I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 155 A visit to Taoyuan is just a joke!

Zhang He and Gao Lan led six thousand light cavalry, set off from the left flank of Yuan Shao's tent, and headed straight to the west of Luoyang City.

At this time, in the west of Luoyang City, Guan Yu was leading three thousand troops to fight against Meng Huo.

Although there were few soldiers, Guan Yu was determined to avenge Zhang Fei, and he led three thousand infantry on a rampage, directly smashing into Meng Huo's rattan armour.

"King Nanman, how dare you fight me!"

Guan Yu immediately took advantage of the fact that the three thousand soldiers were still there, and immediately provoked Meng Huo, hoping that he could fight against him.

"Okay, when I go back and take out my weapons, I will fight you immediately!"

After he finished speaking, Meng Huo turned around and disappeared into the barbarian rattan army formation.

Although Meng Huo was reckless, it did not mean that he had no brains.

If it is really brainless, how could it control the entire South-Central region in history?

He not only saw through Guan Yu's thoughts, but also came up with a way to deal with it!

Don't you want to fight with me one-on-one? Yes, even if you are as powerful as your third brother, there is no problem.

But you have to let me go back and get some weapons, right?

This is also reasonable, right?

So good, then, as long as I go back and get the weapon, I can take the opportunity to hide behind the rattan soldiers.

When the Fujika Army has exhausted all your strength, I will rush forward and capture you.

In this way, not only can you win alone, but you can also win easily.

Get it now? How is it possible!

Sure enough, after Meng Huo retired, the barbarian tens of thousands of armoured soldiers quickly surrounded Guan Yu's 3,000 infantry.

Zhu Rong gave an order, and the 3,000 infantrymen from the third floor and the third floor of the Fujijia Army were included and launched an attack.

Under the city, the two armies scuffled.

On the city, Bai Hei, Shi Huangdi, Cao Cao and others set the table, tasting wine and watching the battle below.

"It seems that this Southern Barbarian King is smarter than I thought."

Cao Cao took a sip of wine and looked down at the city.

In the Qi Luck question and answer space, Meng Huo's every move revealed how reckless this person really was.

But now, as a bystander, Cao Cao knew that Meng Huo was right in rejecting Guan Yu's provocation.

"740" "Little Rui Beast, I remember you seem to have mentioned this general?"

Looking at the big red face of Guan Yu under the city, coupled with the turquoise robe, the first emperor suddenly remembered a general of the Three Kingdoms that Bai Zhu told him - Wu Sheng Guan Yu.

【'Yes, it was him who passed five levels and cut six generals just to get back to the big brother. ’

['A man who is capable of writing and martial arts, is known as the "Wu Sheng" and "Yi Jue". ’]

['It's really a pity that this kind of person is with Liu Bei. ’]

Although it was fabricated in Romance at that time, even in real history, Guan Yu did eventually return to Liu Bei's side.

This is extremely commendable in the era of the Three Kingdoms turbulent times, when there is a disagreement and surrender.

After listening to Bai Zhu's description, the First Emperor became even more curious: "Then what happened to make him so irrational, with such a small number of troops, to come to die.

Looking at the situation under the city, Bai Zhu pondered for a while:

[‘Perhaps something happened to Liu Bei or Zhang Fei. ’]

After all, there was no sign of Liu Bei in the city, and Zhang Fei actually disappeared. The three people who were inseparable suddenly disappeared, and Bai Hei couldn't help but suspect.

"Your Majesty, according to the investigation, it seems that the general's righteous brother died at the hands of Meng Huo.

Xiao He, who was on the side, saw the needle and explained it in time.

As early as after Gao Chong handed over all the defense of Luoyang City to him, Xiao He set out to find food and drink, and sent a lot of sentries to inquire about the news of various princes.

This is the habit he has developed while working under the white and black hands, being careful, and taking precautions.

If you have to wait for Bai Hei to tell him to do anything, then why should Xiao He do it?

[‘Sure enough, that makes sense.

Baihei nodded, if Zhang Fei died in Meng Huo's hands, then all this could be explained clearly.

It's just that he still doesn't understand one thing, that is, where did Liu Bei go?

These three brothers can be said to be more in love than Jin Jian, Zhang Fei died, shouldn't Liu Bei immediately lead his people to fight Meng Huo desperately?

But now in the city, there is no sign of Liu Bei.

