I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 112 It's hard to find Daqin paper for 0s of dollars! Daqin delicious food and beasts co

Great Qin Empire, Jingyang County.

Qin Shihuang's policy of Yingzheng has been fully laid out, and Baihei will naturally not stop this kind of policy of benefiting the people.

Under the management of Xiao He, the governor of Jingyang County, it was arranged in an orderly manner.

"Daqin Academy, refined salt policy.

"As expected of the first emperor who once unified the six kingdoms, he has such great talent."

"In this way, as long as the First Emperor is not in the middle of the road, the national strength of the Daqin Empire will surely flourish, and we can live a longer and longer stable life.


Holding a piano in his hand, he played it with his slender fingers.

Cai Wenji said softly.

They come, the security.

Compared to the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, when the war was raging, they were not as comfortable as the Daqin period, where they lived and worked in peace and contentment. Moreover, they had the great Qin Rui beast Baizhu and the protection of the Daqin princess Ying Yinman. black face.

It is equivalent to having the biggest backer. As long as they live a safe and stable life, no one can move them.

Of course, if they wanted to bully others, Bai Hei would naturally not be polite.


For Cai Wenji and Diao Chan.

As long as there is a stable life, it is enough. As for things like bullying others, they naturally won't do it, because of their nature.

Ying Yinman listened to the sound of the piano, and supported her little face with her two small hands, and said, "Sister Wenji's piano sound is getting better and better.

Dressed in a fiery red dance costume, Diaochan also agreed with it and said, "Sister Wenji's piano skills were the best in Luoyang back then, and countless young talents wanted to come to propose marriage."5

"Don't fool around."

Cai Wenji said angrily.

Although she was betrothed to the Wei family by her father, Cai Wenji has not married yet. In essence, she is still a big girl.


In the face of Diao Chan's 'joke', he naturally seemed a little shy.

However, after getting along with each other for this period of time, the relationship between the three women has become very harmonious, so they are not really angry.

"We have been living here in the little auspicious beast, doing nothing, not a thing.

"Since the First Emperor intends to set up the 'Da Qin Academy'.

"Then I will do my best to write down the books I remember.

Cai Wenji said softly.

As the first talented woman in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, she was erudite and versed in literature, music and calligraphy.

At that time, Cai Yong left 4,000 volumes of books, but after being displaced by the war, very few survived. Cai Wenji was able to memorize only 400 books.

There are 400 books, and they contain a lot of the essence of the Han period.

For today's Daqin Empire, it can be said to be even more powerful.

after all.

Many scholars and schools of thought were hostile to Da Qin.

They may not be willing to join the Daqin Academy as a 'professor'. With Cai Wenji's assistance, the vacancy in books can be greatly alleviated.


"Well, my father collected a lot of books, and I also wrote down a lot."

"So that's the case. I heard that the emperor recently built a 'paper workshop', and the paper produced in it is as white as jade. If Sister Wenji wants it, I can apply directly to the emperor."5

Ying Yinman nodded and said.

Although paper appeared in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, it was only the most basic Caihou paper.

The whole body is yellow and the quality is very poor.

Just a little better than bamboo slips.

Therefore, after hearing that Ying Yinman could get her the 'Daqin paper', which is as white as jade, Cai Wenji's delicate face also showed a hint of joy. If there is better paper, who would not want to use it? .

Especially for a talented woman like Cai Wenji, if you remember the knowledge, you can record it with better materials.

This is naturally the best choice!

It turned out that he did not have this condition, and now he has the assistance of Princess Daqin.

This is much simpler.

"Is it really possible?"

"Of course, the royal father loves me the most. As long as I ask for it, the royal father will not refuse. 35 Ying Yinman said confidently, "Sister Wenji, how much paper do you need?"

"This one...may be a bit small.

"It's fine, as long as you speak.

The books that a person can remember is naturally limited.

From Ying Yinman's point of view, even if today's 'Daqin Paper' is hard to find and supply to the entire Daqin Empire, if Sister Wenji can memorize three or four books, she is considered a full reader of poetry.

The content of only three or four books.

Naturally, there will not be a lot of Daqin paper needed.

"Probably, I have memorized more than 400 books, and I may need at least thousands of Daqin papers.


Ying Yinman slowly made a question mark.

The clown is me!

Being able to memorize the contents of more than 400 books, is this really still human? This memory is a bit too terrifying. As a 'study scum' Ying Yinman, I can't understand what it feels like. .

