I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 113 Exchange the secret recipe for 'potato wine'! Mythical wine factory!


Through the communication of Ying Yinman.

When Xiao He, the governor of Jingyang County, knew Bai Hei's thoughts, the whole person was stunned for a moment, as if he doubted whether he heard it wrong before.

Wine, no matter what the age, is a good thing to add to the fun.

Even in the eyes of some heroes, its importance is higher than beauties and delicious food.

"This... doesn't seem right?"9

Xiao He said hesitantly.

Don't you see, a friend came from afar to entertain!

Don't you see, the emperor's banquet will be accompanied by imperial wine!

On the eve of the war, we must practice it with wine; when we return from the war, we must celebrate with wine!

Poor people and local wine, rich and famous people drink fine wine!

The strangers drink, even the deceased ancestors drink!

Wine is the common thing of the Qin people and even the remnants of the six kingdoms. Like salt, it is indispensable!

Take care.

It is not difficult to make a profit by brewing wine. After all, wine is also a popular product and can be loved by the majority of the people. However, the most difficult problem is that it is clearly written in the "Qin Law", which prohibits surplus grain. Brewing, sell at a profit!

"What's wrong?"

Ying Yinman said with some doubts.

As the Great Qin Princess, she naturally has some privileges.

Although not all circumstances can be forgiven, but there are some small problems, and no Qin officials who are not long-sighted will come to ask for trouble, it is purely to make themselves uncomfortable.

Qin's laws were strict, and Qin officials were old-fashioned.

This is an accepted fact.

However, Qin Shi Huang Ying Zheng was an existence above Qin law.

"Princess Yinman, brewing wine privately is a violation of Qin law."

"There should be no problem, Jingyang County is the territory of Xiaorui beast, and the father has said that everything in Jingyang County is under the control of Xiaorui beast, whether it is recruiting soldiers or brewing, there should be no restrictions. ?"


Ying Yinman's Versailles speech.

It made Xiao He suddenly silent, he didn't think about this at all.

As a good county governor who abides by the law, he naturally does not have the privileges of white and black and Ying Yinman. Once Qin law is violated, even if he is the status of Jingyang county governor, he will not be able to escape punishment.

replaced by ordinary people.

In the case of knowing that brewing will violate Qin law, the idea of ​​brewing will be dispelled directly.

Don't even dare to think about it.

However, this has no limiting effect on white and black.

The entire Jingyang County is his own fief, and even Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng said that apart from rebelling, he can do whatever he wants, do whatever he wants, not to mention a mere ban on winemaking.

[‘The decree is like a mountain, of course it cannot be easily changed. ’]

['But the decree is also made for the emperor and the country. If the national conditions change, the decree should be changed! l

[‘Now in 717 Yang County, Jing, the planting of potatoes is already mature and the yield is gratifying. l

['In the past, the monarchs of the Qin state made the prohibition of alcohol in order to enter the Kanto region, at least in Jingyang County, which is no longer suitable. ’]


Baihei shook his head and thought silently in his heart.

With the large-scale expansion of 'potatoes', the food and forage that troubled the marching and fighting in the past have become less and less a problem now.

The biggest problem nowadays is how to grab more money.

To ensure the development of Jingyang County.

Guarantee Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng's "educational project"!

Baihei has enough reasons to believe that Qin Shihuang would agree to his winemaking plan, and even make reasonable changes to the prohibition order because of this!


In the system mall, there are many top brewing technologies.

What Xifeng wine, what Maotai, what Fenjiu......

Every winemaking technique is extremely mature!

In the past, even a skilled winemaker, the output ratio of food and wine could barely reach 5:1!

And the winemaking skills in the system reward are almost all at the level of 3:1.

What's more, it can reach the half level!

The food saved in this is an astronomical amount!

"Really—isn't there a problem?"

"According to the Qin law, brewing can only be made for celebrations, sacrifices, etc., and making profits by brewing it is a violation of the law! If the great Qin Xungui follows this, how can Your Majesty ban them?"

"I'm afraid, the situation will get out of hand by then.

Xiao He said with concern.

With the privilege of 'Lord Rui Beast', he has no doubt that he can apply for the privilege of brewing.


Once this precedent is set, there is no guarantee that others will not rush to imitate it.

Moreover, brewing needs to consume grain, and grain is the foundation of the people, and it is the basis for maintaining the rule of the Qin Empire. If you want to make money through brewing, you will definitely consume a lot of grain.

