I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 134 Victory and return, the defeat of Versailles

When the situation of soldiers and soldiers is in equilibrium, the military battle between the generals of the two armies is very important.

Once the generals of one side are in decline, the balance of war will soon tip to the other side.

Right now, the battle between Xiang Yu and Hu Yan is in full swing.



After the sound of weapons being handed over, Xiang Yu and Hu Yan separated again.

"Good boy, are you new here?"

Hu Yan's eyes rolled, and he immediately guessed Xiang Yu's identity.

He is by no means a border guard!

Don't look at this little Hun prince who is always reclusive on weekdays, but he~ is not ignorant!

Every time the Huns looted the team, the first thing was not to report to the Huns, but to report the situation of the enemy generals to Hu Yan first.

Once Hu Yan felt that this enemy general was worthy of a shot, he would wave his spear and immediately dispatch his troops to fight.

But most of the time, he would return disappointed, feeling that Daqin's generals were too weak.

Over time, he also lost interest in border generals.

Aside from having a brief hand with Meng Tian, ​​even his younger brother Meng Yi was not Hu Yan's opponent.

And this man in front of him, he has never fought, and he has never even heard of him!

You know, at the border of a small battle in three days and a big battle in five days.

If you haven't heard the name of a certain general in ten years, then there are only two possibilities.

First, this general is a straw bag.

The second is the new recruits!

Obviously, the man in front of him does not belong to the first category.

How can a man who can fight himself for thirty rounds without losing his strength be an ordinary general?

It seems that the border of Daqin has added troops!

However, for Hu Yan's temptation.

Xiang Yu just smiled, neither admitting nor denying it, instead he praised Hu Yan: "Your martial arts are not bad. 99

Xiang Yu, a man who believes that Yuwen is invincible under Chengdu.

Of course, he hasn't played against Gao Chong yet.

After 30 rounds of fighting with the "First Warrior of the Xiongnu" in front of him, Xiang Yu has gradually figured out the force value between the two.

The force value of this little Xiongnu prince is indeed not low.

However, after Xiang Yu's preliminary estimation, it is almost the same as Peng Yue.

The force value is lower than Yuwen Chengdu, Xiang Yu and even Yingbu.

Now that the opponent's force value has been tested, it will be useless to fight again.

Simply, Xiang Yu began to act!

After all, this battle can only be lost, not won.

The two played against each other again. After "struggling" for more than a dozen rounds, Xiang Yu gradually began to "struggle"


After more than a dozen rounds of battle, he was completely at a disadvantage.

"It's a pity, your martial arts are good, but your physical strength is too poor!"

Facing the opponent in front of him who could almost match him, Hu Yan felt a little regretful.

I finally found such a fighter who could draw a tie with me, but it turned out that I was physically exhausted!

Although he felt sorry in his heart, the movements in his hands did not stop.

Seeing Xiang Yu's flaws, he immediately stabbed with his spear!

Seeing Xiang Yu's "strength", the movements in his hand also slowed down, and the gun was about to stab him in the chest.

Yuwen Chengdu, Ying Bu, and Peng Yue looked at each other, then waved their weapons to stop Hu Yan.

"Well done!

Hu Yan received this blow, and immediately tightened his horse's head and took a few steps back.

"Come on the four of you together!"


I don't know how tall the sky is!

This is Yu Wencheng's first thought.

The fight between Hu Yan and Xiang Yu just now was seen by Yu Wencheng.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Yuwen Chengdu had used all his strength, the so-called "first warrior of the Xiongnu" would definitely not be able to survive ten moves in his hands!

But at the moment, only by convincing the little prince that he is invincible, can he lure the enemy into the depths!

So, Yuwen Chengdu, Yingbu, and Peng Yue opened their bows from left to right, and the three weapons smashed towards Huyan at the same time.


After a harsh sound, Hu Yan's arm shook.

Under the circumstance that the three of them intentionally pulled back, the blow did not cause any damage to Hu Yan.

Immediately afterwards, Hu Yan waved the whirlwind gun in his hand and stabbed Peng Yue!

Originally, the trajectory of his spear was just between Yingbu and Yuwen.

As long as the two of them moved their weapons a little, they could immediately lock his spear.

But the two of them looked at each other, and then spread out to both sides while tacit understanding, leaving a pleasant fighting area for Peng Yue and Hu Yan.

