I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 154 Emperor Long is a Marquis! Liu Bei said Yuan Shao!

As the saying goes, there are no two suns in the sky, and no two kings in the country.

But who is this man with a terrifying aura all over his body in front of him?

How dare you call me me, and scold the emperor?

Although since Dong Zhuo moved the capital, the prestige of the emperor of Han has been wiped out, and he can't even eat stuttering.

But among them, there are some "poor and exquisite" courtiers.

No, before Emperor Xian of Han made a sound, someone dared to stand up and scold:

"Who are you, you don't kneel when you see the big man?

As soon as the words came out, Emperor Xian of Han groaned in his heart.

Good guy, people come to give us food with kindness and kindness, you don't need to thank them, but you still scold them?

What is the use of the prestige of the emperor, can it be eaten as a meal?

Although he was dissatisfied in his heart, since someone was willing to be this early bird, Emperor Xian of Han was naturally happy to find out the details of this person in front of him.

Slowly, the first emperor's eyes finally fell on the speaker.

"Noisy! Drag it down and chop it off."

In five understatements, this person was sentenced to death!

Soon, two Qin Ruishi stepped forward and dragged the early bird down.

"Why did you kill me! I am a minister of the Han, why do you! Your majesty save me... majesty!"

When he was dragged out, he yelled at Emperor Xian and asked for help.

As a result, everyone's eyes turned to Xiandi.

This person's behavior is more than that of Dong Zhuo!

Everyone was waiting for Emperor Xian to speak.

At this time, Han Xiandi's face was covered with fine beads of sweat, and he was still struggling about whether to speak up for that minister.

Speak up, maybe this person in front of you will imitate Dong Zhuo, kill yourself, and establish a new emperor.

Don't speak up, seeing the group of loyal ministers around you who are loyal to the big man watching from the side, if you don't express your position, then I'm afraid it will be difficult for anyone to be loyal to you in the future.

Looking at Emperor Xian with a tangled face in front of him, Bai Hei shook his head silently.

Compared with the descendants of the Cao family, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty is more than a little bit worse.

Not to mention Cao Cao, Cao Pi and the like.

Even if Cao Mao, the so-called "Noble Township Duke" who was finally usurped by the Sima family, finally faced the dictatorship of the Sima family, he would still be able to kill himself out of the palace.

Although it failed in the end, such integrity and such a spirit of seeing death as home is commendable.

On the other hand, the Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty in front of him was much worse.

Not only did Dong Zhuo kill the great Han Zhongliang when he was in power, but when Dong Cheng died, he actually pushed all the troubles on others!

Not only does he have no trace of the spirit of the emperor, but he also lacks the dignity of a man, which can not help but sigh and sigh.

Here it is!

Bai Hei concluded that this person would not dare to speak out.

Sure enough, after tangled for a long time, the great Han courtiers around were still unable to wait for Emperor Xian of Han to speak.

"Alas... 35

In the dim sunlight, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, Liu Xie, heard a long sigh.

"Forget it, since the Han Dynasty is declining, there is no need for us to continue to live."

After a long sigh, several old ministers walked out slowly.

I have to say that even at this time, the Han Dynasty still had loyal ministers.

However, after seeing the cowardly behavior of Emperor Xian of Han, they immediately realized that the big Han was helpless.

So, they walked out of the crowd with ashen faces and bowed towards the First Emperor.

"We only want to die, and may you be fulfilled."

Looking at the few people in front of him, the First Emperor said solemnly:

"It's a pity for you to follow this bastard.

There was another long sigh, and the few people stopped talking and fell silent.

After hesitating for a while, the first emperor wanted to bring these people back to Daqin, but after thinking about it, he finally waved his hand:

"Please go down, hang yourself, and be buried alive.

"Thank you.

Several people bowed to the first emperor again, and then left calmly.

"You are an incompetent monarch, unworthy of being an emperor."

"I don't care what other people call you, but in front of me, you can only be called Marquis, Marquis of Han Xian.

After listening to these two words of the First Emperor, the people around them immediately began to whisper.

My dear, this is even more powerful than Dong Zhuo. After all, Dong Zhuo has to establish a new emperor as a sacrifice.

"Meng De, this person will be handed over to you in the future."

"Yes, Your Majesty.

