I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 142 A triumphant return! The 1 Emperor personally greeted him!

Reward is in hand.

Bai Hei brought three medicinal pills to the camp of the three girls.

【‘Three little darlings, eat this. "]

Xiao Rui Beast opened his mouth without any hesitation.

Ying Yinman took the lead and swallowed it, and Cai Yan and Diaochan also ate it one after another.

"Little Rui Beast, what is this, how do you eat it and feel your body is hot?"

【‘This medicinal herb can help you live longer and beautify your skin, it can make your skin fair and smooth, look better, look younger, and live longer! J


No matter what era, no matter how old a woman is.

It is always their nature to love beauty, and the three girls are no exception.

After taking the medicine pill, I took a bath to wash away the impurities from my body.

The three girls looked in the mirror, and sure enough, their skin was breakable, fair and smooth, and the whole person's aura became more and more bright and beautiful.

"Little Rui Beast, you are so kind!""

The three women kissed Bai Hei's face one by one.

【‘Cough, you chat first, I will go out to bask in the sun. ’]

The white and black bear blushed and found a reason to escape.

As the three daughters grow up, I am afraid that I will be uneasy in the future!

Lying on the rattan chair outside, Bai Hei put two small thick legs on the back of the chair, and hung the whole person upside down on the chair, basking in the sun leisurely,

Counting the time, the first emperor's edict is coming soon.

A full afternoon of sun, white and black sleepy.

Towards evening, Xiao He found Bai Zhu with the newly arrived edict in his hand.

"Lord Rui Beast, the first emperor's edict has arrived. 35

['Oh, so fast. ’]

"This subordinate will inform others to prepare for the teacher's return to the DPRK, but the subordinate is worried that after we leave, on the Xiongnu grassland..."

Descend and rebel!

This is not the first time the Huns have done this.

Although the school and the ranch can play a very good role, after all, it is a long-term thing.

At present, no one can guarantee that the Huns will not rebel after they leave.

Therefore, it is necessary to send people to be stationed to prevent accidents!

[‘Then let Meng Tian and Meng Yi lead 50,000 Qin infantrymen and 10,000 Qin iron cavalry to continue to guard the border. After a year, when the functions of the school and the ranch are fully exerted, he will not be too late to return to the DPRK. 】

After thinking for a while, Bai Hei decided to keep Meng Tian and Meng Yi at the border.

One, the two have been operating border crossings for many years.

Whether it is the understanding of the Huns or the adaptation to the difficult conditions of the border, no one can compare to the generals.

Second, with only 60,000 horses, it can be said that it consumes very little of the national power of the Qin Dynasty.

Although the soldiers are few, they are enough to suppress the rebellion that may appear on the Xiongnu steppe.

According to the current construction on the grasslands, there will never be a large-scale agglomeration of the Huns' rebellion.

Even according to the Qin State's method of sitting together, it is very likely that they will be reported at the beginning of the rebellion.

In this way, with the addition of Meng Tian and Meng Yi, the Xiongnu problem was completely solved.

They can also go home in peace.

"Yes, Lord Rui Beast.

According to Bai Hei's instructions, Xiao He immediately ordered troops, leaving 50,000 Qin infantry and 10,000 iron cavalry to be handed over to Meng Tian and Meng Yi.

Then, according to the time agreed with the First Emperor, everyone boarded the Suzaku Organ Beast one after another.

Because the number of the army was too large, Baihei only selected the generals and the two thousand Qin Ruishis to take the Suzaku Organ Beast as the first class teacher.

The rest of the team started from Jiuyuan County and rushed back to Xianyang slowly.

According to the agreed time, they set off from the border by the Suzaku Organ Beast and arrived in Xianyang in the evening.

When the appointed time came, the first emperor quickly led the civil and military officials to thirty kilometers away from Xianyang City, waiting for Bai Zhu.

In order to welcome Bai Hei this time, Shi Huangdi made great efforts.

Not only did they order people to rebuild the road thirty kilometers away from Xianyang City overnight, but they also specially ordered people to make a sedan chair.

It was not once that Bai Hei complained about the bumps of the carriage in front of him.

"Li Si, why haven't they arrived yet?"

Looking in the direction of the border gate, the First Emperor wanted to see through his eyes, but seeing no one was seen for a long time, he couldn't help but call Li Si to question him.

