I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 156 White and Black Release Guan Yu, Yuan Benchu ​​Raises the 3 Armies!

Just when Meng Huo was worried, there was another bang.

Xiao He walked out with a group of Wei Wu soldiers, each of them holding a bucket of food in front of them.

"Don't get me wrong, the King of Nanman, His Majesty the First Emperor is merciful, he will not use troops against the King of Nanman, and he will give these grains to the King of Nanman."


Hearing what Xiao He said, Meng Huo's expression changed. Could it be that this bow and arrow is a good thing?

Seeing Meng Huo's doubts, Xiao He continued:

"Of course, these grains are not given for nothing. If the king of Nanman doesn't mind, the general who is surrounded by you in your formation can be handed over to us."5

When Xiao He said this, Meng Huo immediately understood.

"You want to use these grains in exchange for that military general with a red face?"


Xiao He nodded and smiled: "If King Nanman thinks it's not good, we don't mind fighting with you, and then we can grab it by grabbing it."

In this wave, Xiao He can be described as a combination of grace and power.

If you agree, not only will you get food, but you only need to pay for a general who has nothing to do with you.

But if you don't agree, then we don't mind burning the vines!

Comparing the two, even Meng Huo knew how to choose.

"It's just a military general, since the First Emperor liked it, I gave it to you.

With a big wave of Meng Huo's hand, Zhu Rong and Wu Tugu immediately attacked from left and right. With the help of the Viking Berserkers, Guan Yu was quickly captured.

Then, after tying it up, he handed it over to Xiao He.

"Thank you.

Xiao He cupped his hands, and immediately took Guan Yu, followed behind Bai Hei, and returned to Luoyang City.

Immediately afterwards, the First Emperor ordered the removal of the Suzaku Mechanic Beast in the air and the Wudang Flying Army on the city.

After obtaining grain and rice, Meng Huo's Fujijia army had food, and Meng Huo himself temporarily forgot the idea of ​​withdrawing troops.

In his opinion, rather than withdrawing troops hastily, it is better to stay under the city and spy on fighter planes, and maybe they can make some contributions at that time.

So, after receiving the grain, Meng Huo ordered the Fujijia army to camp and rest in place when he saw the first emperor withdrew.

In the city, Guan Yu, who was tied up with five flowers, was sent to the first emperor and Bai Hei. No two gave orders, and no one dared to release Guan Yu.

"You are Guan Yunchang?"


Guan Yu was neither humble nor arrogant, standing in the middle of the camp.

Originally, he did not intend to speak, but after all, it was the two people in front of him who saved his life.

Guan Yu has always had clear grievances and grievances, so he is also kind to answer.

"Come on, let go."

The First Emperor waved to Yuwen Cheng, who was beside him.

Yuwen Chengdu immediately stepped forward and helped Guan Yu 11 untie the rope.

During this process, Guan Yu could clearly feel the terrifying aura coming from the big man beside him. This man's martial arts skills are by no means inferior to him!

if it is like this……

Guan Yu was lost in thought.

Originally, when he saw Xiao He appear and was willing to exchange food for his own life from Meng Huo.

Guan Yu is arrogant.

He thought that the people in the city just took a fancy to his martial arts and wanted to recruit him.

After being deceived by Liu Bei, he was no longer willing to trust anyone.

But now, the most obvious thing is that the martial arts of this big man who has loosened his bonds are far superior to him!

This surprised him unceasingly. It seemed that he was treating the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

Immediately, he knelt down on one knee and bowed solemnly to the First Emperor and Bai Hei: "In Xia Guan Yu, thank you two for not killing them.

Saying that, his eyes stayed on Bai Hei's body for a few more seconds.

He had seen an iron-eating beast once in the mountains, but the one in front of him seemed different.

It can be seen from the eyes that this iron-eating beast is full of human emotions.

Especially the kind of light-hearted demeanor that made Guan Yu secretly amazed.

【‘Where are you going next?’】

Through Gao Chong's mouth, the white and black hair asked.

Hearing Bai Hei's question, Guan Yu immediately lowered his head and thought for a while, then quickly raised his head.

"The world is so big that there is no place for Guan Yu. 35

"In the beginning, a certain followed his eldest brother Liu Bei and became brothers with the two of them. 99

"But in the end, he was betrayed by Liu Bei's fellow, and now he is even more graceful.

