I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 170 The Allied Forces Defeat! Death will make it clear to you!

Seeing Yuan Shu's heart being pierced by thousands of arrows, Gao Chong immediately directed the Vermilion Bird Organ Beast to fly back to Luoyang City in a detour.

His mission is to kill Yuan Shu and other princes. Now that the mission is completed, he must not be greedy for success and affect the next attack.

Seeing that the two thousand Vermillion Birds had withdrawn towards the city, Xiao He quickly raised the fourth command flag.

Time to cover up!

At this moment, the allied army of the princes had long since collapsed. Not only did the alliance leader Yuan Shu die, but the other princes also fled in all directions.

After the coalition soldiers, who were already panicking, had no unified command, those who could run immediately ran away.

Those who couldn't run directly squatted down, holding their heads and shouting: "Surrender! I surrender!"

According to the prior agreement, Guan Yu and Dian Wei respectively led two thousand Wei Wu soldiers and eight thousand infantry troops to rush out from the south of the city.

Cao Chun and Zhao Yun also led 3,000 tiger and leopard cavalry and 5,000 Cao battalion cavalry respectively to cover up the allied forces of the princes from the left and right flanks.

Under the impact of the Panda Rui Army, the horse army of the allied feudal lords had long since been depleted. As a result, the infantry was quickly exposed to the firepower of Cao Ying's cavalry army.

"If you don't want to die, put down your weapon and squat down!"

Unlike the imagined scenes of wanton massacres on horses, because the allied forces of the princes had completely lost their combat effectiveness, Cao Chun, Zhao Yun and others went back and forth, except for intimidation, it was almost useless to fight.

After just detouring for a few laps, in the huge coalition army position, tens of thousands of coalition soldiers all squatted on the ground.

Except for those who had run far away and could not catch up, the rest were caught up by the Tigers and Leopards and Cao Ying's cavalry, and they were captured and held under the city.

Seeing that the overall situation was settled, Xiao He on the top of the city immediately raised the last red flag in his hand.

"The whole army withdraws and sweeps the battlefield!"

Looking at the lords and soldiers squatting in front of Luoyang City, Xiao He said coldly.

Soon, Cao Cao personally brought people to the city and gathered his soldiers.

At this point, the Battle of Luoyang City was completely over.

When Xiao He brought the two captives to the palaces of Bai Hei and the First Emperor, the two were feasting around the hot pot.

Compared with Qin, the food variety in the late Eastern Han Dynasty was much richer!

"Master Rui Beast, Liu Biao of Jingzhou, Liu Zhang of Yi "Seven-Five Zero" state has been captured by our army and is now outside the hall.

['Huh? What about Cao Thief's servant, ask him to come too!']

Baihei swallowed a piece of fragrant beef and waved at Xiao He.

Just kidding, just after the war, Cao Cao disappeared?

You must know that he has benefited from this war no less than White and Black!

"Yes, Lord Rui Beast, I will send someone to call him."

Although on the surface Cao Cao was the ruler of Luoyang City, in fact, even the generals of Cao Ying, such as Zhao Yun and Dian Wei, knew that the real rulers were the First Emperor and Bai Hei.

It didn't take long for Xiao He to find Cao Cao.

At this time, Cao Cao's face was full of joy, and he seemed to be in a lot of spirit.

【‘Yo, Cao Thief is in good spirits. to 1

Bai Hei glanced at him and joked.

"Thanks to Your Majesty and Lord Rui Beast.

Seeing that Xiao He and others called Bai Zhu "Lord Rui Beast", Cao Cao followed the local customs and called him "Lord Rui Beast".

"In this battle, we captured 250,000 soldiers!


Cao Cao is a person who is most affectionate and passionate, so he couldn't help laughing as he spoke.

Who would have thought that, with the help of 30,000 to 40,000 horses, tens of thousands of feudal feudal coalition forces were actually beheaded, and so many prisoners were captured.

The 250,000 soldiers will be Cao Cao's army in the future!

【‘I said Cao Thief, you have obtained so many benefits this time, how are you going to thank us?】

"As long as the Lord Rui Beast instructs, I will do my best in the future. 39

Cao Cao knew very well in his heart that without the First Emperor and Bai Hei, he would not be able to win this battle of great disparity.

Whether it is the Panda Ruijun who shocked the allied forces of the princes or the Daqin Suzaku Ruishi, which one is not the number one in the world?

