I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 139 The Fugitive Morton! Yuezhi and Donghu claim the title!

It was not until Yuwen Chengcheng and Xiang Yu were completely surrounded from both wings that Modun Shanyu noticed the Yuezhi and Donghu troops who had already retreated.

"Damn it, these bastards! 39

Angrily patted the horse's back, looking at the chaotic situation in front of him, a bad premonition rose in his heart.

Iron-eating beasts attacking everywhere, white tigers rushing from left to right, and Huns cavalry whose subordinates are scattered and fleeing...

He looked up at - Bai Zhu on the city wall.

Sharp claws, black and white fluff, and stern eyes.

He suddenly understood why only the Qin state could drive the white tiger and the iron-eating beast!

Conquer the North General!

It's so terrifying!

The Xiongnu cavalry, which had been completely dispersed, quickly collapsed under the impact of the Daqin iron cavalry.

In just a few breaths, Da Qin's 100,000 cavalry had already broken through the front army of the Xiongnu.

The spear army and archer army that Modun Shanyu had high hopes for were soon smashed into flesh before they could play their role.

Now, there are only 2,000 people left in his formed team.

In addition, all the Xiongnu teams were rushed to pieces.

As for the original 200,000 Hun cavalry, they are now surrounded by the Qin heavy cavalry on both sides, and are forced to become a thick "meat wall"

Taking advantage of the chaotic Xiongnu cavalry hindering the pace of the Daqin iron cavalry, Mao Dun's thoughts began to come alive.

He looked up and saw that the Great Qin Iron Cavalry on both wings had already been killed.

Except for the rear army, there is still a trace of vitality, and the rest of the place has been surrounded by the Qin army.

"My king, let's retreat!

Seeing more and more Qin soldiers gathered around, the Xiongnu's Shanyu guards also became anxious.

"The warriors of the grasslands can die in battle, but they must not run away!

After speaking, Mao Dun Shanyu took out the machete from his waist and pointed at the left flank of the army formation:

"Send an order to defeat the enemy's left wing with all their strength, today all jade and stone will be burned!"

After speaking, Mo Dun Shan Yu took the lead, and the first one rushed in the direction of Xiang Yu and Ying Bu.

After his careful observation, Xiang Yu and Ying Bu's impact was too violent, and they were seriously out of touch with the troops behind them.

Even though they were brave, the soldiers behind them couldn't keep up with them.

As time goes by, the distance between the two is getting farther and farther.

Seeing this scene, Modun Chanyu immediately seized the opportunity, raised the flag, and went straight to the 30,000 golden fire cavalry!

For a time, the Hun cavalry, who had been in a mess, immediately rushed in the direction of Ling Qi after seeing Ling Qi.

In an instant, all the offensive forces of the Xiongnu were concentrated on the left flank.

Xiang Yu and Ying Bu's attack intensity also doubled immediately.

In addition, the impact force of the 30,000 heavy cavalry at this time had been hindered, and it was completely unable to advance, and was forced to face the Xiongnu cavalry.

However, Xiang Yu and Ying Bu attacked too hard and were blocked by the Xiongnu cavalry, making it difficult for them to come back for a while.

"Go! Warriors!"

"We're about to win!"

After a brief melee, the Huns were surprised to find that they had achieved a balance of power on the left flank!

For a time, all the Xiongnu cavalry began to rush towards the left flank, and the 30,000 heavy cavalry was attacked more and more fiercely.

The rear army, the Eight Thousand Backwei Army led by Gao Chong, who originally served as support, immediately noticed the dilemma of the left wing, and immediately brought people to support.

After the joining of the Eight Thousand Beiwei Army, the situation fell into balance again.

Turning his head and looking at the rear at this time, because the Eight Thousand Beiwei Army joined the battle on the left flank, now the rear of the Xiongnu army was empty.

good chance!

I didn't even have time to explain it to my guards.

Mao Dun Shanyu retreated silently in the midst of the chaotic army.

It wasn't until he reached the edge of the military formation that he immediately turned his horse's head and sped away toward the rear!

All of a sudden, the Huns' personal guards were dumbfounded.

How did Mao Dun Shanyu run away?


Seeing that Mao Dun Chanyu ran farther and farther, without any intention of turning back, the Huns cavalry came back to their senses.