After thinking for a while, Bai Hei immediately understood.

['Since Liu Bei was not present, Guan Yu only brought so few soldiers and horses here, so there is only one possibility. J

"What is possible?"

Although the first emperor also thought of a possibility, he couldn't believe that a person could be so despicable!

[‘That is, after seeing the strength of the Fuji Jia army, Liu Bei gave up his revenge for Zhang Fei because of fear, which led Guan Yu to come alone. 1

['Even, if Liu Bei is not sure of getting rid of Meng Huo in the end, Guan Yu, who is now under the city, may also be abandoned by him!']

"Despicable villain, worthy of being the queen of inferior men!"

When the first emperor heard Bai Zhu's analysis, his anger rose in his heart.

This Liu Bei is a real scumbag!

Guan Yu is a martial artist, he is really blind!

['Since Liu Bei doesn't want his second brother's treasure, we made a wish for him, maybe we can take it for himself. ’]

White and black have his ideas.

Guan Yu is a martial artist, if there is no systematic cultivation bonus, Peng Yue might not be his opponent!

And you must know that, whether it is Guan Yu in history or the "Wu Sheng" in Romance, Guan Yu is an uncompromising general who can be on his own!

Originally, Bai Zhu was still concerned about his relationship with Liu Bei, but now that Liu Bei gave it up.

Then naturally everyone is very happy, bringing Guan Yu back to the Qin state, and contributing to the Qin state!

In addition to their thoughts, Bai Hei and the First Emperor looked down at the city again.

Seeing that Guan Yu's 3,000 foot soldiers were swallowed up by the Fujijia Army little by little.

Under the proper protection of Fujika, the losses of the Fujika army were only a few dozen.

No matter in terms of numbers, or in terms of battle damage ratio, the Fujika Army is far superior to these three thousand infantry.

With only half a stick of incense, and even before the wine on the table of Bai Hei and the others was cold, Guan Yu's 3,000 foot soldiers were barely left.

Seeing that there are fewer and fewer guards around, Guan Yu's space for martial arts is getting smaller and smaller.

And as time goes by, he can clearly feel that the Azure Dragon Saber in his hand is getting heavier and heavier, and it is getting harder and harder to wield it.

"He doesn't seem to last long.

Cao Cao saw Guan Yu's efforts to support him at a glance.

Sure enough, as soon as Cao Cao's voice fell, Guan Yu's hand loosened, and the long knife almost fell to the ground.

I saw Guan Yu raised his head and looked left and right. As far as he could see, Meng Huo's rattan army was all there.

"Big brother, are you really ready to give up your two younger brothers?"

Guan Yu's heart was full of grief.

Finally, just as he was eager to see through, he finally remembered the sound of horseshoes not far away.

From a distance, Guan Yu saw dust flying not far away, and under the leadership of two generals, thousands of light cavalry were galloping towards this side!

"Big brother is here! Big brother is here!"

"All officers and men, follow me out of the siege, and take care of the eldest brother! 39

Seeing the reinforcements, Guan Yu was overjoyed, and immediately waved the Qinglong Yanyue Sabre in his hands, as if his body was filled with power again in an instant!

As he took the lead in rushing to the left and right, the hundreds of remnants who had been left actually fought in a decent manner, opening a position in the encirclement of the Fujika Army.

"Soldiers, they are about to be defeated, follow me to kill! 35

Riding on the high-headed horse, Guan Yu waved the Qinglong Yanyue Saber in his hand, and started the attack on the Fujika Army.

Every time the long knife is swung, it can accurately cut off the neck of the Fuji Jiajun!

As early as after discovering that the rattan armor's saber was invulnerable, Guan Yu spied a trace of their weakness, and the place that the rattan armor could not protect was their weakness!

their lower limbs and their necks!

Having found this weakness, Guan Yu became more and more excited, and continued to lead people to rush towards the reinforcements.

"Capture and kill Meng Huo to avenge the third brother!

While waving the long knife in his hand, Guan Yu shouted loudly.

For a time, the entire battle showed signs of being revitalized again.

"This general seems to be very good at using troops, and if he has a little chance, he can seize it decisively and expand it into a victory.

Standing behind the First Emperor, Yu Wencheng saw Guan Yu's extraordinary qualities at a glance, and couldn't help but sympathize with each other for a while.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple."

Cao Cao glanced at Wu Tugu and Zhu Rong who had not fought for a long time.

