I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 147 2 place in the elite soldiers list! Qin Ruishi!

After Cao Cao heard this sentence, his body was obviously agitated, and he subconsciously blurted out and asked:


Seeing Cao Cao talking to himself, Liu Bei laughed even more:

"Brother Meng De, is it because the reward is too poor and hallucinations occur?"

Ignoring Liu Bei's ridicule, Cao Cao quickly lowered his head and pondered after a long while without getting an answer.

Logically speaking, this is an illusion set up by immortals. Except for immortals, other people have no such ability.

Could it be the fairy reminding himself?

Silently glanced at Liu Bei, Cao Cao thought to himself:

According to what the immortal said, Zhou Yu can actually be compared to Zhuge Liang?

He is not unfamiliar with the name Zhuge Liang.

Through various lists and questions, as well as the introduction of awards, Zhuge Liang's name has appeared several times.

This person will be the prime minister of Liu Bei's establishment of Shu Han, and he looks extremely capable!

How could Zhou Yu be able to match this person?

Then you must cherish it!

Thinking of this, Cao Cao immediately bowed his hands to the void:

"Cao Mengde remembers the teachings of immortals. 35

Although I don't know what immortal instructions Cao Mengde got, the first emperor's heart started to look forward more and more.

Seeing that the other four people have all received their own rewards, there are six kinds of rewards in total, only oneself and Bai Hei have not yet received, the first emperor's heart suddenly hangs.

"Little Rui Beast, what reward do you think I will get this time?"

As for the iron smelting and papermaking workshops obtained last time, the first emperor still has no idea.

The acquisition of those few things, according to what Bai Zhi said, made the development of Daqin fast forward by a whole number of decades or even hundreds of years!

With a trace of anticipation, finally, a large line of characters appeared on the list of elite soldiers again:

[Elite Soldiers List, No. 2 - Qin Ruishi! 】

Seeing these few lines appear, the first emperor is full of energy. He wants to see, this time, what treasures he will get!

[Qin Tieying Ruishi: The human world is invincible one-on-one!]

As soon as it came up, the elite soldier list threw a blockbuster!

This is an evaluation similar to the definition, invincible heads-up!

Regardless of whether it is a tiger or a leopard, or a camp, even a brave and invincible Viking Berserker, in front of the Daqin Iron Eagle Ruishi, must bow his head proudly!

In an instant, Shi Huang couldn't help but straighten his chest.

My Great Qin Ruishi, even if he is better than later generations, is still invincible in the world, this is Da Qin, this is me!

For Qin Ruishi's ranking, the others naturally have no objection.

After all, the name of Qin Ruishi resounded throughout China, and even Meng Huo, a savage tribe, had heard of it to some extent.

If it wasn't for Qin Ershi's unpopular "manipulation", Qin Ruishi's army would not have been swept by Xiang Yu.

It can be said that Qin Ruishi's ranking is well-deserved!

However, in addition to this, Cao Cao's focus was placed on Qin Ruishi's ranking, second in the elite soldiers list.

Then the first place on the elite list can only be the white and black who have not yet received the reward.

Silently, Cao Cao glanced at Bai Zhu next to the First Emperor. This black and white dumpling had been squatting and eating melon seeds since it appeared.

Tired of eating melon seeds, he took out from his chest pocket a white bottle and jar that he had never seen before, which was filled with black liquid, and then drank it.

It can be said that on the surface, this white and black is simply a foodie, no matter how you look at it, it does not look like the first-ranked owner on the elite soldier list.

On this point, Liu Bei and Cao Cao maintained the same opinion.

Liu Bei's focus is on the phrase "the human world is invincible head-to-head".

Thinking of Bai Zhu, who has not yet received the reward, it is not difficult to guess that Bai Zhu may have a beast army under his command?