They were deceived!

Whoever attacked the enemy's left flank with all his might, and which warrior of the steppe could die in battle but never run away.

It's all a lie!

All this is to cover Chanyu's escape!

When Modun Chanyu left, the Xiongnu lost their last fighting faith.

The previous king was nailed to the enemy's city wall, and the current new king just abandoned them and fled alone!

For a time, soldiers have no will to fight, and will have no will to fight.

In such a situation, Han Xin immediately instructed the Da Qin soldiers to begin the finishing touches.

Cut and surround all the Xiongnu soldiers and horses, and then embezzle them one by one.

It took six full hours for the battle to end completely.

In the city, after some inventory and statistics, Xiao He took the statistical data in his hand and came to Bai Hei:

"Lord Rui Beast, in this battle, we have wiped out more than 100,000 enemies, captured 150,000 Xiongnu soldiers, and obtained 100,000 Xiongnu horses... It's just..."

Xiao He hesitated and added:

"It's just that the Xiongnu Shanyu Modun escaped on a single horse and disappeared.

[‘With the Suzaku Organ Beast, he can’t escape. ’]

Baihei's face was relaxed, and he was not at all worried about Mao Dun's escaping.

"Yes, the subordinates immediately ordered them to assemble the army and go to pursue it!"9

Xiao He got up and wanted to act.

[‘The Daqin infantry was too slow, and ordered Han Xinjun to stay behind to clear the battlefield. ’]

['All the rest of the troops and horses are divided into seventeen teams, each team of ten thousand people, respectively, handed over to the five tiger generals and the twelve tiger ministers, so that they will immediately set off to pursue Morton!'1

【‘In addition, Ling Gao Chong led two thousand Qin Ruishis to board the Suzaku organ beast, and carried out a carpet search in the direction of Mao Dun’s escape! 1

"Subordinates take orders!"

After receiving Bai Hei's instructions, Xiao He immediately returned to the city again and assigned the latest orders to everyone.

Soon, 170,000 cavalry came out.

Two thousand Vermilion Birds also took advantage of the wind and rushed towards the grasslands, chasing after Modun Shanyu.

On the other side, Modun, who fled alone before the battle was over, rode alone and went straight to the pre-set camp location.

His thousand followers have long been waiting here.

"Wang, please rest assured, our people have all moved to the depths of the grasslands, and those Da Qin soldiers will not be able to find us no matter what.

The personal attendants immediately reported the latest situation of the Huns' relocation to Mordun.

"Humph! Just relying on them, they also want to find our nest? Do his dream!"

Even if he was defeated, the arrogance of Modun Chanyu remained undiminished.

"Okay, let's go back immediately, they must still be looking for me, so let them go around in circles on the grassland!

With a thousand Xiongnu cavalry, Modun Shanyu returned to the Xiongnu camp after the resettlement.

This place is already the deepest part of the grassland, and the grass on the ground has been sparsely visible to the naked eye, and further north is the extremely cold land.

Not to mention the Qin army, even the Huns themselves would rarely come here.

After finally rushing back to the camp, Modun Chanyu was exhausted after a day of fighting and fleeing.

After arranging the guards, he immediately threw himself on the bed and fell asleep.

In the dream, in a trance, Mo Dun seemed to see four fires, as well as the familiar sound of swords clashing.

He sat up suddenly, gasping for breath.

Soon, he realized something was wrong.

Because of the scene in the dream, it is really happening beside him now!

Outside, the sound of swords colliding was constantly heard, accompanied by bursts of shouts of killing!

Looking up, there was a fire outside the tent, and as far as the eye could see, there was a sea of ​​fire.

"What happened?"

Mo Dun shouted loudly.

A Xiongnu guard rushed in, holding a blood-stained knife in his hand, and said to Mo Dun:

"King! Let's go! The cavalry of the Qin state has already caught up here!

Mo Dun immediately stood up in panic:

"What? How is it possible! How did they know about this place?"

But the next moment, a Huns guard was thrown into the tent.

Then, a young soldier with a gun walked into the tent.

"You have no way to escape, either surrender or die!"

The visitor is Gao Chong!

"I could die, but I don't understand, how did you find this place?"

Until now, Modun has not figured out why they came so quickly?

