I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 132 Take the plan and annihilate the Huns!

He couldn't help but say, hearing that this kind of fetish was on the city wall, Meng Tian couldn't hold back his anxiety any longer, pulling Tian Si and the others to rush towards the city head.

Due to the special existence of the organ beast Suzaku, Tian Si had already sent people to surround half of the city wall.

Moreover, the soldiers sent this time are all veterans of Jiuyuan County, and they are Tian Si's cronies, so they can be sure of everything.

"It's on the school field in the west of the city, don't worry!

City West Campus, just under the west city wall.

Tian Si, who was held by Meng Tian, ​​kept running towards the school grounds in the west of the city.

After working together for so long, it was the first time he saw Meng Tian so rude.

"Hurry up!"

Unceremoniously, he continued to drag Tian Si, Meng Tian was happier than anyone else.

If what Tian Si said is true, let alone the fire-breathing effect of kerosene.

Simply speaking of the detective role of this tool, it will play an epic role in their extermination of the Huns!

You know, in this vast prairie, fighting the Huns is not the most tiring.

Finding the Huns is the most tiring!

Finally, under Meng Tian's stubbornness, the two rushed to the west campus before everyone else.

What Ling Mengtian didn't expect was that in addition to the cronies mentioned by Tian Si, there were also several old acquaintances guarding the lower school grounds in the city.

Yuwen Chengdu and other four tiger generals!

Twelve Tigers!

At this moment, they are all here at the Chengxi campus without exception, guarding these organ beasts, Suzaku.


A fist bump is a salute, and the meeting between the strong and the strong is always gratifying.

"What is General Meng doing here? 35

"Oh, I heard that Lord Rui Beast came here on a bird and beast that can fly?""


Yuwen Chengdu is neither humble nor arrogant.

"I want to go in and see!""

Unable to hold back the strong desire to explore in his heart, Meng Tian simply stopped detours and went straight to the showdown.

But Yuwen Chengdu also refused very simply.

"General Meng, I'm afraid not."

"Master Rui Beast specially ordered before leaving, unless there is an order from Master Rui Beast, no one can enter.

Yuwen Chengdu's tone was firm, and there was no room for manoeuvre.

This can teach Meng Tian to choke.

Good guy, I originally thought that the two of them were both generals of the Five Tigers, so there must be some friendship in it, right?

Now it's good, people don't buy it!

But when he was struggling with how to get in, a voice came from behind a few people: "Gu Gu—(Let him go in. 35

As he spoke, Bai Hei waved to Yuwen Chengdu.

Immediately, Yuwen Chengdu gave way.

This time, without even bothering to pull Tian Si, Meng Tian hurried into the school grounds by himself.

Seeing this, Bai Hei and the others followed closely and filed in.

As soon as he rushed into the school grounds, Meng Tian immediately saw the neatly parked Suzaku.

"This is the organ beast Suzaku?

Meng Tian still vaguely remembered what Tian Si called them.

He stretched out his hand and carefully touched these small mechanical beasts in front of him.

It seems that these things are made of ordinary wood, is it the legendary Luban technique?

"These things... can really fly?

Looking at the row after row of mechanical beasts in front of him, Meng Tian still couldn't believe that there really was such a magical thing in the world?

"Cuckoo- (then let's try it!)"

Baihei waved his hand, motioning Ying Yinman and the other three women to follow him to the front of the organ beast.

This time, Meng Tian did not take into account the etiquette, but walked up.

There are a total of five people in a group, which is the largest carrying capacity of the organ beast Suzaku.

Bai Hei's thoughts moved, and under everyone's attention, the tactical beast Suzaku quickly rose into the air!

There was no discomfort and imbalance in his imagination, Meng Tian naturally felt a sense of familiarity the moment he boarded the beast.

"This Suzaku mechanism beast can actually ride so many people!"

Seeing Jiuyuan County getting smaller under his feet, Meng Tian opened his mouth in surprise.

Together with the black and white dumplings of the top two, plus three girls and myself, together, I wish there were six people!

Turning around again to see, there are quite a few bows, arrows, kerosene and other items inside this tactical beast Suzaku, and it doesn't seem to be light in weight.

Suddenly, Meng Tian's eyes were attracted by a binocular-shaped object in the corner.

