I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 143 The 4 luck question and answer starts! The 9 place in the elite soldier list!

The ministers respect, and the civil and military kowtow!

The first emperor's heart was also surging.

Baihei completely solved the threat to the north of Daqin, and Daqin was finally able to free up his hands to rectify the south!

【‘It’s so troublesome, when will it end? I’m still waiting to go back to the sun. ’]

Bai Zhu's heartfelt voice appeared in Shi Huangdi's ears at an inopportune time.

The First Emperor was speechless.

The people kneeling in front were all ministers' civil and military generals.

Which one is not the person who stomped Da Qin and trembled when he took it out?

Aren't you excited now that they are surrendering before you?

Are you going to sunbathe?

Looking at Bai Zhu, who was lying on the chair, Shi Huangdi sighed slightly.

Well, since Baihei was flattened with one heart, the Xiongnu has just been calmed down now, so let him rest for a while.

Immediately, he immediately waved his hands and dismissed the ministers:

"Okay, let's all go down. 99

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The ministers left the hall in order.

In order to give Bai Hei a better rest, the First Emperor did not go to disturb Bai Hei, but went back to the palace to continue reviewing his memorial.

And Bai Hei is a rare return to Jingyang Mansion.

A sun, a bamboo chair, opened the lazy panda's life...

All afternoon, white and black are bathed in the warm sunshine, very comfortable.

It wasn't until evening that he stretched his waist lazily and sat up.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and it has been three months since the last luck quiz.

It's almost time for the fourth Q&A.

Exactly, the pockets are empty.

Thinking of this, Bai Zhu immediately said silently in his heart:

"Open the fourth luck quiz!"

[Ding, the fourth luck question and answer has been opened]

[The princes and generals of various dynasties are being summoned...]

[Participants this time—Qin Shi Huang Ying Zheng, Wei Wang Cao Cao, Wen Hou Lu Bu, Shu Han Zhaolie Emperor Liu Bei, Nanman King Meng Huo]


In this luck quiz, the heroes of the three kingdoms gathered together!

The five heroes of the Three Kingdoms era will all gather here at this moment!

Five people and one beast felt the call of the 'Qilun Q&A Space' at the same time.

Several people suddenly felt that the surrounding space had undergone distorted changes, and their consciousness began to gradually blur.

Before losing consciousness, they themselves left the place and appeared in the familiar mysterious space.

Just like the world before the creation of the world, the surrounding is pure white, clean and endless.

Among the five, the first emperor Ying Zheng, the Wei king Cao Cao, the Wenhou Lu Bu, and the Zhaolie emperor Liu Bei were not the first time to come here.

Their expressions were calm, and they stood there with ease, waiting for the instructions of the "immortal".

However, Meng Huo, the southern barbarian king who came here for the first time, was terrified, and he opened the space with the other four vigilantly.

"Huh? Where is this? Who are you?

At this time, Meng Huo did not know the people present, and Cao Cao and Liu Bei had not seen him either.

In Meng Huo's impression, he was drinking and having fun with Zhu Rong, and then he was suddenly summoned here.

You 733 had never seen any of the people in front of him, which made him even more vigilant.

"Don't panic, Xiongtai, we are all good ministers of the Han Dynasty, this place is also a great opportunity for Xiongtai.

"As long as Xiongtai seizes the opportunity, it may be able to skyrocket and dominate an era.

Cao Cao stroked his beard and took the lead in introducing Meng Huo.

After all, no matter what era, there is no harm in making friends.

Great Han Liangchen?

Meng Huo shook his head slightly, now that he is the overlord of the South Central region, sooner or later he will fight against the big Han, what chance they have, he doesn't need it!

"Humph! I, Meng Huo, don't need any chance, let me go back, or I will kill you all!"

Waving the big axe in his hand, Meng Huo protested.

"What, are you actually Meng Huo?

Cao Cao was amazed when he glanced at the blushing big man in front of him in surprise.

Meng Huo, the leader of the Nanzhong region during the Three Kingdoms period.

Brave in battle, strong-willed and loyal to others, he is very popular among the Yi people, so he has a good reputation.

Even Cao Cao, Liu Bei and others have long heard of his name.

