I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 114 The 1 Class Wine Jingyang Wine, Delicious To Cry!

"Choose Exchange...Intermediate Liquor Factory!

[Ding, successfully redeemed for 'Intermediate Liquor Factory', consumption of lying flat points x3000]

[Remaining flat points × 29500]


With the deduction of lying flat points, Bai Zhu's "Panda Pocket" also added a building card.

It contains special energy that can instantly summon a building.

As long as the prepared potato wine is put into it and taken out from the other side, it will automatically receive the attribute bonus of this intermediate wine factory.

Jingyang County, the official winery.

This is a winery built by Xiao He under the instructions of Bai Hei.

At present, due to the initial construction, although it has begun to take shape, the overall scale is not large, and there are many open spaces around.

Pick a clean place.

Bai Zhu took out the building card from the "Panda Pocket".


Pinch lightly.

The building card instantly turned into a golden light, covering the vision of everyone around, making them unable to see the surrounding situation.

Until the golden light gradually dissipated, a seemingly ordinary building appeared in the winery.

Ordinary-level building, intermediate-level wine factory!

Just like its name, it looks unremarkable from the outside.

It seems to be no different from other huts that have just been built around.

But this time, no one dared to underestimate this hut that appeared out of thin air.

"Look, Lord Rui Beast has used divine power again!"

Many people around have seen the ability of white and black to create things out of thin air.

"Yeah, I don't know what the fetish is this time!"

Ignoring the chatter of the surrounding Jingyang people, a voice resounded in Bai Zhu's heart.

[Ding, I have successfully used a common building, an intermediate winemaking factory, and are randomly extracting attributes...]

[Ding, successfully extracted three attributes! 】

[Attribute 1: Jingyang specialty (the world's fine wines come out of Jingyang, due to the protection of the auspicious beasts, all the fine wines produced by the intermediate wine-making factories, the taste +10)]

[Attribute 2: Saving raw materials (increased by Shennong Temple, for fine wine produced by intermediate wine-making factories, the raw material wine yield can be as high as 80%!)]

[Attribute 3: mellow and attractive (a characteristic attribute of an intermediate-level wine-making factory, where an intermediate-level wine-making factory produces fine wine, the mellow range +1000, the mellow concentration +100)]


Well, these are the three best attributes of fine wine!

Drinking, pay attention to the color and flavor.

The first one, taste +10, what an unpretentious attribute!

It's good to drink!

Article 2: The alcohol rate is as high as 80%!

Although this one does not add anything to the wine itself.

But in fact, for the current Bai Zhi, it is more suitable!

You know, when he proposed the idea of ​​brewing wine, Xiao He was still strongly against it.

But nowadays, at a very high alcohol rate, the loss of potatoes is minimal or even negligible!

As for the third article, it is the icing on the cake.

The mellow range of fine wine increases by 1000! The mellow concentration increases by 100!

Good guy, if this Jingyang wine was made, wouldn't the fragrance still float to Xianyang?

The fragrance of wine is not afraid of deep alleys?

The fragrance of wine is not afraid of Da Qin Guang!

After completing the construction of the intermediate liquor factory, Bai Hei immediately returned to the yard and continued to lie down.

Leave the rest to Xiao He and the others!

Listen to Cai Wenji's ditty in the yard by yourself, and watch Diao Chan's dance. Isn't he fragrant?

After getting the method of making potato wine from Ying Yinman from Lord Rui Beast.

Under the supervision of Xiao He, and Li Xin personally supervised the work, the winery soon started running like a raging fire!

【Oh, why did that guy Li Xin jump out?】

White and black are a little curious.

"He, according to Lord Xiao, as soon as he heard that Lord Ruiwu was going to brew fine wine, he volunteered and ran back from the restaurant. 99

Ying Yinman "giggled" and smiled.

She also seemed to recall the scene when Li Xin was beaten by Xiao Rui Beast in the restaurant that day.

At that time, Li Xin didn't know how decadent he was.

