I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 168 The deployment of the 2 armies

When Xiao He came to the residence of the First Emperor and Bai Hei, Cao Cao happened to be there.

"Reporting to the first emperor, Lord Rui Beast, the coalition forces will be mobilized with more troops tonight, fearing that they will advance tomorrow. 55

In response, Bai Hei turned over: ['Oh. l

The First Emperor waved his hand in disapproval: "Just push them back. 99

After speaking, he continued to read the book in his hand.

Coming to another era can not be in vain. In his spare time, the First Emperor ordered Cao Cao to find a lot of bibliography on describing and evaluating the Qin Dynasty.

Although the Daqin recorded in these bibliographies is not the same as today's, the first emperor still read it with relish.

Initially, he would also be angry at the part of the history book that blacked him.

But over time, he began to treat Qin Dynasty history books as stories, which made it a lot more interesting.

"Meng De, you see what this book has written about me, it's very interesting."

Cao Cao: in

He wanted to say something right now, Your Majesty, tomorrow an army of 400,000 will be attacking the city, and we have no more than 40,000 to 50,000 soldiers at best, so don't you worry?

Seemingly noticing the worry on Cao Cao's face, the First Emperor waved his hand: "Don't worry about Meng De, this matter can be left to Xiao Rui Beast.


The white and black ears on the side moved immediately.

I seem to hear someone say I'm handsome?

【‘Lao Zhao, I said that you are too inauthentic. ’]

For the arrangement of the First Emperor, Bai Zhu gave him a blank eye, okay, why do he push everything on himself?

Handsome people are wrong because they are too handsome!

"Little Rui Beast, I have already arranged a celebration feast. After you line up, we will have dinner right away!"

For the little auspicious beast, the first emperor is not like other people, more, the first emperor seems to be discussing with Baihei.

Cao Cao on the side said that he was very injured.

Guys, the battle hasn't started yet, and you've all started the celebration feast?

['Also...Xiao He, come here, I will teach you how to fight against the allied forces of the princes. ’]

Seeing Xiao Rui Beast's claws move, Xiao He immediately greeted him in tacit agreement: "Master Rui Beast ordered. 99

【'there is always a solution to a problem. 1

['Okay, I'm going to bed.

After speaking, Bai Zhu immediately fell down, turned over and continued to sleep.

Seeing Cao Cao beside him, he was stunned.

Very speechless, he translated the two sentences to Xiao He, and the first emperor expressed his grief!

I told you to line up, is this how you line up?

Cao Cao on the side was also dumbfounded. Could this be the legendary big lazy and small lazy?

However, after listening to these eight words, Xiao He bowed deeply towards Bai Hei: "Thank you, Lord Rui Beast for teaching me.

First Emperor: 6699

Cao Cao: "???"

Bridge bean sack, Cao Cao would like to ask, what did he teach?

Upon seeing this, the First Emperor patted Cao Cao's back: "Meng De, you need to pay more attention to this matter. 750

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will do my best."

Although he was very confused, Cao Cao immediately showed his loyalty.

Now he is firmly tied to the first emperor's chariot, and he can't tolerate any other thoughts!

After saying goodbye to the First Emperor, Cao Cao quickly caught up with Xiao He who had just left.

"Master Xiao, stay!"

Xiao He stopped and turned his head suspiciously: "What is Meng De's order?

"Ah, it's okay, I just came to ask you, what are the best strategies for defending against the enemy?

Cao Cao shook his clothes, his face full of anticipation.

From his point of view, since the First Emperor and Bai Hei have both become shopkeepers, and seeing Xiao He's calm face, it is obvious that he has a plan to defend against the enemy.

After pondering for a while, Xiao He nodded humbly: "I do have some ideas about the strategy to defend against the enemy.

Cao Cao's face immediately beamed with joy, sure enough!

As expected!

"Master Xiao, please speak clearly. 99

When it comes to the topic, Cao Cao is generally very serious.

"Eight characters."

Cao Cao suddenly had a very bad feeling.

The next moment, Xiao He's answer confirmed his thoughts.

"there is always a solution to a problem.

After speaking, Xiao He Shi Shiran left, leaving Cao Cao alone in the wind.

Looking at Xiao He's back, Cao Cao couldn't tell for a while, was he abnormal, or was Shi Huangdi and his group abnormal?

Jokes aside, although large-scale formations are not required, at least strategic arrangements are required.

