I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 136 Land and air coordination, dimensionality reduction strike!

Most of the generals in the steppe expressed their opposition to the fact that the Huns King Tungao was preparing for a decisive battle with Qin.

"That's how shallow you are."

The Huns King Tung Ting snorted coldly and patted the table in front of him:

"Do you think that I really decided to fight for the revenge of my two sons?"5

After he asked such a question, the surrounding Xiongnu generals murmured: Isn't it right?

Seeing that the crowd did not speak, the King of the Huns did not care, and continued: "Since the beginning of winter, our food and grass reserves have become increasingly insufficient, and a large number of cattle and sheep have also been frozen to death. This battle with Qin is a matter of time. "

"If we can't seek a decisive battle with them immediately, I'm afraid it will be difficult for the warriors of the steppe to survive this winter. 35

As soon as the Huns said those words, everyone nodded silently.

This is true.

Since the beginning of winter today, the weather has been exceptionally cold, and many cattle and sheep on the grasslands have been directly frozen to death.

The originally stored grain and grass were almost eaten up. If they couldn't snatch some food from Qin, many people would die this winter.

Seeing that his words had been approved, the Xiongnu King Tung Tiao's tone softened a lot: "You are all warriors on the grassland, do you have the heart to watch our soldiers starve to death?

The crowd fell silent for a while.

"Besides, even if we are defeated, we can retreat to the grasslands!"

"The grassland is vast, can they still find our hometown?"

In theory, what the Huns said was correct.

Up to now, even Li Mu, who is best at using troops against the Huns, has never found the Huns' nest on the grassland.

So not only the Hun King thought so, but other Hun generals also thought the same.

If you win, you will have something to eat this winter.

If it is a big deal to lose, hide and wait until the next spring when the weather warms up before going to the border of Qin to plunder.

With this thought in mind, the decision of the Xiongnu king Junliang to fight against Qin was finally unanimously passed.

For ten days, the scorpion continued to collect troops and horses from various tribes.

It didn't stop until 200,000 Huns were gathered.

This time, he decided to go for it himself!

Not only to avenge the two sons, but also to stabilize his position.

Winter is a hurdle that the Huns will never be able to overcome.

Every time before the winter, according to the custom, the Huns will conduct a large-scale war with the Central Plains countries.

The purpose is not for anything else, just to take the opportunity to catch some food for winter.

In addition, there is another reason for the contracture that is not clearly stated. 11

That is to reduce the population!

On the one hand, there is a chance that a large amount of food will be brought back from the expedition.

But in fact, for successive Xiongnu kings, there is another advantage of going on expedition before winter, which is to reduce the population.

Even if they didn't get a lot of food, at least the winter rations of the Huns who died on the battlefield could be saved.

Therefore, in every war launched by the Xiongnu before winter, half of the Xiongnu cavalry were old, weak and sick.

And according to convention, they will be charged in the front to achieve the purpose of reducing the population.

This time, out of the 200,000 army of the Huns King Tung Tau, there are a full 80,000 old and weak!

These 80,000 people were organized into an independent team, and as the vanguard, they were led by a young Xiongnu general to explore the road ahead.

The remaining 120,000 elites were under the personal leadership of the Xiongnu King Chuangliang, followed behind the former army, and slowly marched towards the border of Daqin!

At this time, at the border of Daqin, Meng Tian had already received a report from the scouts from the Suzaku Organ: The Huns had already set off!

We are heading towards the border of Daqin!

As soon as he received this news, Meng Tian immediately reported the matter to Bai Zhu.

And Baihei also quickly called up the generals, ready to deploy troops to fight the Xiongnu decisively!

This time, almost all the important generals were present, making the large tent of the Chinese army seem a bit crowded.

['Tell me what you think. ’]

Before throwing out the battle plan, Bai Zhu took the lead in soliciting the opinions of the generals.

"Lord Rui Beast, according to the custom of the Huns, they would conduct such a war to reduce the population every winter. 35

"So the Admiral suggested that you can send elite cavalry to bypass their front army and attack their rear! 35

It was Meng Tian who spoke, and if it was concerned with the understanding of the Huns, I am afraid that none of the generals present could compare with Meng Tian.