Seeing that Cao Cao actually called him Your Majesty, those ministers were even more surprised.

But the first emperor would not give them time to think about it. After dethroning the emperor and becoming a marquis, he immediately returned to the most complete palace in the city with white and black.

At this time, Cao Cao had already settled Liu Xie and the others, and not only offered them food, but even ordered them to produce meat.

After Liu Xie settled down, Cao Cao soon came to the first emperor's resting place.

"His Majesty."

"Is that trash settled?"

"Yes, Your Majesty.

Just when the first emperor wanted to say something, Bai Zhu's heart suddenly sounded:

[‘Lao Zhao, there may be many princes leading their troops to besiege Luoyang recently, I’m afraid you have to make a decision. ’]

Bai Hei reminded the first emperor in a timely manner.

At present, although they have completely controlled Luoyang and Emperor Xian of Han, they still need to hold on for at least half a month.

Then after all the next princes arrive, the first emperor will have to make a choice, whether to appear in person or let Cao Cao appear on his behalf.

After pondering for a while, the first emperor finally chose Cao Cao to appear on his behalf.

Although there is the blessing of the Qi Luck question and answer space, after all, the appearance of the First Emperor is unacceptable to most people in this era.

Especially those who haven't seen the Qi Luck Q&A space.

Therefore, in order not to cause a greater sensation and trouble, the first emperor chose to let Cao Cao come forward.

"Meng De, there will be many troops and horses coming to besiege Luoyang recently, and it is inconvenient for me to come forward. 35

The first emperor only said half of what he said, because he knew that Cao Cao could understand what he meant.

It's a little good to talk to smart people without too much explanation.

Sure enough, after listening to the first sentence of the first emperor, Cao Cao immediately thought of the identity of the first emperor, and then instantly understood.

"Your Majesty, rest assured, this minister will handle this matter properly."

For this errand, Cao Cao is happy to do it.

According to the attitude of the first emperor to himself now, it seems that after completing the task, the first emperor will definitely hand over Emperor Xian of Han to him.

At that time, in the Three Kingdoms era, he Cao Cao was the real son of the emperor to make the princes!

Not only that, in the next half month, the princes will come to Luoyang one after another.

When the time comes, he will come forward, relying on the soldiers and horses in the hands of the First Emperor, and completely frighten all the princes. At that time, Cao Cao does not want what he wants, but what?

Having figured this out, Cao Cao immediately assisted Yuwen Chengdu and Gao Chong in setting up their defenses.

While cooperating with Xiao He to find food in and around Luoyang City.

It turned out that a few people were transported here in a hurry by the question and answer space of luck, and they didn't even have time to bring rations and food.

In the ruined city of Luoyang, the phenomenon of cannibalism has begun, not to mention that there is food to look for.

So these few days, Xiao He was so busy that he lost his head.

Thanks to Cao Cao's dispatch of fast horses, in just two days, a large amount of food and supplies were sent from his base camp, and almost all the troops were mobilized to arrive at Luoyang City before the princes.

This time, the food problem in Luoyang has been solved.

But soon, with the passage of time, the soldiers and horses under the city gathered more and more.

In addition to Meng Huo, Lu Bu, and Liu Bei's troops, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, and even Gongsun Zan also dispatched troops.

Originally, in order to avoid encountering the troops and horses of the princes, Meng Huo's troops and horses were stationed in the west of Luoyang.

However, after Liu Bei arrived in Luoyang, he realized that he had been snatched by the first emperor and Cao Cao, and immediately thought of "brotherhood" again.

So, after he had no hope of entering the city, he ordered Guan Yu to lead his troops to be stationed under Luoyang City, and he brought hundreds of foot soldiers, saying that he was going back to meet Zhang Fei.

But obviously, all he received was Zhang Fei's body.

After seeing Zhang Fei's body, Guan Yu's eyes were completely split, ignoring Liu Bei's dissuasion.

Immediately lead three thousand infantry, bypass Luoyang City, and kill Meng Huo and others in the west of the city!

Seeing that he couldn't stop the second brother, Liu Bei was helpless. If he also led the troops forward, he would probably be made dumplings by Meng Huo.

So after thinking about it, he felt that he had to convince Yuan Shao's army, which had already arrived, in order to secure the victory.

