I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 146 Ranked 21st on the Elite Soldier List! Tiger and Leopard Riding!

[Elite Soldiers List, No. 21 - Tiger and Leopard Riding!]

Just when Cao Cao and others were eager to see through, finally, the elite soldiers list once again radiated a ray of light.

[Tiger and Leopard Riders: Cao Cao's most elite special forces, commanded by Cao's generals, such as Cao Chun, Cao Xiu, and Cao Zhen. Killing Yuan Tan, destroying Tadun, destroying Liu Bei, defeating Ma Chao, beheading Wu Lan, all of them came out of the tiger and leopard cavalry. The number is unknown, about 3,000 people, all of whom are sharp in the world, and every time there is a loss, a hundred people will make up for it. 】

(Hundreds of generals: senior officers in the army during the Three Kingdoms period, does not refer to a specific number, and the parts may exceed thousands.)

It is indeed a tiger and leopard ride!

Cao Cao immediately puffed out his chest unconsciously!

His tiger and leopard cavalry will become the strongest vanguard in the future!

In particular, he keenly noticed the achievements of the Tiger and Leopard Riders displayed in the Q&A space for luck: defeating Liu Bei, defeating Ma Chao, defeating Tadun, and killing Yuan Tan!

Although he doesn't know who Wu Lan is at present, he is also a general.

Liu Bei, the hero of the world, is still defeated by his own hands?

Thinking about it, Cao Cao turned his head on purpose and glanced at Liu Bei:

"Brother Xuande, it seems that there will be a war between you and me!

Liu Bei was silent.

If he was asked to face Meng Huo, he would not hesitate.

But the current Cao Cao is too sharp!

From serving Dong Zhuo to presenting the treasured sword, Cao Cao's reputation quickly spread all over the world.

Especially in the last meeting of the Dong Alliance Army, although Yuan Shao was the leader of the feudal alliance, Cao Cao's strength should not be underestimated, and he was also worthy of being the second person in the alliance.

Especially after the attack on Luoyang, Cao Cao's strength increased greatly and he became the overlord of one side.

If you have a dispute with him now, you will definitely have nothing good to eat when you go back!

Therefore, for Cao Cao's ridicule, Liu Bei could only remain silent in the end.

Seeing Liu Bei admitting counsel, Cao Cao ignored it.

After all, he wasn't the only one who saw the tiger and leopard riding under him.

Yuan Tan, Yuan Shao's son, it seems that Yuan Shao will eventually be defeated by himself.

Ma Chao, Ma Teng's son, is also a hero.

As for Tadun, just from the name, it looks like the leader of a small country in the north.

"Well, it seems that I, Cao Mengde, can still compete in the Central Plains in the future!"

Under the introduction of the system, Cao Cao began to imagine infinitely about his future.

"Brother Meng De, don't you look at what you got?"

Under Liu Bei's voice prompt, Cao Cao quickly set his sights on the elite soldiers list.

[Rewards: One copy of "Guide to Tomb Raiders"; one side of Fengyue Baojian; one well-known commander. 】

The three rewards soon turned into three golden lights and fell into Cao Cao's hands.

After watching Cao Cao's reward, the corners of Liu Bei's mouth couldn't help but rise wildly.

11 Compared with his own reward, Cao Cao's reward is too shabby!

At any rate, his two top guards and his three thousand Dawan bloody horses can be put into use immediately and play a very strong role.

Take a look at Cao Cao's three rewards, which one of them can win?

The first is the "Guide to Tomb Robbers". Liu Bei didn't even bother to criticize it. As a descendant of the Han family, he naturally sneered and firmly opposed it.

As for the "Fengyue Treasure Mirror", although I don't know what it is, but it is stained with the word "Fengyue", I am afraid that it is inseparable from the matter of the bed, which is even worse than the "Guide to Tomb Robbers"!

Only the last one, Liu Bei felt that it was okay, a well-known commander.

Although it is not a fierce general, but in this era of war, the role of the commander is not small.

"Brother Meng De, don't blame me for not reminding you, you have to think twice about this tomb robbery!

Since he stood on the moral high ground, Liu Bei was not afraid of Cao Cao's revenge.

Tomb robbing, although there were many tyrants in the late Eastern Han Dynasty would do this, but few people got it on the bright side.

First, this thing is really indecent.

The second is that the tombs they can rob at present, except for the Eastern Han Dynasty, is the Western Han Dynasty.

Although the Han Dynasty is in decline, after all, it is still the world of the Eastern Han Dynasty in name, so in order not to become the target of public criticism, many people only dare to proceed quietly.

