I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 169 The sky is falling apart, the ghosts cry and the wolf howls!

War is always cruel, and when you think you will win, God will always find something for you to do.

After a night of repairs, the princes of the coalition army were awakened by Yuan Shu when the dawn was just beginning.

Originally, they should have set out at night, and then set up their troops at dawn.

Wait until the sun is still dark, and then kill Luoyang City, one who was caught off guard.

It's a pity that the lords are getting old, plus they fought for a day yesterday, and they were called up in the middle of the night to discuss. Naturally, they wanted a lazy bed.

In the final analysis, no one in the coalition cared so much about winning or losing, and paid less attention to the matter of war.

Therefore, if there is a major defeat, the alliance will be disintegrated in an instant, which is also a normal thing.

It looks like the Alliance Army is 400,000, but when it comes to fighting, it's almost too much compared to 100,000.

There are too many people, it's just a matter of ignorance.

Although Yuan Shu was on the surface the leader of the feudal feudal lords, but whoever was present was not a tyrannical one, he really irritated them, and he turned his head and led his troops away.

Therefore, Yuan Shu was forced to move back the time of dispatching troops a lot.

It was not until Xiao He and the others in the city had eaten breakfast that the lords under the city climbed up from their tents in a daze.

"Huh? When is it?"

"I don't know, what's the matter with Yuan Alliance Lord calling us here?"

"Could it be that Yuan Yuan has prepared a hearty breakfast for us!"

"Ha ha……"

"Ha ha ha ha………"

Looking at the lords in front of them who were still smiling with sleepy eyes, Yuan Shu was speechless for a while.

Eat, know to eat!

The attack on Luoyang was such a big thing, how could you turn your head and forget it after you slept?

"Ahem, everyone. 35

After clearing his throat, Yuan Shu had no choice but to remind him, "Didn't we make an appointment to attack Luoyang together today?"

After Yuan Shu's reminder, all the princes present suddenly nodded and patted their heads: "Oh, yes!"

"Today is the day to attack Luoyang!"

"By the way, what is the offensive strategy we talked about earlier?

Sitting at the top of the central army tent, Yuan Shu exploded his lungs and attacked Luoyang with this group of people in front of him?

Just a bunch of rabble.

If it weren't for the huge difference in the number of soldiers and horses, he would have given up immediately!

All of them are in their seventies and eighties, and they are tired at every turn.

If you forget it at every turn, it's not just outrageous, it's just outrageous!

It was difficult to remind the princes of the attack on Luoyang. Fortunately, they had already arranged most of the things before going to bed last night.

So now, they just need the whole army.

The camp of the 400,000-strong army started from beyond the range of Luoyang City's bow and arrows and extended to dozens of miles away.

Originally, the allied army of the feudal lords was crowded with people and things, and it was quite inconvenient to organize them.

Today is the decisive battle, so the camps have been pulled up and thrown away.

Finally, when it was almost noon, the coalition forces slowly opened up a battle not far from Luoyang City.

They have to form a battle formation here, and then move towards Luoyang City!

The place where the feudal lords united their troops was very close to Luoyang City.

Although it can be vaguely recognized by the naked eye, it is not as effective as a telescope after all.

On the top of Luoyang City, Bai Hei and Shi Huangdi were holding a telescope in their hands, checking the movements of the allied forces of the princes outside the city.

['They moved at last. ’]

Looking at the coalition of princes who were constantly mobilizing troops in the telescope, Bai Hei pouted.

He originally thought that the allied forces of the princes would raid overnight last night. After he got up, he could hear the news of Xiao He's victory in the battle.

I never thought that when I got up at three poles in the sun, I realized that the allied forces of the princes had not yet started?

In this way, it can ruin the popularity of Gao Chong and others who have long been prepared for battle, and they are simply pig-like opponents!

It was not until Xiao He ordered that the whole army eat hot pot and have a full meal, there was only a little movement from the vassal army.

Through the peeping through the binoculars, Baihei can clearly see all the movements of the feudal army.

['Their cavalry is all distributed on the flanks. l

[‘The infantry is all in the middle army. ’]

While listening to Bai Hei's words, Xiao He gave orders to Gao Chong and the others.

They were ordered to lead the army first, leading the troops at the west gate, south gate, and east gate to stand by.

