I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 145 Ranked 44th on the Elite Soldier List! Fall into the camp!

[Elite Soldiers List, No. 44 - Trapped in the camp! 】

Seeing the elite soldier list displayed by the system, Lu Bu, who was sitting on the ground, slowly opened his eyes.

Fall into camp!

Is it finally your turn?

[Trapped camp: a unique army in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. They were few in number, but they fought fiercely.

The commander was Gao Shun, a general under Lu Bu. There are more than 800 soldiers, numbered as 1,000 people, and the armor is refined and neat, and every attack is unbreakable, and it is called "trapped camp"]


Although the introduction was brief, Cao Cao and Liu Bei who were present did not dare to despise the prestige of the camp.

Liu Bei's second younger brother Guan Yu and third younger brother Zhang Fei, which one is not the brave of ten thousand husbands?

But not long ago, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei led more than a thousand people and the trapping camp led by Gao Shun met outside the city.

It was from then on that Liu Bei learned about the special forces under Lu Bu.

And Cao Cao heard about this from the other princes, and he was even more cautious about trapping the camp.

[Rewards: Military Commander Skills (God of War), three Potential Activation Pills, 3,000 Mongolian Cavalry! 】

This time, the system reward is upgraded.

Since Lu Bu's trap faction ranks before fifty, the number of rewards has also become three.

Three golden lights flew out from the elite soldiers list and slowly fell into Lu Bu's hands.

"It's actually three awards!

Liu Bei on the side was dumbfounded.

Even the southern barbarian king Meng Huo, who was elated just now because he got the treasure, suddenly felt that the reward in his hand was not fragrant.

People are more mad than people!

Regarding the three cards in his hand, Lu Bu was not as ecstatic as others had expected, but fell into contemplation instead.

The trapped camp was indeed a special unit created by his general Gao Shun.

But in fact, only Lu Bu knows that he deserves these three rewards!

After Luoyang City was breached, Lu Bu fled, with only a hundred cavalry and a few generals by his side.

Coupled with the issue of logistics and military supplies, Lu Bu had to let Gao Shun prepare for the refining of the armor.

Gao Shun's "Seven-Three-Seven" person Lu Bu is clear, upright and not arrogant, majestic and does not drink alcohol, innocence, does not accept bribes, these are his advantages.

It's just that this person does not like to talk, he is rather dull, and he has not followed Lu Bu for a long time, so he did not gain the full trust of Lu Bu.

Even the trapping camp he created by himself, Lu Bu deprived him of his leadership and handed it over to Wei Xu.

Only when it is really necessary to fight on the battlefield, will the trapped camp be returned to Gao Shun again.

Although he had known for a long time that the trapping faction's combat effectiveness was amazing, at least before the announcement of the elite soldiers list, Lu Bu couldn't believe that the trapping faction could actually be ranked forty-fourth in the elite soldiers list!

It seems that no matter if you are in the camp or Gao Shun, you will be entrusted with important tasks when you go back!

Bai Hei on the side looked at Lu Bu who was stunned, and laughed even more in his heart.

He knows the history of Lu Bu too well.

Gao Shun and Chen Gong were the few who did not surrender to Cao Cao after Lü Bu's death.

This is very rare under the capricious Lu Bu.

Chen Gong naturally had a lot of festivals with Cao Cao, and the love-hate entanglement between the two could not be explained clearly in a few words.

After all, it was Chen Gong who rescued him at first, but then Chen Gong saw the worst side of Cao Cao's life.

For himself, he killed Lu Boshe's family, especially, killed Lu Boshe.

So Chen Gong turned away from Cao Cao overnight.

In short, Chen Gong did not surrender, which was understandable to Cao Cao at that time.

But Gao Shun is an exception.

Cao Cao never imagined that Gao Shun would kill him without saying a word.

Moreover, none of Cao Cao's generals spoke for him.

After all, at that time, the two armies were at war, and Cao Jun died in the hands of the trap camp.

Helpless, Cao Cao ordered to kill Gao Shun.

It could be said that Gao Shun was one of the few in Lu Bu's camp who gave his heart to Lu Bu, and even Wei Xu, who was close to Lu Bu and trusted by Lu Bu, couldn't compare.

