I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 140 Governing the Huns! Open a school!

The envoys of the two countries retreated, and Xiao He bowed again and stepped forward.

"Lord Rui Beast, now that the Huns have been defeated, I don't know what to do with the remaining Huns? 55

"Then there's no need to ask, of course it was killed!

Xiang Yu, Ying Bu and others on the side jumped out immediately, and even Meng Tian and the other generals did not object.

For the Huns, everyone harbored hatred in their hearts, wishing they could kill them and then hurry up.

[‘First, talk about the current situation of the Huns. ’]

Ignoring Xiang Yu's reckless suggestion, Bai Hei once again set his sights on Xiao He.

"Now the governance of the Xiongnu faces three problems.

"First, the Huns hated the Great Qin.""

"Whether it's because of the war or something else, although the Huns are now bowing their heads to Daqin, once their vitality recovers, they will certainly continue to harass Daqin."

"Second, lifestyle issues.

"The unique nomadic life of the Huns made them not only skilled in bowing and horses, but also greatly affected by natural disasters.

"Moreover, they mostly live in the form of tribes, with no fixed abode, and it is difficult to manage and educate them.

"Third, the population issue."

"The Huns lost a large number of young and middle-aged men in the war, and now most of the remaining people on the grasslands are women, and the ratio of men and women is unbalanced.

"So the production and life of the Huns have become more difficult, and once the Qin army withdraws, they will inevitably be forced to loot the pass. 99

After throwing three questions in a row, Xiao He gathered together what he had seen and heard on the grassland in the past few days.

"If I want to see it, I will kill them all, and there will be nothing more.

Xiang Yu on the side muttered a few words.

slaughter, genocide.

Xiang Yu's method is simple and crude.

Baihei glanced at the generals present, Meng Tian and the others did not speak, apparently acquiescing to this method.

"Lord Rui Beast, I have a plan. 99

Zhang Liang quickly stood up.

【'speak. ’]

"What we are worried about is that the Xiongnu threatens Da Qin again.

"In this way, we can move the remaining Xiongnu population into Guannei, so that they can familiarize themselves with the "Seven-Three-Three" life in Guannei.

"When they are completely accustomed to life in Guannei, then the threat of the Huns will naturally be solved.

Internal relocation is the preferred method of the past dynasties.

But at the same time, there are dangers.

"Lord Rui Beast, I do not agree with this suggestion. 35

Looking up, the opponent was actually Meng Tian.

【'What do you think. ’]

Baihei waved his hand.

"The last general had tried this method, but those Huns had already adapted to the life in the grasslands and could not integrate into the way of life in Guannei.

"And they gathered together, smashed, looted, burned, and caused many incidents.""

"Once a large-scale internal relocation is carried out, I am afraid that the entire border will be affected."

As for Meng Tian's words, Xiao He silently nodded in approval.

As an official in charge of internal affairs, he knew these things best.

Only in Jingyang Mansion, the security problems brought by the refugees outside have always been a headache for him.

And now outside the Xiongnu Guangbu grassland, this pile, that piece.

If there is a slight omission, then a new tribe will soon be formed as it develops, which will once again threaten Da Qin.

Therefore, the method of internal relocation looks good, but the actual effect and impact are debatable.

"Then...would we really exterminate them?

Xiang Yu, who was beside him, came up again.

Since inward migration is not enough, there is no other good way, it is better to just kill it!

"This is absolutely unacceptable! 35

Xiao He didn't even think about it, and categorically refused.

"Why, do you have pity on those Huns?"

Xiang Yu was not angry.

"No, if you can kill them all, I also recommend killing them. 35

Xiao He shook his head and continued to introduce:

"It has just been said below that the Xiongnu gathered together in the form of a tribe."

"But after the two wars, they retreated in an all-round way, and the farthest even went to the extreme north."

"Once we decide to carry out massacres, unless one is left alone, it will only cause trouble for the Great Qin Tu. 55

"If you want to stay, in such a vast grassland, coupled with the extreme north of the bitter cold, it is probably difficult to achieve even with the help of the Vermilion Sparrow.