So, when Guan Yu set off, he immediately set off to Yuan Shao's camp.

For Liu Bei, although Yuan Shao did not have a particularly deep impression, he vaguely remembered that there seemed to be such a person when he besieged Dong Zhuo last time.

"Xuande, what kind of wind brought you here?"

Although he didn't pay much attention to Liu Bei in his heart, Yuan Shao had done enough on the surface.

He kindly pulled Liu Bei to his side, and then asked questions enthusiastically:

"I don't know how many men and horses Xuande brought this time?"

Liu Bei's heart sank, and he immediately said without blushing:

"From here, I have brought a full 30,000 horses.

"Oh? So many!

Yuan Shao was taken aback by the number of soldiers and horses Liu Bei said.

When did this little-known Liu Bei bring out so many soldiers and horses all at once?

"I don't know where Xuande's troops are now?"

Yuan Shao was not interested in Liu Bei.

But this does not mean that he is not interested in Liu Bei's troops.

You must know that this time the princes came to Luoyang Qin Wang, compared with the alliance that besieged Dong Zhuo last time, the power is only not small.

The last siege of Dong Zhuo was a failure, but this time, if Yuan Shao could seize the opportunity and regain his position as the leader of the alliance, his prestige among the princes would be greatly increased.

This is exactly what Yuan Shao expected.

Seeing Yuan Shao Zhongtao, Liu Bei immediately pretended to be sad:

"I didn't know it at first, although Cao Cao's servant has already entered Luoyang, but right now, our biggest enemy is not him."9

"Oh? Who else?"

Yuan Shao looked puzzled.

I have to say that Liu Bei is a master in terms of "speaking skills".

In just a few words, Yuan Shao was led to where he wanted to say.

"Meng Huo, the king of the southern barbarians, is now in the west of Luoyang city. I fought with him in the eastern suburbs of Luoyang. Although I killed a lot of his soldiers and horses, my third brother also lost his life.

"Now my second brother is leading the army again. I don't know if I live or die. I never imagined that my Han family has declined to such a degree that even barbarians can wantonly in Luoyang City."

As he spoke, Liu Bei actually shed a few tears.

"Oh, it is.""

As soon as Liu Bei's words were finished, Yuan Shao immediately understood.

Good guy, you are here to move rescue troops.

But Yuan Shao is not stupid. Although you said that you have 30,000 troops, how could Meng Huo lead a large number of troops.

If you really had 30,000 horses, would your third brother die so easily?

Therefore, when Liu Bei made his intentions clear and used his reputation as a great Han as a reason to invite him to send troops, Yuan Shao decisively withdrew his hand that wanted to comfort Liu Bei.

Now I am not the only soldier besieging Luoyang, and now he is not the leader of the alliance.

・・For flowers....

When Liu Bei revealed his intentions for this visit, Yuan Shao immediately became cold, and his attitude towards Liu Bei was also a lot colder.

Seeing that he could no longer impress Yuan Shao with a big man, Liu Bei had to roll his eyes and have another plan in his heart.

"I really didn't know that I came here not to rescue the two younger brothers, but to come here.

In a word, Liu Bei once again aroused Yuan Shao's interest.

"how do I say this?

"I don't know what to think at the beginning of the princes' siege of the alliance leader of the Luoyang coalition?""

Hearing Liu Bei mentioned what he cared about the most, Yuan Shao immediately nodded solemnly:

"The position of the leader of the alliance this time is more important than the last time."

"Since Dong Zhuo, I never imagined that Cao Cao had kidnapped the emperor. 99

Yuan Shao pretended to be heartbroken:

"If this alliance of princes cannot have a powerful leader, once Cao Cao succeeds, the world of the Han Dynasty will probably change his surname!"

I'm afraid it's the surname Yuan!

While Liu Bei scolded Yuan Shao in his heart, he could only persuade him on the surface.

"What Ben Chu said is right, so I came here to be able to sit on the position of this alliance leader.

Liu Bei finally released his ultimate move.

"Oh? Are Xuande's words true?"

Hearing Liu Bei's words, Yuan Shao immediately sat up straight, and came to his senses.


"If you can listen to me at the beginning, I will ensure that you can become the leader of the feudal lords!"

Liu Bei vowed to pat his chest.

