I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 151 The 3 question of luck quiz! Poor Liu Bei

According to the records of Li Huichuan of the Three Kingdoms, after Zhuge Liang occupied the south, he directly "gives out old men, Pug ox, war horses, gold, silver, rhinoceros, and leather to fill the military capital."


Later, every time the rebels were attacked, basically all the useful and valuable things of the barbarians, such as gold and silver, cattle, horses, sheep, etc., were scavenged and used for military capital.

At that time, the Nanman was still a primitive tribal society. These things were the basis for their survival. If they were all taken away, could their leaders or tribal leaders not rebel? On the other hand, they were forced.

Although Zhuge Liang also had Zhuge Liang's difficulties, the fact is that after the seven captures of Meng Huo, Meng Huo no longer rebelled, and other tribes in the South Central region rebelled one after another.

After reading the expansion of the question, Meng Huo's anger value completely reached its peak.

My dear, I thought that Zhuge Liang only did the evil thing of slaughtering the barbarians, but now it seems that this is no way for the children of Nanzhong to survive!

Gritting his teeth at Liu Bei, Meng Huo threatened:

"What a prime minister of Shu Han!""

"Didn't you say that this matter has nothing to do with you? I, Meng Huo, swear once again that if Zhuge Liang joins Shu Han, I, Meng Huo, will raise hundreds of thousands of Nanban disciples to attack them personally!"

Suddenly, Meng Huo forced Zhuge Liang into a dilemma.

This Zhuge Liang, is it a move or not?

If they were recruited, then the tribal barbarians of the southern barbarians would be in the hundreds of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands.

But if you don't do it, according to Cao Amo's temperament, Zhuge Liang will definitely be brought under his command, and then Shu Han will lose more than the gain!

"Okay, I'll talk about it later."

Since he couldn't figure it out clearly, Liu Bei simply no longer struggled, but was sloppy and prepared to fool the past.

Bai Zhu looked at the expressions of the others, and Meng Huo was naturally furious.

Lu Bu, who was on the side, also stared at Liu Bei after learning that he was eventually framed to death by Liu Bei.

The first emperor had no good impression of Liu Bei from the very beginning, and as for Cao Cao... he was happy to watch the play on the sidelines.

For him, as long as Liu Bei's situation is more unfavorable, the better for him.

As one of the two forces that can compete with him in the world, Cao Cao doesn't mind stepping him into the mud.

After everyone discussed it, the Q&A space for luck quickly opened the question and answer of the third question:

['In the process of extracting questions...']

[The second question, related characters - Cao Cao. 】

Seeing that the relevant character this time was actually himself, Cao Cao glanced at Liu Bei subconsciously.

Liu Bei shuddered immediately, and he suddenly had an ominous premonition!

The first two questions made him offend Lv Bu and Meng Huo respectively, but the third question is related to Cao Cao.

Although they are now bickering with Cao Cao on the surface, both of them know in their hearts that it is just a suppression between their opponents.

But if this third question really says something about the endless things between the two, I am afraid that the relationship between myself and Cao Cao will be completely broken!

On one side was Cao Cao, who was looking forward to it, and on the other was Liu Bei, who was worried. They quickly set their eyes on the topic board in front of them:

【Please read the following passages and choose the correct answer】

[Background introduction: Liu Bei personally led the army to take Hanzhong, and Cao Cao personally led the army to meet it. 】

[But he said that Du Xi led the army to flee back, see (), and said that Huang Zhong captured the opposite mountain.

() He was furious and said: "Huang Zhong has taken the opposite mountain and will not allow me not to fight.

Zhang He said: "This is the plan of the righteousness of the law. Generals are not allowed to go into battle, they should only stick to it."

() said: "Occupy my opposite mountain, look at my reality, how can I not fight?""

He Kui did not listen to his advice. () Divide the army to surround the opposite mountain and curse and challenge.

Fazheng raised the white flag on the mountain; Huang Zhong did not fight even though he was insulted in every possible way.

After noon, Fazheng saw that Cao's soldiers were tired and their vigor had fallen.

