I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 111 The head of Confucianism who surrendered! Those who obey me prosper, those who oppose me

The "Policy of Benefiting the People" issued by Ying Zheng of Qin Shihuang


It not only has a huge impact on the people of Daqin, but also has a huge impact on the hundreds of schools of thought, and even the nobles of the six countries.

so that.

Some people couldn't sit still very quickly and came directly to the door.

"Ovry, are you sure you want to stay here?"

"Well, although Daqin once destroyed my country, during this period of time, I also figured out a lot."

As the person in charge of the 'Daqin Academy Project'.

Zhang Liang was reviewing various documents.

An ordinary piece of paper can record dozens or even hundreds of times the content of bamboo slips, and it is not known how much less weight, which can save more energy and facilitate the handling of government affairs.

In front of him, standing impressively is the head of today's Confucianism.

"If you want to leave, I can take you away now." The head of the Confucian school said in a deep voice, "The attention of Da Qin is not with us now, it is a golden opportunity. 35

"No, I won't leave, but I will recommend you to become a 'professor' of the 'Daqin Academy'.

Zhang Liang shook his head and rejected the proposal of the head of Confucianism.

At the same time, with a backhand wave of solicitation, he intends to pull the other party directly into the power of the Daqin Empire, and fight together for the happiness of the world!

thinking during this time.

Let him figure out what he really wants.

Now he does not pursue glory, wealth, or fame, but only wants to work conscientiously, work hard for the happiness of the world, and realize his own value.

To strive for one day to be able to achieve the realm mentioned by the 'immortal (Bai Zhu)'——

People all over the world have a house, a doctor who is sick, a diligent and a professional, a laborer who has a reward, a child who is taught, and an old who has something to depend on.

"Are you crazy?"

"I'm not crazy, but I'm sober now. 99

In Zhang Liang's eyes, there was a flash of light, and the whole person seemed to be full of energy.

Ever since he let go of the idea of ​​revenge and figured out his goal.

His whole person's spiritual realm.

It seems to have completed the sublimation!

"Joining the Great Qin Empire is of great benefit to Confucianism.

"Not only can we expand our own doctrines, but we can also increase our voice and get official recognition.


"The Daqin Academy has just been established, which is the best opportunity.

Zhang Liang said seriously 11.

When the state of Han had not collapsed, he had studied in Confucianism for a period of time, so he still attached great importance to his teacher.

Now, after completing the spiritual sublimation, and accommodating the essence of "Tai Gong Art of War".

He has begun to have the style of 'seeking a saint'.

Being able to see things has also become more long-term.

When the 'Daqin Academy' was just established, if the Confucians did not join in time, when the quota was full, one more Confucian or one less Confucian would become dispensable.


There are countless theories, but not all of them are needed in the Qin Empire.


The Confucian head frowned.

He is from the state of Qi, so he doesn't have a good sense of the Daqin Empire, so he wants to join Daqin just like this.

It's still a little hard to accept.

"Listen to me, if you don't get on this huge soaring ship at this moment."

"Confucianism will definitely become a second-rate doctrine in the future, and even be completely surpassed by Mohists, doctors, and Legalists.

"In the end, we can only leave everyone alone.


There was a sincere look in Zhang Liang's eyes.

He already knew His Majesty's intention, which is 'those who obey me prosper, those who oppose me perish'!

Obediently obeying the Daqin Empire and joining the doctrine of the 'Daqin Academy' can be classified as orthodox, and those who are unwilling to join the 'Daqin Academy' and still want to fight will be classified as rebellious!

With the popularization of Daqin Academy, county school, county school, and township school.

The orthodox theory will continue to be carried forward, while the rebellious theory will be constantly suppressed and eventually perish in the long river of history.

Now Confucianism is strong.

It does not mean that it will be able to have this status in the future.

If you can't see the development of the times clearly.

If you still think that the Great Qin Empire can't do anything to them in the future, it is a big mistake!

Under the power of the Great Qin Empire, any kind of theory is extremely fragile, even if it is the joint effort of a hundred schools of thought, it can only cause a little trouble, but it is also harmless.

." The Confucian head was silent for a moment, then said, "Even if I knew about this situation, even if I was willing to give up the hatred of the country, I would not join the Great Qin Empire. "


"No but, I know you are thinking of Confucianism, Ovary.

Zhang Liang's words.

He was interrupted halfway through.

To be honest, even the head of Confucianism was shaken when he heard Qin Shihuang's ambitions for Ying Zheng.

Under the seemingly calm face, there is actually a hint of heartbeat, such brilliance and warmth.

