I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 131 With such an artifact, why worry about the immortality of the Huns?

"I don't know what happened to Master Fusu and Lord Rui Beast?"

Meng Tian looked at Bai Hei, who was sitting on a chair like a human, and was secretly surprised.

If only Fu Su came, he would not be surprised.

Fusu originally guarded the border with himself, but was transferred back by the first emperor later.

It is not unusual to go now and not return.

It's just that if he came with this auspicious beast, Meng Tian wouldn't believe it if he said it was all right.

"General Meng, I am here to conquer the Huns. 35

As soon as she saw Meng Tian, ​​Fusu felt extra cordial and naturally spoke more.

Furthermore, even though Xiao Rui Beast is the Great General of the Northern Expedition this time.

But it is much more inconvenient to speak.

Therefore, he took the initiative to explain to Meng Tian.

"Conquering the Huns?"

Meng Tian was stunned for a moment, then looked at Bai Zhu with a puzzled expression.

What does the subjugation of the Huns have to do with this black and white dumpling?


Bowing his hands to Fusu, Meng Tian pointed his finger outside the pass: "Now the Huns are in the limelight, it's really not suitable for them to go out to fight!

"Besides... I haven't received any orders from the imperial court yet, so this..."

Even if it is Fusu, without the first emperor's order, it will not work!

These are the generals and soldiers of Da Qin!

As long as the First Emperor is still around, there will never be any major problems in Daqin!

"In this expedition against the Xiongnu, the order of the father emperor is to use Mr. Rui Beast as the general to conquer the North, and the soldiers, horses, and court officials of the imperial court will all obey the restraint!"5

Seeing that Meng Tian didn't believe it, he was afraid to annoy Bai Zhu.

Fusu immediately explained aloud.

It's okay not to explain. With this explanation, the wine glass that Meng Tian raised to his mouth was completely suspended in the air.

The Great General of Zhengbei was just a title, so it was nothing unusual.

But the phrase "the court soldiers, horses and courtiers all obey the restraint" really surprised Meng Tian.

It stands to reason that the Montessori family has received the incomparable trust of the First Emperor.

Not only were the two brothers guarding the borders, but even their old divisions were promoted to various places.

But even so, the first emperor still left the blood relatives of the Meng family in Xianyang.

Of course, this is not to worry about the Montessori brothers.

It's just that in the view of the first emperor, everything is planned for a rainy day.

But looking at the black and white dumplings in front of him, Meng Tian felt a little breathless.

To make the suspicious Shi Emperor completely trust this black and white dumpling, I really don't know what this guy is capable of?

Seemingly feeling the shock in Meng Tian's heart, Fusu quickly pointed to the bottom of Meng Tian's buttocks: "Master Rui Beast is very capable. Look, what you are sitting on now is the invention of Master Rui Beast."

11 It wasn't until Fusu gave a sound to remind him that Meng Tian subconsciously looked under his buttocks.

This object is crafted from red silk sandalwood.

When he came just now, because of his anger, he didn't notice these details.

Just like everyone else, habitually sat down.

But after Fu Su Yi said, he stood up and carefully observed the object in front of him.

"Dare to ask Master Fusu, what is the name of this thing?


Looking at Meng Tian's shocked look.

Fusu calmly drank a cup of wine.

At first, when the chair was first born, he was so surprised and curious.

"This thing... is extremely convenient!"

As a general who controls an army of 300,000 people all year round, what Meng Tian considers is not comfort, but practicality.

Compared with the previous sitting on the ground, the invention of this "chair" is simply the gospel of these generals.

Because it was relatively cold at the border, and they often needed to review a large number of military books.

As a result, they had to stay at the desk all the time.

And sitting on the ground for a long time will cause a very serious problem - nowhere to put your legs.

No matter where you put your legs, you will feel sore and numb over time.

But this small object in front of him can easily alleviate this matter.

The whole person sits on the chair, as long as the legs hang down naturally.

Not to mention sitting all morning, even if you sit for a whole day, you will not feel any discomfort!

"Wonderful! It's really wonderful!

Meng Tian couldn't help but praise again and again.