So, in the same night, Xiao He called all the generals together.

"Now, I will count all the generals including the men and horses, and then assign tasks to you.

"Our current generals are Yuwen Chengdu, Gao Chong, Guan Yu, Zhou Yu, Cao Chun, Cao Cao, Xiao He, Zhao Yun, Dian Wei..."

"We now have soldiers and horses, 2,000 Vermilion Birds with crossbow Daqin Ruishi, 10,000 Wudang Flying Army, 2,000 Panda Rui Army, 3,000 Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, 2,000 Wei Wu soldiers, 10,000 Cao Ying Infantry, cavalry Five thousand troops."5

Compared with the military strength of the allied forces of the princes, although the white and black side is far at a disadvantage in terms of quantity, but in terms of quality, it is far beyond the strength of the combined forces of the princes.

After speaking, Xiao He immediately took out a small note from his pocket.

"Master Xiao, this is...?

"This is the defense against the enemy given to me by Lord Rui Beast.

Pointing to the small note in his hand, Xiao He explained.

At this time, Cao Cao just woke up like a dream. It turns out that Bai Hei seems to be lazy, but in fact, he has already made arrangements!

It is indeed a beast of a country!

Excited, Cao Cao wanted to see what was written on the note.

"Master Xiao, can I see what good strategies are written on it?"


Without any hesitation, Xiao He immediately turned the note back to Cao Cao and glanced at it.

I saw eight big characters written on it: "The soldiers will block, the water will cover!

Cao Cao was numb, completely numb.

You guys are just playing hoops, deceiving me, aren't you?

"Hmm--sama Rui Beast's plan is really profound. 39

Yuwen Chengdu and Gao Chong on the side all nodded their heads as if suddenly realized.

"Eight words that seem simple and unpretentious, but they tell the true meaning of this war. It's really not easy."

"Yes, yes, when will we be able to reach this state?

Cao Cao:

"In this battle, we must be conservative."9

Soon, Xiao He began to make arrangements.

For what Xiao He said, Cao Cao agreed very much.

The enemy is outnumbered and we are outnumbered, if we can't keep a little bit, I'm afraid we will lose our troops and lose our generals!

"So, once the allied forces of the princes launch an attack, the holy beast, the white tiger, will lead the 2,000 sharp panda army to rush out of Luoyang and fight against the combined forces of the princes!"

Cao Cao:

I have lived for decades and have never been so speechless as I am today!

How about conservative?

Conservative enough to go out of the city to meet the enemy in short battle?

In addition to worrying, Cao Cao immediately put forward his own opinion: "Master Xiao, should we be more conservative, such as sticking to Luoyang City?"5

Xiao He first smiled at Cao Cao's statement, then pointed to the note given by Bai Hei and explained, "Look at Meng De, soldiers will come to block, and water will come to cover.

"Maybe in your opinion, it is a very ordinary eight characters, but if you combine the soldiers and horses in our hands, it is easy to understand how we should fight."

Hearing what Xiao He said, Cao Cao noticed something strange. Could it be that, after going around in circles, the clown was actually me?

"Excuse me, Meng De, how many horse troops are there in the allied army of the princes?

Cao Cao lowered his head and thought for a moment: "There are about 100,000 horsemen."

"What will happen to the enemy army once the holy beast, the white tiger, leads a 2,000-strong panda army to appear on the battlefield?

"Frightened and trampled on each other.

With the questions and answers, Cao Cao's mind gradually became alive.

As Xiao He said, even Cao Cao himself was taken aback when he saw the holy beasts Baihu and Panda Ruijun for the first time.

In particular, it is still in a naive form in the land of pandas.

Once the Panda Rui Army is put on the battlefield, all of them will become iron-eating beasts with sharp teeth!

It's not hard to imagine what kind of fear they will have when the war horses of the alliance of princes see the holy beasts White Tiger and Panda Rui Army!

Seeing Cao Cao pondering, Xiao He smiled and nodded: "As Meng De thought, in fact, the eight words of Lord Rui Beast are not empty words."

"It at least shows one point, that is, targeted strategic strikes."

"Whether it is the destruction of the enemy's cavalry by the holy beasts White Tiger and the Panda Sharp Army, the advantage of the Wudang Flying Army over defending the city, or the beheading of the princes by the Suzaku Organ Beast, all targeted strategic strikes come from the source. In this eight-character, the enemy soldiers are to be covered with soil to cover the water.