Not to mention in battle, right now, as long as the First Emperor and Bai Hei are willing, is it not easy to destroy Cao Cao?

Moreover, at the moment, Yuan Shu is dead, and the other princes are also defeated, either captured or killed, and the whole world is in chaos. At this moment, only Cao Cao holds the emperor and has a heavy army.

Since Bai Zhu and Shi Huangdi have given him so much, Cao Cao knows his gratitude and will spare no effort to do things for Bai Zhu.

【‘You have just won a battle, so you can’t have a celebration feast?’】

【‘A celebration banquet is not allowed to order ingredients or anything?’】

【‘What’s wrong with this broken Luoyang. ’]

After Bai Hei said this, Cao Cao immediately understood.

Think about it, since Dong Zhuo burned down the palace and moved the capital to Chang'an, Luoyang City has almost turned into a ruin.

Not to mention fruits and vegetables, not even half of the grain is left.

Before the victory, Cao Cao was still able to send troops and horses to and from Luoyang and other cities to transport food for Baihei, Shi Huangdi and others.

Right now, they have just won a big victory, and they are bound to hold a grand celebration feast.

In this way, the amount of ingredients required cannot be underestimated, and it is necessary to prepare it in advance.

"Lord Rui Beast, let's do it now.

Wanting to understand what Bai Hei wanted, Cao Cao immediately ordered.

"Little Rui Beast, why do you suddenly feel in the mood to hold a celebration banquet?"

The first emperor was very curious, wasn't Bai and Hei always lazy?

【‘Old Zhao, what do you think, we have to stick to this place for more than half a month, how long has it been now, and there are still a full seven days! 】

['And Cao Cao took such a big advantage this time, how could he easily let him go!']

Listening to Bai Hei's complaints, the First Emperor smiled slightly.

No matter what Xiao Rui Beast does, it will not suffer, even if Cao Cao gets a bargain this time, if he doesn't spit out some, I'm afraid Xiao Rui Beast will not agree.

For three full days, besides sleeping and basking in the sun, Baihei supervised Cao Cao's handling of the ingredients.

Under the surveillance of Bai Hei, Cao Cao sent people to search all the surrounding prefectures, not to mention black, white, yellow, green, as long as they were delicious and could be used as ingredients, they all came over.

In addition, in order to please Bai Hei and Shi Huangdi, he also sent people to various states and counties to seek various beauties, singers, dancers and the like.

So, three days later, Luoyang City, which was almost empty, suddenly became lively.

Not only were all kinds of ingredients continuously transported from other prefectures to Luoyang City, but the princes who were defeated and fled back also offered their own singers and dancers in order to protect themselves.

For three days, the four gates of Luoyang City were in an endless stream.

Of course, while doing these things, Cao Cao did not forget one thing, robbing tombs!

What to do without money?

How are you rich?

Tomb Raiders!

In order to support this huge expenditure and the military expenses for taking prisoners, Cao Cao robbed all the large and small tombs around Luoyang according to the "Tomb Robbery Guide" obtained in the air transport space.

Regardless of whether it is a thick or thin burial, whether it is a king or a feudal lord, as long as Cao Cao finds it, without exception, he will open it all up, take away the gold and silver, and the rest of the fall will not commit any crimes.

In this way, not only will there be military expenses, but it will also be much more convenient to hold a celebration banquet.

Even, after Cao Cao obtained a lot of gold and silver, in order to make Bai Hei and Shi Huang happy, he also renovated the palace where Bai Hei and Shi Huang lived.

At the same time, in order to be able to stay in Luoyang for a long time, he also repaired the city wall of Luoyang, which really took a lot of effort.

Finally, on the fourth day, according to Baihei's request, Cao Cao did all the work.

Although there are still some ingredients that cannot be found temporarily, it is still easy to cook cattle and slaughter sheep.

On the day of the celebration feast, Cao Cao mobilized 5,000 troops and horses to defend the city, while cooking cattle and slaughtering sheep, rewarding the whole army.

In addition, a banquet was held in the main hall to entertain Baihei and Shi Huangdi.

Whether it is ingredients or cooks, Cao Cao's selection is extremely first-class.

When he wanted to come, this celebration banquet would satisfy Bai Hei and the First Emperor no matter what.

As soon as the show started, Cao Cao raised the wine vessel in his hand and bowed to Bai Hei and Shi Huangdi: "I am able to be today thanks to the cultivation of Your Majesty and Lord Rui Beast, and once again, Cao will worship the two.