"Speaking of which, you should know, the Suzaku Organ Beast, which is what you call Big Bird."


Mo Dun's face was full of despair:

"Even with the help of big birds, the grassland is so big, why did you find my camp so quickly!"

Almost roaring, Mao Dun's eyes were full of unwillingness.

In order to survive, he did not hesitate to abandon his soldiers, but in the end he still failed to escape the fate of being caught.

"Speaking of which, I have to thank you all. Although the grassland is huge, it is not difficult to find this place if you have the guidance of the fire."

Mo Dun sat down on the ground decadently.

He is defeated!

Completely defeated!

Even the entire Huns will be buried with this battle!

Under Gao Chong's gaze, Mo Dun picked up the machete on the ground and ended his life.

A war between the Daqin and the Huns came to an end.

The Huns were finally defeated at the expense of hundreds of thousands of people.

Two generations of Xiongnu kings were killed, and most of the young and middle-aged people of the right age were also killed and injured, resulting in heavy losses.

That night, Gao Chong returned to the border with Mo Dun's head, and two thousand Qin Ruishi were left behind to guard the camp here.

"Lord Rui Beast, General Gao is waiting outside. 99

Xiao He entered the report.

['Let him in. ’]

Baihei waved his claws.

"Lord Rui Beast, Modun Chanyu committed suicide, and will bring back his head at the end.

"There are two thousand great Qin warriors, and they are guarding the Xiongnu camp."9

【'well done. ’]

[‘Let Xiao He send the heads of the two Huns kings to Yuezhi and Donghu respectively. l

"Yes, Lord Rui Beast.

Xiao He led the way.

"Master Xiao, why did Master Ruiwu send the heads of the two Huns to those two countries? 35

As soon as he left the camp, Gao Chong hurriedly caught up with Xiao He and raised his own questions.

Xiao He smiled slightly, then pulled Gao Chong to a place far away from the camp:

"General Gao, Lord Rui Beast is demonstrating against the two countries!"


Gao Chong frowned slightly.

"You think, although the two countries did not fight with Daqin, they still sent troops.

"Now that we have won a big victory, why not blackmail them?"

After Xiao He's explanation, Gao Chong suddenly smiled knowingly:

"It's a good way to blackmail them!"

So Xiao He sent out the heads of the two Huns kings overnight.

Two days later, all the generals of Da Qin returned to the border.

The envoys of Yuezhi and Donghu also followed closely and came to the border to confess their guilt to General Zhengbei.

Just kidding, the white tigers and the two thousand iron-eating beast army before the war, the generals of the two countries really saw it.

The visual impact deeply planted the seeds of fear in their hearts.

Even after returning to China, they still can't forget the terrifying scene at that time!

In addition, Xiao He quickly sent the head of the Huns to the king, and the kings of the two countries immediately persuaded them.

No way, no cowardice!

That was hundreds of thousands of Huns' cavalry!

Two Huns Kings!

Between two battles, instant destruction!

At first, they did not know how much they suffered in the hands of the Xiongnu cavalry.

・・For flowers....

However, this little-known general of Daqin Zhengbei, actually set the world in the two wars, and completely wiped out the threat of the Xiongnu family!

At this moment, in their hearts, there is nothing but fear.

Dare not to have any hesitation.

Immediately sent messengers, went to the Daqin border to confess the guilt, and brought a lot of gold and silver as an apology by the way.

After receiving the news of the envoys from the two countries, Baihei quickly convened the frontier generals.

While inspecting the Daqin Iron Cavalry at the school grounds, he sent someone to notify the envoys of the two countries to come to visit.

The envoys of the two countries who received the news immediately rushed to the school grounds in the west of the city.

Before entering the door, their legs began to tremble!

At this time on the school grounds, a white tiger was squatting at the door, looking at them intently!

Although their legs were trembling, they still insisted on moving inward step by step.

If this plea fails, then Yuezhi and Donghu will face a catastrophe!

After entering the school grounds, the scenery became a lot more pleasant, and there were naive-looking giant pandas on both sides.

The two messengers also quickly relaxed.

But soon, one of the messengers noticed something was wrong.

"Look, what's that mouth chewing over there?"

The envoy of the Yuezhi Kingdom reminded the envoy of Donghu in a low voice.