['Very good, what else?']

Baihei looked at the others.

"Lord Rui Beast, the last general also has a suggestion. I heard that the Huns King Tung Ting is very cunning. If the war fails, he is likely to wait for the opportunity to escape."5

"So we must prepare a mobile force to round it up!

Although the Xiongnu King Tunqiang did not personally fight a few times, his cunning was well-known throughout the border.

After collecting the suggestions of the generals, Bai Zhu began to issue orders.

[‘Meng Tian, ​​Meng Yi, Han Xin, you three led the 100,000-strong Qin iron cavalry as the central army to confront the Xiongnu cavalry head-on. ’]

As a battle-hardened veteran, Meng Tian, ​​with a wise general like Han Xin, and Meng Yi as his deployment, presumably the Chinese army will be safe.


The three had to be ordered to retreat.

[‘Yuwen Chengdu, Peng Yue, you two led 30,000 golden fire cavalry, bypassed the front army of the Xiongnu, and went straight to the left flank of the rear line!”1

[‘Xiang Yu, Ying Bu, you two led 30,000 black armored iron cavalry, bypassed the front of the Xiongnu army, and went straight to the right flank of the rear formation!’]

Whether it is Yuwen Chengdu or Xiang Yu, or Ying Bu or Peng Yue, these four are among the five tiger generals, and they are all fierce generals out of ten thousand.

Coupled with the fact that they are all leading special and excellent troops, it must be difficult for even the King of Huns to resist!

"Order! 99

The four responded in unison.

【‘Gao Chong, Fan Kuai, Zhang Han, you three led 2,000 great Qin Ruishis, as the mobile army of the rear army, responsible for supporting and capturing the King of Huns! J

"Take command!

[‘Long Qie, you are responsible for leading the 8,000 Beiwei Army and the other twelve tiger ministers, cutting off the back road of the Xiongnu cavalry, and cooperating with Yuwen’s Chengdu army and Xiang Yu’s army to cover up. ’]


【‘Meng Tian, ​​you selected 4,000 flexible soldiers from the frontier soldiers, and boarded the Suzaku Organ Beast with the Panda Rui Army. l

['Before the war, let the Panda Rui Army attack first!']

Just kidding, the Suzaku Organ Beast is their big killer.

As one of the few air combat aircraft in this era, seeing that the decisive battle with the Huns is about to happen, why don't you wait any longer?

According to the carrying capacity of the Suzaku Organ Beast, there are about five or six people, and one panda bears three.

Together with a control animal, and a kerosene watcher, it was just enough to fill the weight of five people.

After receiving Bai Hei's order, the generals immediately returned to each battalion and began to prepare in full swing.

According to the report of the scouts, the Huns will arrive at the border in the afternoon!

After the battalions were reorganized, everything was ready by noon.

About an hour later, the Huns' army of 200,000 people came to the foot of the Great Wall in a mighty manner.

"Meng Tian, ​​if you kill my two sons, today I will use the entire Daqin to be buried with you!

Although I know that the two sons may not all die in Meng Tian's hands.

But he didn't know the new general, so he could only put this account on Meng Tian's head.

【‘It’s almost time, let’s go!’】

Looking at the Huns' army and its formation, Bai Hei skipped the "scolding" link of the battle between the two armies and directly ordered the two thousand Panda sharp troops to attack!

With the continuous sound of breaking the air, the Xiongnu cavalry saw that "big birds" continued to fly out from the back of the Great Wall and flew towards them.

Since the Suzaku Organ Beast comes with a proficiency bonus, these frontier soldiers are not difficult to control, and can even be said to be handy.

Whatever you want to do, just think about it in your heart.

Under the suspicious eyes of the Huns, these two thousand mechanical beasts flew towards the rear of the Huns!

The Xiongnu King Junliu felt a little uncomfortable.

Sure enough, in the next moment, these tactical beasts instantly lowered their flying heights while the Huns cavalry were in a daze.

Then I saw that the soldiers above immediately filled the mouth of the Suzaku Mechanic with kerosene.




A full two thousand huge flames instantly drowned the Huns' rear army in the sea of ​​fire!

