I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 157 Yan Liang fights Meng Huo! Chengtou "bet"

Although Yuan Shao was dazed, he listened to Liu Bei's bewitchment.

But at the same time, he made adjustments to the assignment of these three people.

The first was the First Route Army, with Liu Bei as the vanguard, along with Yan Liang and Wen Chou, two generals with 80,000 foot soldiers, and headed to the western suburbs of Luoyang to fight Meng Huo.

This army appeared to be headed by Liu Bei, and dispatched 80,000 infantry as the vanguard.

But in fact, Yuan Shao sent Yan Liangwen Chou because of their personalities.

These two are famous generals in Hebei, not only with high martial arts, but also arrogant and arrogant.

Although Liu Bei seemed to be the main vanguard, Yan Liang and Wen Chou obviously would not listen to his command.

In this way, in the event of a bad situation, Yan Liangwen Chou can naturally judge the situation and move troops and horses without restricting Liu Bei.

Before the expedition, Yuan Shao secretly recalled the two to the tent and gave some instructions.

On the way to the western suburbs of Luoyang, the two of them were not only tasked with attacking Meng Huo, but also had to assess the situation and preserve their strength, and they also had to keep an eye on Liu Bei and never let him escape.

After talking about Yuan Shao's first army, let's look at the second.

On the second route, Yuan Shao personally took the town, with Ju Yi as his lieutenants, Zhang He and Gao Lan as assistants, leading an army of 120,000 people, detoured east of Luoyang City, and launched an attack from Meng Huo's rear army.

Since Yuan Shao did not accept Gao Lan and Zhang He's opinions, the two have been dissatisfied with Yuan Shao.

So in order to better monitor the two, Yuan Shao deliberately placed them in the middle army to prevent them from causing chaos.

They were even afraid that they would not be able to hold them down, so they deliberately transferred Ju Yi, the "number one general of the Yuan army", to the Chinese army.

As for the last Route Army and the Third Route Army, Han Meng was the main general, Chunyu Qiong was the deputy general, and the 100,000 foot soldiers were the rear army.

Slowly walking along the city from the front of Luoyang City, preventing the troops and horses in the city to support Meng Huo while looking for fighters.

This is also Yuan Shao's arrangement.

On the one hand, Yuan Shao didn't know what kind of attitude the soldiers and horses in Luoyang City had towards Meng Huo.

If they once supported Meng Huo, in order to prevent them from being attacked during the battle, Yuan Shao deliberately arranged this army.

In addition, the arrangement of the army along the way also has the effect of blocking other princes.

Yuan Shao was afraid that Yuan Shu would come to rob him of his credit for destroying Meng Huo, so he deployed this group of troops early to intercept the princes who came to support him.

In his view, the three-way army is not only large in number, but also like a cloud of fierce generals, and there is no reason for failure at all.

But in fact, it is often not as smooth as he imagined.

The first is the first line of military horses.

Although Yan Liangwen and Chou were both highly skilled in martial arts, they couldn't stand Liu Bei's tongue-in-cheek tongue, and there were two guards, Zhan Zhao and Li Yuanfang, beside him.

Therefore, for a while, it was difficult for Yan Liangwen and Chou to fully control what Liu Bei did.

According to Yuan Shao's arrangement, the first troops and horses set off in the morning and headed straight to the west of the city.

And Yuan Shao led the central army, the second route army horses, only set off in the evening, and also had to bypass the east of the city and rush to the west of the city from behind.

According to his plan, the former army led by Liu Bei was just exploring the way, not immediately going to war with Meng Huo as soon as they arrived.

Regarding this point, Yuan Shao had already explained the two of them before Yan Liangwen Chou went into battle.

Therefore, just an hour after the First Route army set off, Liu Bei and others found Meng Huo's camp on the outskirts of the west of the city.

According to Yuan Shao's instructions, Yan Liang and Wen Chou ignored Liu Bei and ordered his soldiers to start cooking and set up camp.

After Liu Bei had finished resting, he was blinded as soon as he came out.

Why did the surrounding Yuan troops start camping as soon as they arrived? Aren't they ready to fight?

He immediately came to Yan Liangwen Chou's camp.

"Two generals, dare to ask why the soldiers have begun to set up camp?"

Hearing Liu Bei's question, Yan Liang gave him a direct look, then ignored Liu Bei and continued to rest on the ground.

For Liu Bei, many generals in Yuan's army looked down upon him very much.

This person, the general of the defeated army, dared to come to Yuan Shao's camp to tell right and wrong.