( ) Unprepared, Huang Zhong rushed under the cover and shouted loudly, like a thunderous roar. () Before they could meet him, Huang Zhong's treasured sword had fallen, with his head and shoulders attached, and he was cut into two pieces. 】

[Question: Please select the correct answer from the following characters and fill in ( ). 】

【A. Xun Yu】

【B.Cao Zhang】

【C․ Xiahou Yuan]

【D. Cao Ren】

【E. Cao Hong】

[This time, there will be no restrictions on answering the question, you have ten minutes to think about it]


After reading the short article in front of him, Cao Cao fell into contemplation.

Judging from the background introduction of this short article, this paragraph should be Huang Zhong beheading one of his generals.

However, he had heard of Huang Zhong's name. Han Xuan, the prefect of Changsha, had a good bow and was good at archery.

Judging from the short article, it should be Huang Zhong who finally took refuge in Liu Bei.

No, it would be a pity if such a general were to use Liu Bei!

After returning home, I have to immediately send a letter to Han Xuanxiu, the prefect of Changsha, to build a good relationship and prepare for recruiting Huang Zhong in the future. Right now, the most important thing is to answer the questions.

Judging from the setting of the question, this question allows the choice of who is the general who was beheaded by Huang Zhong.

And from the details, Zhang Neighbor is the lieutenant of this general!

Zhang He, now a general of Yuan Shao's army, has a reputation far and wide, and Cao Cao has been fascinated by him for a long time.

He never imagined that Zhang He would finally work for him!

Doesn't that prove that he will defeat Yuan Shao in the future?

For a while, after guessing such a result, Cao Cao couldn't help feeling a little complacent.

It is not difficult to analyze from the short article, this general should be a military general who is quite trusted by him. After all, if Zhang He can be used as a handrail and stationed in such an important city, how can he be a mediocre general?

Looking at the first option, Cao Cao immediately dismissed it contemptuously.

Just kidding, Xun Yu has the talent of Wang Zuo, so he will send him to the front?

I'm afraid it's not a brain watt!

Moreover, Xun Yu's temperament has always been stable, how could he not be able to withstand the provocation of the enemy and immediately go out of the city to fight?

Therefore, he easily ruled out the "A" item.

The remaining four options are Cao Zhang, Xiahou Yuan, Cao Ren, and Cao Hong.

Cao Cao touched his chin, and it is not difficult to see from the short article that this general is quite reckless in character, and he is very easy to act in his temper.

If it is such a character, it must not be Cao Ren.

Cao Ren's fighting style has always been very calm, especially good at defense.

Although he didn't know why he didn't send Cao Ren there at the time, Cao Cao was sure that if Cao Ren came to garrison the city, I'm afraid Huang Zhong wouldn't be able to attack it for three months.

Cao Ren's defense is not only invisible, but also has a very calm temperament. No matter how much you insult me, I just can't stand it, so such a reckless general must not be him.

Soon, Cao Cao ruled out the "D" item again.

In this way, there are only three options left, Cao Zhang, Cao Hong, and Xiahou Yuan.

Cao Zhang is Cao Cao's son, and a son who makes him quite proud.

His martial arts are superb, and he can't compare to Ma Chao.

But because of his simple mind, Cao Cao would never let Cao Zhang as the main general to garrison a key city.

First, he did not want his son to take risks, and secondly, he wanted to ensure that the generals defending the city would not be influenced by Cao Zhang.

After all, Cao Zhang's identity is special, even as a lieutenant, no matter who the main general is, he has to give in three points to him.

After all, who would dare to provoke the son of the lord?

If he wants to fight, even if the general does not agree, there will be many people willing to fight with him!

Especially his reckless temper, once the enemy yells, he will definitely be unable to hold back.

In addition, Cao Zhang himself was originally good at offense and not good at defense.

Therefore, Cao Cao would not send Cao Zhang to the front line to defend the city anyway.

Therefore, Cao Zhang's option can also be ruled out.

Now, only Cao Hong and Xiahou Yuan are left.

In all fairness, Cao Cao still prefers to dispatch Xiahou Yuan if they are to defend the city.

Because Cao Hong's temperament is the same as Cao Cao's, he is strong in character, cannot withstand the instigation of the enemy, and is good at attacking and not good at defending.

In particular, Cao Hong is still young, so it is impossible for Cao Cao to send him to the front line.

But combined with the reckless behavior in the short article, Cao Cao was caught in a tangle.

Do you choose according to your heart or according to the content of the short text?

I don't know this question, what do other people think?

Thinking of this, he immediately raised his head and glanced at Liu Bei.

