I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 141 Completely solve the Huns! A big celebration feast!

Suddenly, a dazzling golden light shot out from the high platform, causing everyone present to close their eyes subconsciously.

When they opened their eyes again, there was a brand-new and charming school in front of them.

At the same time, there are ninety-nine such academies on the Xiongnu grasslands, near other pastures.

As described by the system, this kind of school can gradually reduce the hatred of the students in the school for Da Qin.

At the same time, it can also improve their friendliness and loyalty to Da Qin.

In this way, with the passage of time, it can not only weaken and even completely eliminate the hatred of the Huns for Da Qin.

And gradually, the Xiongnu's sense of belonging to Daqin will become higher and higher.

Most importantly, as friendliness increases.

Their belligerent characteristics will also change accordingly, and after the basic guarantee of life, the Huns have no reason to fight against Da Qin again.

In this way, Da Qin's rule over the Huns will gradually stabilize, and the Huns will gradually evolve into "shun people".

In addition, the school not only has additional attributes, but also can teach the Central Plains culture of the Huns in the process.

The appeal of the Central Plains culture is proven by history.

Not only is it very attractive, but also has the innate "education" function.

Under this kind of cultural education, the descendants of the Xiongnu will be close to the Qin Dynasty from generation to generation, completely forgetting their unbearable past, until they are completely assimilated and become Qin people from their bones.

In this way, the Xiongnu problem that has plagued Daqin for decades has been completely solved.

With the school, the rest can be left to Xiao He to do.

Baihei walked towards the high platform, and Gao Chong and Xiao He quickly came up from left to right.

"Lord Rui Beast.

['Xiao He, you will be responsible for the follow-up matters on the Xiongnu grasslands. Before the teacher returns to the dynasty, the governance of the Xiongnu must be completely completed. ’]

【‘Gao Chong, you return to Xianyang immediately and report the great victory to the First Emperor. ’]

['Besides, I want to reward the soldiers of the three armies with a celebration banquet at the border gate. You tell Li Xin that Jingyang Tower is closed to thank guests for the past few days, and all the chefs and ingredients will be shipped to the border gate!

No one is more familiar with everything about Jingyang Mansion than Gao Chong, and it is most appropriate to leave this matter to him.

After receiving Bai Hei's order, Gao Chong quickly took the order away.

He brought a few people with him, and rode the Suzaku organ beast to prepare to rush back to Xianyang.

Before leaving, Xiao He grabbed Gao Chong and gave some secret instructions.

The Suzaku Organ Beast that Gao Chong rode on did not go directly to Xianyang, but landed on the castle tower of Jingyang Mansion.

According to Xiao He's secret instructions: "Be sure to spread the news of the great victory!"

Gao Chong deliberately recruited four personal attendants and ordered them to take the news of the victory at the border gates, set out from Jingyang Mansion, and then enter through the four gates of Xianyang City.

While galloping on horses, shouting the slogan "Victory at the border, the Xiongnu will be wiped out", and went straight into the Xianyang Palace.

This move really worked, and the shouting of the four messengers quickly spread the news of the victory over the border all over Xianyang City.

"What? You actually won?"

Different people have different reactions to the news of the victory at the border.

The nobles and Confucian scholars of the Six Nations were naturally dejected and dejected.

"It's a pity that they really won the battle!"

"Yes, in this way, the arrogance of the tyrant will be stronger, and our life will be more difficult!"5

The Confucian scholars sighed that this great victory would make the First Emperor's attitude towards the Confucian scholars drop to freezing point.

And the nobles of the Six Kingdoms are grief-stricken and hopeless.

But at the same time, more people are happy and proud of the news of the victory at the border.

Whether it is the people of Daqin or the officials of the Qin state, everyone is running to tell each other, we have won!

Daqin wins!

The frontier problems that have plagued the Central Plains for decades have been completely resolved!

"That's great! The auspicious beast is indeed my great Qin's protector of the country! 35

"Yes, long live Your Majesty! Great Qin Wannian!"

"God bless Da Qin!

While the people of Xianyang City were running around to tell each other, Shi Huangdi, who was reviewing the memorial, also received the news.

"The auspicious beast is indeed a divine beast that protects Daqin! It is my good fortune!"

Looking at the report in his hand, the first emperor's heart has long been happy.