It seems that under the "training" of Little Rui Beast, the little general seems to have regained some confidence!

On the other side, under Li Xin's all-night struggle,

Plus the bonus from the Intermediate Liquor Factory.

The fine wine that originally took ten days and a half months to produce was successfully produced after only five days!

"Finally brewed!"

Looking at the half jar of fine wine in his hand, Li Xin's greed was completely hooked out.

Even though it was covered with mud, Li Xin could still smell the strong aroma of wine coming from the jar!

"Quick, give this will open!"

Invisibly, Li Xin once again called himself "the general".

"Yes, General.

Soon, the guards under him immediately opened the seal of the fine wine.

Suddenly, a strong and intoxicating breath slowly flowed out from the altar.

There is no imaginary burst of wine aroma, the wine aroma of this wine is like a slowly flowing stream.

Flowing out from the altar, it flows toward the entire Jingyang County at a uniform and slow speed, endlessly and endlessly.


At the same time as the aroma of the wine drifted away, Li Xin also slowly closed his eyes.

At this moment, he was intoxicated.

It seems to be back in the past, the era when I was the roost!

With the sweetness of the wine, he saw his brother who died in the war...

"General, cheer up!

The aroma of the wine slowly condensed in the air, and gradually transformed into the appearance of a dead brother.

"General, if you fall because of me, I will fall into hell forever, even if you die!"




At this moment, the aroma of wine seems to be transformed into a call, calling,

The one who used to be all-powerful,

That heart is higher than the sky, the invincible General Li!

Suddenly, a tear slipped softly from the corner of Li Xin's eyes.


A soft call.

With a long sigh, footsteps sounded not far away, and suddenly, Li Xin woke up.

"Good boy! He actually eats alone!"

Not far away, the one who came with great strides, with a happy face, was Xiao He!

"What, you got the news?"

After sorting out his emotions, Li Xin burst into tears and smiled, stretched out his hand and hammered Xiao He's shoulder.

"got the message?"

Xiao He immediately showed an exaggerated expression and spread his hands:

"You don't know yet, I smelled the aroma of wine on the city wall of Jingyang!

"Oh no?

Li Xin looked at Xiao He in disbelief.

He couldn't believe what Xiao He said was true.

The city wall of Jingyang is more than ten kilometers away from here!

"Look at you, you still don't believe it, and you didn't send someone to message me, how do you think I knew?"

Xiao He glanced at Li Xin, and gestured to grab the wine jar.

"Hey, what are you doing! Luo

Subconsciously, Li Xin immediately hid the wine jar behind him.

"I haven't even had a drink yet, so why don't you fight against the guest? 35

"Okay, you go first!

Xiao He waved his hand helplessly.

Unceremoniously, he raised the wine jar in front of him, and Li Xin poured a big mouthful into his mouth.


In the first instant, it was extremely spicy!

Spicy than anything I've ever had!

Extremely spicy!

Suddenly, Li Xin's face turned purple.

But as the wine enters the intestines, wherever the wine has been soaked,

Without exception, they exuded a strong mellow fragrance.

The throat occupied by the spicy gradually began to become sweet as time passed.

Smacking his lips, Li Xinxin licked the wine drop on the corner of his mouth with his tongue.

The fragrant aroma of potatoes is accompanied by the spiciness of the wine, and the sweetness of the seasonings, which played a heart-warming sound in his mouth!

Taking the wine as a guide, at this moment, Li Xin's emotions could no longer be resisted, and they poured out like a mad flood!


Putting down the wine jar, he squatted on the ground, hugging his head and crying!

With the wine as a guide, all the emotions that had been accumulated in his heart burst out at this moment.

Disappointment, pain, guilt, regret...

Countless emotions spewed out, making him a happy and dripping release...

"This is……"

Xiao He and Gao Chong who came later looked at each other, at a loss.

"General Li is... crying?"

Gao Chong came to Xiao He's ear and asked in a low voice.

Xiao He shook his head:

"I don't know, maybe it's so good that I cry."