I saw that at this time, Liu Bei's snot bubbles were already happy.

He has long noticed the title of Huang Zhong, and it turns out that this tiger general will also serve under his command in the future!

So why should Lü Bu, Meng Huo and others be so afraid!

And from the content of the short article, Huang Zhong finally won the victory, so maybe he can win the battle of Hanzhong!

Thinking of this, Liu Bei couldn't help holding his head high and looked up at Cao Cao like a show.

This time, the eyes of the two met.

Liu Bei was the first to speak:

"Meng De, I'm so sorry, I killed one of your generals again! (How about it, no, it's also a royal expedition, you're not as good as me!)"

"Where, if Brother Xuande can get Hanzhong, it will be a congratulation! (There is nothing to show off, whether you can get it in the Hanzhong area is another story!)"

Seeing the "daggers drawn" between the two's words, Meng Huo, who was beside him, immediately turned his head to the side.

He had little interest in the internal struggles in the Central Plains, and he even sneered at things like the alliance.

In his opinion, it doesn't matter what the situation in the Central Plains will be in the end, what matters is that he will send troops to conquer Liu Bei soon!

Originally, before participating in this Q&A, Lu Bu had the same thoughts as Meng Huo.

All you want is an alliance, as long as I can keep one-third of my acre of land.

But until he answered the question about himself, Lu Bu's mind also had some thoughts on "how to live" in the future.

Since according to the development of history, in the end, he and Cao Cao will definitely fight, and he will definitely be defeated and captured, and finally killed by Liu Bei.

So why can't I join Cao Cao in advance?

Moreover, according to the final historical development, Cao Cao's descendants have become emperors.

After learning of his ending, Lu Bu, who originally wanted to be free, had to choose to compromise.

If you can't beat it, join him!

However, Lu Bu was still arrogant and arrogant in the end. To want him to join Cao Cao, he needed a high-sounding reason and opportunity.

Otherwise, Lu Bu would feel ashamed if he used it like this.

So he just looked at the "friendly exchange" between Cao Cao and Liu Bei and didn't say anything.


"Little Rui Beast, how should I choose this question?"

The first emperor, who knew nothing about Cao Cao's generals, immediately chose to ask Bai Zhu for help.

After all, there is such an off-site god's assistance, and it is unnecessary to use it.

['Of course I chose Xiahou Yuan!']

Baihei shook his head, turned over, and continued to lie down to sleep.

No way, although he is on the list of elite soldiers, but he is not included in the Q&A session of luck.

But it's reasonable to think about it, one thousand years above and one thousand years below, if white and black participate, then there are other people's share?

What's more, the points obtained by everyone in the end have a real relationship with the lying points obtained by white and black.

If it weren't for the rules and restrictions of the Q&A space for luck, Bai Zhi would have announced the answer long ago.

Wouldn't it be beautiful if everyone got full marks, and then they also made a lot of money?

It's a pity that he can only think about these things because of the limitation of the question and answer space of luck.

On the other side, after having a "friendly exchange" with Liu Bei, Cao Cao silently looked at the last two options.

No matter how you choose, whoever dies is unacceptable to Cao Cao.

To this question, he believed that except for the first emperor who could answer correctly, the rest of the people would not be able to analyze the correct answer anyway unless they were accurate.

After all, as the master, you can't make up your mind, let alone others?

But the luck question and answer space will not wait for people. When the ten minutes are up, a question answering panel immediately appears in front of them.

[Please write down the answers you have in mind. 】

The First Emperor chose "C" Xiang Xiahouyuan without hesitation. With Bai Zhu's assist, he had nothing to think about.

After much thought, Cao Cao finally chose the "C" option. After all, if it's fair to say, no matter what he chooses, he will choose Xiahou Yuan - even if he really doesn't want Xiahou Yuan to die.

But compared to Cao Hong, Xiahou Yuan can still be a little bit more stable.

As for Lu Bu, Liu Bei, and Meng Huo, they chose one of them at will. After all, they did not know Cao Cao's generals.