This battle completely lifted the threat of the Xiongnu, and Da Qin did not know how much military and manpower it could save!

But on the surface, he still maintained the majesty of the king of a country, and said to the order of the CRRC Mansion on the side:

"Immediately hold a court meeting and call all ministers to court!"

"Yes, Your Majesty.

For the ministers, this meeting was not in a hurry.

After they heard about this, they immediately made preparations to go to court. If they won such a big victory, the First Emperor would definitely prepare for the reward in advance.

After half an hour, the ministers gathered in the hall.

The First Emperor took a brisk pace and sat on the dragon chair.

"Just now, I received news that the frontier was victorious, the two Xiongnu Shanyu were beheaded, and the Xiongnu were completely defeated! 35

Slowly exhaling a mouthful of turbid air, the First Emperor tried his best to control his emotions and maintain a dignified face.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

"Long live Your Majesty!

"Great Qin Wannian!

All the ministers bowed to the ground one after another.

"Li Si, come and draw up a reward edict. All the generals who participated in this battle will be promoted to two ranks and given five hundred gold!""

"In addition, the auspicious beast protects the country for merit, and the reward is 10 million!

Hearing such a reward, there was an uproar in the courtroom.

Everyone gets two ranks!

A reward of ten million!

What a huge reward, let alone a reward, they wouldn't dare to think like that in their dreams!

However, these rewards fell into the hands of Bai Hei, and they really couldn't say anything.

After all, they personally led troops to destroy the Huns, why don't you try it?

If the Huns were so easily wiped out, how could they have troubled the Central Plains for decades?

Although envious, they can only think about it.

"In addition, it is clear that the day when the auspicious animal class teacher will return to the dynasty, I will personally go out of the city thirty miles to greet it! 99

Thirty miles out of the city to meet you!

Even the last time Wang Jian went on an expedition, it was just a gift, right?

Now it's thirty miles out of the city to meet you!

Not to mention, such a scene, such an honor!

It is supreme!

"Your Majesty, regarding the subsequent governance of the Xiongnu..."

Li Si reminded in a low voice.

By convention, after defeating a clan, most of them have to issue relevant policies, either to appease or to massacre, all of which need to be decided by the court.

After pondering for a while, the first emperor waved his hand:

"No, this matter is left to Rui Beast to handle it!"

This time, everyone fell into complete silence.

If the previous awards and greetings are honors, then the complete decentralization now shows one point, unconditional trust!

The first emperor's trust in white and black is unprecedented!

Prestige is temporary, trust is long-term.

A courtier, no matter how many honors he has won, even surpasses everyone else, but once he loses the trust of the emperor, the honor will collapse in an instant.

But as long as the emperor's trust in him is there, the honor will always be with him.

Right now, the first emperor's trust in the auspicious beasts, white and black, can be said to be unique, and the entire Da Qin is the only one!

However, if you think about it from another angle, I am afraid that only white and black are worthy of such trust, right?

At the same time when the first emperor's edict was issued, Gao Chong also began to work in Jingyang Mansion.

Because Bai Hei and the others handed over all matters of Jingyang Mansion to Li Xin before they left, Gao Chong immediately handed over to Li Xin.

"What, did you really beat the Huns?"

Li Xin was mentally prepared for this victory.

But he never imagined that victory would come so quickly.

"Yes, we not only defeated the Huns, but also held a celebration banquet at the border!"

"That's why Mr. Rui Beast sent me back and handed over to you. In the past few days, the Jingyang Building will be closed and all the raw materials and chefs will be shipped to the border!

"In such a big fight?"

Li Xin's eyes widened, a little envious.

"Of course, this time we have completely solved the threat of the Xiongnu, and the days of Daqin will be stable in the future, so why not celebrate it?"

Li Xin nodded:

"Okay, I'll go get ready!"

It took half a day for Li Xin to move everything to the Suzaku Organ Beast.

"However, wouldn't Your Majesty be anxious to order Master Rui Beast to teach you as soon as possible?"

Li Xin asked curiously while helping Gao Chong pack up.

"Master Rui Beast has thought of this for a long time, so I guess he sent a quick horse to report. 35

"In this way, when the first emperor's edict arrives at the border, it is estimated that it will be at least a week later.