While the two were thinking about it, the introduction of the Iron Eagle Ruishi from the Air Transport Space was also displayed:

[Qin Tieying Ruishi was formerly known as the Iron Eagle Swordsman, with just over a hundred people at first, but was later restructured by Sima Cuo and established the Iron Eagle Ruishi. Iron Eagle Ruishi is not only extraordinary in swordsmanship, but also proficient in horse and foot combat. Any weapon in hand is equally skilled. 】

[At present, the "Wei Wuzu" is the elite in the infantry battle, and the "Hudao knight" in the state of Zhao and "the knight in martial arts" in the state of Qi are called the elite in the horse battle. The establishment of Qin Ruishi was based on the selection of the above three types of arms. 】

[In addition to the weight of Wei Wu's pawns, Sima Cuo also added more than 80 kilograms of equipment. Only after passing this level can he enter the competition. In addition to having to rank first in foot combat and horse combat, after being simple and concise, we must form a war to fight again, and finally through the battle of various weapons, the final winner can become Qin Tieying Ruishi

Looking at the introduction on the elite soldier list, the rest fell into silence.

Although they have already heard the name of Qin Tieying's Rui Shi, but judging from the introduction of the elite soldiers list, it is too appalling!

Wei Wuzun's training was already extremely harsh. Not only did he have to carry more than 50 pounds of equipment, but he could also go into fierce battles immediately after traveling for more than 100 miles in a row.

On the basis of this, the Qin state has more than doubled it directly, which can be called a pervert.

According to historical records, Qin's new army was 200,000, but only 1,600 iron eagle soldiers were selected!

It can be seen that the iron eagles are all brave and invincible warriors!

If you can also have such an army in your hands, then unifying the end of the Han Dynasty will not be a problem.

While lamenting the strength of the Iron Eagle Rui Shi, Cao Cao also became interested in the rewards that the First Emperor was about to get.

I don't know what kind of rewards such a powerful Qin Ruishi can get?

The elite soldier list quickly satisfied his curiosity.

[Rewards: 10,000 catties of super rice seeds, 10,000 people of Wudang Flying Army, 18,000 cavalry of Yanyun, and 10,000 people of Jinfan Army! 】

Cao Cao's eyes narrowed, the first emperor actually won four kinds of rewards at one time!

"It seems that the gap between 21st and 21st place is really big.""!

He sighed helplessly, and Cao Cao was envious.

"What? Wudang Feijun? And rewarded ten thousand people at once!

Seeing the first emperor's reward, Liu Bei was numb.

Why are the arms rewards they get three or five hundred at a time, or three thousand at best, and the first emperor can get ten thousand people all at once?

The most important thing is that, according to the introduction of the elite soldiers list, the Wudang Flying Army is a field ace army created by Shu Han!

You are rewarded for not being a flying army, and you are still in front of yourself?

For a time, Liu Bei's eyes were so angry that he wished he could fight with Shi Huangdi on the spot.

Of course, he can only think about it in his heart, he has ideas, but he is not brave enough.

Looking at the four rewards in front of him, Shi Emperor's expression darkened slightly.

"It seems that the reward obtained this time is not very good..."

Last time, whether it was a papermaking workshop or iron smelting, which one would not be able to stir up the whole Daqin and change the situation in Daqin?

But this time it seems to be a lot different than that.

But obviously, Bai Hei, who was on the side, didn't think so. He silently opened the system mall and checked the prices of the four things that the First Emperor had obtained.

10,000 catties of super rice seeds x 100,000 points for lying flat;

Wudang Flying Army 10,000 people x 50,000 points for lying flat;

Yanyun Eighteen Riding x Lying Flat Points 20000;

Jinfan Army 10,000 people x lying flat points 50,000.

Good guy, this time the first emperor's reward was exchanged for lying flat points, but there are as many as 220,000!

He is still not satisfied!

【‘Old Zhao, I think your reward this time is quite good. ’]

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Hearing Bai Hei's heartfelt voice, Shi Huang immediately became interested.

Originally, he felt that the reward this time was terrible, but now listening to Bai Hei, is there a turning point?

[‘First of all, the reward is not to promote the development of an era. Simply put, what is lacking is the best. l

The First Emperor nodded slightly.

Indeed, the last reward was too heaven-defying, and I couldn't expect the Luck Space to give myself such a heaven-defying reward every time.

However, he still did not understand, how could these four rewards be the best to make up for what Daqin lacks now?

Seeing that the first emperor is puzzled, I will not repeat it in white and black:

【‘Look at the reward content first, and I will introduce you one by one. ’]

"it is good.

The first emperor immediately put away the four cards in his hand, and at the same time, the introduction of these four kinds of rewards also appeared in his mind.

