I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 149 I, Lu Bu, are invincible and can never die!

After dealing with these twenty spies, Bai Zhu's fourth reward introduction quickly emerged.

【The fourth reward: 10,000 sets of rattan armor!】

【Rattan armor: A kind of armor made of rattan with special treatment. Compared with metal armor, it has the characteristics of light weight, not afraid of water, and strong air permeability. The protective parts are mainly the head and upper body, and more shields are used together to protect other parts of the body. 】


And it's 10,000 copies all at once!

Unlike the elites of other arms, the rise of the Fujijia Army is entirely due to the existence of the Fujijia itself.

To be fair, the combat effectiveness of its soldiers is not very strong.

So getting 10,000 rattan armors is no different from getting 10,000 rattan armors.

And the characteristics of the Fujijia Army are more in line with the Jiangnan water town, not afraid of water, light weight and strong air permeability.

In this way, when raising troops between the rivers and rivers in the south of the Yangtze River, with these 10,000 pairs of rattan armor and 10,000 Jinfan troops, the Daqin army is bound to be invincible!

"Vine armor?"

Liu Bei deliberately glanced at Meng Huo, who was beside him, and joked.

"It seems that Nanman's weapons have now been requisitioned by Da Qin."

This sentence is obviously strongly provocative.

As the auspicious beast beside Shi Huangdi, since he had already had a bad relationship with Shi Huangdi, then Liu Bei would naturally not miss this opportunity to instigate.

"Brother Xuande's words are bad!"

Seeing Meng Huo's mood fluctuated slightly, Cao Cao immediately opened his mouth to explain for Bai Hei:

"Brother Meng Huo, don't worry, although the first emperor's iron-eating beast has obtained rattan armor, it is not in the same era as us, so naturally there is no competition."5

"So even if His Majesty the First Emperor obtained the rattan armor, that would be equivalent to making your name, brother Meng Huo, right?"

After Cao Cao's explanation, Meng Huo heaved a sigh of relief.

So, it seems that you are indeed a little stingy?

Seeing that the conflict that he had instigated with great difficulty was easily resolved by Cao Cao, Liu Bei immediately became angry.

"Cao Mengde! Do you have to be against me?"

"Brother Xuande, where did you come from? When did I, Cao Mengde, do the right thing to you?"

Cao Cao spread his hands and looked innocent.

He is a first-class expert in pretending to be confused.

【‘Well, yes, Cao Cao is quite good. 1

Seeing that Cao Cao said a few words, he helped him resolve his hatred, and Bai Hei praised it in his heart.

Although he is not afraid of Meng Huo's hatred and hatred, it is better to have less than one thing. Based on this principle, Cao Cao can be considered a leader for himself.

"Yes, this Cao Mengde also likes it very much.

Hearing Bai Hei's compliments, the First Emperor also echoed.

Yes, who wouldn't like a person like Cao Mengde who is so affectionate and sexual?

Although the first emperor's love was related to the overthrow of the Han Dynasty by Cao Cao's son, it was more of a love for Cao Cao's "authenticity".

Especially Cao Cao's "strength" is arrogant but humble, true but hypocritical.

"If it weren't for the two eras, I would really want to recruit him into my command.

The First Emperor looked at Cao Cao, who was beside him, and said softly.

For the first emperor's thought, Bai Zhu chose to remain silent.

It is not difficult to get Cao Cao to belong to the first emperor, as long as you do the same as when you brought Cai Yan and Diao Chan back.

But what Baihei knew more clearly in his heart was that Cao Cao was the leader of an era, and he was destined to stir up the Three Kingdoms situation and live in his own era, instead of returning to Daqin with the first emperor.

【‘He is a hero destined to live in this era, even if we speak, he will not agree. ’]

Although the first emperor had a heart of love for talents, he could not force others to be difficult, so he had no choice but to give up this idea.

[The fifth reward: Commander Skill Card x1.]

The commander skill card is similar to Liu Bei's monarch skill last time.

The difference is that one is exclusively for the monarch and the other is for the commander-in-chief.

"Extract the commander skills!"

Bai Zhu said silently in his heart.