The school ground was silent for a while...

Although it was fun to kill, the trouble it brought to Da Qin was endless.

"Then what do you say, this won't work, that won't work either! 39

Xiang Yu said that he was very sad!

【‘Xiao He, the three questions you mentioned are not problems. l

When everyone was at a loss, Bai Hei suddenly opened his mouth.

And once you open it, you can properly solve all the problems.

This made everyone present prick up their ears.

"Sir Rui Beast, please speak. 35

['Since the Huns hated Da Qin, we will start from the root. ’]

['First select men of the right age from Jiuyuan County, move to the grasslands, and live together with the Hun women. As long as the next generation of the Hun has the blood of Da Qin in their bodies, they can't hate them if they want to. ’]

In this way, it not only solved the population problem of the Huns, but also eliminated their hatred for Da Qin in their hearts.

"But, Lord Ruiwu, I'm afraid the people of Jiuyuan County don't want it. 35

Xiao He threw a question again.

['Leave all the six thousand beauties of Yuezhi and Donghu on the grassland, not afraid of their unwillingness. ’]

[‘In addition, I plan to build a group of pastures on the grassland, these are the benefits of their willingness to move out, and they don’t have to worry about their unwillingness. "1

Xiao He was silent.

Indeed, this move by Lord White and Black can be called killing two birds with one stone.

Not only did it solve the problem that the descendants of the Huns hated the Qin Dynasty, but if they lived together, the Huns would gradually forget their own language in the long run.

['In addition, we will build schools all over the grasslands, specializing in teaching the Qin language and various knowledge, so that the descendants of the Xiongnu will all be familiar with our culture. ’]

Others gradually heard the doorway.

If it is true according to what Lord Baihei said, not only the descendants of the Xiongnu have the blood of Daqin in their bodies.

Even what they have learned since childhood is the language of Daqin, so after a hundred years, wouldn't the Huns naturally subjugate their country and exterminate their species?

Occupy your territory, sleep with your woman, and let your descendants take my surname.

Wouldn't this be more enjoyable than a massacre?

"Master Rui Beast is wise!"

Xiang Yu saluted Bai Hei first.

It has to be said that these tactics of Baihei made him enlightened and deeply realized his recklessness.

"Well educated."

Zhang Liang also nodded and lowered his eyebrows, bowing deeply.

These tactics by Bai Hei opened the door to a new world for him.

It turns out that the "strange way" in the art of war can not only be used in the military, but also outside the war!

[‘In addition to moving out, the most important thing is to build pastures and build schools. These two points are the fundamentals of solving the Xiongnu problem. ’]

Following Ying Yinman's narration, Xiao He's writing was as fast as the wind, and he wrote down every word of white and black on the paper.

These strategies are not only good strategies for governing the Xiongnu, but also good internal policies for him to follow and learn.

[‘As for the ranch, the gold provided by the two countries can just be spent on this, and as for the construction labor, the 20,000 provided by the two countries is also enough. ’]

[‘Let Tian Si handle the relocation. When the beauties of the two countries arrive, they will be sent to Jiuyuan County as a bargaining chip for recruiting outbound men. ’

['Besides, you selected two thousand beautiful women among the Xiongnu women and sent them to Jiuyuan County, so I don't worry about their unwillingness. l

【‘As for the school, prepare yourself, I will handle it myself on the grassland. 】

Lord Rui Beast handles it himself!

Xiao He's eyes quickly came to the scene of the Shennong Temple, the winery and the auction house at that time.

Lord White and Black personally demonstrated the miracle!

I believe that if the Huns saw the methods of Lord Baihei, they would never have the courage in the future, even if they were against it!

After solving the question raised by Xiao He, Bai Hei waved his hand and dismissed the crowd.

Two days later, the two countries immediately satisfied all the conditions put forward by Baihei and sent them to the border of Daqin.

A total of 10,000 taels of gold, 6,000 exotic beauties, 20,000 laborers, and 20,000 horses!