He quickly picked up the object and fiddled with it:

"Lord Rui Beast, what is this?"

[‘Telescope, you can try it out, aiming at your two eyes, you can see very far. l

According to Ying Yinman's remarks, Meng Tian quickly put the telescope on his head.

When I looked closely, I saw that Jiuyuan County, which had become extremely small, suddenly became bigger!

Even now, he can still see the soldiers on the city wall of Jiuyuan County looking around!

Couldn't help, shouted loudly, and said hello.

In an instant, the soldiers on the city wall cheered!

At this moment, although it was just a test flight for Bai Hei and Meng Tian.

But for the soldiers of the entire Jiuyuan County, it was a strong morale boost!

Good guy, have you ever seen a bird that can fly and carry people?

I have seen!

Your Huns' masters are so arrogant, can they fly?

Our Lord will!

In an instant, all the soldiers from Jiuyuan County, who witnessed the take-off of the beast, all ran to the city wall and cheered to the beast that Meng Tian and others were riding on.

"Daqin Wannian""!99

"Long live Your Majesty!"

A wave of cheers rang out from the city head of Jiuyuan County, and some of the loud mechanical beasts could even be heard.

"Lord Rui Beast, look, the soldiers are all very excited!

Baihei immediately rolled his eyes, a group of unknowing guys!

Make a fuss!

"Lord Rui Beast, I really opened my eyes today! 55

Putting down the telescope in his hand, the excitement on Meng Tian's face has not completely subsided.

Now his surprise didn't just stop at the Suzaku Mechanic Beast.

Just to say that this telescope is used as a supporting set, standing at such a height, you can clearly see the deployment of every soldier on the city wall of Jiuyuan County!

This is like two armies facing each other, knowing oneself and knowing the other at the same time!

"Lord Rui Beast, since the Suzaku Organ Beast can boost morale, I suggest that we take the opportunity to go to the border!"

After seeing the cheers from the first wave of Jiuyuan County, Meng Tian quickly thought of the 300,000 guards at the border.

At this time, his stupid brother should still be waiting for him, right?

If you can take the Suzaku Organ Beast back to the border.

Not to mention Meng Yi, even the 300,000 soldiers will be boosted by this!

Although I feel that Meng Tian's proposal is a little troublesome.

But due to the fact that the organ beast can really boost morale, Bai Hei had no choice but to move, and controlled the organ beast to move forward in the direction that Meng Tian pointed.

Originally, the border was not far from Jiuyuan County.

Coupled with the fast and convenient flight of the organ beast, a few people came to the sky above the border in less than a few minutes.

At first, the border guards did not feel anything unusual.

Because the organ beasts fly at a high altitude, the defenders at the border seem to be no different from ordinary birds such as geese in the sky.

It wasn't until the height of the beast's flight was getting lower and lower that these soldiers realized that something was wrong, and immediately reported the news to Meng Yi.

At the first moment of receiving the news, Meng Yi immediately thought of his brother's entrustment when he left.

It seems that such a situation has also occurred in Jiuyuan County?

Especially now that there is no news from my brother, it seems that there will be no wars in Jiuyuan County.

Otherwise, according to the conservative nature of my brother, once something is wrong from a distance, he will immediately send someone back to the camp to transfer troops.

In this way, this situation is really not hearsay!

"Assemble the Meng family army and follow me to check."

"At the same time, notify the battalions and prepare for battle. If any abnormality is found, kill them on the spot!"

Inheriting his brother's calm temperament, Meng Yi also acts in an orderly manner.

In this way, surrounded by hundreds of horses and dozens of archers watching, the tactical beast Suzaku slowly landed.

At the moment when the organ beast landed, Meng Yi immediately waved his hand towards the back.

The hundred archers who had been prepared for a long time immediately stepped forward and clenched the longbow in their hands.

As long as there is a slight change in the mechanism beast, the next moment they will sieve the range of the mechanism beast in front of them!

"younger brother!

Soon, a familiar figure emerged from the mechanical beast.

It's Meng Tian.

"Brother! 99

Seeing Meng Tian, ​​Meng Yi immediately waved his hand and dismissed the defense.

"How is this going?"

Looking at the ingeniously crafted beast in front of him, Meng Yi's face was full of incredible.