"In short, maximizing the strategic advantage in hand?

Cao Cao is not stupid, on the contrary, he is smart.

With Xiao He's perseverance, he quickly understood the essence of these eight characters.


Xiao He smiled.

"So this is the reason why Lord Rui Beast did not come in person. All the strategies are in eight words. The rest of the troops and horses are mobilized. As soon as the formation of the allied forces of the princes appears tomorrow, we can send troops accordingly.

Cao Cao didn't speak, he wanted to see, since Xiao He chose the most adventurous way out of the city to fight, how would he deploy in the end?

"Tomorrow, no matter when the allied forces of the princes launch an attack, we can observe their formation on the city beforehand. 99

"If their cavalry is at the forefront, our Panda Rui Army will set off from the main gate. If their cavalry is on the flanks, our Panda Rui Army will split into two groups, starting from the east and west of the city, and then detour to the Seongnam carries out the assault. 99

Cao Cao nodded frequently to Xiao He's arrangement, so that he could maximize the role of Panda Ruijun.

As long as it is guaranteed that the enemy (bbcc) they attack at the first time is the cavalry, then the horses of the cavalry will cause a devastating blow to the infantry behind them!

Once the cavalry is frightened and rushes into the battle formation of the infantry, not only will the entire attack be completely collapsed, but just by trampling on each other, the allied forces of the princes will kill and injure many people!

"In addition, when the enemy is getting closer, the Wudang Flying Army can use the projectile method to project the poisonous crossbow in their hands into the army formation of the coalition army."

Poison crossbow, projectile!

It is the two major characteristics of Wudang Flying Army. The two characteristics complement each other and cleverly avoid the impact of insufficient impact force due to projectiles.

"Master Xiao, will this hurt Panda Ruijun?

Hearing this, Cao Cao couldn't help but ask.

According to Xiao He's arrangement, the Panda Rui Army had already rushed into the enemy's formation at this time. If there was no flying army in the city to project, it would definitely hurt the Panda Rui Army in the army formation.

"Hahaha, Meng De has been thinking too much. You don't know how hard the Panda Ruijun's skin is. It can be called copper skin and iron bones. The crossbow arrows of Wudang Feijun may not even have the ability to leave scratches on them."

Cao Cao nodded, if he explained it like this, then everything would make sense.

"The projectile of the Wudang Flying Army, Zhou Yu, this matter is under your command, and you must act accordingly."

"Take command!

Zhou Yu clasped his fists in a salute and agreed.

"Furthermore, after the Panda Rui Army rushed out of the battle formation and the Wudang Flying Army finished its ejection, Gao Chong, you led two thousand Qin Ruishis to ride on the Suzaku Organ Beast and Zhuge's Crossbow, and searched for the princes' location in the alliance of princes. .99

"Using the fire attack of the tactical beast and the accumulation of Zhuge's crossbow, be sure to kill some of the princes!

Hearing this arrangement, Cao Cao also nodded secretly.

Although there will definitely be shield soldiers around the princes, but with the flexibility of the Suzaku Organ Beast, it can at least kill some princes who are not able to act.

Once their lord dies, won't the rest of the troops disperse immediately?

It can be said that when the arrangement is here, the allied forces of the princes have fallen into chaos, and the rest is to cover up.

Sure enough, at the next moment, Xiao He began to deploy the soldiers and horses to cover up.

"Cao Chun, you lead 3,000 tigers and leopards, Zhao Yun, you lead Cao's 5,000 cavalry troops, after Qin Ruishi's attack, set off from the west and east of the city, and you must defeat the allied forces of the princes in one battle.


The two immediately clasped their fists.

"Gao Chong, Guan Yu, Dian Wei, you led two thousand Wei Wu soldiers and eight thousand Cao Ying infantry troops to attack from the south of the city, echoing the cavalry on the two flanks. 99

"In addition, you three troops must remember that you can only kill without encircling. 99

"The commander-in-chief!

The three shouted in unison.

"Yuwen Chengdu, you lead two thousand Cao Ying infantry, as a mobile force, support all the ministries at any time.""


At this point, all Xiao He's military arrangements have ended.

"Master Xiao, dare to ask why you only kill but not surround?"

In this regard, Cao Cao thought about it for a long time and did not understand. Shouldn't he take advantage of this time to vigorously weaken the strength of the princes?