"The third brother is already dead, even if he wants to take revenge, he is powerless..."

When he came out of the coalition, Guan Yu had three thousand infantry by his side, but now, apart from a Qinglong Yanyue Saber, he no longer had any soldiers or horses.

But then, Guan Yu suddenly realized.

The two people in front of you are trying to let go of yourself?

In order to save themselves, they paid so much food.

At this moment, Guan Yu hesitated.

Could it be that he is really going to be devastated by Liu Bei's betrayal and travel around the world?

Look at the majestic generals around here, and then look at the generals standing beside the two.

It is not difficult to see just by looking at it with the eyes, the martial arts of the two must be good, and it is no wonder that others look down on them.

Looking at Luoyang City again, why did the allied forces of the feudal lords also set out and failed to capture it, but the two in front of them were able to occupy it with just their hands?

Moreover, when they dispatched troops to rescue him, he could really see the two thousand "big birds" hovering in the sky!

After so many years of living, it was the first time he had seen such a magical weapon!

Especially looking at Bai Zhu, who is an iron-eating beast but is extremely human, Guan Yu is even more sure that the two people in front of him are definitely not ordinary people.

Immediately, he immediately changed his mind of wandering around the world, turned over and bowed to the ground:

"If the lord does not give up, Guan is willing to do the hard work of dogs and horses!"

The First Emperor and Bai Hei looked at each other and nodded silently.

It seems that this historical Guan Yunchang is indeed a person who knows current affairs.

【‘Get up, from now on you will follow Gao Chong and work under my account. ’]

Bai Hei waved his claws and motioned for Gao Chong to place Guan Yu down.

"My lord is on, Guan Yu still has something unknown."

【'Say. ’]

"With your lord's strength, even a mere threat can force Meng Huo to release Guan, why did your lord give him so much food in vain?"

"This matter is unknown to someone, please enlighten me.

As we all know, Guan Yu is a fierce general, but at the same time, he is also a wise general.

Since he is a wise general, if he encounters something he doesn't understand, he naturally has to ask clearly.

Facing Guan Yu's question, Bai Hei nodded, yes, it's good to learn.

【‘You can recall, how powerful was Meng Huo’s ten thousand rattan armored army?’】

Bai Hei did not immediately answer Guan Yu's question, but instead asked Guan Yu a question.

After thinking for a while, Guan Yu answered pertinently:

"The combat power is extremely strong, because of the special armor they wear, their overall combat power has increased more than a little bit.

Guan Yu had a personal experience of the fighting strength of the Fujika Army.

First, the third brother Zhang Fei died in the Fujijia army, and then the three thousand infantry were eaten and wiped by the Fujijia army at a very small price.

Even if the sharp and heavy Qinglong Yanyue Knife slashed on the rattan armor, it could only leave a shallow scratch.

['Then since the fighting strength of the Fujijia army is so strong, why not leave Meng Huo behind and let them help us resist the attack from the allied forces of the princes?]

[‘If they withdraw their troops because of lack of food, it will be a big loss for us. It is a ten thousand rattan army. I really don’t know how many princes’ coalition forces can be killed. l

Bai Hei smacked his lips as he spoke, he really wanted to take a good look at the peak combat power of the Fuji Jia Army.

After Bai Hei's explanation, Guan Yu immediately understood, and he drove the tiger and swallowed the wolf!

Once the coalition forces cannot attack Luoyang City for a long time, especially when the attack encounters setbacks, it is bound to kill the enemy and establish a prestige, so Meng Huo, who is an alien, must become the first target.

And once the two armies fought, Meng Huo's Tengjia Army was bound to remove a lot of coalition troops for Luoyang City.

Not only that, although Meng Huo Tengjia's army was astonishingly powerful, after all, the coalition had a large number of soldiers and generals, so in the end Meng Huo had to retreat.

"Thank you, Lord, for your teaching, I will understand at the end.

['Okay, if you have nothing to do, just retire, I'm going out to bask in the sun. ’]

Bai Hei waved his claws impatiently, indicating that Guan Yu could leave.

"The last general...there is one more request.""

Seeing Bai Hei anxiously basking in the sun, Guan Yu was a little embarrassed to speak.

【‘Huh? What else?’】

"The last commander wants to avenge the third brother, if...if the lord gives the last commander a soldier and horse, the last commander will definitely wear a grass ring and do his best!

