I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 150 What do you think about this matter? Me, I lie down and watch

"Okay you big-eared thief!"

As we all know, Liu Bei's ears are very large, not only that, but also very long hands.

"Records of the Three Kingdoms: The First Sovereign Biography" records that Liu Bei "was seven feet five inches long, with his hands over his knees, and Gu Zi saw his ears."

Different from the more novel nature of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", the records of "Three Kingdoms" are still very credible.

Seeing the final answer to this question, Lü Bu immediately took Fang Tianhua halberd to demonstrate against Liu Bei.

Good guy, I thought I died while fighting for territory with Cao Cao, but was actually framed to death by Liu Bei, is this okay?

At this time, Liu Bei, who saw the answer, was also at a loss. He originally wanted to recruit Lu Bu, how could he have framed him to death?

"Fengxian, don't worry, it won't be too late until we see the analysis of the answer.

Liu Bei rolled his eyes and immediately thought of a way to delay.

Isn't there an analysis for every question and answer in the air space?

As long as you read the analysis, Liu Bei believes that what happened will soon be revealed!

【Problem Analysis】

[The death of Lu Bu in Baimenlou]

[Cao Cao sent a large army to conquer Xuzhou in person, but Lu Bu was defeated and retreated to Xiapi to defend.

Two months later, while sleeping, Lu Bu was bound by his men and opened the city gate to surrender.

Cao Cao disposed of Lü Bu and his entourage in the White Gate Tower. When Cao Cao went downstairs, Lü Bu said to Liu Bei: "Gong is a guest, and Bu is a prisoner. Why don't you say a word and save each other?" Liu Bei nodded in agreement.

After a while, Cao Cao went upstairs, and Lü Bu expressed his willingness to surrender and assist Cao Cao to rule the world. Cao Cao turned around and asked Liu Bei, "How is it?

However, Liu Bei replied, "Is Ding Yuan and Dong Zhuo not seen?

Lu Bu was so angry that he cursed: "The big-eared thief is the most untrustworthy!"

And condemned: "Don't you remember the incident of Yuanmen shooting a halberd?"

Liu Bei was silent and said nothing, and Cao Cao ordered Lü Bu to be hanged to death. 】

Seeing such an analysis of the answer, Liu Bei fell into silence.

Obviously, the answer of the air space must be a fact.

Then there is only one possibility, in order to prevent Cao Cao from getting Lü Bu, he deliberately framed Lü Bu and caused him to be killed by Cao Cao.

In this way, the answer to this question "740" is really me.

But looking at Lu Bu, who was about to go berserk, Liu Bei immediately rolled his eyes. Although Lu Bu died of his own frame, at least he died in the hands of Cao Cao, and he might be able to defend himself.

Thinking like this, he quickly put on a smile and explained to Lu Bu:

"Fengxian, look, I said you didn't kill me, right? It's all that Cao Ahui did, you just need to go find him."

Cao Cao on the side almost spit out a mouthful of salt soda, thank you so much!

It was you who framed Lu Bu, why did you push it on me?

However, Cao Cao was not an articulate person, so he quickly found a reason.

"Feng Xian, you can't listen to his nonsense."

"We are fighting, that's what happened on the battlefield, and you see, I meant to let you go at the time, it was Liu Bei who framed you!

"And it seems that you still have kindness to Liu Bei. He actually takes kindness and revenge. Can you bear this?"

Although he didn't know what the "Yuanmen Shooting Halberd" mentioned by the Qiyun Space was, Cao Cao deduced that since Lu Bu was able to raise this matter at that time, it must be a matter of Lu Bu's kindness to Liu Bei.

Sure enough, Lu Bu's mind was simple at first, and he was instantly stunned when he heard the two's explanation.

One is the one who kills himself, the other is the one who framed himself, who should I hate?

"Little Rui Beast, what do you think about this?"

Seeing a dispute, the first emperor was rarely interested.

['I, I lie down and watch. ’]

"Nonsense, I'm serious, since you've known it for a thousand years, and you know it for a thousand years, you must know the beginning and end of this matter.

['Of course Liu Bei is not moral!']

Baihei stretched his waist, then turned over.

【‘Although Lu Bu is a capricious little person, that big-eared thief is not a good thing. ’]

[‘Lü Bu shot a halberd at the Yuanmen to save Liu Bei, and the two clashed later because Liu Bei robbed the horses that Lu Bu bought from Shandong. 】

Regarding this matter, Bai Zhi had consulted a lot of classics in those days.