"Yes, Lord Rui Beast is indeed the lucky star who blesses Da Qin!"

Tian Si, who was on the side, responded immediately.

As for this chair, when he was just removed from the mechanism beast, he was surprised that he couldn't move his eyes.

It wasn't until Fusu explained it to himself that he was amazed and delighted at Lord Rui Beast's whimsy.

"Then this... is also Master Rui Beast's masterpiece?"

Looking at the bubbling hot pot soup in front of him, Meng Tian asked suspiciously.

"Yes, this is another invention of Lord Rui Beast - hot pot."

"You can try it.

After speaking, Fusu took a piece of fresh meat and put it in the pot to rinse it, and then sent it to Meng Tian's bowl.

Originally, the food habits of the Qin Dynasty were divided.

But under the influence of white and black, the officials of Jingyang Mansion, large and small, gradually got used to eating at the same table.

Among them, Fu Su, who had been in Jingyang Mansion for a long time, was also included.

Since it was Fusu's intention, Meng Tian naturally had no reason to refuse.

He quickly swallowed the meat in the bowl.


Since the meat was just out of the pot, it was still full of heat.

So Meng Tian couldn't help but swallow it while exhaling.

Soon, a smell of meat along with the taste of the hot pot base gradually spread in his abdomen.

The heat of things and the spiciness of the soup base instantly lifted Meng Tian's spirit!


“It was so cool!”

Meng Tian was talking, and his mouth was still steaming hot.

"If this way of eating can be extended to the entire army, typhoid fever will be greatly reduced in the future!

For the first time, Meng Tian was not indulging in the deliciousness of hot pot.

Instead, he thought of his role - to drive away the cold.

Jiuyuan County is already the location very north of Daqin.

Especially at the moment, it is extremely cold and extremely cold.

Especially at the border, there are few trees around.

The soldiers guarding the city could only stand guard against the cold wind at the top of the city.

Every time the cold wind passes, many people will fall ill.

But if you eat this way, the calories of the food will be preserved to the greatest extent!

Think about it, when the soldiers were sitting on the front of the city blowing the icy cold wind, but they could eat such a hot pot!

Just thinking about it, Meng Tian felt excited!

"Meng Tian thanked the 300,000 soldiers at the border, Lord Rui Beast!

Excited, Meng Tian stood up and bowed to Bai Hei.

Love soldiers like sons, this is another major characteristic of Meng Tian.

Eat the same table, wear the same clothes, sleep together!

"Cuckoo - (you're welcome!) 99

Facing Meng Tian's solemn thanks, Bai Hei waved his hand indifferently.

The hot pot was invented just because it was delicious, as for the soldiers at the border... at most an additional attribute?

Just when Fusu was moved by Meng Tian's love for soldiers like a son.

On the other side, an untimely, continuous chewing sound came.

Turning to look, it was actually Tian Si, the governor of Jiuyuan County.

When Meng Tian was thanking the 300,000 soldiers, he secretly rubbed one bite after another!

"Cough cough! Lord Tian!"

As a colleague who is also guarding the border, Meng Tian immediately reminded in a low voice: "Young Master Fusu and Lord Ruiwu are both here, can you be careful?

Only at this moment did Tian Si suddenly realize that the eyes of the people at the table were all focused on her?

"Hey, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

Angrily, she put down the chopsticks in her hand, but Tian Si's eyes were still reluctant to stare at the hot pot in front of her.

To be honest, today's gaffe really doesn't blame him.

The hot pot is really delicious!

If you don't eat quickly, you are still there, you worship me, I worship you, I can't bear it!

"Sir Rui Beast's invention has really benefited the soldiers and soldiers of the entire border, and I am truly grateful. 95

In order to ease the awkward atmosphere caused by Tian Si, Meng Tian had to bow to Bai Hei again.

"Okay, okay, let's discuss now how to conquer the Huns. 35

Fusu also immediately cooperated and played a roundabout.

"Master, if there is no order from Your Majesty, I am afraid that it will be difficult for you to obey.