[The system is extracting, please wait...]


【Congratulations, you have obtained the commander skill - appease. 】

[Introduction to commander skills: appease, commander's exclusive skills. After the battle, it can be launched on all prisoners and enemy soldiers, reducing hatred by 80% and increasing friendliness by 50%. The effect lasts for three months. 】

Commander Skill: Appease!

Baihei's eyes rolled, and he immediately realized the power of this skill.

As long as this skill is activated after the war, it can reduce the hatred of the enemy soldiers by 80% and the friendliness by 50%. Although the duration is only three months, it is quite suitable for the strategic situation of the Qin state towards Baiyue.

There are many Baiyue tribes, and the most difficult thing is not to fight, but to govern.

Last moment, when you just defeated this tribe and were about to turn around to fight another tribe, this tribe rebelled again!

As a result, the army will go back and forth between the two places or even more tribes, exhausted and trapped in the dilemma of multi-line combat.

Once he has this "pacifying" commander-in-chief skill, Bai Zhu's battle against Baiyue will increase his winning rate by at least 30%!

At least, after conquering a tribe, Bai Zhu can guarantee that they will not betray them for three months!

With these three months, Bai and Hei will be able to clean up all the tribes of Baiyue one by one!

Even if it is not possible to sweep Baiyue within three months, at the very least, within these three months, whether it is to make a list and settle the people, or to open a warehouse and release grain.

In short, it gave the Qin army a buffer time for the rule of the Baiyue area.

In the past three months, as long as Daqin has done a good job in ruling the Baiyue area, then it is conceivable that even after three months, the effect of the commander skill has disappeared, and the military and civilians in the Baiyue area will have a certain recognition of Daqin. I feel that I will not immediately raise an army to rebel!

And this skill can not only be used on Baiyue, but can also be used when fighting against the other four major countries, and it can be used very much.

['Yes, another magical skill!']

Bai Hei was very satisfied with the five awards he had received.

Although these are not as exaggerated as iron smelting or paper making, they cannot change an era, but at least they have real effects on the next battle against Baiyue!

After completing the distribution of the last reward of the "Elite Soldier Ranking", the Q&A space for luck has also entered the 'Q&A stage'.

[The Q&A about luck is about to begin, please take your seats. 】


In front of everyone, a seat appeared.

Everyone's seat is engraved with their name and title.

First Emperor Ying Zheng.

Cao Cao, King of Wei.

Liu Bei, Emperor Zhaolie of Shu Han.

Wen Hou Lu Bu.

Southern barbarian king Meng Huo.

Same as last Q&A.

Due to the system upgrade, there are three common questions, and there is still an additional "special question".

【Extracting topics...】

[The first question, related characters - Wen Hou Lu Bu. 】

Seeing the words appearing in the void, Lu Bu immediately regained his senses.

This is the second time he has participated in the Q&A activity of luck, and he has not yet known what his future will be.

The first question this time is about yourself, so can you see some secrets from it?

[Excuse me, at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, who framed Lu Bu and caused his Baimenlou to be killed?]

【A. Cao Cao】

【B. Liu Bei】

【C. Yuan Shao】

【D. Meng Huo】

【E. Chen Gong】

[This time, there will be no restrictions on answering the question, and you have ten minutes to think about it. 】

The content of the first question was quickly revealed in front of everyone.

The answer to this question is still the same as last time, short and sharp, but the difficulty is not small.

Although this topic is the content of the late Eastern Han Dynasty.

But the time when the problem occurred was several years later, so even the characters involved in the problem themselves did not know what the correct answer was!

Therefore, if they want to know the correct answer, they must infer the final answer based on the personality of each person in reality and the development of the situation in the world.

And this means that the difficulty of the problem increases infinitely!

While the others were already thinking about it, Lu Bu's blood pressure rose all of a sudden, my dear, this makes me guess who framed me to death?

"Impossible! I, Lu Fengxian, are invincible!

Lu Bu shouted, and he lifted the Fang Tianhua halberd in his hand.

For Lu Bu's "anti-intellectual" behavior, the rest of the people directly ignored it.