The description of this incident in Romance of the Three Kingdoms is that Zhang Fei led it and Liu Bei knew it afterwards.

But in fact, Liu Bei wanted to stay alive at the time, but unfortunately, because it was the first time to do this kind of thing, so he was not very skilled, so he left it alive and was discovered by Lu Bu.

This caused the two to turn against each other later.

If you say you turn your back, turn your back on it. Liu Bei also persuaded Cao Cao, no, before you conquer Yuan Shu, you must kill Lu Bu first, otherwise he will be behind you, and you will definitely not have a good life.

So, this time, Lu Bu was plunged into the abyss.

All in all, it is not difficult to see that Liu Bei and Lu Bu are the same raccoon dog only from the fact that Liu Bei took refuge in various princes and then turned his back on them one after another.

Whether it was Cao Cao or Lü Bu, Liu Bei followed them, but they didn't last long.

【‘Liu Bei, this wave is a daily operation. ’]

['I killed Lu Bu with Lu Bu, deceived 50,000 soldiers and horses with Cao Cao, killed two generals with Yuan Shao, seized Jingzhou with Sun Quan, rebelled against their son with Liu Biaoce, seized Yizhou with Liu Zhang, and Tao Qian "let" Xuzhou..."

Counting Liu Bei's brilliant "records", Bai Hei couldn't bear to look directly.

To say that Liu Bei may also be a good person, no matter who he goes with, he can "send" something, which is really amazing.

Listening to Bai Hei's introduction, the First Emperor was completely stunned.

Liu Bei's series of operations allowed him to open the door to a new world. How can a person be so shameless?

Compared with Liu Bei, this Lu Bu is nothing compared to a great witch!

"It really is the descendant of thieves, the most unbelievable!"

The First Emperor snorted coldly and looked at Liu Bei.

Liu Bei suddenly felt bad, what did the first emperor find?

Seeing the first emperor's voice, Cao Cao immediately took it to heart, turned to Lv Bu and said:

"You don't have to believe what we say, but His Majesty the First Emperor is an outsider and can always say a few words of justice. 99

Hearing what Cao Cao said, Lu Bu also nodded and looked at the First Emperor.

"Liu Beien avenged his revenge and betrayed his promise, and he is indeed the descendant of a thief."

There was no trace of affection in the first emperor's words, and he directly stepped on Liu Bei into the mud.

"That's right, if you lose in the battlefield, even if you die, you have no regrets, but if you take revenge for your kindness, it's really disgusting."

As soon as the first emperor's words were finished, Meng Huo, who was beside him, also cursed.

This time, Liu Bei's face suddenly turned red.

After all, the facts have been exposed by the answers in the Q&A space of luck, and now it seems that I am at a loss for words.

After such a discussion, Lu Bu also completely understood.

If Cao Cao's explanation and the first emperor's explanation could not be understood, but Meng Huo's words, who were also simple-minded, made him feel like he was enlightened.

Yes, even if you lose your head on the battlefield, it's not a pity, but the villain who repays revenge must not be lenient!

Cao Cao captured himself, and it was a matter of victory or defeat on the battlefield.

Liu Bei framed himself, it was a matter of character!

This time, Lu Bu completely understood.

"Big-eared thief, after I go back, I will immediately mobilize three thousand Mongolian cavalry to fight with you!

Lu Bu waved the Chinese Fangtianhua halberd with awe-inspiring fighting intent.

Liu Bei could only smile bitterly, it seemed that the grudge between him and Lu Bu was completely insoluble.

After all, after this luck question and answer ended, he immediately retreated.

In this question and answer, except for Shi Huangdi and Cao Cao who got 2 points each, all the others answered incorrectly and got −1 point.

After a discussion among the crowd, the Q&A space for luck quickly opened the second round of answering questions.

['In the process of extracting questions...']

[The second question, related figures - Meng Huo. 】

Seeing his name, Meng Huo's eyes widened immediately, but he wanted to see, what was his future like?

[During the Three Kingdoms period, who defeated Meng Huo and captured Zhu Rong, killing tens of thousands of southern barbarians?]

【A. Lu Bu】

【B.Cao Cao】

【C. Liu Bei】

【D. Zhuge Liang】

【E. Sun Quan】

[This time, there will be no restrictions on answering the question. You have ten minutes to answer the question. 】


Good guy, I defeated Meng Huo and captured his wife. If you say this, I, Cao Cao, will not be sleepy!

