I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 135 Hu Yan and the 7 Prince Died in Battle! The Xiongnu's vitality was greatly injured!

"Father, you have to trust the child."

"If it weren't for the fact that they were so large and powerful, just with those few Qin generals, the boy would be able to kill them in a few rounds!"

Seeing that the Xiongnu King was unmoved, Hu Yan became more and more anxious.

Regarding Hu Yan's statement, although the King of Huns was dubious, it seemed that the frontier of Daqin had indeed added troops.

As usual, it is always necessary to find out how these new recruits are, so as to prepare for the coming winter.

"Okay, since you want to go, this time, I will give you enough soldiers and horses, you can give me a good test of Daqin's new arrivals, and be sure to find out the specific situation.

After thinking about it, the Huns finally decided to send troops.

"Thank you, Father!"

Hu Yan heard this and quickly thanked him.

"My son, however, this time is different. I will send 12,000 elite cavalry for my father, led by you and your seventh brother, what do you think?

The troops were divided into two groups, each with 6,000 elite cavalry, led by Hu Yan and the Seventh Prince respectively.

The Seventh Prince of the Huns, except Hu Yan, was the most capable of the princes, and was favored by the Huns.

Hearing what the Hun King said, Hu Yan subconsciously wanted to refute.

The open and secret struggle between the Seventh Prince and him is not a day or two.

Everyone knew that an heir would be born between the two.

And this division of troops is probably a test!

So this battle, he must win!

"It's so good, it not only prevents the sons and ministers from fighting alone, but also can rely on each other with the seventh brother, and look after each other, father Wang Yingming!"

Hearing what Hu Yan said, the Huns were instantly overjoyed in body and mind.

Immediately, 12,000 fine horses were pulled out and handed over to Huyan and the Seventh Prince respectively.

"You have to remember that this is just to test the realities of Qin's borders, and you mustn't be greedy for success!

Before leaving, the Hun King repeatedly instructed the two of them to act according to the circumstances.

The two also responded one by one.

But as soon as they got out of the tribe's territory, Hu Yan and the Seventh Prince started a fight.

The direction Hu Yan was heading for was still Guanhukou.

In his opinion, this is the breakthrough to enter the gate to explore the truth.

If it wasn't for the soldier "Seven-Three-Zero" Ma Taishao last time, he would definitely be able to rush into the pass before the Qin soldiers supported him!

This time, whatever he said, he had to break the level before Seventh Brother!

On the other hand, the Seventh Prince of the Xiongnu chose a pass very far from Guanhukou - Zhende Pass!

Zhende Pass is a pass in the west of the Great Wall. The terrain is extremely dangerous, with high mountains on both sides and only a pass in the middle.

Before and after this pass, Meng Tian arranged heavy troops.

But the Seventh Prince chose this pass, precisely because there was a vast plain behind Zhende Pass, which was extremely suitable for the roundabout battle of the Huns.

As long as he breaks through Zhende Pass and rushes into the pass in one go, then he must have obtained much more information in the pass than Hu Yan!

As a result, it was originally just a tentative action for border recruits.

Under the open and secret struggle of the two Xiongnu princes, it eventually evolved into a tough battle that only allowed victory and no defeat.

Outside the border, there are two Xiongnu princes who are eyeing the border.

Inside the pass, hundreds of thousands of white and black cavalry finally arrived in Jiuyuan County.

After several days of long-distance travel, these elite troops finally arrived at the border before the war.

Sitting in the military tent at the border gate, Bai Hei looked at the military book Meng Tian presented, which recorded the generals available to him: [Five Tiger Generals: Yuwen Chengdu, Meng Tian, ​​Xiang Yu, Ying Bu, Peng Yue. 】

[Twelve Tiger Officials: Fan Kuai, Lu Wan, Guan Ying, Xia Houying, Zhou Bo, Cao Can, Long Qie, Zhong Limei, Ji Bu, Zhang Han, Wang Li, Xin Sheng! 】

[Mobile generals: Gao Chong, Han Xin, Xiao He, Zhang Liang. 】

【Special Arms:】

【2,000 Panda Rui Army, 2,000 Great Qin Rui Shi, 2,000 Suzaku Organ Beasts, 8,000 Back-Wei Army, 30,000 Golden Fire Cavalry, 30,000 Black Armored Cavalry, 100,000 Great Qin Cavalry, 300,000 Great Qin Border Passers!】

In addition, there are two invisible empire attribute bonuses: Blade-Edge Cavalry and Soldier's Speed!

With such a lineup, anyone who sees it will be shocked!

"Lord Rui Beast."

