I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 133 A0elites meet the enemy, the plan of the Huns!

Huns Cavalry!

Meng Tian and Meng Yi looked at each other.

It's time to come!

"How many are they?"

Meng Tian asked aloud.

"According to the report of the scouts, there are about three thousand people."

Three thousand people.

Meng Tian figured it out, if the Xiongnu's past rules were followed, 3,000 cavalry would not be too many.

"Who is the leader of the Huns?"

"Back to General, the scouts didn't recognize it.""

"Which direction are they heading?

"The area around Guanhukou and Xiongnu City."

Hearing what the herald said, Meng Tian nodded reassuringly.

It seems that the Huns' attack was a tentative attack.

Not only are there only 3,000 troops, but even the leading generals are unknown.

Although Xiongnu City is a small city, its defenses are strong, and the guards are his trusted generals, stable and reliable, and can be protected.

As for Guanhukou, although the city wall has been broken, the terrain is complex and easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Even if the number of people stationed there is small, it is difficult for the Huns to break through in a short time. As long as they send troops to support them in time, the problem should not be big.

But now, the power to mobilize troops and horses is not in his own hands.

Thinking about it, he immediately turned around and bowed to Bai Hei: "Master Rui Beast, please give orders and deploy troops and horses."

Some unfamiliar people picked up the tiger talisman from the border, and Meng Tian respectfully held it in front of Bai Hei.

As the general of the North, Baihei now has the power to mobilize all the troops at the border, including even Meng Tian and Meng Yi.

White and Black did not immediately issue orders.

Meng Tian, ​​as a border general, can be said to be quite familiar with the enemy.

[‘Tell Meng Tian to talk about his thoughts. ’]

Under the transmission of Ying Yinman, Meng Tian quickly understood the meaning of white and black.

"Master Hui Rui Beast, the last commander thought that the Huns' attack this time was just a tentative attack.

White and Black nodded.

【‘Go to Jiuyuan County immediately to inform Yuwen Chengdu, and tell him to personally lead Daqin Ruishi to Guanhukou.

[‘In addition, I told him that since the Xiongnu attacked tentatively this time, we will count on it! l

[‘Only defeat is allowed, but victory is not allowed. ’]

Only allowed to lose, not allowed to win!

Meng Tian thought for a while, and immediately understood the meaning of white and black.

Of course, the victory or defeat here does not refer to whether the Guanhukou can be defended, but that they will take advantage of the Xiongnu's temptation this time to deliberately show the enemy's weakness and make the Huns despise their new troops.

Then use this to achieve the purpose of paralyzing the enemy, and finally make it underestimate the enemy, so as to take the opportunity to seek greater results!

Meng Tian and Meng Yi fought against the Huns.

Suddenly changing a general, changing a group of new troops, and losing another battle, the Huns will surely see the dawn of hope and lose themselves.

"Yes, Lord Rui Beast."

Meng Tian took the order and left.

The order Yuwen Chengdu needs to return to Jiuyuan County again, and taking the organ beast Suzaku is naturally the best choice.

After explaining to his younger brother Haosheng 730 to protect Lord Rui Beast.

Only then did Meng Tian sit on the organ beast Suzaku alone and rush towards Jiuyuan County.

This time, Meng Tian did not choose to land at the head of the city, but landed directly on the campus in the west of the city.

Yuwen Chengdu and Xiang Yu, Ying Bu, and Peng Yue are all here.

Two thousand great Qin Ruishis blocked the water around here.

Seeing the organ beast Suzaku flying back, Yuwen Cheng quickly led the other three generals to meet him.

"General Yuwen.

As soon as Meng Tian stepped down from the beast, he immediately looked at Yuwen Chengdu: "Master Rui Beast has an order, ordering you to lead the Great Qin Ruishi to Guanhukou to support the defenders.

Support the defenders?

Yuwen Chengdu frowned immediately: "Are the Huns here?"

Meng Tian nodded: "Yes, there are a total of 3,000 people, and the leader should be an ordinary general, who is now heading towards Guanhukou. 99

"Okay, trouble General Meng to prepare for me. I will order all the troops and set off immediately."


Meng Tian grabbed Yuwen Chengdu who was about to turn around and said, "Lord Rui Beast has something for me to give to you."

"Since the Xiongnu came here to test, then we will do everything we can, and for the sake of future results, we can only lose, not win!

Only allowed to lose, not allowed to win!

Yuwen Chengdu was immediately dumbfounded.