At this time, there were more than 2,000 Fujijia troops beside them who did not fight.

They were waiting for a fighter plane, and now, it is a good opportunity!

"Children soldiers, follow me to kill!"

Seeing that Zhang He and Gao Lan were approaching in the distance, Zhu Rong didn't wait any longer, waved the long hammer in his hand, and led the surrounding two thousand rattan armies to attack.

All she has to do is to keep these thousands of light cavalry out of the battlefield and never let them join Guan Yu!

"Go ahead, Madam, and leave this place to me!"

I don't know when, Meng Huo also got out of the rear army.

And at the same time, there are the five hundred Viking Berserkers.

At this time, after the rest, they have recovered a lot of vitality, and they can fight again at any time.

"Wu Tugu, you go to help Madam, be sure to kill these people back!"

Meng Huo instructed Wu Tugu to come forward to help, and at the same time, with a big axe, he led the five hundred Viking Berserkers directly to Guan Yu.

"The thief will die!

With invincible momentum, Meng Huo's double axe quickly smashed on Guan Yu's Qinglong Yanyue Sword.

Although Guan Yu's morale has recovered a lot after seeing the reinforcements, this does not change the fact that his strength has been exhausted.

Therefore, under the impact of Meng Huo, the fact that he lacked strength quickly reminded him again that time was running out!

Turning around and looking at the direction of the reinforcements, Guan Yu tried his best, waved the Qinglong Yanyue Saber in his hand again, and charged towards Meng Huo.

The word "Yuan" was written on the banner of the reinforcements. It must be either Yuan Shao's troops or Yuan Shu's troops. It seems that the eldest brother did not give up on himself, but went to rescue the troops.

All of a sudden, Guan Yu, whose heart was ashes, regained his fighting spirit again.

Guan Yu was at the end of his force, and Meng Huo was waiting for work.

But in the final analysis, Guan Yu's force value was higher than Meng Huo's, so the two of them fought together for a while, and it was difficult to tell the winner.

On this side, the imposing remnant soldiers and the Fujika Army only saw a balance of power.

But on the other side, after a short fight, Zhang He and Gao Lan were surprised to find that the armor of the group of soldiers in front of them could not be broken!

Although the cavalry had great lethality to the infantry, under the two rounds of impact, Zhang He was surprised to find that they had damaged hundreds of cavalry.

But the Fujijia army in front of them did not see a few corpses on the ground.

Especially seeing that Zhu Rong and Wu Tugu, who were originally in the rear army, were all killed, and thinking about the master's instructions before leaving, Zhang He and Gao Lan quickly made a decision.


Although the Fujijia Army was not easy to kill, at least the cavalry wanted to run, and they couldn't stop them, so Zhang He and Gao Lan ran away without a trace in just a dozen breaths.

The speed was so fast that Zhu Rong and Wu Tugu, who had just rushed up, were obviously taken aback.

"Huh? What about them?"

"It seems to have run away."

Wu Tugu looked at the dust in front of him and said uncertainly.

"Didn't they come to support? How did they try and run away?"

Zhu Rong said he couldn't understand..

If this is replaced by brute, let alone run away, if people are not rescued, then die together!

But since they could no longer be stopped, Zhu Rong and Wu Tugu turned around again and led their men to kill Guan Yu's remnants.

Originally, this group of remnants was struggling to support.

After seeing the reinforcements who suddenly retreated for no apparent reason, morale dropped immediately.

Coupled with the impact of Zhu Rong, Wu Tugu and others, these remnants were quickly smashed into pieces and shattered.

After dealing with those remnants, Guan Yu fell into a heavy siege.

In the middle are three enemy generals.

Meng Huo, Wu Tugu, and Zhu Rong.

On the periphery, there are two full layers of Viking Berserkers.

Further outwards, there is a full ten thousand Fujijia army.

It can be said that even if Guan Yu has the inappropriate courage of ten thousand husbands, it is difficult to escape.

Looking at Yuan Jun, who had already escaped, Guan Yu couldn't understand why the reinforcements just left after a test?

And why didn't big brother Liu Bei show up?

Doesn't he remember the love in Taoyuan?

Could it be that he really didn't intend to avenge the third brother, and even gave up on himself?

"It turns out that Taoyuan's worship is actually a joke..."

Two lines of turbid tears ran across Guan Yu's face.

After experiencing disappointment and hope, Guan Yu was completely desperate.