But then, another figure came out of the organ beast.

"This is... Lord Rui Beast?"

Looking at the cute black and white dumplings in front of him, Meng Yi was stunned.

He tried hard to think about it, where did he seem to have heard of such a thing!


It is the auspicious beast proclaimed by the First Emperor!

"This is Lord Rui Beast, so hurry up and salute!

Seeing that his younger brother was still stunned, Meng Tian who was beside him immediately reminded in a low voice.

"I have seen Lord Rui Beast!"

Soon, Meng Yi came back to his senses, turned over and bowed to the ground.

"Cuckoo-(Get up.)"

Seeing this scene, the surrounding soldiers looked at each other in dismay.

Good guy, is this the auspicious beast that the first emperor regarded as the "protective beast" of Da Qin in the legend?

Also, what is this magical object that can fly in front of you?

Also his masterpiece?

For a time, I heard that it was my own.

Many soldiers began to move, wanting to touch this mysterious item that they had never seen before.

Looking at the eager eyes of the soldiers around, Meng Tian could foresee it.

In the near future, the reputation of the organ beast Suzaku will surely spread throughout the border!

This is his original purpose!

"Brother, what is this Lord Rui Beast coming to the border for?"

After seeing Lord Rui Beast, Meng Yi became more and more interested in Bai Hei's sudden visit.

"Okay, let's talk about the rest after we enter the military tent. 99

Attentive Meng Tian quickly found the three girls shivering in the cold wind.

Immediately waved his hand, he ordered three fur clothes to be handed over.

The border is no better than Jiuyuan County. There is no towering city wall to block it, and the cold wind can easily pour into the camp.

Even if there is the existence of the Great Wall, the Great Wall is generally built on the mountain.

Therefore, it can hardly play a role in shielding the wind and rain.

Originally, Meng Tian wanted to prepare one for Bai Hei as well.

But after looking at Baihei's body, which is thicker than the fur coat and panda skin, only three pieces were presented in the end.

Under the guidance of Meng Yi, everyone slowly entered the military tent.

There was a small burning stove in the middle of the tent, and a map of the border was hung above the table next to it.

Looking at the sign on the map in Meng Yi's tent, Meng Tian nodded: "Didn't you just ask Master Rui Beast what he was doing at the border gate?

"I tell you now, Your Majesty has ordered the expedition of the Huns.


Meng Yi was so excited that he suddenly stood up.

"Really? Great!

For the Xiongnu, Meng Yi, who had been at the border for a long time, hated it to the bone, and was eager to eat its flesh and sleep on its skin.

Now, since His Majesty has ordered, then they can finally fight happily!

But when he thought about it, he suddenly became discouraged.

Although I have the heart to conquer the Huns.

But in fact, in addition to the 30,000 cavalry of the Qin Dynasty, the remaining tens of thousands of cavalry were still in training, and they could not fully meet the standard of fighting against the Xiongnu.

"Furthermore, Your Majesty also ordered that the 150,000 cavalry soldiers are on their way with Lord Rui Beast as the Great General of the Northern Expedition.

With Meng Tian's remarks, Meng Yi's confidence is getting stronger and stronger!

If His Majesty can support 150,000 cavalry, then the border war will be guaranteed!

"If this is the case, our war this time can at least wipe out tens of thousands of Huns and horses, and the peace at the border for more than ten years depends on this battle!"

The Montessori brothers naturally agreed on the border war situation and its influence.

What Meng Yi said at this time was almost the same as what Meng Tian said in Jiuyuan County before.

"Sir Rui Beast means... this battle will directly and completely eliminate the threat of the Xiongnu! 99

After thinking over and over again, Meng Tian still felt that he had to make it clear to his brother.


Meng Yi took a sip of hot tea and sprayed it directly on the ground.

But he didn't care, instead he turned his head to look at Meng Tian: Brother, what did you say? Eliminate the threat of the Xiongnu?


Their 300,000-strong army has been stationed at the border for more than ten years. Is the threat of the Huns so easy to eliminate?

Subconsciously, Meng Yi immediately gave this auspicious beast a definition: reckless! Hasty!

However, since he was the chief general of the expedition against the Xiongnu, the strategic goal set by Bai Zhi, Meng Yi, could not be changed.