However, Gao Shun was under suspicion under Lu Bu.

I hope that through the ranking of the elite soldiers this time, I can let Lu Bu see the ghosts and ghosts of his own men!

【General skills, God of War is unparalleled!】

When Lu Bu was recovering from his contemplation, the reward of the luck question and answer space quickly entered his mind.

[Introduction of general skills: God of War Wushuang! When the two sides fight for more than 30 rounds, the host can activate the general skills. God of War Wushuang. Sacrifice your stamina in exchange for a short burst of force.

There are two options:

First, increase the force value by 5, after 30 rounds, the stamina value will consume 80%.

Second, increase the force value by 10, after ten rounds, the stamina value will be exhausted. 】

Seeing this first reward, Lu Bu's face was full of smiles.

This is exactly what he needs most now!

With this, he has the capital to fight Gao Chong again!

He, Lu Bu, can once again attain the pinnacle of military power in the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty!

Suddenly, Cao Cao and Liu Bei, who were closest to Lu Bu, felt a wave from the direction of Lu Bu.

"Hahaha... My Lu Bu is very fast!"

After confirming the content of the first reward, Lu Bu quickly burst into laughter.

But this quickly aroused Liu Bei's dissatisfaction.

"What's it called, an ordinary man!

Shaking his pants in disdain, Liu Bei glared at Lu Bu.

If it was normal, he would not dare to be so arrogant.

But where is this, this is the Q&A space for luck!

Do you dare to touch me?

With the support of the rules of the Q&A space for luck, Liu Bei will not miss the opportunity to ridicule Lu Bu!

If you want to fight, I may not be able to beat you, but in terms of "benevolence and righteousness", I, Liu Bei, have obtained the true biography of Confucius!

I also played the trick of "convincing people with morality"!

Fortunately, Lu Bu didn't want to pay attention to him.

In Lü Bu's view, his only enemy is one, and that is Gao Chong who has already defeated him.

Like Liu Bei and his ilk, with turkey ears!

Seeing Lu Bu stand up again, and the momentum on his body suddenly became fierce.

Cao Cao's heart began to worry more and more, Lv Bu was originally excellent in martial arts, and now he has acquired a military commander skill.

If you add the three potential pills and the three thousand Mongolian cavalry displayed in the Q&A space for luck, the strength will be greatly increased.

Originally, this person was capricious, and because Lu Bu's base was very close to him, when he marched in the future, he seemed to be wary of Lu Bu's sneak attack.

However, the first emperor scoffed at the rekindling of Lu Bu's fighting spirit.

Someone who can sink into self-doubt just because of a fight.

A person who can ignite the fighting spirit here because of a reward.

What can you expect from him?

Who knows who will be defeated next time, and then lose their fighting spirit again?

In war, there are both winners and losers, and the real kings and handsome talents are never arrogant in victory or discouraged in defeat.

Like Lu Bu, he is purely a mediocre person, nothing to worry about!

[Three Potential Activation Pills. 】

[Introduction to Potential Activation Pill: Each Potential Activation Pill can stimulate a person's full potential, making his martial arts instantly reach the peak state, and the upper limit of the force value is permanently +1. 】

Potential Activation Dan!

And three at once!

Lu Bu's eyes narrowed slightly, and his heart began to contemplate.

Three Potential Activation Pills, to whom should they be distributed?

Needless to say, Gao Shun definitely has one.

After all, these three kinds of rewards originally belonged to Gao Shun. Without Gao Shun forming a trap camp, where would they have the rewards in their hands now?

Only the two remaining ones made Lu Bu a hard time. Who would be better for them?

Three Potential Activation Pills!

Baihei's eyes moved slightly.

Such a reward must be said to be a superior!

If these three potential activation pills are given to Cao Cao, the overall strength of Cao Cao's army must be greatly increased!

It's a pity that these three Potential Activation Pills are in Lu Bu's hands.

That's the sandalwood toilet - what a pity the material!

It stands to reason that this potential activation Dan can directly pull a person's martial arts to the peak, which is a very strong existence.

But in fact, the specific effect depends on the strength of the person himself.

