Wei.

The second step: Guan Yu, Zhao Yun, Xu Chu.

Historically, Guan Yu, Zhao Yun, Xu Chu, and Dian Wei were all generals of the same rank.

However, because Dian Wei has the title of two halberds and five good generals, the bonus is quite generous, so he immediately became the first-level military general and crushed the second-level.

As for Guan Yu, Zhao Yun, and Xu Chu, because there is no special opportunity yet, it is difficult to be side by side with Yuwen Chengdu and Gao Chong.

And although Dian Wei has the bonus of the title of "Tian Tie Shuangji" and "Wu Zi Liang General", he is probably slightly inferior to the strength of the peak Yuwen Chengdu and the peak high pet.

So after all the calculations, Bai Hei has probably already made a judgment: ['If there is no accident, the first name should appear between Yuwen Chengdu and Gao Chong. '1

Regarding the answer given by Bai Hei, the First Emperor nodded: "Yes, I think so too.

While the two were talking, Cao Cao had summoned all the twelve people on the list to the ring in front of him.

"The First Emperor and Lord Rui Beast please group the generals.

Cao Cao immediately handed over a pen.

"Give it to Little Rui Beast."

The First Emperor waved his hand.

Looking at the twelve people on the list, Bai Hei's wicked taste suddenly came up.

[‘The first item must be the horse battle. ’]

If it's a horse fight...

Bai Zhu quickly picked up the pen and drew some traces on the list in front of him.

Then hand it to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao probably glanced at it, and immediately read it out:

"The first competition project: horse battle.

"The battle generals are as follows."

"Zhou Yu to Cao Chun. 99

"Cao Hong to Xu Huang.

"Li Dian to Zhang Liao.

"Guan Yu to Zhao Yun.""

"Xu Chu to Dian Wei."

"Yuwen Chengdu to Gao Chong. 35

As soon as the final competition list came out, the first emperor understood the meaning of white and black.

End the fight in one round, don't procrastinate!

Although it seems that the strength of each pair is very balanced, don't forget that there are only two real champion seeds - Yuwen Chengdu and Gao Chong.

But Baihei arranged them together, which means that as long as the battle between them is over, the final result of the game has almost appeared.

Since it was a horse battle, for the sake of fairness, Cao Cao selected twelve horses of similar quality from the current barracks.

After assigning mounts to everyone, a group of generals rode on them one after another, and then found their opponents.

The first pair was Zhou Yu and Cao Chun.

The fight between the two can be said to be nothing to watch.

The most terrifying thing is that Zhou Yu actually used a sword!

Although "the song is wrong, Zhou Lang Gu", everyone knows that you are literate, elegant and easy-going, but you can't use the sword to fight horses, but it's too much!

Especially in a horse battle in such an open field, the two sides almost always rely on the impact of horsepower to fight, and then they fight together.

As a result, Zhou Yu went up with a long sword...

Sure enough, in the first round of the battle, Zhou Yu's long sword was thrown away by Cao Chun with a single shot!

After the long sword was taken away, Zhou Yu stood awkwardly on the spot, at a loss.

Even Cao Chun, who was on the side, was stunned. Did he... win?

Cao Cao reluctantly covered his face, good guy, it's too embarrassing!

[‘Lang, come down, the above is not suitable for you. ’]

Bai Hei called Zhou Yu's nickname.

Zhou Yu blushed suddenly, turned over and dismounted, and ran to the auditorium.

Then, it was Cao Hong and Xu Huang.

Cao Hong is strong and strong, and is good at using a three-pointed two-edged sword. It is with the weapon in his hand that Cao Hong once fought Ma Chao for dozens of rounds.

As for Xu Huang, he used a pair of axe to open mountains, and he liked to open up and close in battle, and he once fought Guan Yu for eighty rounds.

The battle between the two was actually quite exciting. The three-pointed, two-edged sword and the axe were mixed together, and it was amazing to watch.