They didn't have time to take care of this stunned young man. This question is a future question for the five people present. If you can answer it correctly, you will get 2 points at once!

"No answer! No one is allowed to answer!

"I, Lu Bu, are invincible in the world, and I will never die!"

Looking at Lu Bu who was waving his halberd, the other four looked like fools.

What, are you Wolverine?


Seeing that no one was taking care of him, Lu Bu had to put down the Fang Tianhua halberd in his hand and sat back in his seat silently.

In fact, he just waved a few times to express his dissatisfaction.

With the limitation of the Q&A space for luck, he didn't dare to do anything wrong.

"Among the five answers, the Nanman King Meng Huo should be the most unlikely."

Cao Cao was the first to put forward his own views.

Right now, in the Central Plains, although the various feudal lords are constantly fighting, once the foreign enemy invades, they will definitely be repelled immediately.

Whether it was the invasion of the southern barbarians in history, or the Wuhuan in the north, or even Yizhou, Sun Quan once sent people to conquer.

Therefore, no matter what, Meng Huo could not have traveled thousands of miles to intervene in Lv Bu's life and death.

On the one hand, it is impossible for him to separate one side and affect the situation in the Central Plains.

Both, Meng Huo was very reckless, not like Liu Bei who could frame other people.

Therefore, Cao Cao immediately ruled out item D.

For Cao Cao's behavior, Meng Huo expressed his approval:

"Laozi is too lazy to take care of your affairs in the Central Plains, Laozi has to accompany Zhu Rong to drink! 39

Looking at Meng Huo's reaction, even the simple-minded Lu Bu could basically confirm that if Lu Bu was killed, it might have been at Meng Huo's hands, but if he was framed, it was probably not Meng Huo's head. can come up with.

This time, after Cao Cao's judgment, the "D" item was ruled out at once.

After excluding the "D" item, Lu Bu also began to think secretly.

The remaining four were Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Yuan Shao and Chen Gong.

Cao Cao and Liu Bei were on the field, and Yuan Shao had a lot of connections with himself, but the last person, Chen Gong, was now under his own account.

Although Lu Bu didn't trust Chen Gong very much, he could feel Chen Gong's loyalty to him.

Like Gao Shun, although Lu Bu did not trust them, they were still clear about their loyalty to Lu Bu.

Therefore, there is a high probability that Chen Gong will not betray himself.

So, silently, Lu Bu ruled out the option of "Chen Gong".

"Dare to ask Fengxian, what direction do you plan to develop next? Who will you form an alliance with, and who will you fight with?

Seeing that Lü Bu was silent, Cao Cao quickly asked aloud.

"Hahaha, Cao Mengde, you are really not ashamed!"

Seeing Cao Cao open his mouth to ask questions, Liu Bei, who was beside him, immediately ridiculed him.

Cao Cao's idea was seen through by him at a glance.

··For flowers...

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as Lu Bu answered this question, the answer to this question can be basically inferred.

First of all, "where to develop", this is a directional issue.

Once Lu Bu has given a clear direction, based on the faction that that direction belongs to, it can quickly be deduced whose hands Lu Bu died.

As for "who to join, who to fight with", it can exclude other options and increase the accuracy of the final choice.

Even though Liu Bei could see through his thoughts at a glance, Cao Cao still waited for Lu Bu's answer without blushing or beating, without a trace of guilt or embarrassment.

"This...I really didn't think about it.""

Lu Bu thought about it for a while, then scratched his head and replied with some embarrassment.

Cao Cao: 66...99

Liu Bei: "...

Meng Huo:

Ying Zheng:

But looking at Lu Bu's confused look, everyone has already guessed it. It seems that Lu Bu has no plans for the future!

The hero is speechless!

Even that boy Meng Huo at least knew that he had a goal, and that was to attack Shuchuan and gain more living space for his tribe.

But you Lu Bu are really...

Since they can't count on themselves, everyone has to rely on their own judgment to choose the final answer.

"How on earth did Lu Bu die..."

Liu Bei muttered and lowered his head in thought.

Lu Bu: "Are you polite?