Cao Cao immediately sat up with a "snap" and looked at the five options.

Lu Bu, Cao Cao, and Liu Bei were all present.

Zhuge Liang was the future prime minister of Liu Bei to establish Shu Han.

This Sun Quan...

Since Sun Jian was not dead at this time, Sun Quan was young and had no name, so it was normal for Cao Cao not to know.

But since the surname is Sun, it is estimated that it is from Sun Jian's family.

Seeing this question, Liu Bei suddenly had a bad feeling...

The last question was about Lu Bu, and Liu Bei got burned.

So this time, Liu Bei chose silence.

Because according to the previous introduction of Qiyun Space, Liu Bei knew that Zhuge Liang had already set fire to tens of thousands of barbarians, so no matter who did this thing, in short, it had nothing to do with Shu Han.

As a result, he had to shrink his head and pretend to know nothing.

He looked at Lu Bu, who was at the side. At this time, Lu Bu's mood had gradually stabilized. Although he was still staring at him, the resentment in his eyes had been reduced a lot.

On the other hand, Meng Huo immediately became furious after seeing this topic!

"Who is it? Who dares to kill my son!

"Who dares to deceive my wife?"

He took down two big axes from his back, held them in his hands, and looked at the few people beside him aggressively.

Among the five people, except for the first emperor and himself who are not among the options, the other three are currently suspected!

Although he doesn't know who Sun Quan is, Zhuge Liang does.

Liu Bei's prime minister after the establishment of Shu Han!

He had seen it in the introduction of Fuji Jiajun!

"Don't be in a hurry, King Nanman, we can first analyze and analyze who is so daring to attack the King of Nanman.

After speaking, Cao Cao deliberately glanced at Liu Bei.

The previous Zhuge Liang could clearly see the fire attack of the Fujijia Army.

In any case, this matter has nothing to do with Shu Han.

"Is it you, this hypocritical little person!"

For the first time, the barbarian king Meng Huo set his sights on Liu Bei.

The introduction of the Tengjia Army said that Zhuge Liang, who was under Liu Bei, set fire to the Tengjia Army, so is it possible that Zhuge Liang or Liu Bei did this?

This can't help but be suspicious!

Looking at the stalemate between the few people, the First Emperor whispered to Bai Hei:

"Little Rui Beast, is the answer to this question Zhuge Liang?"

['Congratulations, you answered correctly!']

White and Black nodded.

The difficulty of this question is not too big. The only confusing point is that when Zhuge Liang set fire to the Tengjia Army, Liu Bei was not driving himself.

This point was not clearly written when Teng Jiajun introduced it. If Liu Bei was to go on a personal expedition, then the answer to this question would definitely be Liu Bei.

But if Liu Bei didn't have the imperial army, then the answer to this question would be Zhuge Liang.

So no matter how you choose, as long as you have a little brain, you will choose between the two.

"Little Rui Beast, is this Zhuge Liang really powerful?"

Seeing that his answer was correct, the first emperor quickly turned his attention to Zhuge Liang.

This name has appeared several times in the space of luck, and every time it looks very powerful, if you can recruit your subordinates, it is a good choice.

['You don't want to recruit Zhuge Liang to return to Qin, right?']

Bai Hei saw through what Emperor Shi Huang was thinking at a glance, and just like Cao Cao, Shi Huang's love for talents rose again.


The first emperor did not pretend to be pretentious and admitted it generously.

[‘Hey—if that’s the case, I advise you to give up as soon as possible. J

White and Black sighed.

"How do you say that?"

The first emperor was puzzled, could it be that the current Da Qin was not worthy of his Zhuge Liang?

['Zhuge Liang devoted his life to Liu Bei, and all his descendants shed their blood for Shu Han, in order to repay Liu Bei's kindness. ’l

['Just as Cao Cao belongs to this era, Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei are bound together, and it is difficult to separate them. ’]

['Liu Bei also has a general named Guan Yu, who has a good force value and is loyal to others. Unfortunately, he and Liu Bei have sworn in, and it is just as difficult to recruit. ’]

If it weren't for the close relationship between Guan Yu and Liu Bei, Bai Zhu would have to help the First Emperor to take Guan Yu down.

That is Wu Sheng, Yi Jue!

"It's really a pity after such a talent has followed the thief.

Since Bai Hei had already said so, the First Emperor quickly gave up the idea of ​​soliciting.

The other four also made their own choices after silence.

