I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 144: 72 place on the Elite Soldier List! Unworthy of the Flying Army!

Seeing Meng Huo staring at him maliciously, Liu Bei felt even more guilty.

It seems that this Meng Huo must have obtained some good treasure!

If he really let him rise ahead of schedule, then his Shu Han might be stillborn.

In this regard, Cao Cao on the side saw it more clearly.

Although on the surface, Meng Huo now has the upper hand.

But at its root, it only played a role in restraining Liu Bei, and there was no need to worry about the barbarians becoming bigger.

On the one hand, Meng Huo was a man of bravery and intrepidity, especially the three thousand barbarians under him.

Even if he obtained any good treasure, it would be difficult to play its due role in the hands of a reckless person like Meng Huo.

The two, although it seems that Liu Bei is at a disadvantage in the competition with Meng Huo.

But in fact, there are a total of six rewards on the list, in addition to the first emperor's auspicious beast, Liu Bei also has one.

No matter what it gets, it can always tie with Meng Huo.

What's more, Liu Bei is a man of many strategies, no matter what kind of reward, it will play a greater role in his hands than in Meng Huo's hands.

Taking a ten thousand steps back, even if the middle of Shu is not Liu Bei's territory in the future, for the entire war situation, it is not a mere army that can control the entire war balance.

Therefore, even if Meng Huo obtained more treasures, it would never have a great impact on the situation in the Central Plains.

As a result, Cao Cao crossed his hands and watched the play leisurely.

Compared to Cao Cao's calmness, Liu Bei seemed a little nervous.

Right now, the hatred that he and Meng Huo only saw had been forged.

Looking at Meng Huo's reaction, he should have obtained a very good baby.

Once his reward is not as good as his, then Shuhan's life will be sad in the future!

"Brother Xuande, don't be discouraged!"

Cao Cao on the side quickly laughed out loud:

"Look at Feng Xian, there is nothing like you! 55

Following Cao Cao's words, everyone looked at Lu Bu, and sure enough, the current Lu Bu was like white and black, sitting quietly beside him, as if the rewards on the list had nothing to do with him.

"Humph! Thief!""

For Lu Bu, Liu Bei has always been dismissive.

In his opinion, Lu Bu was nothing more than an ordinary man, with a halberd and a halberd, it was almost impossible to kill others, but killing one's own was a safe bet.

Unexpectedly, Lu Bu, who was originally extremely easy to anger, did not respond to Liu Bei's taunting this time.

This immediately caught Cao Cao's attention.

When did Lu Bu, who was originally invincible, have such a heart?

At the moment, he began to observe carefully.

The original Lu Bu should be extremely arrogant and defiant.

Right now, although he was still wearing a three-pronged purple-gold crown with hair on his head, and he was still wearing a Xichuan red cotton Hundred Flowers Robe, the whole person looked quite dejected.

There was even a lot of dust on his clothes, but it was obvious that Lu Bu had no intention of taking care of it.

All this comes from the battle between Gao Chong and Lu Bu!

That battle completely shattered Lü Bu's reputation as "No. 1 in the world", and even lost most of his previous spirit.

Although the current Lu Bu is still brave, he has long been discouraged from competing for dominance in the world.

He only has one thought now, and that is to defeat Gao Chong and regain the title of the number one general of the Three Kingdoms!

Looking at Lu Bu, who was a little dejected, Bai Zhu lightly shook his head.

Just a little setback made him so depressed, no wonder he was brave in history but failed repeatedly!

While everyone was contemplating, the voice of the luck question and answer space sounded again:

[Elite Soldiers List, No. 72 - Wudang Flying Army! 】

[Wudang Flying Army, the main force of Shu Han in the later period, Zhuge Liang, after pacifying Nanzhong, used the brave local barbarians to form an army, called Wudang Flying Army.

The first coach Wang Ping, the last coach Zhang Yi.

The Wudang Flying Army is all wearing iron armor and can climb mountains and mountains. Good at using crossbows and poisoned arrows, good at field battles.

Because of the weapons, horse nails and crossbow arrows, as well as the grasp of the location, they are very good at defensive operations.

Because the whole family moved, so the folk danced with Man Gu, and they were all dancing in groups and roaring in. 】

[Reward: 3,000 purebred Dawan Khan blood horses, two guards Zhan Zhao and Li Yuanfang. 】

After seeing the introduction of Wudang Feijun, Liu Bei was completely numb!