"By that time, our celebration banquet has just finished, and we received the edict, isn't it just a class teacher?"

As he said that, Gao Chong sat on the Suzaku Organ Beast again.

All the things have been moved, and now he just needs to rush back to the border with these things.

After saying goodbye to Li Xin, Gao Chong set off soon.

According to the speed of the Suzaku Organ Beast, if you go straight to the border from Jingyang Mansion, you can arrive in the morning and evening.

Before the sun went down, Gao Chong had already returned to the border.

This time, he brought something extremely rich.

In addition to the chefs from Jingyang Prefecture, there are chickens and ducks that have been prepared, as well as copper pots for hot pot, fresh vegetables, and various foods...

For these things, the soldiers at the border are also very curious.

If it wasn't for someone to take care of them, they would have stepped forward to watch it long ago.

"Lord Rui Beast, are you...?"

After finishing the things that Gao Chong brought back, Xiao He saw Bai Zhu who was gearing up as soon as he left the camp.

At this moment, there was an open-air large iron pot in front of him, and even the stove was made fresh, and Xiang Yu and Ying Bu were all covered with mud on their hands and faces.

Obviously, this was made by several generals just according to Bai Hei's instructions.

【‘These days, the generals have been born and died, and I made some food for them, and they deserved it. ’]

Thinking about the last time he ate a dish made by Bai Hei himself, Xiao He's saliva couldn't help flowing.

Hearing what Bai Hei said, the surrounding generals felt warm in their hearts.

"Lord Rui Beast, why don't I come."

Hu Hai on the side was eager to try.

【‘Ball for Laozi!’】

Bai Hei kicked Hu Hai aside.

let you do it?

Well, the generals didn't die on the battlefield, they all died under your care!

The rest of the generals had also understood Hu Hai's cooking skills, and when they heard that Hu Hai was going to cook, they rushed over to stop them: "Your Highness, as the eighteenth prince of the Great Qin Dynasty, how can you cook by yourself! 35

"Yeah, absolutely not!"

"You should take care of your body!"

Good boy, I can say anything nice to you anyway, as long as you don't cook, we are still good friends!

Finally, under the persuasion of everyone, Hu Hai gave up the idea of ​​cooking by himself, and started to fight for Bai Hei.

【‘Xiao He, you should always pay attention to that side on the grassland. If they have any changes, report them to me immediately. 1

Before cooking happily with the generals, Bai Hei did not forget to instruct Xiao He.

After all, although there are schools and pastures, as tools to assimilate and rule the Xiongnu.

But this is a long-term thing after all, if the Huns are not convinced, they are likely to take the opportunity to attack.

After being instructed by Bai Hei, Xiao He immediately sent people to the grasslands to secretly monitor the major pastures to ensure that no new problems would arise before their class teacher.

After nearly a week of preparation, the celebration banquet gradually took shape.

Baihei not only commanded the generals to build open-air pot tables, but also built many huge tables.

This time the celebration banquet is not only attended by the generals, but also by the soldiers who participated in the battle!

Although they can't really sit with the generals, they have their way of celebrating.

Baihei decided to use the gold provided by Yuezhi and Donghu, plus the cattle and sheep they got from the Xiongnu, all of which were awarded to the soldiers!

In an instant, the border that had been immersed in joy because of the victory completely boiled over!

It wasn't until the seventh day, when the soldiers' carnival had ended, that Bai Zhi's celebration feast officially began!

Five Tiger Generals!

Twelve Tigers!

Gao Chong, Han Xin, Xiao He, Zhang Liang...

All generals who can be counted are all invited!

A huge table, thirty people gathered together!

The dishes on the table alone are dazzling.

From south to north, various cuisines, this time Baihei almost cooked all the representative dishes!

Shandong cuisine's jade belt shrimp, red grilled shark's fin, Hualan mandarin fish, paper-wrapped chicken, braised prawns, Shandong cuisine balls...

Sichuan mapo tofu, spicy chicken, Dongpo elbow, pickled fish, couple's lung slices, fish-flavored shredded pork

Cantonese stuffed bean curd, pork with plum vegetables, Hakka salt-baked chicken, roast goose, red trough spare ribs, steamed white bones with bean juice

Fujian Cuisine's Drunken Pork Ribs, Seven Star Fish Ball Soup, Dragon Body, Phoenix Shrimp Tail, Double Crispy Fried in Oil, Stewed Whole Chicken...

