I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 130 The Great General of the North? Can't you do it?

All the soldiers and horses of the imperial court listen to the movements of the auspicious beasts, and all the courtiers, all obey the auspicious beasts' restraint!

This sentence really shocked everyone in the courtroom.

Let this order be uttered in the mouth of the first emperor,

Afraid that there is only one Rui Beast in the whole world, right?

Last time, even Wang Jian's army of 600,000 set out.

The first emperor did not say that all soldiers and horses and all courtiers in the court should obey the words of moderation!

You know, say this word out.

Once the auspicious beast wants to rebel, it is as easy as the palm of your hand!

But what they didn't know was that what the First Emperor was worried about was not that the auspicious beast would rebel, but that the auspicious beast would not go!

He could not understand the joy of lying flat on white and black.

He also finds it hard to agree with Bai Hei's lying flat heart.

Well, since White and Black want to lie flat.

But for the sake of Daqin, I still have to force you to build meritorious deeds!

Sure enough, as the first emperor expected.

When Zhang Liang came to Jingyang County with the imperial decree of the first emperor.

As soon as Bai Hei heard that he was going to go to war, he immediately asked Xiao He to lead a group of people to beat Zhang Liang's rambunctious stick out of Jingyang County.

Man, I said I just want to lie flat!

As for the suppression of the rebellion in Dongjun, it was just to give Xiao He and Gao Chong a few points of nobility!

After all, you can't give nothing without doing a fight with yourself, right?

But he never imagined that the first emperor actually borrowed the donkey to go down the slope and let himself conquer the Xiongnu!


Absolutely impossible!

Just thinking about it made Bai Zhu feel terrified.

Fighting is killing people.

In order to fight against the Xiongnu, even if a soldier died in Jingyang County, it would not be worth it!

Thinking of white and black makes my heart hurt!

Therefore, he immediately drove Zhang Liang away.

He also asked Zhang Liang to bring back a sentence: "Hurry up and send the money and food spent on this expedition to Dongjun!

Don't always write empty checks!

When the disgraced Zhang Liang returned to Xianyang Palace.

The First Emperor couldn't help crying.

Good guy, in Daqin, those who dare to resist their own will,

This little auspicious beast is probably the first.

Sure enough, he just wanted to lie down!

The more this happened, the more Shi Huang felt that this war,

Must be black and white!

It is impossible to lay flat on your back.

The whole Daqin can't find the "727" lanterns!

Therefore, he immediately rejected Bai Hei's request: "No! You must fight! Otherwise, I will not give you the money and grain paid for the expedition of Dongjun! 99


"Totally rascal!

Bai Hei, who received the first emperor's order again, was furious.

Standing in the house and yelling.

This old Zhao is too pitiful, he has spent 12,000 points!

One thousand and two!

It wasn't from the wind!

He's too good to admit it!

Seeing the angry white and black in the hall, Xiao He wanted to laugh for no reason.

I have to say that Bai Zhu and Shi Huangdi are really interesting.

On the one hand, Shi Huang endowed Bai and Hei with unlimited power, a condition that made others coveted and even fascinated.

But in contrast, Bai Hei didn't care, and just wanted to lie down.

The most interesting thing is that Shi Huangdi, who has always been serious, will only show his sleazy childish character when facing white and black.

And Bai Hei is only so attentive to Shi Huang's affairs every time.

"These two are really interesting..."

Xiao He smiled bitterly.

Seeing Bai Zhu walking around in front of him, he was very angry.

Although he didn't know what Baihei lost.

But he still pondered for a while, then slowly stepped forward and said: "Lord Rui Beast.

However, he didn't wait for him to speak.

Baihei threw the imperial edict at his feet at once: "Gugu!

"Cuckoo! 99


【‘Look at what Lao Zhao did, is it a human thing?’】

【‘Pandas are not so rude! 7J

【‘Huan Shi Huang, I think he is cheating on the emperor!”l

【‘It’s definitely impossible to lie flat, it makes me feel sick just thinking about it!】

['Disgusting, it's just disgusting!']

Looking at the white and black spittle flying in front of him, his chest heaved due to anger.

The fluff fell together under the breeze, which was extremely interesting.

Xiao He couldn't help but burst out laughing.

White and black stupid.

It's better for him to be indignant here, and he actually laughed?

"Cuckoo-(what are you laughing at?)"

Seeing Bai Hei's questioning eyes, Xiao He immediately said sternly: "I suddenly remembered something happy.