Meng Tian quickly stepped out of the ranks of generals:

"The frontier scouts came to report, and the Hun King once again sent two princes to lead the army to attack Zhende Pass and Guanhukou respectively.

"Please, Lord Rui Beast, give the order to annihilate the enemy army!"

"Please, Lord Rui Beast, give the order to annihilate the enemy army!"

"Please, Lord Rui Beast, give the order to destroy the enemy army!

"The last general Yuwen Chengdu, please go to battle!

"Fan Kuai, the last general, please go to battle!"

"Xiang Yu, the last general, please go to battle!"5

"The end of the year...

For a time, the crowd was excited, and all the generals invited Ying to fight, vowing to kill the Huns!

Seeing such a situation, Bai Hei quickly waved his paws, and everyone immediately became quiet.

【‘Yuwen Chengdu, you lead the 8,000-year-old Beiwei Army, along with three generals Xiang Yu, Ying Bu, and Peng Yue, to go to Guanhukou to meet Huyan, the little prince of the Huns! 】

"The last will obey!

Yuwen Chengdu led the way.

It's still the same foursome, but this time, they won't let it go!

[Meng Tian, ​​you will lead 10,000 frontier cavalry together with Lu Wan, Guan Ying, Xiahou Ying and Zhou Bo to go to Zhendeguan to meet the Seventh Prince of Xiongnu! 】

"The last will obey!"

No one knows better than Meng Tian about the defense of Zhende Pass!

[Long Qie, Fan Kuai, you two lead 15,000 black armored iron cavalry each, cut off the back road of the Xiongnu cavalry, and do not let one cavalry go away! If there is support, kill them together! 】

"The last will obey!

"The commander-in-chief!"

This time, they will never let the Huns ride one by one!

【Gao Chong, you led 2,000 Great Qin Ruishis to circle around the border with the organ beast Suzaku. Once you find an accident, immediately land to support!】

"The last will obey!"

Under the arrangement of white and black, the troops of the entire border were like iron barrels, and the two princes of the Xiongnu were wrapped in it.

At this time, Hu Yan did not know that this would be the last battle in his life!

For this battle, he is full of confidence in his heart.

In his opinion, as long as he doesn't meet Meng Tian, ​​the other new generals are all defeated!

So, he took 6,000 Xiongnu light cavalry and big thorns straight to the mouth of Guanhu, without even taking a detour to avoid the scouts of Daqin.

Under such circumstances, Yuwen and the four of them soon met him.

When the two armies met, Hu Yan's 6,000 cavalry had not even reached the city of Guanhukou.

"Yo, are the four of you defeated again?"

Seeing the four familiar faces, the little Xiongnu prince raised his spear in disdain.

"Last time, due to the lack of soldiers, it was cheaper for you, this time this prince will give you a chance.

"As long as you kneel down and kowtow and call Grandpa, I might consider spare your life.

He glanced at the soldiers and horses that Yuwen Chengdu and the four of them brought, and they seemed to be pretty much the same as his own.

Immediately, the arrogance of Hu Yan, the little prince of the Huns, became more and more arrogant.

Just kidding, these 6,000 men and horses are carefully selected warriors of the guard level, how can you compare with the new recruits in Daqin?

"Okay, how about I'm the only one to fight against you this time?"

Yuwen Cheng gradually raised the phoenix wings in his hand and Jin Rui. For the arrogant little prince in front of him, he had long wanted to kill him and then quickly.

Acting is so hard.

And this time, he finally didn't have to hold back.

"It's up to you? I think the four of you should go together! 35

Hu Yan pouted, his face full of disdain.

"Remember, the one who killed you is called Yuwen Chengdu."

After he finished speaking, Yuwen Chengdu didn't bother to argue with him anymore, so he swung his phoenix wings and Jin Rui, and went straight to the little prince Huyan.

"court death!

Seeing that Yuwen Chengdu really rushed up alone, Hu Yan felt that he had been insulted.

He quickly picked up the whirlwind gun in his hand, and rushed forward to meet Yuwen Chengdu's attack!


One shot and one shot clashed together, and then quickly separated as the two horses ran in opposite directions.

With just one blow, Hu Yan realized something was wrong!

His arms actually lost consciousness the moment the weapons collided!

Even now, his hands are very numb, and he keeps shaking when he picks up the whirlwind gun!

"You...you actually cheated!"

"Aren't you and I equal in martial arts?""


This blow, Yuwen Chengdu used 80% of his strength, which was far beyond what the little prince Hu Yan could bear.

Suddenly, Hu Yan felt a surge of blood in his abdomen.