Not only did he bewitch Yuan Shao to send troops, but he even surpassed them to become the leader of the army, which made Yan Liangwen Chou second general very dissatisfied.

After waiting for more than a dozen breaths, Wen Chou said slowly:

"It's our order, I don't know what the vanguard Master Liu has to teach you?

Wen Chou's words are full of ridicule and ridicule.

Liu Bei knew it, although the two of them shouted one by one as a vanguard.

But in fact, he knew exactly how much power he had as a pioneer.

Along the way, let alone dispatching troops, even if you order a soldier to do some work for you, you must first ask Yan Liangwen Chou for instructions.

Liu Bei never doubted that if it wasn't for Zhan Zhao and Li Yuanfang who were beside him, Yan Liangwen Chou would definitely send his own soldiers to watch him!

He Liu Bei is definitely not someone who is willing to live under the people, such a situation must be changed!

Thinking like this, Liu Bei directly ignored Wen Chou's ridicule, instead he put on an air and began to stimulate the two of them.

"Before preparing to come, I originally ordered repeatedly that once I arrived, I would immediately send troops to attack Meng Huo, but now the two generals are camping in place, are they afraid that Meng Huo will fail?"

Although Liu Bei knew in his heart, if Yuan Shao hadn't instructed him in private, the two would never have been able to take care of him like this, and camped on the spot.

But Liu Bei didn't want to give up, he wanted to anger the two and let them take the initiative!


Yan Liang smiled contemptuously:

"Do you think we are you? Both of us are famous generals in Hebei, with far-reaching reputations, how could we be afraid of him, a little barbarian and weak general!

"The general is boasting about himself here. Of course, he is invincible in the world. That Meng Huo calls himself the king of the southern barbarians.

Hearing that Liu Bei was obviously belittling the two of them, Yan Liang couldn't sit still. He immediately stood up and came to Liu Bei. A long knife was directly placed on Liu Bei's neck. The tiger's eyes widened and he scolded:

"What did you say? You dare to say it again! 35

Liu Bei laughed instead of being angry:

"Hebei famous generals have nothing else to do except intimidate their own people here.

"I looked at King Nanman, don't stop it. When Ben Chu comes, I will tell him to surrender directly."

Liu Bei deliberately and constantly used Meng Huo to stimulate the two.

Sure enough, Yan Liang's eyes moved, his eyes widened immediately, and he was about to fight.

"Okay! Just wait, I'll take Meng Huo's head, and I'll kill you when I come back! 35

After speaking, Yan Liang held a long sword and prepared to leave the camp to fight.

Wen Chou, who was beside him, quickly pulled him back, and whispered with his ears:

"Don't be fooled by Liu Bei, have you forgotten what the lord said before we set off?"

Yan Liang waved his hand: "Of course I remember, so I don't have to send out a large army. I personally lead a thousand light cavalry to fight against Meng Huo, and I can come back victorious."


Although Yan Liang promised not to mobilize the army, Wen Chou still hesitated.

"Don't worry, I will act according to opportunity."

"And think about it, if we can't hold on all the time and have no record, when that Ju Yi comes, won't the credit be taken away by him? 35

Hearing what Yan Liang said, Wen Chou's eyes flickered, and he immediately gave in.

It turned out that in Yuan Shao's camp, not only civil servants and advisors fought with each other, but even military generals secretly despised each other and competed with each other.

Yan Liangwen Chou naturally belongs to one faction, while Ju Yi is brave and invincible and belongs to a separate faction.

The tension between the two factions was like water and fire, so Yuan Shao never let these three go out together.

"Okay, then I will lead the army to fight for you."

With that said, Wen Chou also took out his spear from the side.

"Hey, no need.

Yan Liang's eyes moved, and he deliberately glanced at Liu Bei, who was beside him, and said to Wen Chou:

"Don't forget what the lord ordered before leaving. 39

According to Yan Liang, it was naturally Yuan Shao who asked the two to watch over Liu Bei.

Wen Chou quickly understood and patted Yan Liang on the shoulder:

"Then you should be careful and return to the camp immediately if the situation is not right. 39

"Do not worry!"

Yan Liang held a long sword and quickly led three thousand light cavalry out of the camp.

With three thousand troops, Yan Liang came to Meng Huo's army and shouted loudly:

"Menghuo barbarians, come out and die!

Yan Liang just called a few times, and Meng Huo soon received a report from his disciples, and a general was calling in front of the battle.