"Your Majesty, they may already be on their way."

In the face of the first emperor's questioning, Li Si was full of grievances.

Well, Lord Rui Beast's eccentric temperament, he said to start at noon, who would dare to force him to start in the morning?

Therefore, even if the first emperor issued an edict in advance, it would depend on the mood of that person.

Finally, after half an hour, there was movement in the direction of the border.

However, it did not appear on the road, but above the sky!

"This is the Suzaku Organ Beast?"

The First Emperor raised his head and looked at the whole group of "big birds" flying in their direction in the sky in the distance, with great curiosity in his heart.

He had already heard about the Suzaku Organ Beast when Jingyang Prefecture pacified the Dongjun rebellion.

However, after the rebellion was quelled, the two thousand Suzaku Organ Beasts immediately drove to the border, so he never had a suitable opportunity to see them.

Until today, the white and black class teacher, he was finally able to see this legendary artifact.

When Shi Huang and his party noticed them, Gao Chong and others also discovered Shi Huang and Baiguan in the distance.

In order to strengthen the power of the welcome event, the first emperor specially brought 50,000 elite soldiers from Qin.

Even in the sky, Gao Chong and others could notice it at a glance.

"Lord Rui Beast, we are here"


[‘Well, let’s land then. ’]

Bai Zhu looked at the ground beneath his feet, even though it was so far away, the first emperor's black water dragon robe was very eye-catching.

"Huh, this is the legendary Suzaku organ beast? Can it really fly in the sky?"

"Yeah, I just heard that there was something like this when Dongjun suppressed the rebellion, but I haven't seen it before."

"Jingyang Mansion is really a magical place, everything can be developed!"

Watching the two thousand "big birds" approaching in the sky, the civil and military officials couldn't help but whisper.

Like the First Emperor, they have always only heard his voice and seen nothing.

Even many of them scoffed at the existence of such a thing.

Even if it can fly in the sky, it can still carry people? Or is it made of wood?

how is this possible!

But until they saw this scene with their own eyes, they had to believe it.

Although these organ beasts look very much like big birds in the sky. But if you look closely, you can immediately see the difference.

The real big bird is flexible and its wings move.

But the two thousand "big birds" in front of them had their wings spread all the time, and they got so close that they could even see the people they were carrying.

Thinking of the Suzaku organ beasts I heard about before, plus the purpose of their line.

Only then did everyone dare to conclude that the two thousand "big birds" in front of them were undoubtedly Bai Hei and others.

Under the gazes of everyone, two thousand Suzaku Organ Beasts formed a neat queue and slowly landed in front of everyone.

The leader was the Suzaku organ beast carrying Baihei, the three girls, and Gao Chong.


As soon as the Suzaku organ beast landed, Ying Yinman couldn't wait to threw himself into the arms of the First Emperor.

Although the First Emperor also embraced Ying Yinman very intimately, his eyes were always on Bai Hei.

"Little Rui Beast, you have worked hard."

There was a rare trace of tenderness in the eyes of the First Emperor.

['Why does he look at me like this, does he like me? I don't like men!']

Subconsciously, Bai Zhu immediately hid behind him.

However, the first emperor could not help but grabbed one of Bai Hei's paws, and then the two walked towards the two sedan chairs side by side.

This scene made the civil and military officials on the side envious.

If he can keep pace with the First Emperor, even Wang Jian, who led the Qin State's army of 600,000 troops to expedition, wouldn't have this treatment, right?

And looking at the appearance of the first emperor, there is no trace of grudge?

At this time, sedan chairs were not yet popular, and it was not something you could sit on if you wanted to.

The origin of the sedan chair can be traced back to the time when Dayu controlled the flood, but after the flood control was completed, the sedan chair was abandoned.

After all, this method of using multiple people to carry the sedan chair is not only extremely slow, but also time-consuming and labor-intensive.

In Qin State, people preferred horse carriages to shoulder sedan chairs.

But the first emperor set such a precedent for white and black.

However, it seems that white and black do not appreciate it.

[‘No, no, no, no one will leave the Suzaku tactical beast to sit in a sedan chair that is slow and slow?

"Cough cough!

The First Emperor coughed a few times to hide his embarrassment.