When he received the expedition order, his hands were already itchy, and Meng Tian suddenly said such a sentence, which made him quite annoyed.

"Follow the orders of Lord Rui Beast!"

However, since it is the order of Lord Rui Beast, he does not ask the reason and implements it earnestly.

Turning around and returning to the school grounds, Yuwen Cheng quickly began to dispatch troops: "Da Qin Ruishi obeys orders!


"One thousand soldiers from the front will follow me to fight at Guanhukou, and the remaining thousand will stay here and obey Fan Kuai's orders.

Fan Kuai, the first of the Twelve Tiger Officials.

Since the purpose of this battle is to paralyze the enemy, it is impossible to bring so many fierce generals.

Otherwise, how can I explain it to Lord Rui Beast if I lose my mind and win the enemy?

Therefore, Yuwen Chengdu decided to leave the twelve tiger ministers and the thousand great Qin Ruishis in the west campus to guard the organ beasts.

And he himself drove Xiang Yu, Ying Bu, Peng Yue, and a thousand Great Qin Ruishi towards the North City Gate.

On the other side, after Meng Tian left the Chengxi campus, he rushed to the county governor's office in a hurry.

"Master Tian, ​​the Huns are attacking, and Master Ruiwu ordered you to prepare 2,000 good horses to prepare for General Yuwen's expedition."

At this time, Tian Si was still working in the mansion, and before she could figure out the situation, she was forcibly pulled by Meng Tian and rushed towards the racecourse.

Due to its special geographical location, Jiuyuan County is different from other counties in the mainland.

Not only has an independent granary, but also an independent school field and horse farm.

Although there is no right to use these horses and food, the right to deploy is still in the hands of Jiuyuan County.

This is another balancing act of the First Emperor.

At the same border (bbcc), Jiuyuan County is in charge of money, grain and horses, while the border garrison is in charge of troops and defenses, and the two are independent of each other and restrict each other.

Of course, the balance of all this is upended with the arrival of white and black.

Whether it is the frontier or Jiuyuan County, all obey the restraint of the Great General of the North!

The racecourse is still some distance away from Jiuyuan County.

Along the way, Tian Si couldn't help but start to inquire about the situation at the border.

"General Meng, you said that we have been fighting the Huns for so many years, this time Your Majesty actually sent Lord Rui Beast to come in person, it seems that we are going to fight a big battle!

Meng Tian also nodded in agreement: "Sir Rui Beast means that the goal of this battle against the Xiongnu is to completely solve the scourge of the Xiongnu."

Hearing this, Tian Si's footsteps stopped.

"solve it completely?"

It seems that there is no good way to completely solve the scourge of the Xiongnu except for the subjugation of the country and the extinction of the species, right?

"I can't imagine that Lord Rui Beast's goal is so grand!"

Shaking her head with a wry smile, an indescribable admiration appeared on Tian Si's face.

For this point, Meng Tian was equally deeply touched: "Yes, Lord Rui Beast is really..."

After thinking about it for a long time, Meng Tian was at a loss for words.

He really couldn't find any words that could describe white and black.

If nothing else, he didn't even dare to think about things like chairs, hot pots, and mechanical beasts, let alone seeing them before he met Bai Hei.

"I believe... Lord Rui Beast can really lead us to build an extraordinary feat!

Slowly, Meng Tian's footsteps became more and more firm.

Once they can really solve the frontier troubles of the Xiongnu as Lord Rui Beast said, then their names will also be engraved on the history books, and they will be praised by future generations!

Chatting and chatting, the two of them arrived at the racecourse before they knew it.

"Give me 2,000 good horses, get the best, be careful with your heads! 99

Although Tian Si was respectful in front of Rui Beast and Meng Tian, ​​she was very strict.

The horse farm is directly under the jurisdiction of Jiuyuan County, and the transfer order is also personally issued by Lord Ruiwu. If this matter is not handled well, Tian Si knows the consequences better than anyone else.

So, without hesitation, he immediately gave a strict order to the racecourse.

At the same time, because Yuwen Chengdu did not discuss with Meng Tian the number of troops to send.

Therefore, Tian Si prepared horses according to the maximum number of Qin Ruishi, 2,000 people.

"Your Majesty, you can rest assured that you will do it properly!"

After receiving Tian Si's order, the people from the racecourse ran away immediately.

In less than half a stick of incense, he ran back again.

This time, he was followed by two hundred horse riders and two thousand horses.

Each group of ten horses is equipped with a rider.