It's good for just one Jingyang County, if it were the entire Great Qin Empire, it would definitely shake the foundation of the country.

Too much food is consumed, and once the people starve, they will rebel!

"Gu Gu Gu—— (Don't worry, it's just a small problem.)"

In this regard, White and Black are very open.

After all, he has advanced brewing technology in his hands, and it is just trivial to want to extract the best wine.

And food consumption is also very low.

What's more, there are so many countries around the Great Qin Empire.

With the current national strength of the Great Qin Emperor (bbcc) country, it is impossible to directly attack everywhere and occupy all the places. It is entirely possible to rely on the advantages of fine wine to exchange for resources in other places at extremely low prices.

Under this situation.

The national power of other countries is getting weaker and weaker.

And the national strength of the Qin Empire became stronger and stronger.

This is a feat for the benefit of the country and the people, so why can't it be done?

"Money, of course, is important, but Kechen feels that it is even more lacking in food!

"Even with potatoes, the consumption of brewing is still huge! There are only a few people who can control the consumption of grain to the limit! - Large-scale brewing, the consumption of grain is immeasurable!

"I am afraid that at that time, the world will fall into chaos again!"

Xiao He persuaded again.

Today, he lives in the position of Jingyang County Governor, which can be said to be bound to the fate of the Great Qin Empire.


He is also very concerned about the future of the Daqin Empire.

In terms of pure political ability, Xiao He and Xun Yu were both called "Wang Zuozhicai", and their political attributes were able to break through 100, and even Xiao He was slightly better.


It is normal for him to think so without knowing the advantages of top quality wine.

"Since Xiao Rui Beast has made such a decision, there must be a reason for him. There is no need for Xiaojun Shou to be so nervous. Ying Yinman persuaded, "When have you met, Xiao Rui Beast will do things that you are not sure about. ""

"That's true.

Xiao He thought about it.

It seems to be the same.

As the guardian auspicious beast of the Daqin Empire, what the auspicious beast did was for the benefit of the Daqin Empire.

So far, I haven't seen anything bad done by Lord Rui Beast.

"Open the system mall--"

Bai Zhu said silently in his heart.

Then, one after another information emerged in his mind.

[Host: White and Black]

[Lying flat points: 33000]

[Secret recipe of mulberry wine, fresh and mellow, sweet in the mouth, long aftertaste, need to lie flat points x500]

[Secret recipe of Xinfeng wine, green color, clear and pure, rich and mellow, need to lie flat points x500]

[The secret recipe of Tusu wine, to drive away cold and cowardice, prolong life, a must at home, need to lie flat points x500]

[Secret recipe of Fenjiu, clear and delicious, the aroma is condensed but not scattered, and the mouth is fragrant, you need to lie down and score x500]

[The secret recipe of Moutai, unique sauce fragrance, long-lasting fragrance, handed down excellent products, need to lie flat points x500]

【The secret recipe of Bamboo Leaf Green, the best in Fenjiu, the best in health care, the fragrance of wine is perfect, you need to lie flat points x1000】

[Zhenguo Moutai's secret recipe, the best in Moutai, rich in sauce, elegant and delicate, need to lie flat points x1000]


Behind each fine wine, the winemaking process is clearly written.

Including the ratio of food to wine produced!

Among the secret recipes of many top-level wines, Baihei kept scanning, and finally locked on to a special grain wine. Baihei did not pursue the direct brewing of the top-level wines of later generations, because many raw materials could not be found in this era.

Even if it is exchanged.

It is also useless, there is no way to brew.

In contrast, it is absolutely necessary to choose a secret wine recipe with many raw materials.

"Exchange the secret recipe.

to make

[Ding, the successful exchange of 'potato wine secret recipe' consumes lying flat points x500]

[Remaining flat points: 32500]


Accompanied by the deduction of lying flat points.

The secret recipe for brewing potato wine emerged directly in Bai Zhi's mind, and in his 'panda pocket', there was also a secret recipe out of thin air.

Any crops that contain starch and sugar can be used to make wine.

Starch includes various grains, such as rice, corn, wheat, glutinous rice, sorghum, sweet potato, cassava, potato...  

Sugars mainly include various fruits, such as pears, apples, bananas, and grapes.

Of course, flowers and tea can also be used to make wine!