Meng Huo had long heard that a new army had arrived in the west of the city, and he was about to send someone to investigate, but he did not expect it to arrive by himself.

"Okay, order your troops now, and go with me!"

After simply putting on his clothes, Meng Huo took the three thousand rattan armies out of the camp and came to the front.

Seeing the barbarians walking out of the tent, Yan Liang raised the long sword in his hand:

"Barbarian, do you know grandpa me?

Taking advantage of Yan Liang's arrogant kung fu, Zhu Rong and Wu Tugu saw the soldiers and horses brought by Yan Liang in the tent.

"Only three thousand light cavalry.

Zhu Rong's eyes were sharp, and at a glance, he estimated the number of soldiers and horses that Yan Liang was leading.

"Looking at their tents, it is estimated that there are tens of thousands of infantrymen, this battle may be difficult.

Wu Tugu looked at Yan Liang, who was showing off his strength in front of the battle, with a worried look on his face.

"What is this, only such a group has come among the Han princes. If we can't destroy it as soon as possible, there will be more people to support it."

Zhu Rong was one of the few barbarian generals who knew how to use tactics to win. Without her assistance, Meng Huo would not be able to get to where he is today.

She knew very well that there must be a lot of Han army lords assembled under Luoyang City.

Once the barbarians show their cowardice, they will surely swarm up.

Therefore, in this first battle, they must not lose, once they lose, they will fall apart!

Turning his head to look at Yan Liang in a golden helmet, Zhu Rong's eyes flashed:

"This general has an extraordinary demeanor, and has always been a major general in the Han army. If he can be killed, the odds of winning will be a little better.

"Wu Tugu, you lead the army of three thousand rattan armors and quietly detour from the right side of the barracks. After a while, I will surround this general from the left side. Once reinforcements appear in their camp, you are responsible for stopping them."5

Looking at the situation before the battle, Zhu Rong quickly made her judgment.

This Han army general does not have many men and horses, so as long as they can seize the opportunity, flank him from left to right, and kill him in one fell swoop, they will surely deter the Han army!

At the bottom of the city, Wu Tugu was instructed by Meng Huo, and began to lead the three thousand rattan armies from the right flank and detoured to the side of Yuan Shao's army.

On the city, Bai Hei and the others watched the battle situation under the city while eating fruit.

['Yan Liang is really a reckless man, too hasty!']


After spitting out a mouthful of watermelon seeds, Baihei continued:

['Zhu Rong and Wu Tugu have already started to arrange their arrangement, it is estimated that the Yuan army will lose the first battle! l

"If their tens of thousands of troops fell here, I'm afraid that Yuan Shao will die of heartbreak.

Influenced by Baihei, Shi Huangdi, who has always been unsmiling, actually ate fruit just like Baihei.

These fruits were sent to Luoyang by Cao Cao who took a detour from the north of the city to his base camp and risked being looted.

Not to mention Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty and the others, even Cao Cao himself was not willing to take a bite, so he immediately served it to Baihei and Shi Huangdi!

【‘You eat too, you’re welcome!’】

Bai Hei looked at Cao Cao, who was beside him, feeling embarrassed, and immediately persuaded him.

After the first emperor's translation, Cao Cao was speechless, my dear, isn't this the fruit I brought?

['By the way, Chang Yun, your elder brother Liu Bei might be in Yuan Shao's vanguard. "l

Bai Zhu looked back at Guan Yu.

It turned out that in the city, only Bai Hei and Shi Huangdi had seats, and even Cao Cao could only sit aside.

And Guan Yu, Gao Chong and Yuwen Chengdu can only stand behind a few people.

Of course, on Xiao He's side, Bai Zhu had already sent someone to deliver the fruit.

"If you go back to the lord, Liu Bei is no longer the eldest brother of the last commander. His life or death has nothing to do with the last commander. If you order, the last commander would not mind beheading his head."

Guan Yu's remarks were calm, if it were before, he would not have dared to think about it.

It can be seen that Liu Bei's abandonment deeply made him give up on this big brother, and he thoroughly saw Liu Bei's true face.

Yes, Not Bad.

Bai Hei thought silently, it seems that Guan Yu is not immersed in the sadness of being abandoned by Liu Bei, and he is indeed a malleable talent.

['Cao Thief, tell me, who do you think will win between Yuan Shao and Liu Bei?']

Although I don't know why Bai Zhu likes to call himself Cao Thief, Cao Cao dare not provoke this master, and Quan regards ". Cao Thief" as a nickname.