Thinking of Liu Bei's previous act of going to Luoyang City regardless of Zhang Fei, he understood everything.

At this moment, Guan Yu was in despair.

In his life, the good monarch and good eldest brother who he was willing to fight for his whole life - Liu Bei.

At this moment, when the third brother was killed and Guan Yu was in the most dangerous time, he gave up the two of them.



Guan Yu laughed wildly.

"It's okay!!!

"It's okay!!!

Under the extreme blow, he regained his strength again, and the Azure Dragon Saber swung up in a rage.

"Third brother, if the second brother can't avenge you, what if we come to accompany you?


Although Guan Yu regained his fighting power again, it would not last long.

According to Meng Huo's murderous nature, he would not be spared.

Bai Zhu's inner voice quickly appeared in Shi Huangdi's ears:

【‘Lao Zhao, don’t you think about saving him?’】

"Exactly what I want!"

Hearing Bai Hei's suggestion, Shi Huang nodded.

In fact, even if Bai Hei did not make a sound, he would have Yuwen Chengdu go to rescue him.

For such righteous people, the first emperor also longed for them!

"Little Rui Beast, how do you think I should rescue Guan Yu?

The First Emperor glanced at Bai Hei around him and asked.

['That must be mainly about negotiation, Meng Huo is not stupid, as long as we don't hurt their lives, and we are willing to provide them with some food or something, they will definitely be willing. 1

['Moreover, sending Meng Huo food is definitely not about raising other people's ambitions. Meng Huo can attract firepower for us outside the city. With his ten thousand vines, he doesn't know how many men and horses he can destroy. ’]

The trick of expelling tigers and swallowing wolves, white and black is really playing clearly and clearly.

In addition, Bai Zhu knew that capturing or killing Guan Yu would have little benefit for the Nanman King Meng Huo, except for Liu Bei's hatred, which was of no practical use.

But if Bai and Hei were willing to give them some food, it would be tantamount to quenching their thirst.

They were also the same as the First Emperor's group, teleporting from the air, except for the generals and soldiers in 2.2, and there was no food at all.

As for the food that day, Meng Huo still snatched it from nearby villages and big households.

If they can show their military might and frighten Meng Huo first, then they will understand it and be moved by emotion.

Finally, I sent some practical things. I believe that Meng Huo had no reason not to let Guan Yu go.

【‘Gao Chong, you led two thousand great Qin Ruishis with Zhuge’s crossbow, boarded the Vermilion Bird Beast, hovered in the west of Luoyang City, above Meng Huo’s army, and tried to avoid being seen by the feudal lords in front. 1

【‘Baihu, you lead the 2,000-strong panda army, follow me out of the city and take back Guan Yu. ’]

[‘Yuwen Chengdu, you lead the ten thousand Wudang Flying Army to bend bows and arrows on the city, prepare for battle, and demonstrate to Meng Huo. ’]

In one breath, Bai Hei issued three orders in succession.

Of course, in the end, all these orders were issued by the First Emperor, and the rest followed suit.

So, just when Guan Yu fell into despair and was about to fight to the death, there was a bang on the city, and the west gate of Luoyang City opened.

Under the surprised eyes of Meng Huo and others, Bai Zhu personally led the holy beast White Tiger and two thousand sharp panda troops out of the city to the front of Fujijia Army.

"Defense! Quick defense! 35

Seeing the "Panda Army" in front of him, Zhu Rong was so frightened that his face turned pale, and hurriedly shouted for the Fujijia Army to form a formation to meet the enemy.

Seeing that it was white and black, Meng Huo frowned, walked out of the army formation, and looked up at the Luoyang field.

"The first emperor of the Central Plains, do you want to use troops against Meng Huo?"

The First Emperor did not answer him, and did not even appear on the city wall.

The answer to Meng Huo was that there were only 2,000 Vermilion Birds circling in the sky. Meng Huo could vaguely see that there seemed to be Daqin infantry on them, bowing their bows and shooting arrows, looking down at them.

At the same time, several teams appeared on the city, raised their crossbow arrows and aimed at the city.

Meng Huo could see clearly that the arrows of those bows and arrows were still burning with flames!

What the Fujika Army fears most is the fire attack!

Meng Huo still clearly remembered that the final outcome of the Fujijia Army was that he was burned to death by Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of Shu Han.

Now, he must not let this ending happen again!

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