"I, Cao Mengde, have always been righteous and awe-inspiring, how could I do such a robbery?"

For Liu Bei's statement, Cao Cao immediately denied it, and then crushed the "Book of Classics" in his hand.

At the same time, a "Guide to Tomb Raiders" appeared in his hand.


Seeing that Cao Cao denounced tomb robbery on the one hand, but actively exchanged the "Tomb Robbery Guide" on the other side, Liu Bei immediately accused him.

"Well, you're right."

Cao Cao didn't hear anything outside the window, and only read the book of sages and sages.

At the same time, the system's introduction to the tomb robbery guide also appeared in his mind.

["Tomb robbery guide": produced by the system, which gathers thousands of years of tomb robbery experience. From looking at the tomb, to visiting the tomb, going to the tomb, and going out of the tomb, everything is complete. It also records a variety of schools and methods of tomb robbery, and there are detailed diagrams for the production and use of tomb robbery tools. 】

Cao Cao was overjoyed after seeing the introduction of "Tomb Raiders Guide"!

This is simply a divine book!

In troubled times, the most important thing is money, food, troops and talents.

At first glance, tomb robbery seems to have nothing to do with these three things. In fact, Cao Cao has long set his sights on tomb robbery as a sideline.

In history, it was also Cao Cao who "legalized" tomb robbery and set up a "mocking gold captain" who was specially responsible for tomb robbery.

Even if he hasn't had this idea yet, it's something that is etched in his bones.

From the moment "Tomb Raiders Guide" appeared, Cao Cao's thoughts were completely hooked up!

Tomb robbers, a great profit!

You don't have to pay a lot of money, and you don't have to be interfered by others.

As long as you do it secretly and take out any amount of gold and silver, it can be used as military expenses!

In particular, the "Tomb Raiders Guide" records in great detail, and even the tools for tomb raiders have detailed drawings for the production process, which is so intimate!

For a time, Cao Cao held this "Guide to Tomb Raiders" in his hand and couldn't put it down.

"Wow, this is really good stuff!"

But soon, his behavior caused Liu Bei's dissatisfaction.

"Cao Mengde! If you dare to touch the tomb of the Han Dynasty, I, Liu Bei, will never end with you!

Turning around and glancing at Liu Bei who was jumping beside him, Cao Cao teased:

"What? I don't rob the tomb of the Han Dynasty, but your tomb?"

Just kidding, who doesn't know that thick burials are common in the Han Dynasty?

You are all dead and buried so many good things, isn't that a waste?

Besides, you won't be able to use it if you die. I'll help Hua Yihua, what's the matter?

"Nonsense! As a servant of the big man, how can you do such a rebellious thing!"

Liu Bei said more and more vigorously, as if he had really become a staunch guardian of the Han Dynasty.

"I don't care! If you dare to rob the tomb of the Han Dynasty, I will never stop with you!

"Okay! 99

Cao Cao turned his eyes, and immediately saw the first emperor beside him, and immediately remembered:

"Then tell me, I don't rob the tomb of the Han Dynasty, but whose tomb?"

"You go to steal the tomb of the Qin Dynasty, Qin Shi..."

Subconsciously blurted out, Liu Bei immediately realized that something was wrong.

Damn, Cao Mengde! You're bashing me again!

The first emperor on the side suddenly turned black, and sure enough, the descendants of Liu Bang's kid are not good things!

Heard that someone was going to rob Laozi's tomb?

Six people, still in front of others?

Feeling the "kind" gaze of the First Emperor, Liu Bei was suddenly frightened into a cold sweat.

Fortunately, this is a question and answer space for luck, otherwise, according to the temperament of the first emperor, I am afraid that my life will not be guaranteed!

In fact, it's not his fault. After all, apart from Han tombs, there are only Qin tombs left. You can't rob Zhou tombs, right?

First, Zhou tombs do not have as many things as Han tombs, and at that time in the Zhou Dynasty, where did you go to dig?

It's been too long!

It belongs to the unavoidable!


Seeing Liu Bei's embarrassment, Bai Zhu, who was beside him, rolled on the floor with joy. This Cao Cao is too bad!

Grandpa likes it!

Seeing that the plan was successful, Cao Cao did not forget to add a fire.

I saw that he immediately bowed respectfully to the First Emperor, and then said solemnly:

"His Majesty the First Emperor, the minister Cao Mengde promises that he will never touch Qin's tomb for the rest of his life.

This time, Cao Cao is serious.

After all, he took part in the luck quiz a lot.