Well, the sedan chair I specially built for you is still despised by you?

"This is a sedan chair that I specially made for you.

"I heard that you can't stand the bumps of the carriage, so I ordered someone to make this sedan chair for you. In the future, as long as you want, Jingyang Mansion can use it at will."5

['Forget it, I'll leave it to you, I'm going to sit on the beast!']

After speaking, Bai Hei turned around silently.

"Alright, it just so happens that I also want to try this Suzaku mechanism beast, is it as magical as you said.

After speaking, without waiting for Bai Zhu to lead the way, the First Emperor strode towards the Suzaku Organ Beast.

White and black were stunned.

Did I say I'd take you with me?

However, when the trouble returned, the hearts of many civil and military ministers immediately became suspended when the First Emperor was about to take the Suzaku Organ Beast in person:

"Your Majesty, you must not!"

It was Li Si who stood up first.

"Your Majesty, although this thing is magical, please take the dragon's body as the most important thing! 35

Just kidding, if it flew in the sky and fell down, would it be okay?

Hearing this, the First Emperor stopped and turned to look at Li Si:

"You just saw that the auspicious beast, the two thousand great Qin Ruishis and the generals all came back by this thing, why can't I sit?

"Your Majesty's dragon body is more expensive than Jiuding, how can others be compared? I ask Your Majesty to think twice!

Baihei: Are you polite?

"Your Majesty, please think twice! 35

Under the leadership of Li Si, the rest of the civil and military ministers immediately echoed.

Just as the First Emperor was about to scold, Bai Zhu's heart rang out.

[‘This is not easy, since you are worried, then you will come first. "l

The First Emperor's eyes suddenly lit up.


good idea!

"Since you are so worried about my safety, why don't you sit down for me and see?

The First Emperor simply retracted his footsteps and looked at Li Si in front of him mockingly.

"Your Majesty, this..."

Li Si choked!

Man, this is setting fire to yourself!

"Why, Li Qing doesn't want to?

The First Emperor asked with a slight displeasure.

At this time, even if Li Si had the guts to say a hundred times, he would not dare to say no.

"I am willing to take risks for Your Majesty!

Unsurprisingly, Li Si agreed immediately.

"What about you?"

The first emperor set his eyes on the civil and military officials behind him.

"I am willing to go to danger for Your Majesty!

Uniform, without exception.

After all, if you dare to say that you don't want to, you will be fork out the next moment.

Seeing everyone agree, the First Emperor turned his head and gave Bai Hei a meaningful look.

I have done everything I can, and the rest is left to you!

Under the gazes of everyone, Ying Yinman was stunned for a while, then immediately ran in front of Gao Chong and whispered.

Immediately afterwards, Gao Chong handed over dozens of Da Qin Ruishis, gathered together, and whispered.

That's right, Ying Yinman's behavior was indicated by white and black.

Since these ministers of civil and military affairs are on the Suzaku Organ Beast, they are not fish that can be slaughtered by others. Can this be spared?

['You're welcome, all kinds of difficult movements, do it for the lord!']

['If we develop further in the future, there may be aerial combat, so this time I'll give you some practice!']

Although I don't know what air combat is, since Gao Chong has instructed me to "serve" these civil and military officials, how can these great Qin Ruishis easily let go?

Worryingly, he stepped onto the Suzaku Organ Beast, and Li Sida had a direct and heroic attitude.

In fact, he has a secret that no one knows!

He is afraid of heights again!

Every time I climbed the heights with the First Emperor, it was like walking through the gates of hell.

Because he is better at hiding, he has never been discovered, but this time, it is obvious that he cannot escape this disaster.


Sitting on the Suzaku organ beast completely, Li Si let out a long sigh and closed his eyes in despair.

Check it out to get started!


"Swish one" 5


Several piercing sounds rang out, and dozens of Vermillion Birds took off in the air, and just a roundabout made many of them scream!

"Ah! God! 99

"Steady, steady! Too fast!


As the Suzaku organ beast moved gracefully in the sky, the ministers of civil and military affairs were also frightened and screamed, and they were embarrassed.

In particular, Gao Chong deliberately developed an action to quickly descend!

During a steep descent, the feeling of being out of control is even more frightening due to the loss of gravity!