"Well done!

As one of the five tiger generals, Peng Yue naturally has a unique love for fighting.

Especially when Hu Yan himself was not weak, Peng Yue's fighting spirit became stronger and stronger!

Under the deliberate avoidance of Yuwen Chengdu and Yingbu, the battlefield was quickly occupied by Peng Yue and Hu Yan.

Different from Xiang Yu, Peng Yue and Hu Yan hardly had to keep their hands in battle.

The martial arts of the two are not much different from the beginning, and Yuwen Chengdu and Yingbu on the side can be said to be almost a foil.

They neither attacked Hu Yan directly, nor did they attack Hu Yan, in order to give Peng Yue a fair chance to fight.

The two fought a full thirty or so moves. Like Xiang Yu, Peng Yue also began to "struggle" gradually, and the movements in his hands gradually slowed down.

Until "accidentally", Hu Yan caught the flaw and stabbed him with a shot!

In order to avoid this shot, Peng Yue could only turn over and fall from the horse.

Seeing Peng Yue fall from the horse, Hu Yan laughed even more: "You Qin generals in the Central Plains are quite good at martial arts, but it's a pity that their bodies are really weak."

Having defeated two Qin generals, the pride in Hu Yan's heart became more and more intense.

I saw him waving his spear and pointing at Yuwen Chengdu and Yingbu in front of him: "Come on together! 35

Looking at each other, Yuwen Cheng quickly gave Ying Bu a look: "Go!

So, the two of them, one left and one right, urged the seat to dismount and attacked Hu Yan!

Facing the menacing two men, Hu Yan was not afraid.

The whirring wind of a whirlwind gun dance moved gracefully between the two of them, without falling behind in the slightest.

Naturally, this was the result of Yuwen Chengdu and Yingbu deliberately suppressing their strength.

In order not to make Hu Yan suspicious, Ying Bu and Yuwen only used 30% of their skill.

Otherwise, it is impossible for every Qin general to be good at martial arts, and in the end they are all physically exhausted, right?

That's too fake.

Therefore, Yuwen Chengcheng and Yingbu had to pretend that their martial arts skills were not high, and moved their hands to Hu Yan together.

After playing forty rounds, Hu Yan fought four people in a row, and gradually began to breathe heavily.

No matter how good his physical strength is, he has played more than a hundred rounds before and after, and it is normal for him to be weak in the four-person wheel battle.

Yuwen Cheng quickly noticed this point keenly, and it was almost time to see that it was time for the little prince of the Xiongnu to go back and report.

So he gave Xiang Yu and Peng Yue a wink.

Soon, the two knew each other, and immediately swung their weapons to join the battle.

"Let's come too, let's go together!

"Don't let him run away!"

The roars of the two quickly reminded Hu Yan.

Although he claims to be against these four people, he is not at a disadvantage.

But once surrounded by four people, it will be difficult to get out!

It must be a mortal situation.

Seeing that Xiang Yu and Peng Yue were about to rush behind him, Hu Yan immediately swept his spear towards him.

And Ying Bu and Yu Wen Cheng also cooperated very well and immediately pulled the horse's head and dodged.

In this way, Hu Yan found a loophole.

I saw him get off the horse with his legs clamped, and then slap the horse on the back, the horse immediately raised its hooves and rushed out of the encirclement of the four.


With the whistling of Huyan, the rest of the Xiongnu cavalry immediately followed and fled in a hurry...

But...the Hun cavalry who followed and fled were only a few hundred people.

Looking at the backs of the Huns fleeing, Yuwen Chengdu did not have the slightest joy in his eyes.

"Are we winning or losing? It's too hard!

Looking at the corpses of the Xiongnu cavalry all over the ground, there were more than 2,000 at least. For a time, Yuwen Cheng was a little undecided.

If they followed the instructions of Lord Rui Beast, they would have to fight a defeat, but right now, it seems that they have won?

And it was a complete victory.

"I can't take care of that much, let's clean up the battlefield first!

Xiang Yu withdrew the Overlord Spear, looked at the corpse on the ground and said.

No matter which dynasty or generation you are in, cleaning the battlefield is a necessary job after the war.

On the one hand, it is to prevent the corpse from decaying and causing disease.

On the other hand, it is to prevent the corpse from attracting large beasts.