Like firelight.

Summoning him to run towards the flames of Daqin like a moth.


He knew very well in his heart.

The old nobles of the Six Kingdoms cannot be conquered by their aspirations.

Ying Zheng's big wish will not work, he doesn't want to sacrifice his life for an ideal that can't work, and if he continues, he is afraid that he will also be obsessed with fantasy.

Young people are taught, old people are supported, and the sages rule the world like this, but the head of Confucianism does not think that Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng is a sage!

"I admit that Ying Zheng's ability is very strong, and he has the protection of auspicious beasts.

"But they can't exist forever, Ying Zheng will die one day, and Rui Beast can't protect Da Qin forever."

"A century-old dynasty, a thousand-year-old family.

"No matter how the country changes, the family is difficult to overthrow.

"In this era, there are Ying Zheng and Rui Beast, and they may be able to suppress their arrogance, but in the next era, when Ying Zheng's son succeeds to the throne, will he still be able to achieve this level?

"Teaching knowledge to ordinary people is like declaring war on the six kingdoms' families and old nobles!""

"When the Great Qin Empire falls apart, the doctrines that have joined the 'Great Qin Academy' will be liquidated one by one."

The Confucian head shook his head and said.

His ability is not bad, but limited by the development of the times, he believes that no country can subvert the existence of the family.

What if Ying Zheng was rewarded by the immortals and returned to his youthful peak?

In the eyes of Confucian leaders.

He can also live to be around fifty years old at most, and he is about twenty years old now. He wants to wipe out all the aristocratic families and the old nobles of the Six Kingdoms in thirty years, which is undoubtedly a fool's dream!

Fu Su's ability is not bad, but it is impossible to achieve Ying Zheng's skill.

As for Hu Hai, not to mention, if he became the emperor of the second generation of the Qin Empire, he would be able to bring down the great situation in minutes.


What Confucian leaders don't know is that.

Although Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng only has a life span of thirty years, as long as there is a space for questions and answers about luck, his future life span is almost immeasurable. Who knows when he will be rewarded with another longevity pill?

Not only that, with the support of Da Qin Rui beast Baihei, his rule will only become more and more stable, and the Daqin Empire will become more and more prosperous.

As for the aristocratic family and the old nobles of the Six Kingdoms?

Ying Zheng didn't take him seriously at all, his goal was the 'sea of ​​stars'!

"The way is different, it's not conspiracy.

"Since you are determined to stay here, I won't say anything more, take care."

In the face of Zhang Liang's kind reminder.

The head of Confucianism did not take it to heart, turned around and left here.

Silently watching his back, Zhang Liang only sighed silently in his heart at the moment, he seemed to have anticipated the future of Confucianism.

He places too much importance on the aristocratic family and the old nobles of the Six Kingdoms.

At the same time, it is too contempt for the Great Qin Empire.

During the time when the Daqin Empire was dealing with government affairs, as well as the items that His Majesty took out, Zhang Liang was shocked, and he couldn't even see the limit of the future potential of this empire.


Zhang Liang and the head of Confucianism met privately, and Bai Zhi was not aware of it.

If you let him know about this, I am afraid he will applaud, after all, his sense of Confucianism is not good.

It is undeniable that Confucian thought has a positive side—

The sense of social responsibility of "organizing the family, governing the country, and pacifying the world".

The spiritual pursuit of "to hear the Tao in the morning, to die in the evening".

Perseverance, positive attitude towards life, respect for the old, respect for the virtuous, respect for the teacher and the principle of life.

The idea of ​​unification is conducive to maintaining national unity and unity; the people-oriented and people-oriented thinking is conducive to the "three rural" issues; "harmony is the most precious" is conducive to building a harmonious society; China has established a good diplomatic image.

However, the defects of Confucianism are also very obvious.

The superstitious thoughts of "induction between man and nature" and "unity of man and nature".

The feudal ethics and morality of the Three Cards and Five Constants maintain autocratic rule and hierarchical society, suppress human nature, restrain thoughts, and hinder the development of science and technology.

the most important is.

because of the influence of Confucianism.

Let many monarchs in later generations maintain a 'generous' attitude in the diplomacy between countries.

If another small country pays a little tribute, you have to pay it back several times, and even send money and technology to help them continue to develop, and then bite back when they become strong.

Such a brainless thing.

Let white and black can be said to be abhorrent.

A certain tolerance can be maintained between people, but there are only interests between countries.

Under such circumstances, it is necessary to slap a swollen face and make a fat man, and insist on giving money to others to give technology to others. What is it?

in the eyes of other countries.