[10,000 catties of super rice seeds: improved later generations of rice seeds, with good varieties and strong tolerance, can be applied to various land types, with a minimum yield of 1,500 catties per mu and a maximum of 3,000 catties. 】


The first emperor was dumbfounded when he saw the introduction of super rice seeds.

As the helm of Daqin, although he can't fully grasp other things, he is still clear about the yield of rice per mu.

With the current situation in Daqin, the output of rice is only about 200 catties!

This time, it has turned nearly ten times!

If cultivated properly, according to the introduction, the maximum can even reach more than fifteen times!

Although the output of super rice seeds is amazing, the first emperor still couldn't understand, since there are potatoes, why do you need super rice seeds?

"Little Rui Beast, the output of this super rice seed is indeed amazing, but since Daqin already has potatoes, why do you want this super rice seed whose output is not as good as potatoes?

【‘Old Zhao, you don’t know anything about this. ’]

[‘There are too many dangers of potatoes. Once eaten too much or improperly, it is easy to cause many problems. '']

['So potatoes can only alleviate the food crisis in Daqin, and this super rice seed can completely solve Daqin's food problem! 1

"solve it completely?"

The First Emperor took a deep breath, if Da Qin's problem of eating can be completely solved, the life of the common people will be much better in the future.

['Yes, as long as this super rice seed is popularized, with such a per-mu yield, all the food problems in Daqin for decades can be solved. l

It is not unreasonable for Bai Zhu to make such a judgment.

As a result, the land at this time has not been overused, and there is no destruction of chemical fertilizers, sewage and other things, and the original ecology has also been well protected.

In addition, the population of Daqin will not grow rapidly within a few decades, so once the emergence of super rice seeds solves the problem of food for the people, then the business can be developed and the commodity economy can be cultivated.

Relying on these things, the social development of the Central Plains will be able to advance hundreds of years!

Imagine that if the commodity economy appeared in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, if it had appeared in the Daqin period, then the social development of the entire Central Plains would have exceeded the world for thousands of years!

At that time, Daqin's treasure ships can go to various places and snatch their belongings, oh no, to help them develop local resources!

Just thinking about it, Bai Zhi felt that the influence of super rice seeds was too great. No wonder the system mall gave a price of 100,000 flat points!

After Bai Hei's explanation, the First Emperor carefully hid the card of the Super Rice Seed.

"Xiao Rui Beast, after returning, this matter will be handed over to Jingyang Mansion, and the future of Da Qin will depend on you."

White and Black: 66.99

Okay, you're starting to lie down too?

[Wudang Flying Army 10,000 people: Wudang Flying Army is all wearing iron armor, can climb mountains and mountains, and is good at field combat and defense. 】

Since it is not the first time that Wudang Flying Army has appeared, this time the introduction is relatively brief.

The first emperor still vaguely remembered that Chiyou in the tribal period had won 3,000 unworthy flying troops.

['The Lingnan area is full of hills and rivers, and the Wudang Flying Army has a strong mountain combat capability, which is very beneficial to our next attack on Baiyue. l

Before the first emperor could ask a question, Baihei explained.

It has to be said that the first emperor's rewards are the ones that Daqin lacks most at present, and the most precious is naturally the super rice seed.

[Eighteen Riders of Yanyun: It consists of eighteen people in total, dressed in cold clothes, with a machete on the waist, with a mask on his face, a black scarf on his head, only his eyes are exposed, he is also covered with a long black cloak, and he is walking on Hu people's riding boots. , The riding boots are equipped with daggers, and everyone is carrying a big bow, each carrying eighteen arrows, and at the same time is equipped with a full moon machete.

The ghosts and ghosts, the whereabouts are strange. Once slaughtered thousands of people in a tribe in the desert overnight, the best thing is slaughter! 】

"... This Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry is a very interesting unit.

After reading the introduction of the elite soldiers list, the first emperor became interested in the Yanyun Eighteen Riders.

But what he had doubts was, what was the use of a massacre troop like Yan Yun's Eighteen Cavalry?

Could it be that they were sent to Lingnan?

"Little Rui Beast, do you want to send the eighteen cavalry of Yanyun to Lingnan?

In response, Bai Zhi shook his head.