Even if Baihei is the protector of the country and the auspicious beast proclaimed by the first emperor; even if Fusu is the eldest son of the first emperor, he is the future emperor of the entire Daqin Empire;


Without the imperial decree of the first emperor, it is impossible!

Such a straightforward and decisive refusal made Fusu unable to help but secretly look at Bai Zhu.

It doesn't matter to me, after all, Meng Tian has a very good relationship with me.

But you can not care, it does not mean that white and black do not care!

As the general of the expedition to the north, he was decisively rejected by the guard as soon as he arrived at the border.

If it were a narrow-minded one, would that be okay?

But looking at the white and black in front of him, he still seems to be nothing, oh no, eating hot pot like a bear.

He didn't seem to care about Meng Tian's offensive words.

After all, the imperial messenger will be there soon.

Sure enough, the next moment, the messenger broke into the county governor's mansion with the imperial decree.

"The first emperor ordered: General Meng Tian, ​​and Tian Si, the governor of Jiuyuan County, led the army and civilians of Jiuyuan County and 300,000 troops and horses at the border gates, and they were dispatched by the Great General Ruiwu to conquer the Xiongnu!"


Meng Tian was shocked.

As a border guard, he knows the weight of the words "Let's be dispatched"!

In the past, no matter who the master will be, only the word "cooperation" will be used in the orders of the imperial court.

To put it bluntly, you just have to do your duty.

This prevented a situation where the chief of the army would rebel, and the prefects of the county would be kept in the dark.

But if it were replaced with the words "to be dispatched", the meaning would be very different!

Even if Bai Zhu wanted to rebel, as long as they didn't directly attack the First Emperor, they would have to follow!

"The minister leads the order.

"The minister leads the order.

Soon, Meng Tian and Tian Si took over the imperial edict.

I saw the words "Conquering the Huns" written in black and white. Meng Tian didn't say anything at this moment.

It seems that it is indeed His Majesty's will!

So, he immediately turned around and bowed to Bai Hei again: "But it is sent by the general!"

"Me too!"

Tian Si was not far behind.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Lord Baihei is now a popular man beside His Majesty, so why not flatter him?

[‘That’s all, just sit down quickly. ’

[‘The most important thing now is to come up with a way to attack the Xiongnu. Meng Tian and the Xiongnu have played against each other the most. You should say it first. l

Under the communication of Ying Yinman, Meng Tian immediately expressed his own opinion: "The strength of the Xiongnu lies in riding and shooting, and the horsemanship is not as good as our soldiers.

Having fought against the Huns for many years at the border, Meng Tian knew the strengths and weaknesses of the Huns.

But for this, White and Black sneered.

Just kidding, bow horse skill?

Are you better than Da Qin Ruishi?

Are you better than the Xuanjia Army?

Are you better than the golden fire cavalry?

No matter how bad it is, even the newly formed Daqin 70,000 iron cavalry, with the addition of "three treasures of cavalry" and two "imperial characteristics", is definitely not inferior to the most elite riders of the Xiongnu!

【'go on'】

But right now, since the 150,000 cavalry hadn't arrived, it was useless to say anything.

I can only listen to what Meng Tian can do.

"The weakness of the Huns is their vision."

"The Xiongnu's short-sightedness has a long history, and they have never considered long-term development.""

"Once there is a natural disaster, the Central Plains will be plundered. 35

"So, my suggestion is to take advantage of the extremely cold weather this year to draw out the main force of the Huns, and then wipe them out.

"In this way, I can alleviate the problem for at least ten years by facing the northern border!"

I have to say, Meng Tian's plan is good.

Destroying the living force of the enemy is indeed a way of suspending the frontier.

But what Baihei pursues is far more than ten years of peace.

This time on the expedition, he not only had to endure the bitter cold wind in Jiuyuan County, but also had to be crowded with hundreds of thousands of rough men!

['If the scourge of the Huns cannot be eliminated once and for all this time, what did Lao Zhao send me to do?']

Through Ying Yinman's mouth to convey to everyone, the white and black words made all the pretty boys on the table fall into silence.

Good guy, Li Mu doesn't have your cow!