It is estimated that the monarchs of those dynasties are regarded as fools.

After all, only idiots would do this. Obviously they are the suzerain country, but in the end they have to pay back the tribute several times. It's not easy to find such a big head. Those who don't know they think they are subordinate countries.

The Confucian head who just left Zhang Liang's mansion.

He saw a piece of white paper falling from the house, just right in front of him.

This is the last chance Zhang Liang gave him, and he deliberately let it fall out. If he can seize this opportunity, there will be a chance to turn his back. guy.


The eyes of the head of Confucianism widened.

Good guy, it turns out that the Daqin Empire not only has Daqin Academy, but also has such a level of trump card, no wonder Ovfang wants to persuade himself to take up the post of 'professor'.

With the blessing of this kind of literacy, even if it is only thirty years.

It is also possible to completely wipe out the heritage of the aristocratic family and the old nobles of the Six Nations, and their Confucianism will definitely be completely forgotten by the world.

"No! If it goes on like this, Confucianism will be in danger!"

"Even if I give up my old face, I will go back to beg the ovary and make Confucianism a doctrine of the Daqin Academy."

"Go back quickly!" 5

Soon, the head of Confucianism made up his mind.

Although he had just vowed to leave one second ago, and the next second he had to go back with an old face, it was indeed a bit embarrassing.


On the one hand, Confucianism is thick-skinned.

On the other hand, because it is related to the life and death of the doctrine, it has to do so.

The ovary is too unkind. With such a killer, he didn't even inform him in advance, which made him almost roll over on the spot.

When the head of Confucianism returned to Zhang Liang's mansion again.

But this time.

But it is not so easy to speak.

You didn't want to give you a chance before, and now you still want to join in with a cheeky face, you really want to be beautiful.

If you want to join now, you must accept the adaptation of the Confucian doctrines by the Great Qin Empire, and keep the useful content, threatening the rule of the Great Qin Empire, and even eliminate the useless theories.

At the beginning.

The head of Confucianism still tried to reason, and even began to play emotional cards.

However, for Zhang Liang, this set is of no use at all, just do what you want.

If you want to maintain the complete inheritance of Confucius, and then leave it alone; you still choose to follow the conditions of the Daqin Empire, keep only the core ideas, and eliminate all the useless parts.

This is a very simple multiple choice question.

In the end, after some intense ideological struggle, the head of Confucianism still chose to compromise.

Last Batch.


It is a remnant of the six kingdoms and a member of an aristocratic family.

In their hands, they also secretly got two pieces of white paper. After seeing the quality and knowing that Bao Qin could produce in large quantities, their faces darkened instantly.

Coupled with Ying Zheng's previous actions, it's all about digging up their bottom line!

"No! Violent Qin's actions are too dangerous!"

"We can't wait any longer, we must act as soon as possible, and after we go back this time, we will mobilize everyone to resist the violent Qin together.

"If the violent Qin continues like this, our thousand-year-old family will surely perish.

"Well, go back and accumulate strength as soon as possible, and prepare to do things!"

'Bao Qin's control over Qin land is very high, and he may not be able to make trouble, but his control over the land of the six kingdoms is still very weak. We can start from this aspect. ""

The remnants of the six kingdoms and members of the aristocratic family.

A consensus was reached for the first time.

Originally, those who rebelled against the Qin Empire were only the remnants of the Six Nations, which was nothing to worry about.

The original family didn't care about their struggle, because no matter who was in power, they couldn't threaten their status.


After seeing the paper, their hearts began to be chaotic.

If this continues like this, plus the hundreds of schools of thought will almost be attracted.

If the family does not act again.

It may be overturned, and it will be troublesome at that time.

The military force could not resist the soldiers of the Daqin Empire, nor could they resist the thunderous tactics of Qin Shihuang Yingzheng, so they had to start from other aspects, so that the Daqin Empire lost the people's hearts in the land of the six kingdoms.

By the time.

The violent Qin who lost the hearts of the people.

Can you still get the mercy of the auspicious beasts and immortals?

For the remnants of the Six Kingdoms and the alliance of the family.

Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng, who was preparing for a decisive battle with the Xiongnu, didn't know about it yet.


For the Qin Empire.

Even if there is an aristocratic family from the Six Nations as an opponent, the outcome will be the same after all. In the face of the mighty power of the Qin Empire, there is absolutely no ability to resist.

They can only be like hidden mice, secretly doing a little trick, but they dare not confront the Great Qin Empire directly.

Unless, the Great Qin Empire is dealing with a major matter and has no time to take care of their jumping for the time being.

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