"Good! Good! Good!

Yuan Shao said three "good" words one after another, and then immediately assured Liu Bei:

"As long as Xuande's words are reasonable, for the sake of the prestige of the Han Dynasty, I am willing to send troops to Meng Huo to rescue the two younger brothers.

With Yuan Shao's assurance, Liu Bei was relieved and slowly opened his mouth:

"I can imagine from the beginning, who can compete with you for the position of the leader of the alliance now, who else in the world?"


Liu Bei is earnest and enticing.

"My younger brother Yuan Shu, Jingzhou Liu Biao, and Yizhou Liu Zhang.

Yuan Shao counted three people, except for his younger brother Yuan Shu and himself, who were the fourth and third princes because of their strength, and the other two were descendants of the Han family.

They didn't send troops last time, so Yuan Shao picked up a bargain, but this time, Yuan Shao had quite a few competitors.

"So if Ben Chu wants to sit in this position, he must take something and let everyone see Ben Chu's strength."

Yuan Shao nodded in agreement with Liu Bei's remarks.

As long as he has the opportunity to show his military power, at the moment, even Yuan Shu cannot compete with him.

"So this Menghuo Rebellion is an opportunity to demonstrate military power!"

Liu Bei's eyes flashed, and he finally got to the point!

"As long as Primordial is willing to send troops to conquer Menghuo, if he can defeat Menghuo and capture the barbarians, what will Primordial's position in the alliance of princes be?

Under Liu Bei's very bewitching voice, Yuan Shao couldn't hold back.

Although he knew, Liu Bei still wanted to save his younger brother.

But if what Liu Bei said was true, and if he could really sit on the position of the leader of the alliance, it would not be a loss to send troops.

However, Yuan Shao has always been a man of ingenuity and less decisiveness. Although Liu Bei's words were all over the top, and there seemed to be some truth, Yuan Shao was still undecided for a while.

Had to find some excuses to delay:

"Xuande, what you said is true.

"But whether there are any brutal soldiers in the western suburbs of Luoyang City, I still need to send someone to investigate."

"If this is true, I will pass it on to the various princes, and when no one dares to send troops, I will use the army to cover up, wouldn't it be wonderful?"

After some thought, Yuan Shao immediately came up with a better solution on Liu Bei's strategy.

For a time, Liu Bei was at a loss for words.

Mother, when you send troops, all my brothers are dead!

But then again, when did Yuan Shao become so smart?

Seeing that Liu Bei was still hesitant, Yuan Shao patted him on the shoulder:

"Xuande, don't worry, I'll send three thousand light cavalry, with Zhang He and Gao Lan as the vanguard, to rescue your brother.

"It's just that you have to drink with me in the tent!

Yuan Shao had secretly planned for a long time that he would not send troops in vain no matter what.

Liu Bei is such a thief, he must stay in his tent to make plans for himself!


Liu Bei was still hesitating, if he didn't go in person, Guan Yu would definitely be extremely disappointed.

But right now, if you don't agree to Yuan Shao, let alone three thousand light cavalry, even generals like Zhang He and Gao Lan don't have half of them.

Then who should I rely on to save Guan Yu? On myself? On the male and female double-strand sword?

"Xuande is relieved, Zhang He and Gao Lan are famous generals in the world, and they will definitely be able to rescue your brother safely."

"I didn't know it at first, but the Nanman King has tens of thousands of rattan armored soldiers.

In a hurry, Liu Bei had no choice but to tell Meng Huo's old story.

Sure enough, after Liu Bei's words, Yuan Shao fell silent.

If this is the case, will I lose too many soldiers and horses when I send troops this time?

"Xuande, don't worry, then I will add another three thousand light cavalry to save my brother!"

For Yuan Shao's assurance, Liu Bei could only roll his eyes, my dear, six thousand light cavalry, I'm afraid it's not enough for Meng Huo's teeth?

But for now, that's all.

Soon, Yuan Shao called Zhang He and gave a secret order:

"You lead 6,000 light cavalry to the west of the city to explore, if there is a chance to save some men and horses, and finally, if you don't have the chance, give a symbolic fight, don't lose too many men and horses, and return to the camp immediately.

"Yes, my lord!

Zhang He quickly took orders and went to the sword.

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