Later, Cao Cao looked at several other people, and he had met the first emperor.

Liu Bei also met in the last Q&A on luck.

Meng Huo just reported his home.

Then the last person... is Lu Bu?

When Cao Cao's eyes fell on Lu Bu, Liu Bei also noticed Lu Bu's figure.


Liu Bei spoke evil words.

In his view, Dong Zhuo's righteous son, who helped the thief, could not escape the name of the evil thief.

"Don't be quick to speak up here, see you on the battlefield if you have the ability! 39

Lu Bu waved the Fang Tianhua halberd in his hand, symbolically deterring him.

After all, this is the second time he has come to the Qi Luck question and answer space, and he is familiar with the rules here, so naturally he will not act rashly.

But Meng Huo on the side was not so good-tempered.

Seeing a few people ignoring him, he became more and more annoyed, and immediately swung a big axe to chop at them:

"How dare you despise me!

But soon, the system issued a warning:

[It is forbidden to attack others here, and the next time you do it again, you will be directly expelled from the Q&A space for luck! 】

At this time, Meng Huo only felt that a mysterious force suddenly appeared around his body, completely suppressing him.

Make him unable to move.

Helpless, he had to give up the desire to attack.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the thought of giving up the attack came out, that power disappeared immediately, as if it never existed.

"Hmph, how dare a foreigner dare to be unrestrained in the immortal's territory, I really don't know what it is!"

Liu Bei has always been full of bad water. Seeing Meng Huo coming to the Q&A space for the first time, he immediately made provocative words on the principle that one less person means one less competitor.

Not (bbcc) Meng Huo is not stupid. After being warned by the luck question and answer space and completely suppressed by the mysterious force, he immediately became much more honest.

But that doesn't mean he doesn't hold grudges.

"I just heard that you are all servants of the big man, do you dare to leave your name, I will definitely come to you for a drink when I go back!

Make an appointment offline!

Can't you, Liu Bei, have the ability to fight!

As soon as he heard of the fight, Liu Bei immediately persuaded him.

On this point, there is an inexplicable similarity between him and Liu Bang.

Just kidding, Meng Huo's 3,000 savage soldiers are not paddling with you. Unless you are out of your mind, who will fight Meng Huo head-on?

Not to mention Liu Bei, even Lu Bu, who was beside him, gave up the idea of ​​discussing after taking a few glances at Meng Huo.

In war, the soft are afraid of the hard, the hard is afraid of the horizontal, and the horizontal is afraid of death!

Even now Lu Bu's force value has almost reached another level, far exceeding Meng Huo's.

But people like Meng Huo don't want to die in battle, even if they sacrifice their lives, I will bite a piece of your flesh!

Therefore, even Lü Bu respected Meng Huo at a distance.

"Humph! The bravery of a man!"'"

In the face of Meng Huo's suggestion of "making an appointment", Liu Bei had to pretend to be dismissive.

It's just, how could Cao Cao, who is a traitor in his life, give up this good opportunity to cheat people?

Immediately, he pretended to persuade and watched Liu Bei persuade:

"Xuande, how can you Liu Bei be such a big man, why do you still have the same knowledge as this barbarian?"

Meng Huo on the side nodded when he heard the words:

"Okay, so your name is Liu Bei, you wait, I will call a group of brothers to visit your house! 35

"Brother Meng De, you!"

Liu Bei was dumb to eat coptis, and he couldn't tell the bitterness.

This Cao Ahuo is really treacherous and very deceitful, and he has revealed his name to Meng Huo without hesitation!

But unfortunately, people still talk to you on the surface.

For a while, Liu Bei was not able to tear his face with him, so he could only stand in anger and stomped his feet.

"he, tui!"

When everyone was arguing with red faces, the voice of Baihei nibbling on melon seeds immediately attracted everyone's attention.

All three except Meng Huo had already seen this familiar figure once.

It is said that it is the auspicious beast of the first emperor and the protector of the country of Daqin.

【‘Melon seeds are so delicious! It’s so beautiful for a dog to bite a dog!’】

First Emperor: 66...39

The four people in the family are arguing in full swing. You are not being kind to eat melon seeds, right?