At that time, as soon as Xiao He's general order came out, they rushed out of the city gate and went straight to the allied army of the princes!

Originally, Bai Hei wanted to use binoculars to spy on the secrets of the formation of the coalition troops.

But I didn't think so. After observing for a long time, apart from the simple distribution of cavalry and infantry, the coalition had no other preparations?

And through the telescope, Bai Hei found that the morale of the allied forces of the princes was simply too bad!

Not to mention the yawning princes, but the drooping soldiers under their command, Bai Zhu has no desire to fight!

Silently put down the telescope in his hand, Bai Hei was already thinking about whether to use Panda Ruijun.

After all, using top arms such as the Panda Ruijun to attack the gang of crooked melons and cracking dates of the feudal alliance army is really a disgrace to the reputation of the Panda Ruijun.

But look up at the red pandas who are gearing up for their efforts, which one is not full of fighting spirit?

Wouldn't it make them very disappointed if they were told not to fight now?

【‘Forget it, let’s play it all. ’]

"Lord Rui Beast, what is the strength of the combined forces of the princes?"

Although Xiao He despised the enemy when planning his strategy.

But the allied army of the princes had 400,000 troops after all, so he still had some concerns.

Bai Zhi didn't speak, let alone answer him, just silently handed him the telescope in his hand.

[‘See for yourself. ’]

Xiao He curiously raised the telescope and looked in the direction of the allied army of princes...

In less than two minutes, he silently put down the binoculars again: "Send an order, the whole army rests in place for an hour, and distributes cold water and melons and fruits to the soldiers. 99

In order to "please" Shi Huangdi and Baihei, Cao Cao tossed melons and fruits from his base camp.

Anyway, I couldn't finish it, and it became a reward from white and black to the sergeants.

"Master Xiao, what's going on?"

Without the telescope, Cao Cao still couldn't see what happened at the allied forces of the princes.

Xiao He waved his hand: "It's nothing, it's just that there was some confusion in the process of their army reorganization."

Cao Cao:

Well, the allied army of princes always surprises them.

Pointing at them to save the big man, the big man is really a ghost if he is not finished.

What kind of dazzling performance do you expect him to have on the battlefield for a player who doesn't even know how to move troops?

In fact, this point, Cao Cao really wronged Yuan Shu.

At this time, Yuan Shu was looking at the chaos in front of him, with a splitting headache.

First of all, he is not a military wizard, but an ordinary person who likes to drink honey water and "fork out".

Furthermore, the feudal lords are in their own camps, and it really takes some effort to sort out an army of 400,000 at a time.

"TMD, don't run away, yes! That means you, June 4, 64, return to your place immediately!"

"And you, is that where you stand? Look up at the flag!""

"You guys, where's the flag?"

He used almost all his civil servants and generals to solve all kinds of strange things.

Finally, when noon came, Yuan Shu would finally have sorted out the 400,000 army.

Although the soldiers were still stunned, they were able to stand in a row and look decent.

Looking up at the scorching sun, Liu Biao came to Yuan Shu and said tremblingly, "Lord Yuan, you see it's noon, should we let the soldiers have a meal first..."

Eat your uncle!

Yuan Shu immediately wanted to curse.

Laozi finally got the army in order, you tell me to disband and go back to dinner?

Okay, come back from dinner and wait in line for another afternoon, it's time to finish the meal again, is the battle still going to be fought?

"Send the order, before sunset, take Luoyang City, and after entering Luoyang City, you will triumphantly eat meat and drink!"

As a result, the army of 400,000 people slowly marched towards Luoyang City with an empty stomach.

When the soldiers and horses of Luoyang were eager to see through, finally, a large-scale army of feudal lords appeared outside the city of Luoyang.

"Come! Here they come!"

The soldiers who were in charge of watching on the city happily pointed to the princes under the city, their faces full of excitement.

Guys, you are finally here.

Looking at the excited soldiers, Cao Cao was silent.

Could it be that after spending a long time with white and black, everyone will become crazy?

It was clearly about to face a coalition of 400,000 princes, so why did you feel that the soldiers were so excited?

"Oh, I'm here!"

As soon as he heard that the allied army of the princes had arrived, Xiao He immediately got up with a bang, climbed to the city wall and looked down at the city.

As seen in the telescope, the two wings are cavalry, the middle is infantry, and the rest do not have any special arrangement, which can be said to be simple and not simple.