This luck space is doing things!

It seemed that the relationship between him and Meng Huo must be endless.

Sure enough, after seeing such an introduction, Meng Huo immediately let out an "Aah", and then raised the double axe in his hand towards Liu Bei.

After thinking about the mysterious power of the space of luck, he finally put down his weapon, but still glared at Liu Bei.

Good guy, this bastard not only set fire to his rattan soldiers, but also recruited barbarian soldiers on his own territory?

Okay, now, I will start to form an army when I go back, and form it according to the introduction of this Wudang Flying Army!

"Hahaha, Brother Xuande, it seems that there must be a battle between you, the Southern Barbarian King! 95

Cao Cao laughed out loud, and he made a mockery without shyness.

As one of his two biggest competitors in the future, Cao Cao will not be lenient.

As long as there is an opportunity to suppress Liu Bei, he will immediately seize the opportunity!

"What's so funny, you haven't!

Liu Bei immediately retorted.

Such a counterattack is obviously unconvincing.

Obviously, the ranking of the elite soldiers list is announced from the back to the front, and now the rankings of Meng Huo and Liu Bei have been announced.

Then at least Cao Cao's ranking must be above Liu Bei, and the rewards will be more abundant than Liu Bei.

With the announcement of Liu Bei's noun as a flying army, the elite soldier list soon emitted two golden rays of light, which fell directly into Liu Bei's hands.

A golden light turned into a "guardian card".

Another golden light turned into a "good horse card".

The basic information about the corresponding rewards of these two cards quickly appeared in Liu Bei's mind.

[Good horses: 3,000 Dawan sweat blood horses]

【Introduction to Dawan Khan's Blood Horse: According to the Records of the Grand Historian, when Zhang Qian was on an envoy to the Western Regions, he once saw a good horse in Dawan Kingdom.

The endurance and speed of this kind of horse are amazing, not only can it travel thousands of miles a day, but also sweat like blood from the position near the shoulder, so it is called "sweat blood BMW".

Although the system's record of sweaty BMW is relatively brief.

But as a descendant of the royal family, Liu Bei is very familiar with the history and advantages of the sweaty horse!

There are three advantages of Dawan sweat and blood horse.

The first point is the beauty of the body.

The Sweaty BMW is usually full and graceful, with a thin head and a high neck, slender limbs, thin skin and thin capillaries.

The second point is that it is extremely fast.

According to the historical records of the Han Dynasty, the sweaty horse can "travel thousands of miles in the day and eight hundred in the night".

Although the actual speed may not be so exaggerated, in general, the top speed of the sweaty horse is about 300 miles per day, and the maximum can reach 400 miles.

According to the records of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, it only takes thirty-four breaths in the shortest time for a sweaty BMW to run two miles!

Third, endurance.

The stamina of the sweaty horse is the highest among all horses.

Not only does it travel hundreds of miles without drinking water, but it is extremely resistant to long-distance travel.

Good size, empathetic, fast, good endurance, suitable for long marches, very suitable for military horses.

Even in the history of the Western Han Dynasty, in order to obtain this kind of Dawan sweat and blood, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty did not hesitate to raise troops twice to fight Dawan.

But even so, after spending a lot of national power, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty could only get dozens of high-quality Dawan bloody horses every year.

Although there are more than 3,000 middle and low-level horses, they are always not comparable to the sweaty horses.

Originally, Emperor Wu of the Han had a special liking for sweaty horses, and the "imported" sweaty horses were extremely difficult to breed, so Emperor Wu of the Han almost named such horses as "national horses".

And this time, Liu Bei got 3,000 Dawan sweat and blood BMW at once, which is equivalent to the result of the operation of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty for decades!

This can't help but excite him!

The utility of sweaty horses is second, and the most important thing is that with these horses, Liu Bei can more easily prove that he is the great Han Zhengshuo!

Seeing Liu Bei's excited expression, Bai Hei on the side pouted.

Although full of benevolence, righteousness and morality, Liu Bei's ambitions have long been revealed!

On the one hand, he pretends to be his uncle, and on the other hand, he is secretly preparing to become an emperor on his own.