Before he was ready to fight again, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

Obviously, Yuwen Chengdu's attack greatly damaged his vitality.

But when he looked up at Yuwen Chengdu, his face was not red or his heart was beating, as if nothing had happened.

Hu Yan, the little prince of the Huns, was shocked.

It turned out that the so-called "inadequate martial arts" was actually faked by him!

What he never expected was that the force gap between him and Yuwen Chengdu was so huge!

"Hahaha, General Yuwen, you're hitting a bit hard this time."

Seeing Hu Yan so embarrassed, Xiang Yu, Ying Bu and the others laughed even more.

"I said little prince, who said just now that he would kneel down and kowtow?

Facing the ridicule of several people, Hu Yan felt unwilling.

After adjusting his breath, he roared at Xiang Yu: "The dog fights with people, if you have the ability, come and fight with me!

Originally, Hu Yan wanted to take the opportunity to escape while fighting with Xiang Yu.

After all, in his opinion, a Yuwen Chengdu is nothing more than a hidden strength. Could it be that Daqin is still an outstanding general?

Especially the last time he played against Xiang Yu the most, it doesn't look like Xiang Yu was deliberately hiding his strength.

"Okay, since you're courting death, don't blame me.

Xiang Yu raised the Overlord Spear and rushed towards Hu Yan on his horse.


With this blow, Hu Yan almost used all the strength of his entire body.

He hoped that this shot could repel Xiang Yu, and then he could wait for an opportunity to escape.

But the reality was the exact opposite of what he imagined.

Originally, Xiang Yu's force value was higher than his, plus he was hit by Yuwen Cheng, the strength between Xiang Yu and Xiang Yu was completely pulled apart.



"Clang! 55

After the first strike forced Hu Yan to take a few steps back, Xiang Yu chased after the victory and stabbed him three times in a row!

On the other hand, Hu Yan, in addition to resisting with all his strength, could only retreat.

Even after Xiang Yu's third blow, he quickly dodged and distanced himself from Xiang Yu.


A mouthful of blood spurted out again.

This time, Hu Yan completely lost his strength.

Under the attack of Yuwen Chengdu and Xiang Yu, he has suffered serious internal injuries!

Looking up at the four of them, Hu Yan was only 100% sure at this moment that all four of them had left their hands last time!

And now, he can only choose to escape!

"Warriors, kill!"

Waving the whirlwind gun in his hand, Hu Yan gave an order to attack with all his strength.

In an instant, six thousand Xiongnu cavalry rushed straight towards the four!

"Back Wei Army, go to battle!"

Yuwen Cheng beckoned, and the eight thousand Beiwei Army rushed out at the same time.

The Beiwei Army, the essence of the Yue family's army, was born specifically to fight against the cavalry of the Jin Army.

"Yunlu Manchao" records, "Whenever there is a strong enemy, there is no one who cannot be defeated by the Wei army.

It can be seen that the strength of the Beiwei Army is high.

In terms of individual combat capability, the Beiwei Army was many times higher than the Xiongnu.

At present, the total number of Beiwei Army is still more than that of Xiongnu cavalry.

As a result, Hu Yan's original idea of ​​being able to rely on soldiers to defeat the four was instantly shattered.

The Eight Thousand Beiwei Army only used one charge to smash the Xiongnu cavalry into pieces.

Immediately afterwards, the Beiwei Army unilaterally massacred the Huns' cavalry!

Under the blessing of the two imperial characteristics, the Beiwei army was invincible, and the Huns cavalry were even more scattered.

In just a few dozen breaths, the original 6,000-strong Xiongnu cavalry formation disappeared instantly.

All that was left were the Hun cavalry who fled in all directions.

But even so, Hu Yan did not give up.

After seeing the Hun cavalry fleeing in all directions, what he thought was that once the Hun king received the news, he would definitely come to support him.

So what he needs to do now is to delay as long as possible and wait for the rescue of the Hun King!

"Do you dare to fight with me!

Hu Yan raised the whirlwind gun and pointed at Peng Yue.

After weighing it several times, he felt that only Peng Yue was the weakest. If he chose Peng Yue, the time he could support would also be longer. In this way, the hope of getting support would be greater.

But the next moment, Yuwen Chengdu's words made him fall into an ice cellar.

"If you are still delusional about waiting for reinforcements, then you should give up. 35

"Lord Rui Beast has already cut off your way back."

As if to confirm Yuwen Chengdu's words, those Hun cavalrymen who escaped from afar fell one by one.

In the grass in the distance, a group of black cavalry slowly appeared, black armor and heavy cavalry!

Hu Yan fell into despair.