Bai Zhu was stunned for a moment: ['What, your wife gave birth to a child?'l

Of course, without Ying Yinman's translation, Xiao He would definitely not understand.

So a farce, let it go.

As for the subjugation of the Xiongnu, Bai Hei still agreed.

But this time, Bai Hei decided to slaughter the First Emperor!

To this end, he also specially put forward a bunch of conditions for conquering the Huns!

[Article 1: As we said before, for the construction of the road, the profit should be 155%, half of the white and black, half of the first emperor! 】

[Article 2: All grains and coins must be transported to Jingyang County before the war! Don’t leave until the money and grains are reached! 】

[Article 3: The Five Tiger Generals and the Twelve Tiger Ministers are all transported to Jingyang County! 】

[Article 4: 2,000 Great Qin Rui Shi, 8,000 Backpackers, 30,000 Golden Fire Cavalry, 30,000 Mysterious Armored Heavy Cavalry, 70,000 Great Qin Iron Cavalry plus 300,000 Great Qin Infantry! 】

[Article 5: If the war is won, every general who participates in the battle will be promoted to two ranks! No head count! Every soldier who participates in the battle will be rewarded! 】

Humph! Don't you want me to go to the Huns?

Then I will empty you out!

While rubbing secretly on the paper, he wrote the Daqin elites he could think of, while Bai Hei thought fiercely.

In his opinion, the first emperor forced himself to go out for nothing more than because he thought he could win the battle.

So as long as your price is big enough, you won't be afraid to scare him!

Almost all the special forces and powerful generals that can be written on are written.

Bai Hei was satisfied and handed the "conditions" in front of him to Zhang Liang.

Lao Zhao, it's not that I won't help you, it's just that if you can't do these things.

Then it's hard for me to do that too!

After all, people in a county are waiting for me to serve them!

But what Bai Hei never expected was.

The first emperor saw these that Zhang Liang brought back.

After the so-called "conditions" of Bai Zhi, he just smiled slightly, and then waved his hand without hesitation.


This time, when Zhang Liang brought the imperial edict to Jingyang Mansion again.

Black and white are completely stupid.

He read over and over again those conditions of his own.

It doesn't seem to be spelled wrong?

But how could he agree?

This time, Bai Zhu can be said to be difficult to ride a tiger.

Promise it, going to the Huns is too tiring.

If you don't agree, the conditions have been opened, and people have agreed.

Temporary repentance is really unreasonable.

I thought about the points I spent in order to conquer the East County.

Black and white, done!

Isn't it the Huns?

Went out!

Anyway, this is a once and for all thing.

Otherwise, one day they will harass Daqin again, and it will be difficult for him to lie down at ease.

Simply, taking advantage of the reimbursement this time, it will be wiped out!

Just do it!

Since he decided to conquer the Xiongnu, Baihei took the lead in giving orders to Gao Chong and others far away in Dongjun.

Use the two Vermillion Birds that they returned to announce the good news, and inform them to rush back to Jingyang Mansion immediately!

On the other side, the first emperor, who learned that Baihei received the imperial decree, did not mention how happy he was.

In the same night, the Five Tiger Generals and the Twelve Tiger Officials were called together, and they were all packed and sent to Jingyang Mansion.

Immediately afterwards, there was a paper after paper order.

Constantly flying out from the Xianyang Palace.

Eight thousand Beiwei Army, thirty thousand fire cavalry, thirty thousand Xuanjia army, seventy thousand iron cavalry newly formed by Daqin...

All start from all over the place.

Then rush to Jingyang Mansion neatly!

As for the 300,000 Qin infantrymen that Bai Hei said.

It just so happened that Meng Tian was now on the edge of the Great Wall in the Hetao area, and there were just 300,000 troops.

And this 300,000 army can be said to have experienced hundreds of battles.

At the border, they fought several battles with the Huns.

Just enough for black and white.

So, in the same night, the first emperor ordered people to go to the Hetao area to spread the message.

Order Meng Tian, ​​as long as the white and black army arrives, he must do his best to obey the white and black orders!

In just a few days, the entire Daqin moved!

Starting from the border, and then to Xianyang.

Every Great Qin Infantry is ready to fight!

Seven days later, Jingyang Mansion.

Almost all the troops deployed by the First Emperor arrived at Jingyang.

Except for the 300,000 infantry led by Meng Tian who were on standby at the border.