"From the bottom of the table, although the barbarians are indeed better than Yuan Shao in deploying their troops, and it is even possible to defeat Yuan Shao's former army, but the bottom side believes that the strength of Yuan's army is strong and will eventually win.

Cao Cao's evaluation is still very pertinent. Although the Fujijia army is brave and invulnerable, the number is too small, so once Yuan Shao's army really arrives, I am afraid that after the fierce battle, it will be easily defeated.

【‘Chang Yun, you also talk about it. ’]

"The last general's opinion is the same as Cao Thief... Lord Cao."

Guan Yu bowed and replied.

On the city, everyone watched the scene of the battle below the city and chatted in full swing.

Under the city, Meng Huo and Yan Liang, who were completely unaware of Zhu Rong's arrangements, soon fought together.

Yan Liang, a general under Yuan Shao in the late Eastern Han Dynasty.

The character is short and narrow, although brave but can not be alone.

Historically, in the battle of Guandu, Xun You's strategy of "sounding the east and attacking the west, and lightly attacking", was later beheaded by Guan Yu.

Although Yan Chang's personality has various shortcomings, he is quite trusted by Yuan Shao, and he is indeed very brave, which is just a hedge against Meng Huo's bravery.

The two brave generals fighting together is naturally very exciting.

In the first thirty rounds, no one can do anything about it.

Regardless of Yan Liang or Meng Huo, the two of them had just finished resting, and after they had eaten their fill, their vigor greatly increased.

So in the first 30 rounds, there was almost nothing to watch. The two fought fiercely and fiercely until the tiger's mouth was numb, and then they stopped for a while.

"Humph! Let's count you as a man!"

Feeling the soreness and numbness coming from the tiger's mouth in his hand, Yan Liang squeezed the long knife slightly, trying his best to control his strength.

"Hmph, after ten more rounds, I can capture you!

Not to be outdone, Meng Huo began to trumpet.

Although he said it, he was very clear in his heart that Yan Liang's martial arts were by no means inferior to him!

Taking advantage of the truce between the two, everyone in the city started a new round of predictions.

And under the auspices of Bai Hei, several people also began to "bet"

[‘Chang Yun, your Azure Dragon Saber is not bad, please press it (how is Zhao)? ’]

['Cao Thief, I heard that you have a good maid, so let's hold it. 1

【'Old Zhao... 】

The First Emperor shuddered fiercely, and immediately distanced himself from Bai Hei:

"I didn't bring anything good.

【'it does not matter,'】

White and black show a smile:

['I think Yuwen Chengdu is pretty good, why don't you bet on me too?']

Jokes aside, most people are still optimistic about the competition between Meng Huo and Yan Liang.

Not only was Yan Liang a lot higher than Meng Huo in terms of momentum, but also in terms of means, Yan Liang had more combat experience than Meng Huo.

Seeing that everyone was betting on Yan Liang, Bai Hei pouted:

【'I bet on a draw, and bet on Panda Ruijun!']

At this time, the two thousand Panda Ruijun were still playing in the "Panda Land" in Luoyang City, and they didn't know that they had been mortgaged as treasures.

There are both wine and meat in the city, and it is a lot of fun to play, but it is not so comfortable in the city.

Meng Huo and Yan Liang fought for fifty more rounds, but still could not decide the winner.

Although Yan Liang is superb in martial arts and has more combat experience than Meng Huo, he can't stand Meng Huohu!

Anyway, I don't want to die, and every move is a posture of hurting the enemy by a thousand, and self-destructing by 800, which makes Yan Liang retreat.

Dude, I'm just here to try to attack you, and you're going all out with me?

After 30 consecutive rounds of fighting, finally, under countless fatal attacks, Meng Huo's physical strength began to decline significantly.

Yan Liang's eyes flashed, and the opportunity has come!

Capture and kill Meng Huo, today!

Just when everyone in the city thought they were about to win, outside the battlefield, Zhu Rong's figure suddenly appeared, and there were thousands of figures behind her.

All of them are Fujikas!

Seeing the appearance of Zhu Rong and Fuji Jiajun, Bai Hei suddenly grinned.

Could it be that he couldn't see that Yan Liang was better, so he bet on a tie?

of course not!

It was precisely because he thought of Zhu Rong's mobilization of troops and horses, and assessed the difference in force between Yan Liang and Meng Huo, that he finally concluded:

Zhu Rong will definitely appear before the two can decide the winner, so the battle must end in a forced draw!

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