And the first emperor was always right every time. Cao Cao would not believe it if there was no expert guidance behind him.

But if there is an expert, the first emperor seems to be the only black and white dumpling.

Such an association, it is not difficult to come up with, in any case, can not offend the first emperor.

Therefore, he immediately made a solemn vow that he would never touch Qin's tomb in this life!

Of course, Bai Hei was very clear about the reason for Cao Cao's oath.

Open the first page of the "Guide to Tomb Raiders", there are six big characters written on it: "The Tomb of the First Emperor, must not be stolen!

One, there is a thousand-year-old luck in China, which should not be acted rashly.

Of the two, the mercury cannot be properly handled even in later generations, let alone the Three Kingdoms era!

"No problem."

The first emperor was very satisfied with Cao Cao's behavior of calling himself a minister and taking an oath.

Originally, he had a very good impression of Cao Cao.

In his opinion, although Cao Cao acts absurdly and uninhibitedly, he is frank, one is one, two is two, and he never acts pretentious.

Tomb robbing, making money, don't shudder.

On the other hand, Liu Bei is full of benevolence, righteousness and morality.

If you can do what you say, like the sages of Confucius, you can be regarded as a sage.

But look at what you've done, according to what Bai Zhu said, it's not funny that he took the title of Emperor Han Xian while he was still alive in the name of Uncle Liu Huangshu of the Han Dynasty.

Moreover, Bai Hei told him that Cao Cao's son finally overthrew the Han Dynasty, which was considered to be avenging himself.

And it seems that Cao Cao is very sensible, so the first emperor's impression of Cao Cao is also very good.

But what about Liu Bei...I heard that you are going to rob my tomb, and you are still in front of me?

"His Majesty the First Emperor, Xuande never meant this!

"It's really that Cao Mengde is too treacherous, so..."

As he talked, Liu Bei couldn't make it up himself.

And this kind of explanation is really too cheap, even Lu Bu, who was on the side, looked at him with contempt.

Well, it's also in the Q&A space of luck, so you can't help me.

His heart swayed, his teeth clenched, and Liu Bei simply did not explain.

Not having time to pay attention to the unfortunate Liu Bei, Cao Cao immediately looked at the second reward, Fengyuebaojian!

This is a good baby!

[Fengyuebaojian: A mirror. It comes from the Hall of Void Spirit in Taixu Fantasy Realm. It is made by Fairy Jinghuan. It specializes in treating evil thoughts and delusions, and has the power to save the world. 】

Fengyue Baojian!

Fengyue Baojian, from the twelfth chapter of "A Dream of Red Mansions": Wang Xifeng poisons the Acacia Bureau and Jia Tianxiang is looking at the Fengyue mirror.

When Jia Rui was seriously ill, the lame Taoist brought this treasure of the wind and moon.

He also instructed Jia Rui to take a photo of the back every day, and the illness would be cured.

But unfortunately, Jia Rui just took a photo of the back and was immediately frightened.

Then he focused on the front and indulged in it, unable to extricate himself.

Fengyue Baojian, according to the front view, is the matter of Fengyue.

The one seen on the back is Jishi Baosheng.

The white and black eyes on the side are slightly coagulated, it seems that this system reward is really the right medicine.

This "Fengyuebaojian" is simply perfect with Cao Cao.

If used properly, then Cao Cao will get rid of the problem of "Cao thief", but if he indulges in it, then I am afraid that Cao Cao will be stunned and lose his ambition to compete with other two countries!

"A mirror?"

Cao Cao was puzzled, and driven by curiosity, he immediately chose to exchange for the Fengyue Baojian.

Soon, a plain looking mirror appeared in his hand.

Bai Hei originally wanted to remind him aloud, but after thinking about it in the end, he gave up.

If Cao Cao is really addicted to it, then he is not worthy of being the king of Wei who reigned supreme for a while!

In the end, it's up to him in the end.

Sure enough, Cao Cao subconsciously looked at the front of the mirror.

Diaochan's figure quickly appeared in the mirror, and she pointed her finger at Cao Cao:

"Come on! Come here~"

That voice, charming and boneless, was extremely tempting.

For a time, Cao Cao's face turned red.

As for Diaochan, he coveted before offering the knife, but now, Diaochan is standing in the mirror, looking at himself with abundance, and calling himself over.

Because of his special manager status, Bai Zhu was able to see what happened to Cao Cao at this time.

In "A Dream of Red Mansions", it is precisely because of Fengyue Baojian's front that Jia Rui can see Wang Xifeng, and can...