After speaking, Cao Cao raised the wine vessel and drank it all at once.

Bai Zhu: ['Oh. ’]

Shi Huangdi: "Hmm. 35

The two of them choked Cao Cao.

Why don't you play cards according to the routine?

At this time, shouldn't we be humble first, no no, it's all Mengde's own merits, and then toast each other, and it's fun?

However, Bai Hei and Shi Huang felt at ease.

If it wasn't for them, Cao Cao's bones would have been crushed by the princes at this moment.

With a slight smile, Cao Cao didn't mind, and immediately pointed to the wine and dishes in front of him: "This is a cook I specially transferred from Xuchang. The cooking tastes very good, please taste it."

After speaking, Cao Cao made a "please" gesture to Bai Hei and Shi Huangdi, then sat down and started eating.

Cao Cao has spent a lot of time for the celebration banquet, and he is confident that he will satisfy Baihei and the first emperor!

But the next moment, after just taking a small bite, Bai Hei couldn't help but spit the dish on the ground.

【‘What do you make that people eat?’】

His actions quickly attracted the attention of everyone present, including Cao Cao.

"Could it be that these dishes cannot satisfy Lord Rui Beast?"

Cao Cao asked curiously.

Before Bai Zhi could say anything, Shi Huangdi put down his chopsticks silently, and spit out the wine and vegetables in his mouth mercilessly.

Cao Cao was even more astonished, because the first emperor was also not satisfied with the wine and food.

Soon, something even more surprising happened to him.

Gao Chong, Yuwen Chengdu, Xiao He... The first emperor and the generals brought by Bai Hei all put down their chopsticks!

"Everyone this is... 99

Cao Cao was stunned.

No wonder, it is normal to have difficulty swallowing after eating the food and wine in Jingyang Tower after eating the food in front of you.

"These wines and dishes are indeed a bit unpalatable.

Seeing that everyone was silent, the First Emperor glanced at Cao Cao and said.

"Go and call Xu Chong!"

Cao Cao immediately patted the table, shouting and ordering the cook to be brought up.

Not long after, Xu Chong was escorted to the palace by two soldiers.

"Xu Chong, Your Majesty is not satisfied with the food and drink you made, what's the matter?"

Before Xu Chong was cooking, Cao Cao told him that he must not make any mistakes.

But in the end, something went wrong.

"Impossible, the dishes I cook will never go wrong. 35

Xu Chong, a famous cook in the Three Kingdoms period, his ancestor was the royal cook in the imperial palace, and he was lost in the countryside after Dong Zhuo moved the capital.

A few days ago, Cao Cao just happened to find him, and he attracted Luoyang.

For Cao Cao's questioning, Xu Chong dismissed him and looked extremely proud.

I saw him with his head held high, he came to Bai Hei without anyone else, picked up his chopsticks, and ate a mouthful of the dish in front of Bai Hei in front of everyone's eyes.

Baihei: Are you polite?

Who are you looking down on?

Subconsciously, Bai Zhu immediately stretched out his claws and taught him a lesson.

But what everyone did not expect was that after Xu Chong finished eating, he laughed and looked extremely presumptuous.

"Nonsense! What are you laughing at!

Cao Cao immediately scolded him. If he offended Shi Huangdi and Bai Hei, he would definitely smash Xu Chong's body into thousands of pieces!

"I laugh all over the prince, but I don't even know how to eat vegetables, it's ridiculous! It's ridiculous!

Ay Ya I gi?

Looking at Xu Chong who was extremely arrogant and arrogant in front of him, Bai Hei withdrew his claws.


"How dare you talk nonsense, come here, fork out!"

Cao Cao took care of Bai Zhu and Shi Huangdi's face, and immediately lowered his face.

In fact, a similar situation occurred when Cao Cao invited Xu Chong.

However, because he wanted to cook some delicious meals for Bai Hei and Shi Huangdi, Cao Cao didn't care, he just put up with it.

Xu Chong's family is all cooking, and his cooking skills are well-known, so it is inevitable that he is a little arrogant.

But it also depends on the situation. Right now, when the First Emperor and Bai Hei were both there, Xu Chong not only ate Bai and Hei's food and drink, but also shouted and made a fuss about everyone present.

"Come on, get it now!


Just when Cao Cao was afraid of offending Shi Huangdi and Baihei, Baihei stretched out his claws and called to stop.

【'Are you confident in your cooking skills?'】

Baihei looked at the arrogant chef in front of him and asked.