If it were dozens of Daqin papers, the emperor would naturally give it to himself directly and play with it as he wanted.


Now Daqin paper is scarce.

All the civil and military officials in the court wanted to ask for one.

Hundreds of schools of thought on the rivers and lakes also managed to get one or two through various means.

If he asks for thousands of Daqin papers directly, the probability of being rejected directly is almost as high as 99%, which makes Ying Yinman's little face stiff.

I just boasted about Haikou in front of me, but the next second I was directly slapped in the face, which was too embarrassing.


"If it really doesn't work, a few hundred pieces of Daqin paper will do.

Seeming to see Ying Yinman's embarrassment, Cai Wenji said understandingly.


She still underestimated Da Qin Zhi.

In the scarcity level of this period, before the paper workshop was built on a large scale, the importance of Daqin paper was like a strategic resource.

In the outside world, a piece of Daqin paper can even be sold for the price of a war horse, which is extremely expensive!

【‘In my name, let’s talk to Lao Zhao. Let’s just say that the knowledge that Cai Wenji can write is beneficial to the development of the Qin Empire. Let alone thousands, Lao Zhao will take out tens of thousands of them. ’]


Baihei, who was lying outside in the sun, suddenly thought to himself.

Not because of Diaochan and Cai Wenji's top-notch looks, but because of the more than 400 books that Cai Wenji memorized, which indeed had a huge effect on today's Great Qin Empire.


White and black will open this back door.

When the output of Daqin paper was scarce, she was directly allowed to use thousands or even tens of thousands of Daqin paper.

With Baihei backing him up, Ying Yinman immediately gained confidence.

"Don't worry, Sister Wenji, if you want several thousand pieces of Daqin paper, I can also get it for you.

Thousands of Daqin papers.

If it is only by virtue of his own level of favor, the father may not give it.

However, with the importance of Xiao Rui Beast in his father's heart, let alone thousands of Da Qin papers, even if it was the entire paper workshop, he would give it away without hesitation.


With the support of Xiao Rui Beast.

It made Ying Yinman feel confident and feel that she can do it again.

Hearing this, Cai Wenji immediately felt relieved. If there is high-quality Daqin paper, it is naturally the best.


The sound of rapid footsteps.

Came from outside.

Xiao He, the governor of Jingyang County, hurried in from the outside world.

He is a thorough political madman, and he already has a family, so he almost kept a blind eye to the three daughters of Ying Yinman, Cai Wenji, and Diao Chan, and went straight to the direction where Bai Hei was lying.

"Lord Rui Beast, I have something to report to you.

"Cuckoo-(what's the matter?)"

Hearing Xiao He's footsteps, Bai Zhu didn't get up.

Lazily stretched his waist and asked.

Although he didn't respond in human language, Xiao He also knew very well that Lord Rui Beast should be listening to him.

"Since the locust plague was repelled."

"The minister returned all the chickens and ducks to the people of Jingyang County."

"However, the number of captives raised by the government, as well as the number of chickens and ducks donated by other counties and counties, is still a full 700,000, and eggs are still being laid and hatched.

"If it goes on like this, even if there is a high yield of potatoes, it will be very difficult to raise them."

Xiao He complained helplessly.

It has the function of an 'ordinary-level building, a small animal taming house', and chickens and ducks are already growing very fast. If you don't control them, they will soon flood into a disaster.

I used to hate eating without meat, but now it's because there is too much meat and I can't handle it.

These are the names and surnames raised by Lord Rui Beast.

Before the Lord Rui Beast did not speak.

Neither Xiao He, the guard of Jingyang County, nor the people of Jingyang County would try to eat them.

Ying Yinman said with a bit of confusion: "If there are too many, can't you just eat them?"

Bai Hei also nodded in agreement and said, "Gu Gu Gu—(Indeed, just eat it directly.)"

Chickens and ducks are raised.

They weren't meant to be offered.

The best choice is to make a variety of food directly and put it on the dining table of the people of Daqin, which can not only satisfy the appetite, but also enhance their physique.

after all.

People who only eat potatoes, corn, and meat grow up, and the physical strength will be a grade difference.

"Eat it? Does Lord Rui Beast approve it...

"Cuckoo- (why not?)

White and Black asked back.

Could it be that Xiao He really thought that he had raised so many chickens and ducks just to look at them.

As frequent guests on the table of Chinese people, chicken and duck have many practices.