Right now, Cao Cao is also going through this test.

Like Jia Rui, for the first time, Cao Cao was unable to resist the gentle village Fengyue Baojian created for him and indulged in it.

But the second time, his skepticism prevailed again.

According to the introduction of the system, this Fengyuebaojian has the effect of helping the world and saving people.

Could it be...?

Subconsciously, Cao Cao immediately turned over the Fengyue Baojian and pointed it at it.

Immediately, with a bang, Fengyue Baojian fell to the ground.

Cao Cao stood there, panting heavily.

The enjoyment and joy that had just been brought to him by the front were immediately gone.

It turned out that he saw a skull on the back of the Fengyue Baojian!

Cao Cao, who was on the rise, was immediately taken aback, and then quickly threw away the Fengyue Baojian in his hand.

A cold sweat broke out from behind him, and his consciousness gradually recovered.

Looking at the Fengyue Baojian that fell to the ground, Cao Cao was terrified.

If it wasn't for taking a suspicious glance at the back of the mirror, I'm afraid that since 737, I would have been addicted to it and couldn't hold myself back, right?

This can't help but sounded a wake-up call for him, it seems that this Fengyuebaojian is really a double-edged sword!

So, he immediately stretched out his hand to pick up Fengyue Baojian and took it into his arms.

It's scary, and it's quite comfortable to take a look at it when I'm okay, hehe.

In the end, he set his sights on the third reward: "Commander Card"


Without hesitation, he crushed the commander card in his hand, and the system prompt sound immediately appeared:

【A well-known commander is being drawn, please wait...】

After countless known or unknown names flashed by, finally, a name appeared on the system:

[Congratulations on getting the famous commander, Zhou Yu. 】

[Zhou Yu will automatically go to Caoying to report later. 】

"Zhou Yu? 35

Cao Cao muttered softly.

He doesn't know who this person is, but since it was selected by the system, it must not be too bad.

At this time, Cao Cao didn't know how much he took advantage of.

Hearing Cao Cao's muttering, Liu Bei couldn't help but chuckle:

"It seems that Meng De was unlucky this time, and he actually picked up an unknown person.

For Liu Bei's technique, Bai Zhu could only give him a blank look.

Although Zhou Yu has not come out now and his reputation is not well known, he is one of the few handsome talents in real history!

The difference between a handsome man and a general is that he can have a strategic vision, have an overall view, and be a commander-in-chief who can take charge of the military and politics!

The most outstanding handsome man in the Three Kingdoms is Cao Cao himself.

This is also the reason why Cao Cao failed to unify the Three Kingdoms in the end.

In order to unify the world, generals, handsomeness, strategy and diligence are indispensable.

Cao Cao's subordinates, advisors and generals gathered together, diligent, referring to logistics, which matched Xiao He in the early Han Dynasty and Li Shanchang in the early Ming Dynasty.

Cao Cao has no shortage of diligent men, and Xun Yu is his greatest reliance!

But unfortunately, he lacks handsome talents.

Although Sima Yi was considered one of them, Cao Cao had already anticipated this man's wolf ambitions.

It's just that it was forced to be enabled because no one was available.

This led to the fact that once a decisive battle was needed, Cao Cao had to lead the way, not like Liu Bei of Shu Han, who could only use a handsome Zhuge Liang.

And Zhou Yu just made up for this shortcoming.

In Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Zhou Yu is described as a small-minded villain.

But in fact, in the real history, Zhou Yu is an out-and-out handsome guy!

According to official historical records, Zhou Yu was "very well-mannered", "elegant and elegant", "real prodigy", and "has both civil and military skills, with great talent and strategy" and "very talented as a king's assistant".

The famous "Battle of Chibi" in history, the first battle that laid the foundation for the world's three-point pattern, was written by Zhou Yu!

At this time, since Sun Jian was not dead and Sun Ce was not in power, Zhou Yu was not born, but he was still at ease as his romantic rich man in Jiangdong, so he could be recruited by Cao Cao.

Seeing Cao Cao's arrival at Zhou Yu, he wasn't half happy, so Bai Zhu could only shake his head slightly, then stretched out a paw and tapped on the floor of the "Qilun Q&A Space".

Immediately afterwards, such a voice sounded in Cao Cao's mind:

[Zhou Yu is an unparalleled handsome talent who can be compared with Zhuge Liang. Since you have obtained it, you should cherish it. 】

Although Baihei can't control the rewards, and can't interfere with the questions of the luck space, but as an administrator, it is extremely easy to say a word in someone's head.

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