He waved the whirlwind gun in his hand and used all his strength to stab Peng Yue, trying to replace one before he died.

But the next moment, Yuwen Chengdu's phoenix wing Jin Rui pierced his body without hesitation.

So far, the first warrior of the Xiongnu, Huyan, the little prince of the Xiongnu, died in battle.

Except for the 6,000 Xiongnu cavalry he brought, they were killed by the Beiwei army, and the rest were intercepted by the Xuanjia army.

The Eastern Front War at the Daqin Border Pass has come to an end!

Compared with the smooth battle on the east front, there were some small episodes on the battlefield on the west front.

It turned out that the Seventh Prince of the Xiongnu had long been familiar with Meng Tian's name.

After fighting at the border for so many years, how could he not know Meng Tian's name?

Therefore, after confirming that the main commander of the opponent is Meng Tian, ​​and there are about tens of thousands of iron cavalry, the seventh prince immediately gave the order to withdraw the army!

Although Meng Tian has tried his best to urge the army to cover up.

But after all, most of the Xiongnu cavalry were light cavalry, lightly loaded into battle, and they ran very fast.

As for Meng Tian's Daqin cavalry, although they had the blessings of the empire, they belonged to heavy cavalry after all, and it was inevitable that they would not be able to catch up with the seventh prince.

Fortunately, Baihei ordered the ambush in advance.

Originally thought that he could avoid the fate of being wiped out by Meng Tian, ​​the Seventh Prince had even seen the vast grassland in front of him.

But the next moment, a dark figure appeared on the grassland not far away.

The leader is Fan Kuai!

Standing behind Fan Kuai, there are 15,000 Mysterious Armies!


Fan Kuai gave an order, and 15,000 Xuanjia troops rushed towards the 6,000 Xiongnu cavalry.

To say that the Seventh Prince was originally a resourceful type, the decisive battle in front of the two armies was far worse than that of Huyandu.

"Quick! Retreat!

In the panic, he actually chose to retreat again, turned his head and rushed to the border!

It turned out that in the panic, the seventh prince weighed it, compared to the overwhelming Xuanjia army in front of him, Meng Tian's frontier cavalry was better to fight.

Not to mention the rumble of iron hooves, it was just Fan Kuai's appearance of wanting to eat people. The seventh prince would rather be captured by the polite Meng Tian than fall into Fan Kuai's hands.

2.2 After the Seventh Prince confessed, the Huns quickly turned their horses around and wanted to rush towards the border again.

But as time passed, the border cavalry, who had been at a distance from them, rushed up in an instant.

When these Xiongnu cavalry had not yet started, they were immediately rushed by the thousands of frontier cavalry troops.

Upon seeing this, the Seventh Prince of the Xiongnu quickly fled from the left side of the fighting between the two armies under the escort of his personal soldiers.

As the saying goes, when a soldier persuades one, he will persuade a nest.

The seventh prince ran away first, and his morale plummeted.

Originally, after the short armies met, the Xiongnu cavalry was able to hold on for a few minutes.

But when the Seventh Prince ran, the Huns' cavalry suddenly lost their will to fight, and they were all wiped out under the attack of Fan Kuai and Meng Tian in a few moments.

And the Seventh Prince, who originally wanted to escape while the Huns were being wiped out, was quickly surrounded by Gao Chong and two thousand Qin Ruishis who fell from the sky, and then killed them all!

Before his death, when he saw the scene of Qin soldiers falling from the sky, the seventh prince couldn't help but let out the sigh of the heaven-destroyed Xiongnu!

In this battle, 12,000 Xiongnu troops were wiped out, and the two most important princes of the Xiongnu were killed.

For such a record, the white and black awards are also unrelenting.

Not only did he send a book to the First Emperor to confer generals, but he also specially sent people to return to Jingyang Mansion in a tactical beast, Suzaku.

The hot pot raw materials such as Jingyang wine and chicken and duck are shipped in large quantities as the main course of the celebration feast.

For a time, the entire border was immersed in the joy of victory.

Completely opposite to Da Qin's joy.

At this moment, the Hun King was furious, angry and anxious.

In this battle, he not only lost 12,000 elite Xiongnu cavalry, but also lost two of his most outstanding sons, which was a great loss.

This is the biggest loss they have suffered since the situation between the Huns and Qin fell into a stalemate!

"Your Majesty, you must calm down!"

When the Xiongnu generals learned that the Xiongnu king was determined to fight the border, they came to dissuade him one after another.

"Your Majesty, the Qin country is in the limelight right now, we should avoid its edge and wait until the spring of next year before launching an army.

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