"Master Tian, ​​General Meng, two thousand of the best horses are here.

Taking a brief glance at these horses, Meng Tian nodded with satisfaction. He was fat and strong, and he was indeed a good horse.

"Well done, let's go.

Tian Si waved her hand, then immediately got on her horse with Meng Tian and rushed towards the north gate of Jiuyuan County.

The Beicheng Gate is the only way for Jiuyuan County to lead to the border cities.

Tian Si had already sent someone to settle Yuwen Chengdu and others here in advance to wait.

Two thousand good horses galloped together and arrived at the north gate of Jiuyuan County in a short time.

Sure enough, Yuwen Chengdu and others were waiting here.

"General Yuwen, the horses are ready."

Tian Si immediately pointed to the two thousand horses lined up behind him.

With just a glance, Yuwen Cheng realized that there were far more horses than Daqin Ruishi, and said, "It doesn't seem to use so many, right?"

"It doesn't matter, the rest will stay here, and General Meng and I will handle it." Tian Si thought for a while, but still asked: "General Yuwen, a thousand people, is it too few?"

Yuwen Chengdu smiled heartily: "A thousand people is enough."

"Besides, the remaining horses will be troublesome for Lord Tian. 35

Without making too many polite words, Yuwen Chengdu took the lead: "All Qin Ruishi, get on the horse!

With an order, the thousand Great Qin Ruishis acted very quickly and mounted their respective horses.

"In this battle, you can only lose, not win, do you understand!"


Thousands of Great Qin Ruishi shouted in unison!

This is the carefully selected fighting elite!

Without the slightest surprise, nor the slightest objection, the generals of the generals are the rules they must follow!

On the other hand, Tian Si opened her mouth wide after hearing Yuwen Chengdu's order, and looked at Meng Tian in disbelief.

Meng Tian nodded silently.

After the horse rider pulled the idle horses aside, Yu Wencheng waved the phoenix wings in his hand, Jin Rui: "Let's go!""

The Beicheng Gate of Jiuyuan County is not far from Guanhukou.

It only takes half a stick of incense to arrive.

According to the map Meng Tian gave him in advance, Yuwen Chengdu decided to fight with the Huns on a flat ground in front of Guanhukou Pass.

However, due to the complicated topography of Guanhukou, in order to reach the flat land, they had to detour to Xiongnu City.

Xiongnu City is the nearest small city near Guanhukou.

It is very close to the mouth of Guanhu Lake and is guarded by a trusted confidant of Meng Tian.

"The whole army, turn around the horse's head, leave the Xiongnu city, and rush to Guanhukou! 35

Yuwen Chengdu's arrangement is not without calculus.

If it is only for defense, then it is naturally best to defend from the Guanhukou Pass.

But their purpose this time is to make plans, which requires their acting skills to be realistic.

So going out and fighting is the best choice!

As a result, their number is small, and the terrain is open to go out and fight, and it is more convenient to run when cheating and feigning defeat, which can reduce the loss of troops and horses.

Second, almost all the battles between Meng Tian and the Xiongnu were in Guannai.

As long as they go out to fight, the Huns will be proud and think they don't know how to fight, so they will despise them psychologically.

Therefore, after a comprehensive consideration of various aspects, Yuwen Chengdu finally chose to go out of the Xiongnu City.

Since he was holding a pass at the border, Meng Tian also sent someone to inform the beacon towers of Yuwen Chengdu's battle.

So the thousand men and horses were quickly released.

After leaving the Xiongnu City, Yuwen Chengdu once again commanded the entire army to go straight to Guanhukou.

According to Meng Tian, ​​the defense force of Guanhukou is weak.

But the terrain is complex and easy to defend and difficult to attack, so as long as they provide timely support, there will be no major problems.

Ten minutes later, Guanhukou finally appeared in the field of vision of Yuwen Chengdu and others.

As Meng Tian said, compared with other tall city walls, the fortifications at Guanhukou are simply shabby.

It's not that Meng Tian doesn't want to take care of it, but that the topography of Guanhukou is complicated, and it is extremely inconvenient to build fortifications.

And even if the most sophisticated craftsmen came to build it, often within a few months, the new city wall would collapse in half.

That's right, it was the one named Meng Jiangnu who was to blame.

Even if they were far apart, everyone could hear the sound of swords hitting each other and shouting to kill in the distance.

It seems that Guanhukou has not fallen yet.


Yuwen Chengdu shouted loudly, and a thousand Qin Ruishis rushed towards Guanhukou like a tiger!