For these people, the first emperor is not ignorant.

After only a few times of thinking about the question and answer space of luck, the first emperor already had some knowledge of several people.

Although he did not know Chen Gong and Yuan Shao in the options, he still knew about Liu Bei and Cao Cao.

"Liu Bei is insidious and cunning, I am afraid that Lu Bu's death has something to do with him!"9

['Congratulations, you answered correctly!']

Bai Zhu's heart sounded in the ears of the first emperor, and the first emperor was stunned.

Just a random guess by myself, is it really correct?

Soon, the first emperor silently chose the "B" option in his heart.

After making the choice, he quickly turned his attention to the others.

At this time, after excluding Meng Huo, Cao Cao quickly turned his attention to the option of "Chen Gong".

Chen Gong was his savior. At the beginning, he turned away from him because of his unintentional sentence, "I would rather let the people of the world blame me, and don't teach the people of the world to blame me."

According to Chen Gong's temperament, since he had already served Lu Bu, he would at most be under the command of other people, and he would never frame Lu Bu and cause him to be killed.

Therefore, Cao Cao once again ruled out the option of "Chen Gong".

As for "Yuan Shao", it is not impossible to entrap Lü Bu, but there is neither connection nor grievance between him and Lü Bu, so it is difficult to say "framed".

If there is an option of "Yuan Shu", Cao Cao will definitely choose without hesitation, but unfortunately, only Yuan Shao.

Since other people have been excluded, only himself and Liu Bei are left now.

Ask yourself, Cao Cao still admires Lu Bu, if the two sides are at war, even Cao Cao wants to recruit Lu Bu, so he definitely won't frame him.

After considering it again and again, Cao Cao decided to choose the "B" item, Liu Bei!

At this time, Liu Bei didn't know that he had been chosen by two people to be the murderer who framed Lu Bu.

It is almost the same as Cao Cao's idea, but the difference is that in the end Liu Bei chose the "A" item, Cao Cao.

The reason is very simple. Now he does not know that Lv Bu will eventually be captured by Cao Cao, and he does not know that his future thoughts are not to let Cao Cao obtain Lv Bu as a general.

So now, all he is thinking about is how to recruit Lu Bu under his own command and serve him, so why is he willing to frame Lu Bu?

So far, three of the five have made a choice.

The remaining two were relatively simple-minded, Lu Bu himself and Meng Huo.

Naturally, Meng Huo didn't know what it was, and he didn't bother to think about it, so he directly chose the "E" option, Chen Gong.

Love is right, Laozi is going back to drink with Zhurong!

As for Lu Bu himself, he was scratching his head!

Who the hell framed my horse to death?

After thinking about it, he finally chose the "A" item, Cao Cao.

After careful consideration, he felt that he would probably develop in the direction of Cao Cao, so in the end he chose Cao Cao instead of Liu Bei and Yuan Shao.

[Please write down the answers you have in mind. 】

The voice of the luck question and answer space sounded again, and a selector with light and shadow appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone wrote down their own answers.

[Answer completed. 】


[Correct answer, item B. 】

[Emperor Ying Zheng answered correctly, answer "B", get points +2 points. 】

[King of Wei Cao Cao answered correctly, the answer is "B", and the points will be +2 points. 】

[Liu Bei, Emperor Zhaolie of the Shu Han Dynasty, answered incorrectly, the answer is "A", and the points will be awarded -1 point. 】

[Wenhou Lu Bu answered incorrectly, the answer is "A", and the points will be awarded -1 point. 】

[Nanman King Meng Huo answered incorrectly, the answer is "E", and the score is -1 point. 】


Except for the First Emperor Ying Zheng and the Wei King Cao Cao, the other three, including Lu Bu himself, all answered incorrectly!

"It seems that Fengxian still doesn't trust me, Cao, someone.

Seeing the answer that Lu Bu finally chose, Cao Cao said quietly.

It is understandable that Liu Bei chose himself, but Lu Bu actually chose himself, and he had to complain a little.

Looking at the final answer, Lu Bu himself was dumbfounded.

Item "B"?

It was Liu Bei who framed him! Knife,

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