Ten minutes later, the voice of the luck space sounded:

[Please write down the answers you have in mind. 】

A selector with light and shadow appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone wrote down their own answers.

[Answer completed. 】


[Correct answer, item D. 】

[Emperor Ying Zheng answered correctly, the answer is "D", and the points will be +2 points. 】

[King of Wei Cao Cao answered correctly, the answer is "D", and the points will be +2 points. 】

[Liu Bei, Emperor Zhaolie of the Shu Han Dynasty, answered incorrectly, and the answer is "D", and the points will be +2 points. 】

[Wenhou Lu Bu answered incorrectly, the answer is "C", and the points will be awarded -1 point. 】

[Meng Huo, the king of Nanman, answered incorrectly, the answer is "C", and the score is -1 point. 】


There are still many people who answered this question correctly. The first emperor Ying Zheng, the Wei king Cao Cao, and the Shu Han Zhaolie emperor Liu Bei all answered correctly.

Only Lu Bu and Meng Huo chose Liu Bei, but they answered incorrectly and were deducted points.

"Look, I'll just say it's not me. 35

Liu Bei spread his hands towards Meng Huo with an innocent look on his face.

"Then this Zhuge Liang is also the prime minister, you can't escape the relationship!

Meng Huo still relentlessly danced the axe in his hands and attacked Liu Bei.

"If your subordinates don't have your orders, how dare they use troops against Nanzhong?"

"And just in terms of martial arts, how can he defeat me? There must be some conspiracy!

"I also killed so many of my children, my Nanman King Meng Huo will never share the sky with you!"

Meng Huo almost growled, yelling at Liu Bei.

In his opinion, it doesn't matter who you are Zhuge Liang or Liu Bei, in a word, it is your Shu Han people who killed so many Nan barbarians in the end!

"That's Zhuge Liang's business. You go to him. What does it have to do with me, Liu Bei?"

In the blink of an eye, Liu Bei sold Zhuge Liang.

Good guy, this one-handed operation directly made the First Emperor and Cao Cao look stupid. In the future, your prime minister and pillar of Shu Han will be sold by you in 2.2?

You Liu Bei are really benevolent!

In this regard, Liu Bei did not care, even a little complacent.

Anyway, since Zhuge Liang was not there, it was a question whether he could even find him. It was natural to sell first hand first.

For the quarrel of the crowd, the Q&A Space of Qiyun naturally ignored it, and gave a random analysis of the problem.

【Problem Analysis】

[Zhuge Liang captures Meng Huo seven times]

[Seven Captures of Meng Huo, also known as Nanzhong Pingding War, was a war launched by Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of Shu Han in the third year of Jianxing, against Nanzhong to pacify Nanzhong. At that time, Zhu Bao, Yong Kai, Gao Ding and others rebelled, and Meng Huo, a tycoon in Nanzhong, also participated. In the end, Zhuge Liang personally led an army south to pacify Nanzhong.

Zhuge Liang captured and released the local chief Meng Huo seven times, and the seventh time he captured Meng Huo in Menghuo City, and made him truly admit defeat and no longer be an enemy.

In the process of pacifying the Nanzhong rebellion, Zhuge Liang's strategy of attacking the heart and mind of Meng Huo, the powerful leader of Nanzhong, was to completely eliminate the rebellious psychology of the Nanzhong minority. However, in the course of the battle with Meng Huo, tens of thousands of Tengjia troops were burned and a large number of barbarians were beheaded. 】

[Expansion of the problem: After the seven captures of Meng Huo, although Meng Huo no longer rebelled, due to the method of "fighting to support the war" adopted by the Prime Minister of Shu Han, Zhuge Liang, in the course of his expedition, after the army left, other tribes in the Nanman rebelled one after another, causing disasters in the war. Incessantly, later Zhuge Liang sent people to quell the rebellion several times and massacred the rebel tribes. 】

After reading the problem analysis, Liu Bei split.

Good guy, if you have an analysis pit, I'll do it, and then make another question to expand and condemn Shu Han. What's going on?

For this extended paragraph, White and Black have deep feelings.

What is this condemnation, this is the almost buried history behind the Three Kingdoms.

In history, Zhuge Liang made several northern expeditions, and every step of the army was money, so where did the money come from?

Don't you need money to conquer Nanban?

Therefore, they can only "support war with war", while fighting with the satisfaction of the South Central region, while looting the money and grain in the local area, which led to the deep hatred of the tribes in the South Central region for Shu Han.

After Zhuge Liang's army left, they turned their backs immediately.

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