When they saw the exotic beauties of Yuezhi and Donghu, Xiang Yu and others immediately had the idea of ​​​​moving out in person...

Although there is no shortage of beautiful women around you, you always eat spicy food, and you have to eat something sweet occasionally, right?

For everyone's strange request, Bai and Hei left only three words: no promise!

However, he still waved his hand and allocated hundreds of exotic beauties to the soldiers.

Unexpectedly, many soldiers from the Daqin Border Pass took the initiative to move out, which surprised Xiao He.

The frontier soldier Daqin has been cultivated for many years, and his loyalty is directly full!

In addition, the public security problems caused by mixed living have also been "good" resolved.

What? Are you going to make trouble?

Okay, look at your neighbors, Daqin soldiers teach you how to behave!

In just one recruitment, Xiao He recruited more than 9,000 soldiers among the Great Qin soldiers and moved them outside the customs.

For their own people, white and black have never been stingy.

Not only did they provide them with women, but they also waved their hands, and everyone has a share in the soon-to-be-built pasture!

Horses, cattle and sheep on the grassland are provided for free!

In addition to these Great Qin soldiers, Tian Si also recruited vigorously in Jiuyuan County.

Although the initial recruitment was very difficult, the exotic beauty came out.

Coupled with the free feeding of cattle and sheep, for a while, many men of school age scrambled to sign up!

In the end, more than 13,000 people were gathered and moved outside the customs.

At the same time, Xiao He smashed all 10,000 taels of gold into it.

With 20,000 laborers, hundreds of pastures of full size were built on the grassland!

In this way, the settlement life centered on the pasture took shape.

There are several tribes, large and small, around each pasture, living around the pasture.

Xiao He knew that with the passage of time, a stable life would gradually attract all the Huns who had fled far away.

In addition, in order to prevent the ranch from being attacked by the uncivilized Huns, Xiao He also specially dispatched 50,000 Qin infantrymen to guard each ranch.

While acting as the manager of the ranch, protect the residents around the ranch and maintain the surrounding security.

In just a few days, the lives of the people on the grasslands have changed a lot.

Now, there is only one last thing left - the school.

In order to create momentum for Baihei, Xiao He deliberately built a high platform eighteen feet high and set it up in the center of the largest pasture.

He also informed the Daqin infantrymen who lived on the grassland in advance, and ordered them to bring their sons and daughters to watch.

"Sir Rui Beast, everything is ready.

Xiao He came to the tent and asked Bai Hei for instructions.

【‘Let’s go then!’】

Two thousand Vermillion Birds took off from the city wall at the same time and headed straight for the largest pasture.

At this time, the largest ranch was already full of people who came to watch.

Among them, there are many soldiers of the Great Qin Dynasty, but more are the aborigines of the Xiongnu.

Some of them are prisoners who have participated in the war or even deserters, but most of them have never seen a mechanical beast.

When the two thousand mechanical beasts slowly landed on the pasture, the surrounding exclamations came one after another:

"God, what is this? Big bird?"

"This is the magic weapon of Daqin. It is said that it is called a mechanical beast..."

"How did they have these things, and were they given to them by God?35

Immediately afterwards, Bai Hei rode on the body of the holy beast, the White Tiger, and slowly jumped off the tactical beast.


The appearance of the holy beast, the white tiger, caused many Huns to retreat in fear, and there was a commotion at the scene.

However, the holy beast, the white tiger, behaved very well under the suppression of white and black.

Seeing that the white tiger didn't mean to hurt anyone, everyone calmed down and continued to watch.

Under the gazes of everyone, the holy beast, the white tiger, seemed to understand human nature, and slowly climbed onto the high platform, and then gently placed the white and black on the high platform.

Under the gazes of everyone, Bai Zhu silently recited in his heart:

"Open System Store"

This time, there is a bunch of content about "school".