After playing for hundreds of rounds, the two of them did not decide the winner. Just when Cao Cao was about to call to stop, finally, the situation on the field had undergone some subtle changes.

After all, Cao Hong was young and strong, and the use of a three-pointed two-edged sword was not as exhausting as a mountain axe.

After more than 100 rounds, Xu Huang finally became exhausted. The two fought for another 30 rounds. Xu Huang gradually began to turn red and his breath was unstable.

It wasn't until the axe in his left hand fell off his hand that he surrendered to Cao Hong: "You are defeated."


Cao Hong also bowed humbly.

In the third battle, Li Dian faced Zhang Liao.

No suspense either.

The weapon used by Li Dian is a gun.

Zhang Liao used a hooked sickle spear.

There is no difference in weapons.

However, although Zhang Liao's martial arts are not first-class, he is still slightly better than Li Dian, who is mainly good at strategy.

Between the two, the generals fought for more than fifty rounds, and then Li Dian stopped the movements in his hands and admitted calmly:

"Falling down.

Zhang Liao bowed his hands.

Then the two slowly retreated.

Now, there are only six players left on the field, three pairs.

I have to say that the battle between these three pairs is really interesting!

Xu Chu VS Dian Wei

Zhao Yun VS Guan Yu

Yuwen Chengdu VS Gao Chong

It was Xu Chu who fought against Dian Wei first.

The weapon Xu Chu used was the VIA long hammer, and the top of the hammer was a hammer like a tiger's head.

What Dian Wei used was the iron and iron double halberd that Cao Cao obtained in the air space.

Originally, whether from the point of view of weapons or from the comparison of force values, Xu Chu couldn't beat Dian Wei no matter what (Zhao Li's) was.

For the fight between the two, Bai Hei didn't even hold much hope.

But in the end, what Xu Chu brought him far exceeded his expectations.

As soon as the fight began, Xu Chu waved the long hammer in his hand and smashed it desperately at Dian Wei.

Taking every battle seriously, even if it's just an exercise, is Xu Chu's attitude towards fighting.

So at the beginning, he waved the VIA long hammer in his hand without reservation, and smashed it towards Dian Wei's body with the momentum of thunder.

And Dian Wei was not to be outdone, in terms of strength, he was not afraid of Xu Chu at all!

Raising the iron and iron halberd in his hand, Dian Wei immediately prepared to counterattack after blocking Xu Chu's attack.

Most of the halberds can only be used in close combat on horses, so Dian Wei is constantly looking for opportunities to fight Xu Chu in close combat.

As long as he takes the opportunity to entangle Xu Chu in melee combat, the effect of the VIA Long Hammer will be greatly reduced.

But unfortunately, Xu Chu seemed to have seen through Dian Wei's thoughts. Whenever Dian Wei held a pair of halberds and wanted to approach, Xu Chu would restrain the horse's head, turn his head and run away to distance himself.

Then he turned the horse's head, turned around and lifted the sledgehammer to continue smashing at Dian Wei.

After more than ten rounds of this, Dian Wei's mood became more and more anxious.

If it continues, I am afraid that Xu Chu will not need to do anything, and he will kill himself.

Looking at the entanglement between the two, Bai Hei couldn't help but praise Xu Chu. Everyone said that Hu Hou was a martial idiot.

Although Xu Chu was Tie Hanhan in life, through this battle, it can be considered that Bai Hei discovered his advantages.

Even if facing an invincible opponent, Xu Chu will try his best to win, instead of giving up the fight directly, this is Hu Chi's persistence!

The two continued to fight for dozens of rounds. Finally, while Xu Chu was charging at him again, Dian Wei hooked Xu Chu's long hammer with a double halberd and dragged it towards him.

Following Dian Wei's actions, Xu Chu was soon forced to engage in close combat with Dian Wei.

Bai Hei narrowed his eyes slightly, he knew that the battle between the two was almost over.

Sure enough, after being forced into melee combat, Xu Chu's VIA long hammer quickly became useless, and with the help of the two halberds, Dian Wei quickly defeated Xu Chu!

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