Looking at his reaction after he obtained these 3,000 sweat and blood BMWs, it is not difficult to see how ambitious this person is.

With these sweaty horses, it will be easier for Liu Bei to serve Han Zhengshuo in the future.

Although the sweaty horses at this time have not been improved and are not suitable for driving, who would use these three thousand high-class Dawan sweaty horses to drive?

Isn't it fragrant to use it to form an iron cavalry?

Liu Bei obtained two of the most important things in battle.

Morale and equipment.

Sovereign skill. Inspiration plus 3,000 first-class Dawan bloody horses, the overall bonus to Liu Bei's military power is not low.

This can not help but beside Cao Cao very angry.

These 3,000 Dawan sweat and blood BMWs made him really envious!

He's been the prime minister of a lifetime!

The obsession with such sweaty horses is no less than that of Emperor Wu.

"No, Liu Bei was originally my competitor, but now he has gained a bloody horse, and his strength has greatly increased."

"It seems that we must find a chance to kill him, and then get the sweaty horse back!"

Cao Cao narrowed his eyes slightly, and the look in Liu Bei's eyes became more and more bad.

In fact, not only Cao Cao, but Meng Huo, who didn't ride very much, and Shi Huangdi, who didn't know what a Dawan Khan blood horse was, Lu Bu, who had been drooping all the time, also cast "envy" eyes from time to time.

After looking at it for a long time, Lu Bu almost called out "the foster father is above".

Lu Bu has always had an obsession with horses.

Unlike Liu Bei and Cao Cao's love for horses, Lu Bu, as a general on the battlefield, knew the importance of horses to an army or a general.

Especially the empathetic sweaty horse, if all the soldiers under his command can ride this kind of horse, then the combat effectiveness will be greatly increased!

Envy is envy, and now he can't grab it, Lu Bu glanced at the card in Liu Bei's hand with nostalgia, and closed his eyes silently.

"Little Rui Beast, is this sweaty horse really so miraculous?

Shi Huang asked in a low voice the white and black road on the side.

From the enthusiasm in the eyes of the rest of the people, it is not difficult to see how coveted this sweaty horse is.

[‘Dawan sweat blood horse is indeed a kind of good horse that has never been born in the world, but we don’t need it.

Bai Hei shook his head indifferently.

The Dawan Khan blood horse is indeed a rare breed of good horse.

Different from the separate horse breeds in other eras, the sweat blood horse is not only extremely pure, but also has a large output.

However, its effect on the current Daqin is really not that obvious.

At present, all the frontier problems in the northern part of Daqin have been resolved.

The Yiqu in the west was also abolished by the Empress Dowager Qin Xuan long ago, leaving only a few Qiang tribes scattered in the west, and it was not a climate.

The only foreign attack, Baiyue, was because of the complex terrain, hills and rivers, and there was not much room for horses to display.

Therefore, this sweaty horse looks attractive, and for today's Da Qin, it can only be regarded as the icing on the cake, not a necessity.

"Oh, so it is."

The First Emperor nodded, and then retracted the idea of ​​​​wanting to snatch on special topics.

・・For flowers....

Although they are not allowed to attack each other in the Q&A space of luck, it is not said that they are not allowed to snatch during special Q&A questions.

Once Liu Bei was slightly inattentive, the first emperor would not mind taking the sheep and taking the 3,000 Great Wan blood horses as his own.

At this time, Liu Bei didn't know what the first emperor was thinking, otherwise he would definitely cry without tears.

Of the five people on the field, all three of them coveted their rewards, so what?

Before his joy had faded away, the content of the second reward quickly appeared in his mind:

【Guard Cards: Two Top Guards!】

【Guard One: Zhan Zhao!】

[Character introduction: Zhan Zhao, courtesy name Xiong Fei, from Yujie Village, Wujin County, Changzhou Prefecture.

He has been practicing martial arts since childhood, with high martial arts skills, good at light power, skill in wielding arrows, superb swordsmanship, and unparalleled civil and military skills.

He met Bao Zheng at the Jinlong Temple, and he was awarded the title of "Royal Cat" as the fourth-rank guard with a sword. 】

Show off!

Show Guard!

【Guard II: Li Yuanfang!】

[Character introduction: He is originally from Hebei and grew up in Liangzhou. Strong temperament, serious work, strong principle.