Su Cai's Jinling meatballs, white sauce cabbage, crystal pig's trotters, anchovy shrimp, Wuxi meat bones...

Zhejiang cuisine's West Lake Vinegar Fish, Dongpo Pork, Steamed Pork with Lotus Leaf Powder, Longjing Shrimp, Crispy Pork...

Hunan cuisine's spicy chicken, rock sugar Xianglian, stinky tofu, fried duck with blood, Xiangxi sour pork, butterfly floating in the sea...

Huizhou hairy tofu, fish bite sheep, fried pipa shrimp, mushroom box, crab yellow shrimp cup...

Besides, there are two famous dishes on the table!

Hotpot and BBQ!

There's nothing like BBQ and hot pot on this cold day!

Especially, with dozens of jars of Jingyang wine on the side!

The aroma of wine, meat, and vegetables are intertwined, and 733 makes everyone unable to resist the appetite!

【‘Let’s eat!’】

Bai Zhu was the first to raise his chopsticks.

Initially, the rest of the people had some restraints, and they were a little uncomfortable with this way of eating at the same table.

However, under the urging of various scents, they quickly scrambled for each other, and the movements in their hands became wider and wider.

"I tell you, brother, last time I beat you, I kept my hand!"

After Xiang Yu was drunk, he grabbed Yuwen Cheng and started blowing.

"Don't say it's you, it's you, you, let's go together! Neither is my opponent! 95

After a few glasses of Jingyang wine, Xiang Yu's face turned red, and people began to talk nonsense.

Seeing this scene, Bai Zhu, who was beside him, silently covered his face.

It turns out that the hero and overlord Xiang Yu worshipped by later generations is actually a person with such a bad wine!

Before drinking, I belong to the world, after drinking, the world belongs to me!

"Lord Rui Beast."

Xiao He on the side reminded in a low voice:

"Do you want to remind me next time?"

Baihei waved his hand:

【‘It’s rare for everyone to do it today, let him be arrogant! 1

Xiao He nodded silently.

【‘By the way, what’s going on on the grassland recently?】

Xiao He shook his head:

"No, the Huns have been very good lately."

Only then did Bai Hei feel relieved, as long as they don't make trouble now, when the school and the ranch are put into use, they won't be able to make trouble if they want!

As time went on, more and more generals fell drunk, lying on the table or on the chair.

See that everyone is drunk, and the white and black are also having fun:

[‘Okay, since everyone is drunk, let’s help them back. ’]

Even at the end of the banquet, Xiao He still maintained a basic sobriety.

Wandering, Baihei returned to the camp with pleasure.

['Ding, it was detected that the host eliminated the Xiongnu and cleared the border troubles for Daqin. ’]

[‘The system gives three special attributes as rewards for completing hidden tasks. l

As soon as he entered the camp, the sound of the system sounded in Bai Hei's mind.

[‘The first rule is to be fat and strong. The quality level of cattle, sheep and horses produced in Xiongnu County is improved by one level every year! J

[‘Article 2, Royal soldiers go into field battles. All the generals under the command of Bai Zhi, field proficiency x100%']

[‘Article 3, parade to cultivate immortals. The system will give you three Heaven and Earth Longevity Pills for beauty and beauty, and increase your lifespan by ten years!'l

All of a sudden, the white and black faces bloomed with joy!

Well done for this hidden mission!

Just borrowing the soldiers and horses of the first emperor to destroy the Xiongnu, there is almost no loss for Bai Zhu, and he has won so many rewards!

The first one is to be fat and strong, and to improve the quality of livestock in the Xiongnu grasslands.

The second article, Royal soldiers field, increase field proficiency!

Isn't this preparation for the battle in the Baiyue area?

In the past, Bai Hei was too lazy to leave for Baiyue.

Right now, since the annihilation of the Huns can trigger the hidden mission, why should Baiyue have to give him three attributes?

In particular, the third item is also Bai Hei's favorite.

Three Heaven and Earth Longevity Pills!

This is not the kind of poison pill refined by alchemists and warlocks, but a real elixir produced by the system!

In addition to beauty and beauty, it can also increase your life expectancy by ten years!

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