But it's not over yet. At the moment when the Suzaku Organ Beast was flying at a low altitude, the Panda Rui Army who were sitting on it also moved quickly!

Two thousand Zhuge crossbows fired in unison in an instant, knocking down the Xiongnu's rear army!

"Ah! 99



A series of screams came from the rear of the Huns, awakening the Huns who were still immersed in shock.

"Quick! Quickly fight back!"

But it was obviously too late to start giving orders at this point.

In this era without loudspeakers, the voice of the Huns was quickly drowned in the screams and the sound of fire.

The Suzaku Organ Beast only flew back and forth for two rounds, and the rear army of the Xiongnu began to be in chaos.

['Send the order, the whole army strikes!']

Seeing that the time was almost up, Bai Hei quickly issued the order for the general attack.

So, the gates of the border gates opened wide.

Yuwen Chengdu and other generals took the lead and then led the army, filed out, and went straight to the army of the Queen of the Huns!

Seeing the gates of the border gates open, the Huns seemed to see hope.

I saw that he immediately ordered the flag-bearer to wave the flag of the attack and ordered the front army to attack!

At this time, the Huns did not have the Three Treasures of Cavalry.

So when they charged, they not only had to clamp the horse's belly with their legs, but also had to draw out a hand to maintain balance.

As a result, the weapons they used were greatly restricted, and almost all of them were one-handed weapons such as short knives and machetes.

If it is normal on weekdays, it will not be a problem, but right now, the opponent has all the elites of the Three Treasures of Cavalry!

Not to mention the blessings of two imperial characteristics!

The first wave of attacks on the Huns' cavalry soon began.

All the cavalry of the Qin army, without exception, raised their lances at the beginning of the charge!

Due to the existence of stirrups and saddles, they are very stable on horseback, and their hands can be freed to do more things.

In contrast, the attack of the Xiongnu cavalry was more than a little shabby.

After the first wave of fighting between the two sides, the gap between the two armies can be clearly seen.

Whenever the scimitars of the Xiongnu cavalry hadn't touched the Daqin cavalry, the Daqin cavalry's lance had already stabbed into their bodies.

Not only that, due to the length of the lance and the charging speed of the iron cavalry, the lance often pierced several Xiongnu cavalry with one shot.

In this way, under just one wave of attacks, the Huns cavalry fell nearly two rows of men and horses.

However, after the two armies faced each other, the difference in strength became more apparent.

If it is said that the previous impact is the difference in weapons, then after the short-handed encounter, the difference in combat power between the two armies is fully reflected.

The former troops of the Xiongnu were all old and weak, coupled with the influence of the riots of the latter army, not only did they have no fighting spirit.

Even when they wanted to retreat, they found that there was no way back.

All their back roads are blocked by the rear army!

After being forced to fight the Great Qin Tieqi, they soon found out in despair that the machetes in their hands could not even cut through the iron armor of the Great Qin Tieqi!

But at the same time, the Great Qin Cavalry would not be polite.

The iron swords in their hands pierced through the Xiongnu cavalry in front of them without hesitation.

Once the armies meet, the Xiongnu cavalry, which originally belonged to the light cavalry, is not the opponent of the Daqin iron cavalry (heavy cavalry) at all!

In this way, the former army of the Xiongnu was almost slaughtered one-sidedly.

In less than half a column of incense, their former army was almost completely beheaded when there was no way to retreat and no way to advance.

At the same time, the situation of the Xiongnu's rear army was also not good.

A full 60,000 special heavy cavalry attacked from their flanks!

Originally, they were in a state of embarrassment under the attack of 2,000 tactical beasts, Suzaku, plus the Zhuge Crossbow in the hands of Panda Ruijun.

Before the war began, the Huns' rear army had killed and wounded more than 10,000 people.

It took a long time to wait until the two thousand Vermillion Birds had receded and the sky was calm again.

Yuwen Chengcheng, Xiang Yu and the others came to kill again one by one!

Under the siege of a full 60,000 iron cavalry, the rear army of the Xiongnu cavalry was quickly compressed into a narrow area, and was forced to meet these heavy cavalry with heavy armor.

Not only that, in order to prevent the Xiongnu cavalry from escaping, Long Qi also quickly launched an attack from the rear of the Xiongnu cavalry.