Martial arts are unparalleled in the world, and he is good at using the orchid sword, the chain knife and various hidden weapons.

Extraordinary Courage and Extraordinary Judgment!

Bo Yuntian, who is righteous and righteous, met Di Renjie, was loyal to him, and served as the captain of Di Renjie's guard. 】


The two top guards are Li Yuanfang and Zhan Zhao!

Although he didn't know who the two were, Liu Bei was still very satisfied with the introduction of the system.

One is the fourth-rank imperial guard with a sword, and the other is the captain of the escort who is unparalleled in martial arts and has amazing judgment.

In the future, once you lose a battle or encounter an assassination, you can retreat without being so embarrassed.

Especially after having these two top-level guards, the second brother Guan Yu and the third brother Zhang Fei can be completely liberated and no longer have to guard in front of their own tents.

All in all, the two guards are not weak for the current self, and they can be called excellent rewards!

Feeling Liu Bei's two rewards, the sentence immediately resounded in Bai Zhi's mind:

"Yuan Fang, how do you see?"

I have to say, this Li Yuanfang and Liu Bei are a perfect match!

Liu Bei fought and escaped too many times in his life, and there were not a few cases where he was displaced and at a loss.

Once protected by these two top guards, at least Liu Bei would have no problem surviving.

And once there is an indecision in the future, I will say:

"Yuan Fang, how do you see?

Wouldn't that be comfortable?

But after thinking about it, it seems that Cao Cao is more suitable for this reward?

If nothing else, it's not just one or two incidents with other people's daughters-in-law, if Zhan Zhao and Li Yuanfang were both there.

Dian Wei and Cao Ang, I am afraid that neither of them will die.

And in the future, won't it be much more convenient?

Sure enough, seeing that Liu Bei had obtained two top guards, Cao Cao was jealous.

Compared to Liu Bei, his demand for these two top guards is even stronger!

If nothing else, what is the purpose of that one-handed "kill in my dream", isn't it just for your own safety?

If you have these two top guards, will you sleep peacefully in the future?

You also need to rely on acting to protect yourself!

But envy is envy, Cao Cao really didn't dare to snatch the characters who were rewarded by the system.

Different from weapons, equipment and horses, the characters rewarded by the system have their own loyalty.

Since there was no hope for snatch, Cao Cao silently buried this envy in his heart.

Looking at Lu Bu on the side, he scoffed at the reward Liu Bei received!

Real men don't need guards!

Laozi martial arts has long been the world's second... 2nd!

Although he can't beat Gao Chong for the time being, he will regain the title of No. 1 in the world sooner or later.

In his eyes, no assassins pose any threat to him.

Obviously, he didn't know his fate at this time.

Historically, as long as he had a guard like Zhan Zhao and Li Yuanfang, he would not be captured by his generals and presented to Cao Cao.

However, this is another story.

On the other side, when the First Emperor saw the reward Liu Bei had received, he lowered his head slightly and pondered:

"Two top guards..."

After thinking about it, I don't seem to need any guards.

Since Yuwen Chengdu, the five tiger generals and the twelve tiger ministers, there have been quite a few generals under his command.

At present, the legacy of the Six Nations has gradually declined, and the fact that Da Qin has ruled the world has become irresistible.

Under Bai Hei's prompt, he also beheaded Liu Bang, who overthrew Da Qin, and subdued Xiang Yu, so even if there was an assassin.

According to the current guard level, it can also be handled completely.

In other words, the first emperor firmly believed in his own dragon fortune, and even more firmly believed in the national fortune of Da Qin!

Especially after the Qi Luck Question and Answer Space appeared, Shi Emperor firmly believed that although he could not achieve immortality now.

But one day, he will be able to extend his life and protect the country in the Qin Dynasty!

In the face of Daqin's national fortune, all the assassins seemed extremely humble, even if Jing Ke was alive, it would be difficult for him to hurt him in the slightest.

This is the spirit of the first emperor!

Although they were not very envious of Liu Bei's reward, the First Emperor, Cao Cao, and Lu Bu who had not yet received the reward were also looking forward to the reward they were about to receive.

As for Bai Hei, he still squatted in the corner and nibbled melon seeds.

He only has one wish, which is to get some more points for lying flat this time! Knife,

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