"Then I'll have to try it! 35

Involuntarily, the second bite that originally belonged to Xiao He was snatched by Gao Chong.

Wine in the throat.

The next moment, he froze in place.

"what about the taste?

Xiao He asked expectantly.

But Gao Chong was like a wooden man, standing on the spot without even blinking his eyes.

He turned a deaf ear to Xiao He's question.

The next moment, when Xiao He was about to get angry, Gao Chong immediately squatted down, hugged his head and cried!


Xiao He was stupid.

Guys, what's wrong with you two?

"Since it's so delicious that I cry, then I, Xiao He, are also full of food!"

After speaking, Xiao He immediately picked up the jar of wine and took a sip!

next moment.


Xiao He deserves to be a phenomenon of the ages, his speed is fast and his cry is loud, he can be called Qiwei!

So, Bai Zhi, who was accompanied by three beauties, saw such a scene.

The three elders squatted on the ground, hugged each other and cried, as if they remembered the revenge of killing their father, and the crying was so loud!

Not to mention white and black, even Ying Yinman's three daughters looked stupid.

What script is this?

"Cuckoo—(What are they crying about?)"

Ying Yinman quickly translated it to the winemaker beside him.

"I don't know, the three adults just took a sip of the newly brewed wine, and that's it..."

The winemaker looks overwhelmed, is there something wrong with the wine?

"Cuckoo-(Hey! What are you crying for?)"

Coming to Li Xin's side, Bai Hei kicked fiercely.

(Translation by Ying Yinman)

"I...I think of those brothers who died..."

Li Xin burst into tears.

"Cuckoo! (Useless stuff!)

Li Xin rolled his eyes, and Bai Hei cursed fiercely.


Soon, Bai Hei looked at Gao Chong.

Good guy, what are you crying about as a person with no memory?

"Lord Rui Beast, I... I can't help it... I... I make mistakes with passion...

After hesitating to explain for a long time, Gao Chong circled himself in.

Unable to explain, he simply continued to bow his head and continued to cry.

"Gu? (What about you?) 39

Bai Hei finally set his eyes on Xiao He.

My dear, you are the most prudent minister in history, why are you crying?

But the next moment, I saw Xiao He jumped up and grabbed Baihei's collar (a pinch of moon hair in Baihei)


"Why! Why let me drink such a good wine!

"What if I can't drink in the future? How can I live!! 39

"Go! Go! Go! (Calm yourself! You are Xiao He! You got the wrong script!)"

In order not to hurt Xiao He, Bai Hei managed to break free, and immediately hid aside.

He stretched out his cute little claws, looked at the three people on the ground, and pointed:

"Gu Gu! (The three of you seem to have that serious illness!)"

Isn't it just too good to drink?

Look what you have never seen in the world!

However, this really can't be blamed on these three people.

Thirty years of wine!

Real Thirty Years!

Don't show me off the 100-year-old wine in your hand, it's all blended vintage wine!

All the manufacturers in later generations use "tons" as the unit, with a ratio of 1/10,000.

Blend new wine and old wine together.

That is to say, those 30, 50, and 100-year-old wines that you see on the market are really vintage ingredients, just a few drops in a bottle!

・・For flowers....

There are even some unscrupulous merchants who deliberately use 30-year-old wine to blend new wine and sell it as a hundred-year-old wine.

But even so, with only a few drops of ingredients that are decades-old wines, the taste of these wines will be improved by more than a dozen grades!

Originally, the wine of the Qin Dynasty could not be compared with later generations.

What's more, every drop produced by the white and black wineries is a real 30-year-old wine.

Plus taste +10!

Good guy, don't you cry?

However, it is not a solution to be so cool, in desperation.

Bai Hei had to take out Confucius' gatekeeping trick:

"Convince people with virtue!

Say (jiao) and take (yu) with a mouth (gun) tongue (bang).

Finally, the three were influenced by Bai Zhi's "love" and returned to normal.

"Lord Rui Beast.