It's no wonder that Yuan Shu IV's third prince, who is also a direct son, grew up playing with women, and suddenly played with soldiers and horses, he must be a little uncomfortable.

But that didn't stop him from pretending to be coercive, I saw him riding on a high-headed horse, with his head held high, and he was scolding the city: "Tie Cao! Come out and die!

Baihei looked back at Cao Cao: "'What about you. ’]

Cao Cao: Thank you for reminding me!

"Little Rui Beast, come with me to the celebration banquet. 35

Looking at Yuan Shu and the others under the city, the First Emperor had no interest at all.

One by one, the melons and jujubes are crooked, and the Great Wall Corps will come over and keep you and beat you to the point of crying!

【‘Go ahead, eat quickly after you finish. ’]

After giving a random order, Bai Hei quickly followed Shi Huang back to the palace for dinner.

Cao Cao on the side wiped away his sweat silently, good guy, there are 400,000 troops anyway, you two are too shameless.

I wonder how Yuan Shu would feel if he found out about this?

But to be on the safe side, he couldn't do it.

When he came to the city wall and saw that the alliance of the princes was getting close, Cao Cao said to Xiao He: "Master Xiao, let's start?

Xiao He shook his head: "It's not close enough, when the Wudang Flying Army's poisonous crossbow projectile distance is not enough, the lethality will not be enough, and so on.

"Good. 35

Cao Cao responded immediately.

"Cao thief! Traitor! Evil thief!

Yuan Shu, who won the true biography of Ma Chao, aimed at Cao Cao's ancestral tomb and began to export all kinds of things. He didn't care about the old, the young, the big or the small.

After a random output, it seems to have no effect except for the dry mouth and boredom of scolding myself.

The city was still quiet, and there was no movement.

"My lord, it is not time to delay, your subordinates suggest that you enter the army immediately!"

The person who spoke was Yan Xiang.

"Kill me!

Facing the tall city wall of Luoyang, Yuan Shu gave an order, and the army of 400,000 walked in a chaotic manner toward the Luoyang city in front of him.

Seeing that the distance is almost there, Xiao He waved the flag in his hand:

"The first team, go! 99

Soon, the corners of the city, the bottom of the city, the streets and alleys... all the pre-set command flag positions raised the command flag one by one.

The people guarding the gate of the city quickly saw the raised flag: the first team, go!

The east and west gates of Luoyang City opened wide, and two thousand incomparably fierce iron-eating beasts roared and rushed out from the east and west of the city, heading straight to the south of the city.

"Huh? What sound?

Several princes glanced at each other and looked around strangely.

They seem to hear the roar of the beast?

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Not long after, the earth began to tremble, and the smoke and dust rose from the east and west of Luoyang City.

"What is this?

・・For flowers....

Yuan Shu suddenly had a very bad feeling.

Sure enough, at the next moment, a white-striped tiger leaped out of the dust first, and under the gaze of the allied forces of the princes, rushed straight into the army formation!


The cavalry on the two flanks of the allied forces of the princes soon became commotion, and they suddenly found that they began to disobey their orders when they got off their horses.


When the holy beast, the white tiger, arrived at the coalition cavalry army, it roared in the sky, and the sound shook the four fields, and the entire mountains, rivers and the earth trembled!

In an instant, the horses who had been restless in their place completely lost their patience.

They began to run in all directions, and some even rushed back to their main formations and jumped into the infantry formations.

Obviously, this is just the beginning.

Under the terrified eyes of the princes, countless iron-eating beasts followed behind the holy beast, the white tiger, and launched a frantic attack on the cavalry on both wings!

Their huge bodies rushed into the coalition army, and every time they charged, the soldiers or horses in front of them were knocked away, causing them to splatter blood on the spot.

If there are soldiers who can't dodge, they will be directly trampled under their feet and crushed into flesh!

Lu Xun said that panic is the greatest enemy of mankind.

Moreover, panic is more contagious than any disease.

For the current alliance of princes, there is no more true truth than these two sentences.

Seeing the iron-eating beast in front of him bite at his accomplice, and bite him off at the waist, the fallen leg just landed in front of Yuan Shu.

A fishy smell spread immediately, but it was quickly covered up by the bloody smell.

Yes, Yuan Shu was frightened.