Under the impact of the Eight Thousand Beiwei Army, now, all the space for the Xiongnu to move is only the position of the former army.

However, Meng Tian would not give them a chance to breathe.

After destroying the former army, he quickly commanded 100,000 iron cavalry to attack forward, completely encircling the 120,000 Xiongnu cavalry in front of him.

At this point, the Xiongnu cavalry was completely surrounded, and there was almost no way to escape!

Watching the surrounding Xiongnu cavalry fall one by one, the Xiongnu king Junli finally began to panic.

What he never expected was that the Qin state suddenly had so many cavalry!

If there were only cavalry, then he might be able to fight with the 120,000 elite Xiongnu cavalry in his hands.

But what the hell were the two thousand fire-breathing birds in the sky before the war?

If it wasn't for the flock of birds disturbing his rear army, he would have been able to resist for a while!

But now, it's too late to say anything.

Seeing that his own side was completely surrounded by the Daqin iron cavalry, the Huns King Junli gritted his teeth, and it seemed that he could only give up these Xiongnu elites!

"Damn Qin people, I am inseparable from you! 35

Roaring fiercely, he immediately commanded the Huns guarding cavalry around him to break through to the rear.

As early as the beginning of the siege, he secretly began to observe.

After his careful identification, he finally found that the strength of the rear army was slightly weaker, and it was more reliable to break out from there.

So, under his leadership, the two hundred Huns guarded the cavalry desperately rushed towards the rear army!

Under this almost suicidal attack, they finally ripped a hole on the right side of the Beiwei Army!

Seeing that there was finally a loophole in the encirclement, the Hun King was overjoyed, it seems that the sky will not kill me!

So, he quickly picked up the sledgehammer, rushed left and right, and went straight to the gap, trying to take the opportunity to break out.

I have to say that the martial arts of the Huns are not built.

Even though it was already declining, he forcibly broke through the defense line of the Beiwei Army with the double hammer in his hand.


After breaking through the encirclement, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, finally seeing the hope of life!

But the next moment, a voice sounded from behind him:

"King of the Huns, Gao Chong, has been waiting here for a long time!

At the same time, the King of the Huns only saw two thousand Qin Ruishis lined up, slowly blocking him.

In addition, in front of Daqin Ruishi, the three generals were looking at themselves with smiles.

"Humph! With just a few of you, you want to stop this king?"

For his martial arts, the Huns were extremely confident.

He dared to guarantee that even if Meng Tian made the shot himself, he would still be able to fight for 300 rounds!

"What if you add us!

There was another strong and powerful voice, and the Hun King turned his head to look at the four young generals he did not know.

The four were Yuwen Chengdu, Xiang Yu, Ying Bu, and Peng Yue.

It turned out that after the Hun King Tung Chong escaped, the Hun cavalry completely collapsed and completely collapsed.

In this situation, Yuwen Chengdu and others did not spend time there, and completely handed over the battlefield to Meng Tian.

The four of them pulled away to help the three of Gao Chong.

With the addition of four people, the battle situation quickly turned into seven-on-one.

The seven people slowly stepped forward, divided into seven different directions, and surrounded the Xiongnu king in the center.


Inexplicably, the Hun King was a little guilty.

"Tun Tiao, your son Hu Yan died at my hands, don't you want revenge?"

Suddenly, Yuwen Cheng opened his mouth and said provocatively.

Sure enough, the complexion of the Huns King Junli changed:

"It's you! Look at the hammer!"

I saw him dancing the double hammer and heading straight for Yuwen Chengdu!

But the next moment, the other six started to work together, swords, spears, swords and halberds, axes, yakuza, hooks, and forks, and six different weapons smashed on the body of the Huns King Junqi!

As the saying goes, two fists are no match for four hands.

What's more, in front of the King of Huns, there are almost seven strongest people in Daqin!

However, under Bai Zhu's prior explanation, they only wounded the Xiongnu King Junliang, and did not take his life.

"You killed me! Kill me!

Tie up with ropes, the Huns were quickly carried to the pass as a trophy.

Although this battle has established the overall victory, but next, if you want to completely pacify the Xiongnu, the Xiongnu king may have some effect.

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