"My lord. 35

The three of them knew that they were being rude, and rushed to apologize to Lord Rui Beast with blushing faces.

"Gugu- (I forgive you.)

"Xiao Rui Beast said I forgive you."

Ying Yinman jumped and picked up a jar of wine while translating to the three of them.

He ignored the three women's feasting on the side.

Xiao He, who woke up, immediately realized that something was wrong.

"Lord Rui Beast, I think the brewing operation should stop immediately!"




Li Xin and Gao Chong on the side were immediately full of question marks.

Laozi was crying, you told me you were going to stop production?


Baihei shook his head, expressing his confusion.

"As we all know, winemaking is an extremely food-intensive business.

Speaking of this, Xiao He couldn't help but put away his playful expression, and immediately said seriously:

"Most of the wine has a wine rate between 10% and 40%. The better the quality of the wine, the more expensive it will be."

Yiyi glanced at the fine wine behind him, Xiao He shook his head:

"The wine of this quality is probably lower, even less than five percent!

Originally a county official, he was naturally familiar with some folk crafts.

In addition, after coming to Jingyang County, Xiao He was in charge of an entire county, and Xiao He secretly supplemented a lot of knowledge.

The wine's yield rate is naturally one of them.

Hearing what Xiao He said, Li Xin, who was beside him, burst into laughter.

He naturally put on Xiao He's shoulder, and then patted the wine jar beside the two of them:

"You worry too much, the liquor rate of our wine is more than 80%! 35

"Eighty percent!"

Xiao He's mouth opened wide immediately.

"how can that be?"


It must be that Li Xin likes drinking this wine too much!

That's why this is helping Lord Rui Beast to deceive himself!

Seeing Xiao He's expression of "I see through you", Li Xin expressed that he was wronged.

He quickly pointed out to Xiao He the intermediate wine-making factory established by Baihei:

"Brother Xiao, look at what that is!"

Following the direction of Li Xin's finger, Xiao He looked at a small house that looked unremarkable.

But Xiao He's eyesight is not bad, he quickly saw the extraordinary things about this small house.

Vaguely, this little house gave him a similar feeling to Shennong Temple!

Thinking of the 'small animal taming house' built by Lord Rui Beast before, Xiao He immediately understood what was going on.

"Lord Rui Beast?"

Li Xin nodded:


No wonder then!

Xiao He finally let go of his worries.

If the production rate of potato wine can reach 80% of the horror, then only 20% of the loss.

Judging from the current potato production situation in Jingyang County, they can still afford it.

Moreover, they had just tasted the taste of this wine personally. It is no exaggeration to say that it was even the imperial wine of the First Emperor.

Compared with their newly developed wine, it is not worth mentioning.

"Gugu-(give this wine a name?)"

This time, Bai Hei did not hear Ying Yinman's translation.

When you turn around and look, good guy!

The three beauties were drunk together.

Especially winning Yin Man is the most presumptuous!

Her calf was still hanging on Cai Wenji's waist, but she shouted to herself:

"I want to come again!

Black and white with black lines.

Well, it turns out that these are three little alcoholics!

But fortunately, even if there is no translation of Ying Yinman now,

Just relying on the action, Xiao He can also guess seven seven eight eight.

"The meaning of Lord Rui Beast should be to ask us to give this wine a name.


Li Xin and Gao Chong suddenly became interested.

"Let's call it 'creeper drink', anyway, you will cry when you drink it."

Li Xin was not ashamed.

Facing this inconspicuous name, Bai Hei and Xiao He directly and selectively ignored it.

"Since this wine was created by Lord Rui Beast, and Lord Rui Beast's fief is in Jingyang, why not call it Jingyang wine?"5

Hearing this name, Bai Hei's eyes suddenly lit up.

Jingyang wine!

Rejuvenate the name of the wine with the name of the place, and make the name of the place with the name of the wine!

"good idea!

Gao Chong and Li Xin praised in unison.

"Lord Rui Beast, what do you think?

"Goo (quasi!)"

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