"Meng De didn't know, I deliberately left the southern side of the allied forces of the princes and did not encircle them, so I just let them flee.

"Our purpose is to garrison Luoyang City and control the Marquis of Han Xian. Once the allied forces of the princes fall to the dead, the ability of the 400,000 army to counterattack should not be underestimated.

"And we only have tens of thousands of soldiers and horses. Once the soldiers join forces, even if we can kill them all, we will definitely pay a heavy price."

After Xiao He's explanation, Cao Cao woke up like a dream, suddenly realized, and immediately bowed to Xiao He: "As expected of Mr. Xiao!"

The Three Heroes of the Early Han Dynasty!

Although he is not the best at military, he has been with Baihei for a long time and can always learn a little bit.

Right now, since Han Xin and others are not here, let Xiao He top it!

"Okay, it's getting late, there will be a big battle tomorrow, everyone, rest on the spot.

In order to prevent the allied forces of the princes from attacking at night, Xiao He ordered all the soldiers to rest in an organized manner near the city gate, and their clothes were untidy.

As for the generals, all of them were unified and dealt with for one night in the armory at the head of the city.

In this way, even if the allied forces of the princes carry out a surprise attack, they will be able to deal with it calmly.

After the generals and soldiers in Luoyang City had a rest, the quarrel in the camp of the allied forces of the feudal lords under the city was raging.

It turned out that, according to the original plan, Liu Zhang would lead 100,000 people to attack the east of Luoyang alone.

The reason why Liu Zhang agreed at that time was because he didn't think too much.

However, after returning to the camp, Zhang Ren, Li Yan and other knowledgeable officials and generals immediately expressed their opposition.

If Liu Zhang's 100,000 infantry were not covered by cavalry, once Cao Cao's tigers and leopards rode out of the city to kill the enemy, their 100,000 infantry would be like little girls who want to take off their clothes in front of the enemy and be slaughtered!

Therefore, Liu Zhang found Yuan Shu overnight, Yuan Shu failed to succeed after several persuasion, so he had to call up the other princes overnight and continue to discuss.

"I said Ji Yu, you're thinking too much. Cao Cao in Luoyang City has no more than 30,000 troops. How dare he go out of the city to fight with you?"

Liu Biao stretched out his hand, yawned loudly, and blamed him.

Before coming, Li Yan and Zhang Ren had prepared reasons for Liu Zhang.

"Jing Sheng's statement is bad. Cao Cao is a traitor in the world. If he sees a fighter opportunity, can't he seize the opportunity immediately?"

"Since my infantry has no cover, how can they attack the city?"

Liu Zhang's words were right, Liu Biao thought for a while, and then nodded impatiently: "Then we will mobilize fifty thousand from the cavalry of Yuan Alliance to cover you!"

All he was thinking about now was how to go back to sleep quickly.

I was already old, and today I rode on a horse for a day, but I couldn't rest now. Liu Biao said that he was very tired.

"That can't be done, how can I cover my army of hundreds of thousands with only 50,000 cavalry?

Yuan Shu, the leader of the alliance, refused without thinking.

But soon, his words were caught by Liu Zhang:

"What Yuan ally said is very true, how can a 100,000-strong army not even have 50,000 cavalry troops to attack the city?"


Yuan Shu was at a loss for words.

Liu Zhang obviously seized the loophole in what he said just now and forced himself to mobilize the cavalry for him.

But what he said just now was indeed said by his own mouth. If he did not admit it at this time, he would lose the bearing of the leader.

"Then what does Ji Yu want to do? The cavalry can't be mobilized any more, and all the offensive strategies have been decided.

Yuan Shu waved his hand, his face full of impatience.

But he could not but satisfy Liu Zhang. If Liu Zhang withdraws, the alliance of the princes will lose a lot of help, and the established offensive strategy will be difficult to carry out.

"I think that since Alliance Leader Yuan can no longer separate the cavalry, then I, 100,000 horses, will follow behind Alliance Leader Yuan, just enough to concentrate our superior forces to attack the city.

"I agree, I agree."

Liu Biao yawned and raised his hands in agreement.

In his opinion, Cao Cao has only 30,000 people, how could he need so many strategies, or he would not have chosen to be the vanguard, would he?

"Since everyone agrees, let's change the attack strategy. Ji Yu's 100,000 infantry will follow behind the central army as the rear army. 99

"What the ally said is."

He raised his hand perfunctorily, and the princes quickly left.

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