Looking down the fingers of the envoy of the Yuezhi Kingdom, the envoy of the Donghu Kingdom soon discovered in horror that what the giant panda was chewing was actually the corpse of the Huns!

Even the blood left by the corpse flowed to the ground along the corner of the panda's mouth!

The envoy of the East Hu Kingdom's feet softened, and he immediately collapsed to the ground.

The envoys of the Yuezhi Kingdom were also trembling, neither walking nor not leaving.

When the pandas around saw someone fainted, they gathered around them with "concerns" and looked at the two of them curiously.

The Yuezhi messenger only felt a shudder all over his body, and his lower body felt hot.

Scared to pee!

"Cuckoo! (Coward!)"

'Cuckoo! (Useless stuff!)

"Cuckoo!" (Trash!)

After some "pointing and pointing", the red pandas returned to their own territory obediently, ignoring the two messengers.

"Lord Rui Beast, the messenger of the two countries..."

After hesitating for a long time, Xiao He didn't even know how to report.


Although Xiao He had lowered his voice as much as possible, the generals on the side still heard it.

"Huh - it can't be true, can it?

"Interesting, I'll have to check it out later!"

"How cute are the little pandas, look scared of them."

['Ask someone to wake them up and drag them over!']

Under Bai Hei's order, the two Da Qin soldiers quickly dragged the two envoys to the front of the crowd.



Pour two pots of cold water down the head.

In these nine cold days, no matter how dizzy you are, as long as you are not dead, the biting chill can wake you up immediately.

Sure enough, the two messengers quickly regained consciousness and gradually raised their heads.

After seeing the black and white fluff on his body, he subconsciously took a few steps back.

"Hurry up and meet the Great General Zhengbei!

Xiao He shouted loudly beside him, startling the two envoys again.

Only at this time did they dare to confirm that the black and white dumpling in front of them was the legendary Great Qin Zhengbei General!

"The envoy of the Yuezhi Kingdom has met General Zhengbei."

"The envoy from the East Hu Kingdom has met the Great General Zhengbei. 99

The two bowed in succession.

[‘Say, why did you collude with the Huns and send troops to my Daqin!

Under Ying Yinman's recitation, the two messengers immediately bowed to the ground:

"The Great General Zhengbei calmed down. We were also bewitched by the Xiongnu at the time, and we only woke up before the war..."

【‘Fuck! You guys clearly saw that the momentum was not right before you withdraw your troops, so what are you awake!’

【‘Xiao He, palm mouth!’】

Xiao He brought two Great Qin soldiers forward, and each received a hundred slaps.

The two messengers were completely silent.

【‘Do you know the crime?’】

"I'm waiting to be convicted, convicted.""

Bai Hei lay lazily on the bench and waved to the two of them:

【‘Tell me, what conditions can you come up with. ’]

Hearing that Bai Hei finally came to the point, the two of them immediately rushed over and said:

"My Donghu is willing to donate 5,000 good horses every year!"

"My Yuezhi is willing to become a minister to the Great Qin Yongshi, and pay tribute every year without delay!

"I, Donghu, would like to donate 3,000 beauties of Donghu to comfort the soldiers of the Great Qin!"

Hearing this, the eyes of the surrounding generals suddenly lit up. If you say this, we will not be sleepy!

"My Yuezhi is also willing to donate 3,000 dancing girls to the Great General Zhengbei!"

In order to survive, the two of you threw out almost all the cards of the two kings.

After all, in order to survive, don't shiver.

After talking for a long time, seeing that there was no response from Bai Hei, the two immediately realized that something was wrong and slumped.

"General... is the general dissatisfied?"

Bravely, Yuezhi's messenger asked tremblingly.

[‘Go back and tell your king that within three days, offer five thousand taels of gold, three thousand beautiful women, ten thousand good horses, and ten thousand laborers. ’]

[‘In addition to this, you should be a minister to Daqin, pay tribute every year and pay fu, and you should not be late when you enter the court!l

Beauty cannot be rejected. The Huns have just been conquered, and if they want to rule them completely, population is essential.

In addition, the infrastructure on the grassland also needs to be done by someone, and it must not be the people of Daqin, so you can come out!

As for the materials and costs of the infrastructure... I'm sorry, you all have to pay!

The two messengers naturally did not dare to disobey, but only the promises to retreat to the knife.

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