The Xiongnu border troubles have plagued the Chinese nation for hundreds of years. Do you actually want to get rid of it once and for all?

Not to mention Meng Tian, ​​a side general who was originally stationed at the border.

Even Fusu, who always bowed his head to Baihei, silently lowered his head at this moment!

To solve the Huns once and for all, he is not without this idea.

It has even been done several times!

But it was in a dream!

If the frontier problems of the Xiongnu can be completely resolved, then the imperial court will be able to free up its hands and concentrate on dealing with Baiyue and Xiqiang.

In this way, the four neighbors will surrender, and the Qin Dynasty will not be far away!

But this is just thinking.

It is easier said than done to completely eliminate the frontier problems of the Xiongnu!

[‘You are right, our main target this time is the main force of the Huns. ’]

Baihei pointed to the outside of the pass: ['The Huns' young and middle-aged population is now only more than 600,000. As long as we seek a decisive battle and then slowly nibble away, we will be able to annihilate them in one fell swoop!'l

Although I don't know why Baihei has such an accurate grasp of the population of the Huns.

But after hearing what he said, Meng Tian still sighed deeply: "Lord Rui Beast doesn't know anything, although the Xiongnu was short-lived, 727 was extremely cunning.

"We've played against them a few times before, and we've had a lot of big wins.

"But after every major victory, they would escape far into the grasslands, and even hide in the extremely cold land (Eastern Siberia)! 35

"In that case, in the vast grasslands, how can we find their shadows?

What Meng Tian said was right.

Although the Huns have bad brains, due to historical inheritance, the strategy of depth is really understood by them.

Once they suffered any setbacks in the Central Plains, they immediately fled.

When the sky was clear and the rain stopped, they came out again and continued to loot.

Speaking of this, everyone present, including Tian Yu, will all smile.

"General Meng has been thinking too much, this time, it's easy for us to find them!"

The person who said this was Tian Si.

If it was someone else, Meng Tian could still understand.

But Tian Si followed him to find the Xiongnu on the prairie.

He also suffered a lot from it, how dare he say that today?

"Master Tian's remarks are probably a bit arrogant!

As his face sank, Meng Tian wanted to scold.

It's okay if others don't understand, and your border guard is also joking?

"General Meng has thought too much, and what I said below is just a fact.

In the past, Tian Si would not have dared to challenge this general with an army of 300,000 troops.

But today, he has this confidence!

"Humph! Then I would like to hear what the Tian County Governor has to say? 35

Meng Tian's face was still not good-looking.

Tian Si didn't care, just pointed in the direction of the city head: "I wonder if General Meng still remembers what happened to Jiuyuan County?"

After Tian Si's reminder, Meng Tian suddenly remembered.

When he first came to Jiuyuan County, he heard a message from the messenger.

It is said that a lot of people suddenly appeared in the sky above Jiuyuan County, riding on birds, and landed on the top of the city.

At that time, I scoffed at this "fantasy" statement.

He even thought that this was a trick of the Huns, and once led 3,000 troops to come to support!

But later, because he saw Fusu and Rui beast, he completely forgot about it.


Wait a moment!

Could it be that what Tian Si said was the report?

Seeing Meng Tian's face change, and knowing that he remembered this, Fusu nodded: "General Meng is right."

"But...how can there be such a god in the world?

Meng Tian still couldn't believe it.

It's like explaining the principles of mobile phones and computers to people in the Qing Dynasty. If they didn't see it with their own eyes, they wouldn't believe it.

"I don't blame General Meng for this. If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe that there really is such a divine beast that can fly and carry people, and it can also breathe fire."

Tian Si took a sip of wine and seemed to recall the scene at that time.

"Can fly, carry people, and breathe fire?"

Meng Tian immediately put down the wine glass in his hand.

If this flying device really has the ability to attack, then the strategic significance will be very different!

"Tian Junshou's words are true? 99

"I can prove it!"

Ying Yinman on the side interjected enthusiastically.

"Take me to see it!"

Meng Tian immediately threw away the chopsticks in his hand and grabbed Tian Si excitedly.

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