[‘The eighteen cavalry of Yanyun are good for killing, so they cannot be sent to Lingnan. ’]

Historically, the reason why Shi Huangdi did not completely rule the Baiyue area was precisely because the generals he dispatched committed slaughter, causing the people in the Baiyue area to rise up to resist, which led to the final failure.

Moreover, this situation directly affected the Baiyue region's view of the Central Plains, and almost slowed down the unification of the Central Plains for at least ten years!

Even though Zhao Tuo suppressed many rebellions at the beginning, in the Baiyue area, various rebellions against the Qin state continued one after another.

Therefore, the eighteen cavalry of Yanyun could not be sent to Lingnan no matter what.

After thinking about it, Bai Zhu found a suitable place for the Eighteen Horsemen of Yanyun - the Xiongnu Grassland!

[‘The eighteen cavalry of Yanyun can be sent to the Xiongnu grassland. ’]

[‘One can liberate Meng Tian’s tens of thousands of troops and save money. ’]

[‘Secondly, it can also form a surveillance on the Huns. Once they make a change, they will directly send the eighteen cavalry of Yanyun to kill them!’]

Hearing what Baihei said, Shi Huangdi also nodded.

Indeed, if Meng Tian and the 60,000-strong army can be transferred back to Xianyang, then the court will be more sure of Baiyue's use of troops!

Moreover, with the surveillance of the Eighteen Horsemen of Yanyun, presumably the situation on the Xiongnu grasslands will be able to gradually stabilize.

"Okay, after returning, I will immediately send them to the Xiongnu grassland!

The first emperor made a decision immediately.

At the same time, the introduction of the fourth reward also appeared in his mind.

[Jinfan Army: Before becoming a regular army, they were called Jinfan thieves. One is that this is a team composed of water pirates and robbers, and the other is that their leader - Jinfan Ranger, Gan Ning! Historically, Gan Ning is very luxurious, and often uses Shu Jin (extremely expensive) as a boat Sail, hence the name. 】

[Before joining Sun Quan, the Jinfan Army was entrenched in the Jiangdong area, which made the other water pirates and officers and soldiers around them terrified. 】

Looking at the introduction in front of him (Zhao Haozhao), the First Emperor immediately understood the usefulness of the Jinfan Army.

"If I guessed correctly, the Jinfan Army and the Wudang Flying Army should be the main force in your expedition to Baiyue this time? 35

: "..."


When did I promise you to conquer Baiyue?

do i have it?

[‘Yes, the characteristics of the Jinfan Army are extremely suitable for Baiyue’s terrain.

[‘The Baiyue area is full of hills and criss-crossing rivers, and the power of the Jinfan Army should not be underestimated. 】

As the saying goes, there are specialties in the profession.

Even if Qin Ruishi is a well-deserved invincible individual soldier, once encountering special and complex terrain, it is difficult to exert his full strength without special training.

And right now, the attack on Baiyue is a recent matter, and Shi Huang will definitely not wait for a few more years.

Therefore, the time left for Baihei to train Daqin Ruishi is not enough.

If there are not enough soldiers, the system will collect them. The 10,000 Jinfan Army and the 10,000 Wudang Flying Army can be said to be a help in the snow for Bai Hei.

With these two troops, the odds of attacking Baiyue will increase by a few percent!

Super Rice, Wudang Flying Army, Jinfan Thief, Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry...

Looking at the four rewards of the First Emperor, several people on the side were drooling with envy.

Except for Lu Bu, who has no ambition, and Meng Huo, who is self-aware, Liu Bei and Cao Cao coveted these rewards.

Although they were not familiar with Yan Yun's Eighteen Riders, they had heard of Song of the Jinfan Thief's reputation.

Although the water battle is still not involved, neither of these two is the master of keeping the peace, so both of them have long been interested in recruiting the Jinfan Army.

Plus a "super rice seed" that is very powerful just by hearing the name, needless to say, it must be the invention of a fairy!

If at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, no matter who obtained these treasures, they would immediately rise up among the princes, and then spy on the world!

With the saliva at the corners of their mouths closed, Liu Bei and Cao Cao looked at Bai Zhu who was sitting beside the First Emperor.

The first emperor only ranked second, and the remaining five people on the field were rewarded.

Then this first place, it seems unsurprisingly, will definitely fall to this iron-eating beast.

So what kind of special forces does this iron-eating beast have, and what kind of rewards will they get?

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