"Sorry, I don't understand bird language."

At the moment when Bai Hei spoke, Xu Chong was very surprised.

He never imagined that the iron-eating beast in front of him could actually speak?

He specially picked the food in front of Bai Hei's eyes, but he didn't expect the Iron Eater to be so humane.

But at the moment, the cow has been blown out, and it is about to hold it to the end!


Gao Chong immediately slapped the case.

Good guy, Xu Chong was the first person who dared to treat Bai Hei like this.

Just when Gao Chong wanted to hit Xu Chong with a hammer, Bai Hei suddenly stretched out his claws, and then shouted fiercely at Xu Chong's face!

"Crack! 35

A big mouth flew Xu out as a fan!

Xu Chong, who fell to the ground, felt that the world was spinning, and his eyes were filled with stars.

"Don't worry, Lord Rui Beast, I will drag this person down immediately..."

Cao Cao, who was beside him, quickly wanted to smooth the game, but Baihei didn't give him a chance, so he rushed in front of Xu Chong with a stride, and his speed was inversely proportional to his bloated body.

Picking up Xu Chong's collar with his left hand, Bai Hei freed up his right hand and slapped Xu Chong's face one after another.


【‘This palm will teach you what human words are!”


['This palm will teach you how to cook!']


['This palm... Laozi is upset, and wants to hit you!']

On Xu Chong's face, Bai Hei tried his newly developed combo punch, not to mention, the effect was not bad.

After some white and black exercise, Xu Chong's face was completely swollen on both sides, so that his eyes could only be narrowed into a slit.

"I'm not convinced! There's nothing wrong with my dishes!

Xu Chong covered his face, his stomach full of grievances.

['Okay, then I'll let you die! l

Bai Hei glared at him, then looked at Cao Cao: ['Where is the kitchen?']

Cao Cao didn't know what Bai Zhu was going to do, so he immediately froze in place, at a loss.

['I said where is the kitchen!']

White and Black increased his tone.

Aren't you Xu Chong the best at cooking, I'll beat you in the way you're best at it!

Then crush all your pride and let you know what bird language is!

"Okay, okay, I'll lead the way myself."

Soon, Cao Cao left with Bai Hei.

The surrounding generals from Daqin, including the first emperor, all smiled silently, it seemed that they had a good time!

On the other hand, several Cao Ying 2.2 generals, such as Zhao Yun, Guan Yu, and Dian Wei, who have never been to Daqin, let alone taste the white and black craftsmanship, are unclear.

What Baihei said just now was the kitchen, could it be that... Mr. Rui Beast wants to cook by himself?

Even Xu Chong, who was kneeling on the ground, was puzzled. Where did the panda go? The kitchen?

Does he also cook?

I have to say that what I encountered today is something that Xu Chong has never dared to think about for decades.

Not long after, Bai Zhu was in front and Cao Cao was behind, and the two walked back in a hurry.


Baihei threw the plate in front of Xu Chong.

[‘The stir-fried waist flower, try it. After eating, hurry up and go on the road. You will not be able to catch the second bus. ’

Although he couldn't understand what Baihei was muttering, Xu Chong could probably guess that this dish should have been made by Baihei himself.

Before opening his mouth to eat, Xu Chong smelled a burst of fragrance.

It tastes completely different from anything I've ever eaten before.

At this time in the Three Kingdoms, there was no such thing as cooking, and even Xu Chong, who was a chef in a family, had no idea about cooking.

But just looking at it, Xu Chong couldn't help but admire: "What a superb knife work.

Baihei pouted, that is, this was cut by the Emperor Dao Xuanyuan Sword, can it be bad?

Trembling, Xu Chong picked up his chopsticks, picked up a piece of stir-fried waist flower and put it in his mouth.

As soon as he entered it, a spicy and delicious feeling rolled in his mouth.

"Good food!""

After only chewing a few mouthfuls, Xu Chong couldn't help but praise.

Not to mention that he has never eaten stir-fried vegetables, even if the ratio of the ingredients and the knives in it are all top-notch!

That's all, it was made with insufficient materials.

If the materials are complete, which Great Qin military general present has not eaten such a delicacy in the world?

【'Is it tasty?'】

Bai Hei smiled and looked at Xu Chong in front of him.

"Delicious! Delicious! 55

Xu Chong couldn't help nodding his head.

['It's good to eat. ’]

【'Drag it out and chop it up!' 1.

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