Just like Lu Bu's eight elite generals, they are simply outrageous, few can beat them!

Especially for a small garbage like Wei Xu, let alone a potential activation pill, even if you give him a pound, it will be useless!

From the next life, the upper limit of the force value is placed there, and it is really a waste to use it on them.

Among Lu Bu's subordinates, few Bai Hei saw it.

Zhang Liao is a rare hero.

Although Gao Shun's force value is not high, but his commanding ability is strong, he can be considered useful.

In addition, among the Eight Great Generals, Zang Ba is barely a character.

Potential activation Dan to Lu Bu, it is really a waste.

Whether it's Liu Bei, Cao Cao, or even Meng Huo, it's much better than giving it to Lu Bu!

Cao Cao's men gathered fierce generals, and now Zhao Yun also joined his camp.

Isn't this potential activation pill for Zhao Yun?

Isn't it sweet for Xiahou Dun?

To Xu Huang, Xu Chu, Dian Wei, which one is not fragrant?

There are many generals under Liu Bei!

First of all, his two sworn brothers, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, with this potential to activate Dan, their martial arts will definitely be able to reach a new level!

Especially when Liu Bei conquered Hanzhong later, if the veteran Huang Hansheng had this thing, would he not be happy to fly?

Even the worst Meng Huo has at least some capable generals such as Wu Tugu and Zhu Rong.

But Lu Bu, the upper limit of his own force value has basically been full, it is useless for him to eat by himself.

Feeding his subordinates is also blind, so this thing, despite the excitement on Lu Bu's face, actually the bonus is still too small.

While Bai Hei was debating the potential activation pills in his heart, Lu Bu was still struggling.

On the one hand, he also considered the upper limit of his own force value.

But after all, this Potential Activation Pill can still increase a bit of force value, rounded up, it is 100 million, so even if you eat it yourself, it is still very useful.

In addition to Gao Shun, he also had Zhang Liao to eat one.

Among the eight elite generals, Zhang Liao's ability is clear.

But should this third one be kept for Zang Ba and Wei Xu, or eaten by himself?

After struggling for a long time, Lu Bu finally crushed the "Pill Card" in his hand, and then a stream of light flashed, and three Potential Activation Pills appeared in his hand.

Without hesitation, Lu Bu immediately swallowed one!

This shocked Bai Zhu, who was beside him, to lose his chin. Lu Bu, this dog thing, actually ate one of his own?

As the Potential Activation Pill entered his stomach, Lu Bu only felt a warm air in his abdomen slowly rising, and then walked towards his limbs.

Immediately afterwards, a powerful energy slowly radiated from the stomach. The energy was so strong that it even caused the surrounding mysterious space to fluctuate.

"This Lu Bu is really impatient, and he actually exchanged these rewards here.

Liu Bei on the side pouted.

However, they could really feel the fluctuations coming from Lu Bu. It seems that Lu Bu has become stronger again!

The worry on Cao Cao's face on the side became even more intense.

【'This Lu Bu is really selfish, he didn't hesitate to waste his potential to activate Dan's power, and he also had to eat one himself. l

Bai Zhu's feelings were quickly felt by the First Emperor.

"Little Rui Beast, what happened?"

The First Emperor quickly looked towards Bai Hei.

【'It's nothing, didn't he get three Potential Activation Pills, originally it was the best choice to distribute it to his subordinates, but he actually ate one himself. ’]


The First Emperor glanced at Lu Bu disdainfully, if he had the opportunity, he would not mind killing such a person.

A Potential Activation Pill was swallowed, and when all the abnormal sensations on his body dissipated, Lu Bu clenched his fist.

The look of disappointment quickly crept onto his face. As Bai Hei expected, his force value did not increase in any way except for raising the upper limit!

His own strength value has reached the highest value of his potential!

"Is it still not good? It's really unwilling!

Lu Bu let out a long sigh.

However, he rolled his eyes, and soon his eyes fell on the remaining two Potential Activation Pills again.

Seeing the greed in his eyes, it turns white and black... Could this guy just want to swallow these three Potential Activation Pills alone?