Sure enough, after playing for a few rounds, the ministers were completely unable to hold back.

The daring one firmly grasped the inside of the organ beast, not daring to relax for a moment.

The timid, scared and cried directly on the spot, crying for father and mother!

"Slow down! Slow down!

"Ah-mother! I'm going home!"

What's more, he was frightened and fainted on the spot, and could only be dragged by other people to avoid falling off the beast.

After playing for a few more rounds, Gao Chong gave an order and let the ministers down.

It was Li Si who was sitting in the first organ beast.

At this time, his teeth were clenched, his eyes were closed, and his muscles were tensed. Although he seemed calm, he was obviously on the verge of collapse.

【‘Yes, as expected of the Prime Minister of Great Qin. l

Seeing that Li Si didn't cry like the others, Bai Zhu couldn't help but gave him a like.

But the next moment, Li Si let out a "wow", and a large stream of filthy vomit was spit on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, tears and tears gathered, burst into tears, and the sound shook the four fields!

First Emperor:

White and Black:

High pet:

Not only Li Si, but all the ministers were like the rest of their lives, sitting on the ground crying loudly, beating their chests and feet, the scene was simply spectacular!

"Since all the Aiqings are fine, can I ride the Suzaku Organ Beast now?

The First Emperor looked at everyone mockingly.

No one answered, not because they didn't want to, but because they didn't dare.

Come on, go wherever you fall in love, as long as you don't bother us, you can go to heaven!

Don't pull us, we want to live a few more years!

Seeing that there was no objection, the First Emperor sat on the white and black Suzaku organ beast with a little joy.

In a high pet stance, Bai Hei and the First Emperor rode on, and the mechanical beast slowly rose and flew towards Xianyang City.

Standing on the spot, looking at the slow-moving Suzaku Organ Beast, the ministers went crazy with anger!

"Intentional, it must have been intentional!"

"(Zhao Haohao) is tolerable or unbearable!"

"Damn, played by this panda again!""

For a time, the crowd was excited!

But complaining was complaining, since they dared not ride the Suzaku tactical beast, they had to rush back to Xianyang City slowly.

In just ten minutes, Shi Huangdi and his party had already landed in Xianyang Palace.

The First Emperor walked off the Suzaku Organ Beast with ease:

"This mechanical beast is really a good thing. Not only does it fly smoothly, but its speed is not slow. It's really a fetish!"

That's not!

Looking at the fine beads of sweat on Gao Chong's head, Bai and Hei don't have to think about it to know how much effort Gao Chong has put into making the beast fly smoothly along the way!

After a full two hours, the ministers rushed back from outside the city one after another.

The first emperor's award ceremony was also held as scheduled.

The ministers gathered above the hall.

"Li Si, it is intended.

"The minister is here.

With a pale face, Li Si stood up weakly.

"In this war against the Xiongnu, all the generals involved have been promoted to two ranks in a row! Give five hundred gold!"

"Jingyang Prefecture has made great achievements in conquering the Xiongnu, and rewarded them with 10 million yuan!

After some tossing in the suburbs, this time the ministers did not whisper, but their hearts were shocked, the money was ten million!

A real big deal!

As for the promotion of the title, it is far above others!

"The Xiongnu Grassland is set up in Xiongnu County, which is under the jurisdiction of Jingyang Prefecture."

Until this edict was issued, there was a commotion in the crowd.

Hun County!

Jingyang Mansion!

God knows how many industries can be operated on the Xiongnu grasslands.

If nothing else, just talk about cattle, sheep and horses, how much income can Jingyang Prefecture get from Xiongnu County in the future?

And to set up a county on the Xiongnu grassland, what a boldness!

Needless to say, it's definitely a black-and-white idea.

The First Emperor had already announced that all the affairs of the Xiongnu would be handed over to Rui Beast, so this matter must be the advice of Rui Beast to Shi Emperor before they came back!

Not only did it solve the frontier problems of the Xiongnu, but it also set up county rule!

With such a mind and daring, it is no wonder that the First Emperor placed so much importance on him!

For a time, the ministers were completely convinced.

The resentment originally caused by being teased was instantly dispelled by reverence!

"Daqin Wannian! 99

"Long live Your Majesty!

"Master Rui Beast is brave!"

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