Of course, there are also those who sort out the corpses on the battlefield for the purpose of statistics.

It took about half an hour for the remaining Da Qin Ruishi to clear the battlefield.

Except for the ear on the body of the Huns, which was cut off, the rest were burned.

Cutting off the ears is the basic practice of the Qin state to count military merit.

At first, it was cutting the head, but because the head was too big to be placed and it looked too scary, it was finally changed to cutting the right ear.

"How many people have we lost?"

Yuwen Cheng looked at Da Qin Ruishi, who was in charge of statistics, and asked.

"Back to General, we lost a total of six people, 15 people were seriously wounded, and 19 people were lightly wounded."

Nodding his head, Yuwen Chengdu instructed: "The injured Qin Ruishi will be treated on the spot for the seriously injured, and will be returned to Jiuyuan County when the injury is better, and the minor injured will be directly sent back to Jiuyuan County for treatment. 35

"Yes, General!"

Adding up the casualties, Daqin lost a total of forty people.

"How many Hun cavalry died?"

"General Hui, this time a total of 2,432 people were killed."

Yuwen Chengdu:

Xiang Yu:

Peng Yue:

Ying Bu: "This..."


Good guy, why did this Huns cavalry die so much?

Two thousand four hundred people!

A full 60 times the battle damage ratio!

Taking a deep breath, Yuwen Chengdu was ready to be punished by white and black.

This is... the end of the calf.

As I said, you can only lose but not win.

Yuwen Chengdu is in trouble!

"Let's go back.

In the end, Yu Wencheng had no choice but to order to go back to the border!

Very tangled, very embarrassed, the first time I won a battle, it was still a big victory, but... I just couldn't be happy.

Knowing that their mission was not completed, the group returned to the border dejected all the way.

It was Meng Tian who personally opened the border gate for them.

Just glanced at these people, Meng Tian secretly thought that it was not good.

How do you look at these people, they don't seem very happy?

It stands to reason that their original mission was to lose the battle. Even if they were really defeated, they shouldn't be so downcast?

Is it too much loss?

But Meng Tian saw from the front of the line to the end of the line.

It seems that there is neither a missing general nor a lot of Qin Ruishi missing, so what is going on?


Did the Huns run away?

I am afraid that this problem can only be known from the Chinese military tent at the border.

Soon, the news of the return of Yuwen Chengdu and his group made Baihei bring the three daughters to the Chinese army tent.

As soon as he came in, Bai Zhi saw Yuwen Chengdu who was downcast.

"Lord Rui Beast, we are back."

Yuwen Cheng lowered his head, not daring to take a breath.

There is no way, with such a record, he can only pretend to be "defeated".

【‘How many people have you lost?’】

"A total of forty people were lost, six Qin Rui were killed in action, and the remaining thirty-four Qin Ruishi received medical treatment in Xiongnu City and Jiuyuan County."5

【‘How many Hun cavalry did you kill?’】

"Two thousand... more than four hundred..."

The conversation between the two made Meng Tian and Meng Yi on the side secretly stunned.

··For flowers....

Good guy, although it is Da Qin Ruishi, the ratio of one to sixty is a bit too much.

Where is this defeat, this is simply a great victory!

And it's a big win.


['Where is the other's leader?']

"The leader of the other party is Huyan, the little prince of the Xiongnu... ran away."

As soon as Yuwen Chengdu said this, Meng Tian and Meng Yi opened their mouths in surprise at the same time!

Hu Yan?

Did he actually do it himself?

Meng Tian has a very clear understanding of Yuwen Chengdu's force value.

But he never imagined that the combined forces of several great generals would be so terrifying.

Although there were only 3,000 Xiongnu cavalry troops this time, being able to send out the little prince Hu Yan meant that these 3,000 people were definitely at the guard level, not just generalists!

But even so, they were almost wiped out by a thousand Qin Ruishis led by four people!

What an impressive achievement this is!

However, it always feels like something is not right.


Isn't it to defeat the war?

How did you win so easily?


Meng Tian was also a little confused.

The next moment, Bai Hei's actions made them almost drop their jaws.

After listening to Yuwen Chengdu's narration, Bai Hei walked to the four of them, looked at the four of them blankly, and nodded.