Gao Chong and Li Xin, who were far away in Dong County, and the two thousand Qin Ruishis all returned to Jingyang Mansion.

when they come back.

At this moment, Jingyang County has long been different from what it used to be.

Not only did the county remove the county and set up the government, but the specific decree was comparable to a country within a country!

In addition, the fierce generals they encountered in the competition have now all gathered in Jingyang!


Yuwen Chengdu, Xiang Yu, Ying Bu, Peng Yue, Meng Tian!

Twelve Tigers!

Fan Kuai, Lu Wan, Guan Ying, Xia Houying, Zhou Bo, Cao Can, Long Qie, Zhong Limei, Ji Bu, Zhang Han, Wang Li, Xin Sheng!

In addition, there are Zhang Liang, Han Xin, and Xiao He as the conspirators!

As for Fusu and Huhai, at the strong request of the First Emperor,

White and Black still took them.

As for Li Xin, he stayed at Jingyang Mansion in case of emergencies.

In terms of civil servants and military generals, this lineup can be called luxurious.

As for the soldiers, it is no less.

The first to bear the brunt is the elite of Daqin!

Great Qin Ruishi 2,000 people!

Equipped with 2,000 Suzaku, a super-organic beast, it can be used as a highly mobile surprise soldier on the battlefield!

It can even carry out coordinated land and air operations!

In addition, there are 8,000 Beiwei Army;

Thirty thousand golden fire cavalry;

30,000 Mysterious Armored Heavy Cavalry;

70,000 Great Qin Cavalry;

Coupled with the imperial characteristics of "Blade Cavalry" and "Soldier Speed"


Daqin's army is bound to be invincible!

In addition, White and Black also has a secret army——

Panda Ruijun!

Affected by the "Panda Land", the Panda Rui Army has already had 2,000 pandas!

Coupled with the Zhuge crossbows in their hands, even if the front is hard steel, the Huns have to retreat!

Here, the Xiongnu should be glad that there are no rivers and seas around them.

Otherwise, according to the manufacturing method of Daming treasure ships, Daqin will soon be able to build a modern army with combined sea, land and air operations!

This kind of military appearance is not too strong!

This kind of military might is nothing short of prosperous!

"Cuckoo - (Go!)"

With Bai Hei's order, nearly 150,000 cavalrymen immediately set off from Jingyang Mansion and rushed towards the border.

Before the 150,000 cavalry arrived at the border gate, Bai Zhi and his three daughters boarded the Suzaku Organ Beast.

In addition to Xiao He, Gao Chong and the two thousand great Qin Ruishis,

All the way to the border!

What? You ask why you have to bring Ying Yinman three daughters when you go to war?

Haven't you heard of the Furong tent to warm the spring night?

Fighting and killing things, just leave it to the subordinates to do it.

As for white and black, it is best to lie flat in the military tent honestly!

In this era, the border between the Qin Dynasty and the Xiongnu was mainly concentrated in the Yinshan area.

The nearest county is Jiuyuan county.

Meng Tian's army of 300,000 was also stationed around the Great Wall of Jiuyuan County.

The distance between Jiuyuan County and Jingyang Prefecture is much farther than that of Dong County.

Therefore, even if Bai Hei and the others took the tactical beast Xuanniao, it took seven full days before they arrived in Jiuyuan County.

Of course, the three beauties spent a lot of time along the way.

Along the way, as long as you see beautiful scenery or flowers and plants.

They must go down to the beast, and then play around,

It wasn't until the fun was over that he returned to the organ beast.

While resting, I walked slowly.

Since it will take some time for the 150,000 cavalry to reach the border,

Therefore, Bai Hei was not in a hurry, and followed the three girls along the way, and it took seven full days to reach Jiuyuan County.

When they arrived at Jiuyuan County, the 150,000 cavalrymen were still halfway there!

Even, at this time, the first emperor's order has not arrived in Jiuyuan County!

Therefore, for Meng Tian, ​​who was guarding in Jiuyuan County, the more than 2,000 people who descended from the sky were like demons, which completely scared them!

"General Meng! General Meng!

"Oh no!"

Looking at the soldiers who rushed in in a hurry,

Meng Tian frowned slightly: "What's the panic? 99

This person has followed him for four or five years.

If it wasn't a big deal, I wouldn't be so panicked.

Could it be that the Huns crossed the Great Wall and attacked the Hetao area?

"Jiuyuan County! It's Jiuyuan County!"