[Answer completed. 】


[Correct answer, item C. 】

[Emperor Ying Zheng answered correctly, the answer is "C", and the points will be +2 points. 】

[King of Wei, Cao Cao, answered correctly, the answer is "C", and the points will be +2 points. 】

[Liu Bei, Emperor Zhaolie of Shu Han, answered incorrectly, the answer is "D", and the points will be -1 point. 】

[Wenhou Lu Bu answered incorrectly, the answer is "A", and the points will be awarded -1 point. 】

[Nanman King Meng Huo answered incorrectly, the answer is "E", and the score is -1 point. 】


Unsurprisingly, none of Lu Bu, Liu Bei, and Meng Huo had the physique of the European emperor.

Only when the first emperor relied on white and black, and Cao Cao made a choice based on his heart, he finally answered 740 correctly.

As soon as the answer came out, Cao Cao's heart sank, and it really was Xiahou Yuan!

Seeing that Cao Cao's face became ugly, Liu Bei also became silent.

After all, it's okay to fight and quarrel. If you really tear up your face with Cao Cao now, I'm afraid his life will be sad in the future.

Xiahou Yuan, a military general who was deeply involved with Cao Cao in history.

He and Cao Cao are brother-in-law, and their friendship is irreversible.

Xiahouyuan married Cao Cao's wife and sister, and Cao Cao was implicated in a case in his hometown. Xiahouyuan was punished on his behalf, and Cao Cao rescued him later, and the two had a close relationship.

He is also Cao Cao's confidant.

Xiahou Yuan followed Cao Cao to conquer the world since Cao Cao raised his army in December 189.

During the Battle of Guandu, he timely supplied food and grass for the army to supervise the transportation, which stabilized the heart of Cao's army.

He was good at raiding thousands of miles, and successively quelled the rebellions of Changxi, Xu He, Lei Xu, Shang Yao, etc., with outstanding military exploits.

He shook off the right.

In 211 AD, Cao Cao defeated Ma Chao and Han Sui and won the battle of Weinan. Later, Xiahouyuan was left to guard Chang'an and was solely responsible for the conquest of Guanzhong and Liangzhou.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Longxi was the gathering place of Han, Qiang, Di and other ethnic groups. The people were sturdy, and they refused to accept the rule of the Han Dynasty. The task of Xiahouyuan was difficult and difficult.

However, Xiahou Yuan lived up to expectations, and successively defeated Liu Xiong, Liang Xing, Ma Chao, Han Sui, etc., and swept the Qiangdi and other tribes.

It only took more than a month to settle Song Jian, who had been the king of Yuan in Liangzhou for more than 30 years.

Cao Cao commented on his "tiger steps to the right, and nowhere to go", and he sighed that he was inferior.

It is precisely because of these reasons that Cao Cao's feelings for Xiahou Yuan have always been complicated. Now that he learned that Liu Bei had killed Xiahou Yuan, it must have made his heart heavy.

[Problem Analysis: In AD 215, Cao Cao conquered Zhang Lu in Hanzhong, Xiahou Yuan led his generals and the Qiang and Hu kings to join forces with Cao Cao to support him.

Whenever Cao Cao met with the Qiang and Hu kings, he ordered Xiahou Yuan to accompany him to deter the Qiang and Hu kings.

Later, Cao Cao subdued Zhang Lu, and Bai Xiahou Yuan was the general of the expedition to the west, guarding Hanzhong and being responsible for the defense of the west line. 】

Before Cao Cao recovered, the problem analysis came out.

Sure enough, this person is Xiahou Yuan!

"Xuande, you have gone too far in this matter."

Although the sword has no eyes on the battlefield, it is still unacceptable to the current Cao Cao.

It's like, if Cao Cao kills Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, then Liu Bei will regard Cao Cao as his mortal enemy no matter what.

This can be seen from the fact that after the death of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, Liu Bei disregarded everyone's opposition and focused on attacking Wu.

At this moment, Liu Bei's expression was as uncomfortable as eating a hundred durians.

In the first question, he offended Lu Bu.

In the second question, he offended Meng Huo.

The third question, he offended Cao Cao.

Coupled with the identity of the descendants of the Han family, the congenital will make the first emperor unhappy.

So it really counts, everyone present has been offended by him again and again.

He really wanted to find out the "immortal" who had the problem and ask, how did Liu Bei's ancestor offend him?

But he couldn't, didn't dare.

Even for the next special topic, he still has a faint expectation.

Even if these three questions are aimed at him, he still fantasizes that he can get some benefits from this luck question and answer space.

After all, if he gives up and Cao Cao is still there, I am afraid it will be difficult for him to compete with him in the future!

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