After hesitating for a long time, Guan Yu still revealed his thoughts and thoughts.

After listening to Guan Yu's request, and looking at Guan Yu's sincere expression, Bai Zhu laughed:

['Chang Yun, don't worry, I will let you cut off Meng Huo's head in the end, how about that?']

"If you can kill Meng Huo personally, Guan is willing to follow the lord for a lifetime!"

Guan Yu immediately bowed to the ground again.

[‘Okay, okay, let’s go back now, I’m going to bask in the sun. 1

Guan Yu: ".....99

This lord is fine with everything, but it seems... a little lazy?

After Guan Yu was settled, Luoyang City regained its calm.

But at this time, it was not very calm outside Luoyang City.

Under Liu Bei's running, all the princes were indignant at the existence of Meng Huo, but when it came to sending troops, no one was willing.

After all, Meng Huo's savage soldiers were famous for their bravery, although he did not know how Meng Huo traveled thousands of miles to arrive at Luoyang City.

But resentment is okay, and they rashly send troops to damage their own strength, and they are unwilling to do so.

Sure enough, Liu Bei almost ran around in the middle of the coming princes, and finally found nothing.

Even, they didn't even bother to perfunctory, and even refused to send troops.

Even Yuan Shu, who was second only to Yuan Shao in strength, only persuaded Liu Bei to stay out of his own business.

After walking around, Liu Bei finally had no choice but to return to Yuan Shao's camp.

Seeing Liu Bei come back with his head bowed, Yuan Shao knew that Liu Bei's lobbying must have failed.

"Xuande, how are things going?"

Since he knew that Liu Bei was bound to fail, Yuan Shao would not miss this good opportunity to ridicule him.

Sure enough, Liu Bei felt even more guilty for Yuan Shao's taunting:

"The lords are unwilling to send troops, it is really..."

As he spoke, a few tears actually flowed from the corners of his eyes.

Seeing Liu Bei doing this again, Yuan Shao waved his hand, stepped forward and gently patted Liu Bei on the shoulder:

"Xuande is relieved, I have already sent someone to know several other princes, and make an appointment: the prince who first defeated Meng Huo, is the leader of the coalition army."5

"This... the highway also promised?

Liu Bei happily raised his head and looked at Yuan Shao.

As long as Yuan Shu also agreed to this matter, then Yuan Shao would definitely be willing to send troops!

"Yes, he agreed!"

"This, this is really the blessing of a big man!

Liu Bei was so happy that he didn't know what to say.

He knew that since the various princes and even Yuan Shu had agreed, Yuan Shao's dispatch of troops had almost become a fact.

"However, I have one more concern."

After the conversation changed, Yuan Shao frowned again.

Liu Bei's heart suddenly "squeaked", not good! Does he want to change his mind?

"I don't know if you had any doubts in the beginning?

"I'm thinking about whether this might be Yuan Shu's plan. Once I send troops to destroy Meng Huo, my strength will definitely be damaged. At that time, he might take this opportunity to contact the various princes and take the lead on the throne of the alliance leader. 99

After Yuan Shao's reminder, Liu Bei also suddenly realized that most of this matter was a fraud.

The expedition against Meng Huo is more to establish prestige, but once he loses the position of the leader of the alliance, it is possible that the gains will outweigh the losses.

But right now, whatever you say you have to persuade Yuan Shao to send troops!

In his heart, Liu Bei immediately persuaded again:

"At first listen to me, but now that the various princes have already agreed, then even if Yuan Shu wants to take the opportunity to become the leader of the alliance, will the other princes be willing to give up?"

"So now, the most important thing for us is how to conquer Meng Huo and reduce losses."

In just a few words, Liu Bei turned the tide and made light of the fact that Yuan Shu could easily break the contract.

Sure enough, Yuan Shao was quickly crippled by Liu Bei:

"Okay, then I will raise troops immediately and attack Meng Huo!""

The news of the expedition against Meng Huo quickly spread to the various camps of the Yuan army, and many people jumped out to oppose it.

Xu You was the most opposed. When he heard that Yuan Shao was going to raise troops to attack Meng Huo, he immediately came to stop him, just in time to catch up with Liu Bei.

"My lord, I heard that you are going to raise an army to attack Meng Huo. I don't know if this is true or false?

"It's true, Xuande and I have discussed it, what do you have to say?