The next moment, Lu Bu swallowed all the remaining two Potential Activation Pills in front of everyone's astonished eyes!

White and Black:

First Emperor:

Liu Bei:

Cao Cao:

Meng Huo:

Luck Q&A Space: 66...99

With this one-handed operation of Lu Bu, the space for Q&A about luck will not be rectified!

Originally, these three Potential Activation Pills were specially used for those generals who were not in their peak state, but who were in their peak state.

But Lu Bu directly turned it into a force value boosting pill with an effect of 1!

And it's three in one go!

This can no longer be said to be selfish, it is simply appalling!

Not to mention Lu Bu, Bai Hei completely believed that even if Sun Ce came to choose, he would never be willing to take it all for himself.

A powerful force gradually spread around Lu Bu's body, and in an instant, Lu Bu could clearly feel the increase in his strength.

It seems that these three Potential Activation Pills are not in vain, and they are really useful!

Liu Bei was speechless,

How could he still be complacent!

The rest of the people also bowed their heads to Lu Bu's extremely selfish behavior.

It has to be said that even Cao Cao, who "would rather ask me to blame the world than to teach the world to blame me", is ashamed of himself.

When it comes to not being a human being, you, Lu Bu, are the best!

For Lu Bu's behavior, the first emperor was disgusted to the extreme!

If there is a special problem this time, and he and Bai Zhu can go to the Eastern Han Dynasty, he will definitely kill Lu Bu!

Such selfish and unbelievable villains who have repeatedly rebelled against each other, Yingzheng sees killing one by one!

As for Meng Huo, because of Lu Bu's behavior, the overall impression of the people in the Central Plains has also dropped by more than one grade.

But Lu Bu did not have a trace of guilt at all. In his heart, nothing was more important than defeating Gao Chong.

Anyway, none of my subordinates can do it, so it's reasonable to eat all of it by myself, right?

Don't look at the fact that it only increases the force value by 3 points, the first choice of generals skill only increases the force value by 5 points, but it pays 80% of the stamina!

Then rounding up, this is equivalent to earning a general skill for nothing.

Well, yes, that's it.

While comforting himself, 2.2 Lu Bu searched for the introduction of "Mongolian cavalry" in his mind.

【Mongolian cavalry】

[Introduction to Arms: A well-trained, well-disciplined, tactically flexible, witty and daunting whirlwind force in the Middle Ages. A cavalry unit created by Genghis Khan and inherited by his descendants.

Mobility, weapons and equipment, and organizational discipline are the three magic weapons of Mongolian cavalry. It was with the help of the Mongolian cavalry that Genghis Khan established a magnificent empire - the Mongolian Empire. 】

Although I don't know who Genghis Khan was, since the Mongolian cavalry was able to build the country, it can be seen that the combat effectiveness of the Mongolian cavalry must be extraordinary.

Especially Lu Bu, the general of the horse army, the attributes of this Mongolian cavalry are a perfect match for him.

In addition, he swallowed three Potential Activation Pills and led these three thousand Mongolian cavalry, and he would be even more handy!

Looking at the remaining two cards with satisfaction, Lu Bu was satisfied.

This time, not only did he have a chance to defeat Gao Chong, but he also had more troops in his hands!

Seeing the joy on Lu Bu's face, Cao Cao and the First Emperor, who had not yet received the reward, suddenly became alive.

Unlike white and black lying down with peace of mind, neither of these two can enjoy peace of mind.

One is Cao Cao, a traitor who aims to unify the world.

One is the first emperor who has unified the world, but wants to extend Daqin for ten thousand years.

How can the ambition of these two people be comparable to that of a little Lu Bu?

Since Lu Bu's trap faction can be ranked 44th and receive three rewards, their rewards are bound to be no less than Lu Bu's!

The First Emperor did not panic in his heart, because he knew very well that Daqin Ruishi's ranking on the elite soldiers list would not be low.

But in comparison, Cao Cao is slightly inferior.

Right now, he has only hurriedly formed a tiger and leopard cavalry, and even the entire army has not yet been fully formed, and is still in the initial stage.

Could it be that he created some special and super-combat troops later on?

For a time, Cao Cao's heart began to look forward to the rewards he could get.

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