Gradually showing anger:

【‘I asked you to go ahead and plan your plans, but you are good. Not only did you almost wipe out the enemy, but you were defeated and defeated. 1

Exports also need to be launched.

Baihei's paw stabbed Yuwen Chengdu's forehead fiercely.

White and black hate the "gugu" that iron cannot become steel


Ying Yinman on the side followed Bai Hei and did the same action, and then translated Bai Zhu's words.

Looking at the almost hilarious scene in front of him, Meng Tian couldn't help but not laugh.

Good guy, 3,000 cavalry soldiers of the Huns guard level, more than 2,000 died, and the rest fled?


But obviously, Baihei's crusade against Yuwen Chengdu is not over yet.

[Only lose, not win. ’]

【‘Look at the four of you, there is no injury on your body, does it look like you are defeated?】

【‘You will be slashed by him, pretend to be a little bit like, and then run away, isn’t it good?’

Every time he said a word, the little white and black claws would poke the four people's heads.

The other three also knew they had made a mistake and dared not defend themselves.

Only Xiang Yu murmured a few words in a low voice: "We only used 30% of our strength, who would have known that he would not be beaten..."

Who knew he was so unbeatable...

Meng Tian is completely numb!

Meng Yi, who was on the side, wished he could find a piece of tofu and kill him immediately.

They have been stationed at the border for more than ten years, when have they obtained a benefit from the little prince Hu Yan?

Not to mention the battle loss ratio of one to sixty, even if it is two to one, the frontier army has won a big victory!

Not to mention, the little prince Hu Yan almost defeated all the frontier generals except Meng Tian!

Including Meng Yi!

That's it, the four of them just used 30% of their strength to "accidentally" win...

However, Meng Tian knew clearly that what they said would never be false!

People are more mad than people!

However, it seems that... only defeat is allowed, and victory is not allowed.

Obviously it is a complete victory, but it always feels that something is wrong.

Seeing that Xiang Yu dared to mumble, Bai Zhu immediately poked his head: "'What's the matter, are you not convinced? l

【‘Would you like to play with me?’】

【‘But after you lose, you have to get out and carry the horse manure!’】

Xiang Yu suddenly lost his temper.

Just kidding, the strong aura on Bai Hei's body can be felt ten meters away.

In addition, as an iron-eating beast, Baihei's claws are very sharp, and the bear skin on his body is stronger than the best armor.

Xiang Yu immediately slumped, bowing his head and not daring to speak.

However, seeing the four of them shriveled, Meng Tian finally made up his mind: "Master Rui Beast calms down, Hu Yan, the little prince of Xiongnu, is very skilled in martial arts, and his spirit is also very high."

"I believe that he will definitely not admit his defeat when he goes back. In this way, the small victory of the four generals will naturally not destroy the plan of Lord Rui Beast."




The corner of Meng Yi's mouth twitched, and he wanted to slap himself.

It turns out that hitting Huyan is such a shameful thing!

Hearing Meng Tian excuse a few people, Bai Zhu shook his body and returned to his seat.

[‘Forget it, I don’t blame you, it’s just that the little Hun prince is too weak. 】

Meng Tian: 66.99

Meng Yi: Are you polite?

['I will wait until tomorrow to find the King of the Huns, and then I will give you a good practice. l

"Yes, I will be convicted in the end.

The four of them immediately backed away.

If it is said that who can control these four people in the world, looking at the whole of Da Qin, except for the first emperor, it is black and white.

On this side, after Yuwen Chengdu and others explained the results of the battle, they stayed at the border and waited for White and Black to dispatch.

And Hu Yan, the little Hun prince who had just escaped from the hands of the four, was exactly as Meng Tian expected.

After he was defeated and returned to the Xiongnu, he said nothing about his defeat.

Instead, he exaggerated his strength against the four generals, and finally led the remaining soldiers to break out of the encirclement.

"Father, this time the child just fell for their trick."

"As long as the boy is given enough troops, these new Qin generals, including Meng Tian, ​​are nothing to be afraid of!

Hu Yan eagerly took the initiative to invite Ying.

But the Hun King was not stupid. Although his son was brave, it was always a loss to attack a city with cavalry.

What's more, the original plan this time was to deceive Meng Tian and take the opportunity to let the little prince enter the gate.

But what I didn't expect was that it was self-defeating, and it happened to meet the new arrival of the Qin army, so there was this big defeat knife.

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