But then again, I see that your melon seeds are very fragrant, can you give me a hand?

After the quarrel between the people stopped for a while, the voice of the luck question and answer space system quickly sounded again:

[Ding, now we will announce the rules of 'Qilun Q&A']

[The five people you and others are all princes and generals from various dynasties. Next, three questions will be randomly selected. The content is related to you and others. This time, a special question will be added to the answer.]

【A certain number of correct answers can be rewarded with generous rewards】

[Reward List: Longevity Pill, Unparalleled Martial Arts, Heaven and Earth, Elite Army, Advanced Technology, Territorial Talent, Legendary Buildings...]


[At the same time, each time before opening the "Qi Luck", a list will be randomly selected for rewards]

[Lists: Sovereign List, Generals List, Adviser List, Exotic Beast List, Beauty List, Architecture List, Famous Sword List, Power List, Army List...]


[In the drawing list——]

[The list for this reward is the "Elite Soldier List"! 】


A golden scroll appeared in front of everyone.

There are three big words written on it - Elite Soldier List!

Afterwards, the golden scroll slowly unfolded towards the bottom, so that everyone could clearly see the content written on it.

The so-called elite soldiers naturally refer to the elites in the army, and ordinary soldiers are not included.

If these elites can be formed into special units, there will be corresponding ranking bonuses.

The ranking of this elite soldier list is based on the number and influence of the corresponding arms and their owners in history, and how many people are known by later generations.


Before everyone could see the above content clearly, the words on the elite soldier list began to dissipate.

There are only six rankings left, which means that everyone who can get the list reward this time has a share for everyone present!

It also includes the white and black people who are squatting on the side and knocking melon seeds!

six people?

Meng Huo glanced at Bai Zhu, who was squatting in the corner and eating melon seeds intently.

Could it be that this cute-looking black and white dumpling actually has a share?

However, this kind of question is obviously not ignored by the Q&A space.

[Elite Soldiers List, No. 90 - Fujijia Army! 】

[Tengjia Army, a total of 30,000 people, the commander is Wu Tugu, a general under the throne of Nanman]

[The sergeant of the rattan armor army is two feet long and wears rattan armor; the rattan grows in the mountain stream and is coiled on the stone wall;

Chinese people take it, immerse it in oil, and then take it out for half a year and dry it; dry it and soak it again, more than ten times, but it will form the armor;

Wearing it on the body, it will not sink when crossing the river, the water will not get wet, and neither swords nor swords can enter, so it is called the Fujijia Army.

Once the Fujijia Army was established, it was invincible and invincible. Later, in the battle with Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of Shu Han, it was ambushed by fire and the whole army was annihilated. 】

[Reward: 500 Viking Berserkers, 3000 Mingguang Armor]


“Shuhan?’ 35

The southern barbarian king Meng Huo immediately frowned.

According to the introduction of the system, it seems that the Fujijia army was finally destroyed in the hands of the prime minister of Shu Han.

He didn't participate in the last Qi Luck quiz, so he doesn't know that Liu Bei will build a new country called Shu Han in the future.

"Xuande, it seems that you have produced many talents in Shuhan, this Zhuge Liang is really envious of me.

After a meaningful glance at Liu Bei, Cao Cao continued to make jokes.

Don't you Meng Huo don't know who founded Shu Han?

It's ok!

I'll tell you!

"Cao Agui! Don't go too far! 35

When he heard that Cao Cao was disgusting himself again, Liu Bei suddenly became angry.

Since Cao Cao knew that he was a future competitor, he began to suppress himself everywhere, and used black hands everywhere.

No, the fourth time of luck space has just started, and Meng Huo and himself have already forged a beam!

"Shuhan was clearly established by you, but last time everyone saw it clearly, His Majesty the First Emperor can testify!

Hearing what Cao Cao said, Meng Huo immediately looked at Qin Shi Huang.

It turns out that this person is the first emperor in the history of the Han people without one in a thousand?

It looks really majestic!

It seems that as long as he can prove it, then this matter should be true, and his rattan soldiers will eventually die at the hands of Liu Bei's subordinates!

Seeing the eyes of everyone looking at himself, the First Emperor neither denied nor admitted it.