Helpless, he had to take a serious look at the map in front of him again, and then suggested according to Bai Zhi's request: "The main force of the Xiongnu will not be dispatched easily, and their most powerful general is the little prince of the Xiongnu."

"This person is rarely seen in ordinary raids unless it is a large-scale attack on the border. 99

"Beheading this person is equivalent to removing a large arm of the Huns.

The little prince of the Huns!

Baihei nodded and wrote down the name.

Immediately afterwards, Meng Yi continued to introduce: "Besides, it is the King of the Huns."

"This person appears less frequently, generally entrenched in the grasslands near their tribes, and will not easily participate in the war against the border,

"On the contrary, he has participated in many wars with tribes, and it is said that he is also a warrior who has won every battle.

Intentionally exaggerated the deterrence of the Huns.

At this time, Meng Yi hoped that he could use this to deter the newly arrived general.

So let him calm down, re-formulate strategic goals, and then make plans.

However, after hearing such an introduction, Bai Hei didn't care at all.

Don't you think it's too troublesome to do it slowly?

He would like to see if the Xiongnu's horse archers are strong, or if his Panda Ruijun and Suzaku Daqin Ruishi are strong!

"Lord Rui Beast.

Meng Tian bowed towards Bai Zu, then pointed to the direction outside the gate.

"The weather this year is a good opportunity that has never been seen in a hundred years. It is extremely cold outside the customs. The Xiongnu must be very sad today. It is estimated that within half a month, the Xiongnu will send troops to loot. 99

"At that time, we can find an opportunity to lure them to one place, and then gather and annihilate them! 35

This is Meng Tian's traditional tactics.

Destroy the living power of the Huns!

It doesn't matter if you come with a few hundred people, a few thousand people, or even tens of thousands.

As long as it was a small-scale looting team, Meng Tian would almost always introduce it into the Great Wall by "lure".

Then use the form of "containment" to slowly gather troops and horses, and then wipe them out.

In this way, the Huns would lose a group of men and horses every time they looted, and even if there were occasional cases of successful escape, it was very rare.

Therefore, the frontier soldiers are already very familiar with this set of tactics, and they are very handy to use (Zhao Hao).

But Bai Hei saw the weakness of this strategy at a glance:

【‘First of all, whether it is containment or enticement, the materials and money spent in this are probably not a few. ’]

['In other words, for every 100 Xiongnu people eliminated, it would cost nearly 200 people's food supplies, or even more. ’]

[‘Secondly, for a long time, the Xiongnu must have seen through this method of warfare, and if they continue to use it, I am afraid it will become a breakthrough for the Xiongnu to cross the Great Wall. "l

After Ying Yinman conveyed Bai Hei's words, Meng Tian and Meng Yi immediately fell into silence.

Because what Baihei said, every sentence is true!

However, since this method of tactics is relatively effective, they have been reluctant to abandon it.

In fact, just a few years ago, it was also in the last battle with the Huns.

It was the little prince who led 10,000 Xiongnu cavalry to loot, and then Meng Tian personally commanded it. It was still the old way.

But after the 10,000 horses rushed into the Great Wall, the situation suddenly went out of control!

Under the leadership of the little prince, the 10,000 Huns were extremely heroic.

It quickly broke through Meng Tian's first encirclement, and then fought with the second encirclement led by Meng Yi.

Although he fought a bloody battle in the end, the little prince was forced to retreat from the city.

But the loss at the border is also enormous.

As the first line of defense was breached, a large number of farmlands were destroyed and many innocent people were killed.

Most importantly, the little prince of the Xiongnu walked out of the Great Wall alive!

He saw with his own eyes the fortifications and the topography of the Great Wall!

"What kind of tactics do we think, Lord Rui Beast, should we use?"

Meng Yi's question was somewhat unconvincing.

Although what Baihei invented surprised and even amazed him, it did not represent his affirmation of Baihei's ability to lead soldiers.

['It's very simple, since the enemy has seen through our tactics, then the old method will be calculated. The Xiongnu fought to the death and beat them to the ground!']

Ying Yinman's voice just fell.

A messenger rushed into the tent in a hurry: "Report to the general, a group of cavalry from the Xiongnu is slowly approaching outside the city!"

It seems that border defense is tight!

The enemy attack is coming.

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