The soldier said out of breath.

"The governor of Jiuyuan County heard news that thousands of people and horses descended from the sky and landed directly on the city head of Jiuyuan County! 39

Hearing what the soldiers said, Meng Tian suddenly became annoyed: "Nonsense!

"How can a good person fall from the sky and directly fall to the top of the city?"

"General... Jun, it's true, it's the news sent by the Jiuyuan County Governor himself!"

Meng Tian frowned, if it was the news sent by the Jiuyuan County Governor himself.

That shouldn't be fake.

But how can good people fall from the sky?

Could it be that they can't fly?

"You hurry up and reply to the Jiuyuan County Governor, Ben will personally lead someone to support him, so that he will take some time!

It turned out that although Meng Tian's 300,000 troops were stationed in Jiuyuan County.

But not in the city of Jiuyuan County.

After all, it would not be easy for Jiuyuan County to arrange an army of 300,000 people.

Therefore, Meng Tian arranged the 300,000 people along the Great Wall one by one and placed them at the border of Jiuyuan County.

After learning of the accident in Jiuyuan County, Meng Tian immediately mobilized 3,000 cavalry to go to Jiuyuan County in person.

He ordered his younger brother Meng Yi to lead the army to stay at the border.

After all, the matter in Jiuyuan County is still unknown, and once the army is recklessly moved, the consequences will be disastrous.

So Meng Tian planned to lead someone to see it first, and then send someone to notify his younger brother Meng Yi to lead an army to rescue when something really went wrong.

The border is not far from the city of Jiuyuan County, only half an hour later.

Meng Tian and his 3,000 cavalry arrived under the city of Jiuyuan County.

"I am Meng Tian, ​​General of the Five Tigers, and quickly open the city gate.

After confirming Meng Tian's identity, the soldier guarding the door immediately opened the door and let him go.

After all, Meng Tian has been operating at the border for many years.

Even with an army of 300,000 people, few people have really never seen him.

So, very smoothly, he immediately entered the city.

However, there was neither the imagined fighting nor the soldiers and horses of foreign races in the city.

Even the imagined confrontation did not appear.

This can't help but Meng Tian is very strange.

However, if it was a plan from an alien race, he saw that the guards and guards on the city wall were familiar to him.

According to their temperament, even if they die, it is impossible to help the aliens to frame themselves.

So, he didn't ask too much, as long as he got to the county governor's house, everything would come to light!

In order to prevent accidents, he left two thousand cavalry at the 2.2 city gate.

He himself went straight to the county governor with a thousand troops.

When he came to the outside of the county governor's mansion, he could hear the chatter in the mansion and the sound of cups being exchanged from far away.

Meng Tian's face suddenly sank.

Man, it turned out to be fake news!

This Jiuyuan County Governor is really crazy!

"Tian Si, you are so brave!"

After striding into the county governor's mansion, Meng Tian asked.

But the next moment, he saw a familiar face at the wine table.

The whole person suddenly froze in place.

"Young Master Fusu?"

"General Meng, long time no see."

Fusu raised the wine glass in his hand.

Glancing at everyone present, Meng Tian quickly saw another figure.

Fat black and white dumplings!

Rui Beast White and Black!

"Lord Rui Beast."

Meng Tian immediately bowed.

"Gugu-(don't be too polite, just sit down and eat.)"

White and Black waved his hand generously.

Not bad, this Meng Tian is quite capable, and he came quite fast.

It seems that these 300,000 border foot soldiers can still be used under his training.

"General Meng, I haven't had time to explain to you."

Seeing that Meng Tian finally sat down quietly, Tian Si, the governor of Jiuyuan County, explained: "Actually, those people are Lord Fusu and Ruiwu."

"It's just that it's too shocking because of the order of the mechanical beast they are riding.

"That's why this alerted the border and General Meng.

"Tian Mou is here to make amends for the general.

After speaking, Tian Si raised a glass of wine.

"That's not necessary."

Meng Tian looked at the strangely shaped "ding" in front of him.

The water inside was still bubbling "gudugudu".

The people sitting didn't know what it was.

He has been stationed at the border for many years, and he has not returned to Xianyang very much except for a competition back a few days ago.

It seems that Lord Rui Beast has made a lot of little inventions these days.

Regarding Bai Hei's ability, even they who are far away from the border have already heard about it!

Now, although he has seen it with his own eyes, Meng Tian is surprised,

But it's not too unusual.

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