Bai Zhu, who has 'top cooking skills'.

It is possible to restore it perfectly piece by piece, but if you teach someone, it will take a lot of effort, so you can only rely on the power of the 'system mall'.


I just finished my luck quiz.

There are also a lot of lying flat points in the hand, and the points required to redeem the 'menu' are not many, so it will not be wasted too much.

"Open the system store."

Bai Hei said silently in his heart.

Then, one after another information emerged in his mind.

[Host: White and Black]

[Lying flat points: 33900]

【The secret recipe of big plate chicken, you need to lie flat points x10】

【Beer duck secret recipe, you need to lie flat points x10】

[Secret recipe of beggar chicken, you need to lie flat points x10]

[Secret recipe of braised chicken wings, you need to lie flat points x10]

【Peking duck secret recipe, you need to lie flat points x10】

[Secret recipe for spicy duck neck, you need to lie down with points x10]

[Spicy chicken secret recipe, you need to lie flat points x10]

[The secret recipe of Kung Pao Chicken, you need to lie flat points x10]

【Secret recipe of fragrant fried chicken chop, you need to lie flat points x10】


Chinese cuisine has a long history.

Eight major cuisines, plus five thousand years of historical precipitation, have derived countless delicious foods. There are almost hundreds of chicken and duck recipes, which are dazzling.

Food is important.

However, Bai Hei will not use all his belongings in exchange for food secrets.

Therefore, it can only be exchanged selectively.

"6 Exchange Secret Recipe."

[Ding, successfully redeemed 'Chicken and Duck Secret Recipe x90', consumption of lying flat points x900]

[Remaining flat points: 33000]


Accompanied by the deduction of lying flat points.

Baihei has directly obtained 90 kinds of well-known food secret recipes, each of which is a delicacy in the world. As long as the materials and cooking skills reach a certain level, people can definitely enjoy it.

Like 'spicy chicken', I believe everyone has eaten it.

This very delicious Sichuan dish is relatively uncomplicated to prepare. This dish combines the umami of chicken with chili peppers.

And "Kung Pao Chicken" is a traditional and classic dish of the Han nationality, and it is a famous dish of Sichuan cuisine.

The founder was a resident of the Shuzhou area, and was later improved and carried forward by Ding Baozhen, the palace guard. It has been passed down to this day, and this dish has also been classified as a Beijing court dish.

Red but not spicy, spicy but not fierce, spicy and strong, smooth and crispy meat.

"Cuckoo--(Take it.) 35

He directly handed the stack of white paper in his palm into Xiao He's hands.

It is recorded in detail above that the production method of each chicken and duck recipe, as fine as the heat, materials, techniques, and even the taste, are vividly described.

People can't help but move their index fingers just by looking at the text.

At least.

Just read two recipes.

Xiao He couldn't help but swallow his saliva. He really couldn't imagine how simple chicken, duck, and Lord Rui Beast could give so many delicious recipes, even if it was a palace feast, it couldn't compare with them.

He has accumulated a lot of blessings to be able to enjoy these delicacy in the world.

"Wonderful! Wonderful!"

Xiao He didn't hide his emotions.

Continued compliments.

With these 90 secret recipes, as long as you hand them over to professional chefs, you can definitely make amazing dishes.

Moreover, due to the elimination of the locust plague, the chicken and duck capitals (Zhao Dezhao) in Jingyang County have grown very strong, and the meat quality is a bit higher than that of other places, so in terms of deliciousness, it must be higher. building.

Jingyang Chicken.

Jingyang duck.

Its deliciousness is unmatched in the world!

"With these secret recipes, the 700,000 chickens and ducks have a way to deal with them."

"Not only that, these miraculous delicacies will definitely be unforgettable after others taste them."

"Being able to directly obtain a new expense for Jingyang County!

Xiao He said excitedly.

Nowadays, Jingyang County has a lot of waste waiting to be rebuilt. Not only is the expansion of the construction work underway, but it is also constantly recruiting refugees.


The economic pressure is also very great.

Old Zhao still hasn't received the income from the 'Daqin Chidao Project'. After all, there are a lot of things going on recently, and he is too busy to touch the ground. Bai Zhe can only rely on his meager income to support it.

Thinking about it now, it is estimated that the funds for the 'Da Qin Chi Dao Project' will not be available for a while.

Just look for other ways to make money.

Selling food is a channel, and there is another channel, you can also earn a lot of money!

That's it - brewing!


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