It is not that he has never seen the cruelty of war, but it is the first time that it is similar to the one-sided massacre in front of him.

Almost in an instant, from the appearance of the Panda Rui Army to the collapse of the coalition forces, it took less than a few breaths before and after.

Different from the intimidation of the holy beast, the White Tiger, the Panda Sharp Army is extremely psychic, and they are all attacking weapons!

At the same time as each impact, they would wave their arms indiscriminately around them, and each wave would take away the lives of several people.


Or, a blood hole was pulled out in the chest by the claws of the iron-eating beasts.

Either it was carried into the air by the claws of some iron-eating beast, and then fell straight to the ground, and was trampled into a muddy flesh by the panicked crowd.

At this moment, the soldiers of the coalition army have no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth.

They run wildly, aimlessly, without direction, and now they just want to get rid of the terrifying beasts around them!

Gradually, with the passage of time, the smell of blood in the coalition army became heavier and heavier.

The blood of the soldiers merged into rivers of blood on the ground, and finally mixed with the soil on the ground and turned into blood mud.

This is the best interpretation of blood drifting!

Seeing that it was almost time, Xiao He quickly raised the second command flag.

"No flying army, shoot!"

The number of Wudang Flying Army was 10,000, and they simultaneously threw out the crossbow arrows in their hands.

Those who can't dodge will be nailed to the ground immediately, and then, shot into a sieve.

Even for those soldiers who were lucky not to be nailed to the ground, once they got caught with these poisonous arrows, the wounds would gradually itch and fester, until finally, their whole body turned blue and purple, and they died from foaming at the mouth.

Surrounded by ferocious man-eating monsters, and an endless rain of poisonous arrows overhead, the coalition soldiers at this moment no longer know where to break out.

Incessant cries shrouded the entire coalition position, and the soldiers cried out for their fathers and mothers, hugging their heads and squirming away.

At this moment, they don't even care about the weapons in their hands, how can they care about attacking the city?

After throwing a dozen rounds of poisonous arrows, Zhou Yu finally stretched out his right hand and stopped the attack.

Now, the coalition forces have long since collapsed and fled in all directions, and it is of little significance to shoot poisonous crossbows again.

Keenly noticing the changes in the situation on the battlefield, Xiao He quickly raised the third command flag: "Daqin Vermilion Bird Repeating Crossbow Sergeant, take off!

"Decapitation, start!"

Two thousand Vermillion Birds took off from Luoyang City, and swooped down from the direction of the city head at an extremely fast speed.

At this time, the Panda Rui Army has retreated from the two wings, and the Suzaku organ beasts can launch unbridled attacks!

Two thousand flames shot out at the same time, instantly turning the position of the allied forces of the princes into a sea of ​​fire.

The original bloody smell was immediately covered up by the smell of burning, and many soldiers of the dead princes' coalition army were cremated on the spot.

Alive and dead, all with flames.

But, it's not over yet.

In midair, Gao Chong skillfully manipulated the telescope in his hand to find the positions of Yuan Shu and the others.

He quickly found where the princes were - the only remaining shield formation in the collapsed army formation was too conspicuous for them in the sky.


Without any unnecessary nonsense, two thousand Zhuge bolts shot out immediately, ten rounds in a row, a full twenty thousand bolts, and fell in the direction of Yuan Shu and other princes like a downpour.

The large shields in the hands of the shield soldiers who were responsible for protecting the princes were suddenly filled with crossbow arrows.

(Since square iron shields were not yet popular at this time, most shields were composite shields composed of bamboo, lacquer, leather, wood and other materials, which were specially used to defend against bows and arrows.

Although the crossbow is impenetrable, it can be stuck on it, and it can "borrow arrows" every time the war ends while defending. )

"Spit fire!"

Aiming at the shield full of crossbow arrows, Gao Chong quickly ordered.

The two thousand Suzaku Organ Beasts aimed at the shield again and spewed out flames.

All of a sudden, the crossbow arrow on the shield caught fire, and then gradually, the shield became more and more hot to the touch, until finally, it couldn't be grasped and had to be thrown aside.

But as a result, the opportunity was immediately seized by Da Qin Ruishi in the sky.

"Shooting again!

Another 20,000 rounds of crossbow rain, without a shield to protect Yuan Shu and his followers were quickly pierced and killed instantly.

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