Yuan Shao raised his eyebrows and looked at Xu You.

"My lord, it is absolutely impossible. We have come to Luoyang by an edict, in order to rescue the Son of Heaven."

"But now, the Son of Heaven is in the city of Luoyang waiting to be rescued, and instead of attacking Luoyang, we turned around and attacked Meng Huo.

Liu Bei's heart sank, Xu You said, every sentence is reasonable, if let him succeed, I am afraid Yuan Shao will have no hope of sending troops.

So, he immediately refuted:

"Zi Yuan's words are not good enough."

"Although the coalition forces are very strong now, they have no leader. If they can take advantage of the opportunity to conquer Menghuo, they can establish their prestige among the coalition forces.

"So in the future, the status of the original leader of the alliance will not only be stabilized, it will not only benefit Yuan Jun, but also help Luoyang's use of troops as a whole. It can be said to be beneficial without harm."

Liu Bei's eloquent tongue quickly won Yuan Shao's praise:

"Yes, Xuande's words won my heart.

However, Xu You is also a persistent person, and then he questioned Liu Bei:

"But the bravery of Meng Huo's savage soldiers is well known in the world. How can I explain the death and injury of my Yuan army?"

This was what Yuan Shao was most worried about, so after hearing Xu You's question, he fell silent and acquiesced to Xu You's questioning of Liu Bei.

"Then ask Ziyuan, where did the barbarians come from?

"Naturally it is the South Central region."

After Xu You answered, he secretly said something was wrong.

Sure enough, the next moment Liu Bei released a big move:

"Then ask Ziyuan, since they come from Nanzhong and travel long distances, there is a natural problem of food consumption, not to mention water sources.

"Now that Luoyang City has closed its gates, as long as my army leads my troops, I will be able to trap them in the west of the city.

"They came from a long distance, and they are bound to be exhausted and unsustainable. Didn't our army win in one battle?"

Liu Bei's greatest ability is to speak nonsense with his eyes open.

How could he not know where Meng Huo came from?

It's not the same as he came from the question and answer space of luck. As for the long journey, the people are tired and the horses are exhausted, they are all made up by Liu Bei.

Anyway, Yuan Shao and Xu You didn't know, and they would be hard to dispel even if they talked nonsense.

After all, in their world, they can't believe the luck question and answer space.

Therefore, the reason for Liu Bei's nonsense was immediately approved by Yuan Shao.

"What Xuande said really won my heart, Ziyuan, what else do you have to say?

Looking at Xu You, who was on the side, Yuan Shao actually sided with the outsiders as a lord.

Xu You was speechless and withdrew.

Although Liu Bei's questioning made him speechless, he knew clearly in his heart that Yuan Shao would be damaged in this battle!

Yuan Shao was complacent when he repelled several civil servants and generals who came to persuade him with the same reason.

"My profound virtue is truly a gift from heaven!

Liu Bei had no choice but to smile.

If it wasn't for revenge, how could I be submissive to you?

For a mediocre master like you, you can still have so many soldiers, horses, civil servants and generals under your command. God is really blind!

Yuan Shao had no idea what Liu Bei was thinking.

What he is thinking about now is how to conquer Meng Huo and use this to establish his prestige and become the leader of the coalition army.

Even including Zhang He and Gao Lan who had fought against the Fujijia Army, Yuan Shao did not trust them.

Even though the two of them had clearly stated that Meng Huo's Fujijia army was extremely powerful, Yuan Shao just thought that they were afraid of the enemy and repulsed them.

After a brief discussion with Liu Bei, Yuan Shao quickly rose up, divided his troops into three routes, and headed for Meng Huo in the west of Luoyang City!

On the first route, Liu Bei was the vanguard, along with Yan Liang and Wen Chou, two generals with 80,000 infantry, and headed to the western suburbs of Luoyang to fight Meng Huo.

On the second route, Yuan Shao personally took the town, with Ju Yi as his lieutenants, Zhang He and Gao Lan as assistants, leading an army of 120,000 people, detoured east of Luoyang City, and launched an attack from Meng Huo's rear army.

The third route, with Han Meng as the main general, Chunyu Qiong as the lieutenant, and the 100,000 foot soldiers as the rear army, slowly walked along the city from the front of Luoyang City, preventing the soldiers and horses in the city from supporting Meng Huo and looking for fighters.

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