[‘The process of making potato wine is not very difficult. ’]

[‘The first thing is to choose, choose no rot, no major mechanical damage, no sprouted potatoes as raw materials for brewing, and parts with mechanical damage or rot should be cut down and sprouted, and sprouted potatoes should not be used for brewing. 1

['The second is cleaning. There is a lot of mud on the potatoes that have just been dug out of the ground. It must be thoroughly cleaned, otherwise the brewed potato wine will have a heavy muddy smell. ’]

[‘The third step is to cook and beat the pulp, boil the potatoes, let them cool down to about 40 degrees, and mash the steamed potatoes into a puree while they are still hot. ’]

[‘The fourth step is to ferment the next koji. Cool the mashed potatoes to about 33 degrees, and add koji according to the ratio of 100 catties of potatoes to 0.5 catties of potato wine koji. ’]

[‘Mash potatoes are viscous and can be mixed with a proper amount of steamed rice for fermentation, which can increase the permeability of the fermentation process, improve the quality of wine, and increase the yield of wine. ’]

['The last step is to distill out the wine, ferment for about 15-20 days, open the wine jar, the fermented mixture has a strong wine aroma, no bubbles, the mash is completely still, and the fermentation is completed, and it can be distilled with winemaking equipment. J


Bai Hei kept thinking about the method of making potato wine in his mind.

Potatoes are rich in nutrients and are known as "underground apples" and "second bread". They are not only a high-yield crop, but also a food containing high-quality protein. Moreover, potatoes are low in fat and are a good raw material for brewing rice wine.

Potato wine is fragrant, pure and flawless, smooth in the mouth, full of coolness and endless aftertaste.

Even if it's not a good drinker.

Bai Hei also moved his index fingers, wanting to taste the taste of this fine wine.

[‘However, merely possessing technology is not enough. ’l

【‘After all, it takes a lot of time for a fine wine to be brewed, and the longer it settles, the more delicious it will be. 1

['I don't have time to wait for ten days and a half months. ’]

['So, we can only find a shortcut by laying flat points. ’]


There was a ray of light in the white and black eyes.

He doesn't have the temperament to wait for this process slowly, how could he do it slowly when he can take shortcuts.

Official opening.

most deadly.

"Open the system store.

Bai Hei said silently in his heart again.

What appeared this time was a bunch of content about the 'wine factory'.

[Host: White and Black]

[Lying flat points: 32500]

[Junior wine factory, speed up wine production by 50%, increase the 10-year vintage of fine wine, need to lie flat points x1000]

[Intermediate wine-making factories, speed up 100% wine production, increase the 30-year vintage of fine wine, need to lie flat points x3000]

[Advanced wine making factory, speed up wine making by 300%, increase the 50 years of wine, need to lie flat points x6000]

[Top wine-making factories, speed up wine production by 500%, increase the 100-year age of wine, need to lie flat points x10,000]

【Epic wine-making factory, speed up wine making by 800%, increase the 300-year age of fine wine, random appearance of fine wine of special quality (cell activation, revitalization, etc.), you need to lie flat points x30,000】

[Legendary wine-making factory, speed up 1000% wine production, increase the 1,000-year age of wine, and randomly appear special quality wine (prolong life, enhance physical fitness, etc.), need to lie flat points x50,000]

[Mythical wine factory, speed up wine production by 3000%, increase the 3000 years of wine, and randomly appear special quality wine (restore youth, give birth to internal gas, etc.), need to lie flat points x200,000]


A brewery that can speed up brewing.

One by one appeared in front of Bai Hei, and he was a little dazzled.

to be frank.

This effect is too strong, right?!

Although not all wines are aged, the taste is more mellow, but for top-quality wines, this is an iron fact, ordinary wines of ten years, even if they are old.

Such as 30 years, 50 years, 100 years, 300 years, and even 1000 years, 3000 years of wine.

Bai Zhi is a bit unimaginable.

It can be understood from the front, but the years that follow are really terrifying.

The longer it is stored, the more mellow the taste will be. The 3000-year-old wine, I don't know how much the taste can reach, I am afraid it can be comparable to the legendary 'Human Immortal Brew'.

Moreover, the more advanced the brewing factory, the special quality can be attached.

Cell activation and revitalization are trivial, and there may even be a situation like Lao Zhao, which directly restores youth.

To live a few more years.

No one would be stingy with such a small amount of money.

Of course, the price of the mythical wine factory is too high, white and black are absolutely unaffordable now, and it takes a full 200,000 (two hundred thousand) flat points, and it is not enough to sell yourself.

That being the case—

"I choose to exchange

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