Soon, the two sides who were fighting soon heard the sound of hoofs and shouts of killing.

They turned their heads to look, and saw a large flag erected in the cavalry army coming towards them, writing: "Qin! 99

"The reinforcements are coming!"

"The reinforcements are coming!"

The morale of the defenders at Guanhukou was instantly boosted!

"Brothers, our reinforcements are here, and the Huns will be defeated! Kill me!"

The leader of the Guanhukou garrison fought hard to kill a Xiongnu cavalry and raised his arms and shouted.

Originally, the three thousand Xiongnu cavalry could not cause much damage to Guanhukou. Depending on the terrain of Guanhukou, they would have no problem holding on for a while.

But to their surprise, the strength of these three thousand Xiongnu cavalry did not seem to be ordinary.

The most important thing is that the guards originally thought that as long as their generals were beheaded, they would immediately clear the siege.

So he rushed out bravely, and after a bloody battle, he finally killed the enemy general.

I thought that the Xiongnu would retreat because of this, but unexpectedly, a young general flew out of the Xiongnu formation and went straight to the defenders of Guanhukou!

And the Xiongnu cavalry, who had lost a piece of sand because of the loss of their generals, also attacked Guanhukou again under the command of this person!

During the melee, the guard at Guanhukou finally saw clearly the identity of the young general.

It is the Huyan who is recognized by the Huns as the first warrior of the Huns and the most proud youngest son of the Huns!

This guard was originally Meng Yi's bodyguard. He was fortunate enough to have seen Hu Yan himself once on the battlefield, and he recognized it at a glance.

After seeing through Hu Yan's true identity, the guard suddenly broke out in cold sweat behind him.

How could the little prince of the Xiongnu risk his life with only three thousand Huns?

As such, there is only one answer.

This is a trap of the Huns!

They deliberately only sent 3,000 Xiongnu cavalry, making Meng Tian misunderstand that this time, as usual, it was just a small-scale test.

But they dressed Huyan as an ordinary Xiongnu cavalry and hid in the crowd.

Let's unite with the one-sided battle situation in front of us, presumably these three thousand Huns must have been carefully selected!

Thinking of this, the guard immediately shouted at Yuwen Chengdu, who came to support: "General, be careful, Huyan, the little prince of Xiongnu, is in the formation!

Among the 1000 army horses that came, the defender recognized Yuwen Chengdu at a glance.

The golden helmet, golden armor and golden robe, located in the middle of the army formation, could not be more conspicuous.

"Warriors, take the city and snatch their food and women!"

Now that his identity has been discovered, Hu Yan, the little prince of the Huns, no longer hides it, and immediately raised the "cyclone gun" in his hand and went straight to the defender!

But the next moment, a long spear stood in front of the guard!


"Little Hun Prince, I have long wanted to fight with you!"

The person who shot was Xiang Yu.

Although he has always had a lot of prejudice against Qin, he believed that Qin had destroyed his country.

But he hated the Huns even more.

Although the geographical location of Chu State had nothing to do with the Xiongnu, Xiang Yu hated all the alien races as much!

These alien races not only plundered their wealth, but also their women!

More importantly, Xiang Yu had long wanted to fight against the first warrior of the Xiongnu.

Although the title of No. 1 in the world has been missed by him, he has always believed that under Yuwen Chengdu, he is the worthy No. 2!

With a hint of fighting spirit, the Overlord Spear and the Tornado Spear quickly stirred together.

On the other side, Yuwen Chengdu saw this and took the other two to kill the other people of the Xiongnu.

Although these 3,000 men and horses were carefully selected, in front of the five tiger generals, they were not one enemy!

In just ten breaths, there were already six Xiongnu cavalrymen who died under the phoenix wings!

And even without the help of four people, only one thousand great Qin Ruishis could easily defeat the three thousand Xiongnu knights in front of them!

Haven't you heard that "Qi's martial arts are not as good as Wei's military soldiers, and Wei's military soldiers are not as good as Qin's warriors!"

In the area of ​​special arms, did Da Qin really fear anyone?

Great Qin Ruishi, which one did not mount a horse to kill the Xiongnu, and dismount to attack the six kingdoms?

Regardless of horses and footsteps, Daqin Ruishi is the only one!

Fortunately, with Yuwen Chengdu's prior instructions, these Daqin Ruishis were killed fiercely.

Seeing that there were not many Xiongnu cavalry left, they slowly stopped the offensive and focused on self-protection.

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