[Host: White and Black]

[Lying flat points: 9500]

[Elementary school x100, each class time is one day (12 hours, a class is counted as a total of 12 hours for courses less than 12 hours), each class reduces student hatred by 1, increases friendliness by 1, increases Loyalty 1, need to lie flat points × 1500]

[Zhongji Academy x100, each class lasts for ten hours, each class reduces student hatred by 2, increases friendliness by 2, increases loyalty by 2, and needs to lie flat points x3000]

[Advanced school x100, each class lasts for eight hours, each class reduces student hatred by 5, increases friendliness by 5, increases loyalty by 5, and needs to lie flat points x5500]

[Top school x100, each class lasts six hours, each class reduces student hatred by 8, increases friendliness by 8, increases loyalty by 8, and needs to lie flat points x9500]

[Epic class x100, each class lasts for four hours, each class reduces student hatred by 15, increases friendliness by 15, increases loyalty by 15, and needs to lie flat points x 15000]

[Legendary school x100, each class lasts for two hours, each class reduces student hatred by 30, increases friendliness by 30, increases loyalty by 30, and needs to lie flat points x 30000]

[Mythical School x100, each class lasts for one hour, each class reduces student hatred by 50, increases friendliness by 50, increases loyalty by 50, and needs to lie flat points x50000]


Bai Hei silently glanced at these different levels of school, because the required base is large, so the lie-flat points that need to be spent are also more.

And it seems that the role of the school requires the accumulation of students' study time to be effective.

Take a look at the Mythical Classroom. It only takes two hours for each class to reduce hatred by 50 and increase friendliness and loyalty by 50.

In this way, in just one month, wouldn't the entire grassland become the back garden of Da Qin?

However, looking at the poor lying points in his pocket, Bai Zhu had no choice but to choose the top school.

Although the class takes 12 hours and can only increase the loyalty and proficiency by 8 each time, as long as the number of times is more, it will have good results.

"I choose the top school!

[Ding, the successful redemption of 'Top School' consumes 9500 points for lying flat]

[Remaining flat points × 0]


Rui Beast was speechless.

The remaining points are 0. Is there anyone in Daqin who is poorer than me?

Without any hesitation, Bai Zhu immediately crushed the "construction card" in his hand.

[Ding, successfully used the top-level construction 2.2 to build a top-level school, and is randomly extracting attributes...]

[Ding, successfully extracted three attributes! 】

Bai Zhu's heart suddenly let go half.

Don't look at this school that looks top-notch, most of them are topped by numbers!

Fortunately, there is not a single attribute!

[Attribute 1: Increase the gorgeousness of the top school by 100% (except for gold and jade)]

[Attribute 2: Within 1,000 meters of the top school, all animals increase their loyalty and reduce their hatred with the study time (near Zhu Zhechi)]

[Attribute 3: When Qin people appear in the school, the learning efficiency of everyone in the school is x50% (Qin destroys the six kingdoms)]


Another three attributes that are just right for white and black!

The first one is gold and jade.

Now there are so many Huns watching under the high platform, waiting to show their divine power, if the process of appearing is not gorgeous enough, wouldn't it be a loss of face?

Article 2: Those who are close to Zhu are red.

This one is even more outrageous, it is equivalent to expanding the radiation range of the school by a full kilometer!

What is the concept of a kilometer?

Almost the size of half a ranch!

That is to say, as long as the school appears not far from the tribe, then every moment, the people in the tribe will increase their loyalty and reduce their hatred!

Don't look at the effect is minimal, but the rope saw the wood is broken, and the water drops the stone!

What's more, even war horses can be affected by this effect.

In the future, even if the Huns wanted to oppose Qin, they would not even have to ride a horse!

How can I let the Huns touch the horses raised by my Daqin people?

Third, as long as there are Qin people in the school, everyone's learning efficiency will increase by 50%.

The class time of the top-level school is six hours, and the efficiency increase by 50% is 4.5 hours, which is almost the same as the learning time of the epic-level school!

Although there is still a gap in the learning effect, but this is white prostitution!

The three attribute bonuses made Baihei's one hundred top academies more powerful and more exciting.

After the "top building card" was crushed, a faint golden light soon sprinkled in the sky, covering the entire high platform together with white and black.

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