After all, this matter has nothing to do with him.

But he thought about it, Shu Han? Han?

Liu Bei? Liu Bang?

Why do you look more and more like the descendant of Liu Bang who has been beheaded by Bai Hei?

No, I will resolutely oppose things that are harmful to Daqin!

"Hmm. 99

A faint reply.

Although the sound was extremely low, several others could hear it clearly.

"Look, brother Xuande, you have nothing to say now. 35

Cao Cao is worthy of being a traitor in his life. While attacking Liu Bei, he can still call him a brother.

"Okay, Liu Bei and Liu Xuande, I remember you!"

Meng Huo's eyes were fixed on Liu Bei:

"Don't let me meet you, or I'll let you taste the power of the Fujika Army! 35

"Humph! Isn't it the Fujika Army, I can burn them all with one fire! 35

Now that Liang Zi was forged, Liu Bei was not afraid of offending people.

Looking at the system's statement, it seems that this Fujika Army is very afraid of fire.

In particular, Liu Bei also noticed that this Zhuge Liang seemed to have some ability, and he might even become his prime minister in the future.

It seems that I have to act early, and I must not let Cao Cao take the lead!

At the same time, Cao Cao also had the same idea, if this Fujia Army really said it, it would not have much to do with him.

If Zhuge Liang, the future prime minister of Shu Han, could be brought under his command, wouldn't he have dealt a critical blow to Liu Bei?

No, I have to look for this Zhuge Liang immediately after I go back!

While everyone was talking, the system issued a reward to Meng Huo.


I saw two golden lights flashing out, hovering in the air for a moment, and then turned into an "equipment card" and a "arms card" respectively, and fell into Meng Huo's hands.

Until this time, Meng Huo completely believed in this space of luck that he had never seen before. It seems that this thing can really bring him rewards!

The contents of the two awards quickly came to Meng Huo's mind.

【Epic Equipment. Bright Light Armor】

[Equipment introduction: Mingguang armor is the head of the Tang Thirteenth armor. There are metal round guards on the chest and back. It is extremely smooth and looks like a mirror. obstacles, hence the name "Mingguang Armor"

After learning about the effectiveness of Mingguang Armor, Meng Huo was immediately overjoyed.

The land of Nanzhong originally had a lot of sun, and when the sun was shining brightly, people couldn't open their eyes.

If coupled with this bright light armor, coupled with the bravery of his three thousand barbarian soldiers, I am afraid that the Prime Minister of Shu Han, Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei will all be killed!

Looking at this "equipment card" in his hand, Meng Huo couldn't put it down.

【Viking Berserker】

[Introduction to Arms: Known for their ferocity and bravery, there is evidence that once they enter the battlefield, they will become violent and carry out savage attacks regardless of all dangers, with a strong desire to attack.

Their bodies are usually able to burst out beyond the limit of ordinary people's physical strength. They don't know what fatigue is, and they are not restrained by the horror of the battlefield. They will use their superhuman physical strength to continuously fight until the end of the battle. 】

At the first moment of seeing the introduction of Viking Berserker, Meng Huo was ecstatic!

It's not because he understands how powerful the Viking Berserkers are, but simply because he likes this way of fighting and will never die!

The white and black eyes on the side were sharp and immediately noticed this.

The attributes of Viking Berserkers and Meng Huo are so compatible!

Originally, the brute under his command had exactly the same tactics, but the brute's physical strength was limited, and his morale would often drop due to lack of physical strength.

Once Meng Huo has these five hundred Viking Berserkers, it is equivalent to having five hundred living war machines!

Coupled with the effectiveness of the three thousand bright light armor, I am afraid that even if Zhuge Liang is really recruited by Liu Bei, it will be difficult to easily defeat Meng Huo again!

In this way, the southeastern part of Shu Han seems to be embedded with a nail.

If you want to pull this nail, Liu Bei will have to pay more and a heavier price!

"Hahaha, Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei are nothing to be afraid of!"

With these two magical weapons, Meng Huo couldn't help laughing.

With Mingguang Armor and Viking Berserker, is he still afraid that Zhuge Liang will fail?

As he spoke, he immediately gave Liu Bei a demonstrative look.

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