I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 107 Peerless Counselor Summoning Card! True counselor Jiang Ziya (intelligence 110)!

"Ah this-"

Ying Yinman, who is the princess of Daqin, is not without eyesight.

From her point of view, not only did this black pile of iron-eating beasts exude a fascinating aura, but even the young man wearing golden armor and holding a golden tiger-headed spear exuded The mood is not bad.

She has also met the Great Qin Wuhu Admiral.

The only one who can suppress him is Yu Wencheng, who is the leader of the Five Tiger Generals.


Two women standing over there.

The charm exuding from his body is unmatched by the father's concubines and concubines.

Diao Chan asked timidly, "Excuse me, this is—"

Since the little auspicious beasts have asked so much, Ying Yinman also answered: "This is Jingyang County, and it is also the fief of the little auspicious beasts.


Diao Chan and Cai Wenji were obviously a little confused.

Jingyang County and the others have heard of it, but when did this county become the fief of the 'little black and white dumplings', allowing a black and white dumpling to own a fief? .

They knew nothing.


The girl in front of her was dressed luxuriously and exuded a temperament similar to that of a Han emperor.

At a glance, you can tell that it is not an ordinary person, and naturally he will not open his mouth.

"Why, don't you guys know about this?" Ying Yinman asked curiously, "This news should have spread all over the world long ago, and the little auspicious beast is still enshrined in the Hall of Heroes, enjoying the incense of generations.

"Heroic Spirit... Hall?"

an unfamiliar word.

Let Diao Chan and Cai Wenji themselves fall into chaos.

They even doubted what happened during Dong Zhuo's visit to Beijing, and the outside world had changed so much.

"Huh? Don't you even know about the Hall of Valor, aren't you from Daqin?"

"Da Qin?! 35

"Yes, my father unified the six kingdoms and founded the Great Qin Empire."


Now, Diao Chan and Cai Wenji finally understood.

Why would they know nothing about so many strange words? It turned out to be the Daqin era hundreds of years ago, and this Daqin era seems to be a little different from what was recorded in history.

Let's not say anything else.

Just the two things 'Hall of Valor' and 'Little Black and White dumplings have fiefs' will never happen!

In the blink of an eye, it appeared in an era hundreds of years ago.

Let the two girls feel a trance.

Because, this is really too mythical, obviously two or three days ago, they were forcibly escorted by the army of Xiliang soldiers on the road to Chang'an, but they were looted by the Huns on the way, if there is no small black and white dumplings to help .

I'm afraid, they will either be plundered by the Huns to the grasslands and live a life better than death.

Either he returned to Chang'an unharmed, but if he was attracted by a fat and ugly Isp like Dong Zhuo, to be honest, he might as well just die.

in this chaos.

Being beautiful is also a sin.

If you don't have enough strength to protect yourself, I am afraid that no matter where you stay, you will not be able to live in peace.

"Is the Great Qin Empire..."

"Did the little black and white dumplings bring us here?

"Actually, I don't feel anything at all, after all, my adoptive father (Wang Yun) is just using me as a tool to make friends with the powerful, and he also asked me to serve that old and fat guy Dong Zhuo, it is better to follow the little black and white dumplings .

Diao Chan was very open to this.

After all, she once sold her body to bury her father, and was taken back to the mansion by Situ Wang Yun as a righteous daughter.

However, the titular righteous daughter was actually just because she saw Diaochan's appearance. If she used it well, she would definitely be a top-level 'tool', whether it was to make friends with the powerful, or to break Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu.

In the view of Situ Wang Yun.

As long as Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu can break up, a mere woman will have nothing to say.

Even, it is the honor of this woman to be able to contribute to the elimination of the national thief!

Diao Chan, who was born with ice and snow, could not see her adoptive father's thoughts, but there was no way. In the turbulent world, she was just a weak woman. Even if she wanted to escape, where could she go? Obediently accept your destiny.



Cai Wenji nodded and said.

As for her father, she was a little reluctant to arrange a marriage contract with the Wei family's tuberculosis ghost.

After all, who doesn't want their husband to be an unparalleled hero, and who likes to marry a tuberculosis ghost. I heard that his life style is not good, and he is terminally ill and has no cure. He may die within two days after marrying. .

My own father also knew about this, just because of face.

So, put your own future happiness aside.

this era.

What is important is the life of the parents and the words of the matchmaker. As for finding a satisfactory husband, it is indeed not an easy task.

Fortunately, he has not yet been married, and he has come to the Daqin era.

Otherwise, when he settles down, he will definitely be forcibly sent to Wei's house by his father. At that time, the tuberculosis ghost will die of illness, and he may even bear the name of 'Kefu'.

Diao Chan was completely unconcerned, while Cai Wenji didn't want to obey her father's order to marry the Wei family's tuberculosis ghost.

Suddenly brought to the Daqin era.

Leaving the troubled times at the end of the Han Dynasty is also a relief for the children.

There is no need to be traded at will like 'goods'.

"Little girl, is your father Emperor Qin Shi Huang?" "?"

"Yes, my name is Ying Yinman, and I'm in charge of taking care of the little auspicious beast. Since you are brought by the little auspicious beast, if you have any questions that you don't understand, you can ask me. 39

For ordinary people, Ying Yinman naturally would not be so enthusiastic.

After all, as the princess of Daqin, he usually lives in a seclusion and rarely communicates with outsiders.


these two sisters.

It was brought back by Xiao Rui Beast, and he even told himself that he would introduce them to them so that they could integrate into Da Qin as soon as possible, so naturally Ying Yinman would not look cold.

In the eyes of Ying Yinman, the second daughter of the Daqin Empire, the Hall of Heroes, and the fief of Xiaorui beast was unknown.

Maybe someone from another country.

"That's right! Can you tell your father to go to Pei County to kill a man named Liu Bang?"

As if remembering something, Diao Chan suddenly added.

The Daqin Empire, although the laws of Qin were strict, was still a stable era. It was not like the end of the Han Dynasty, where there were direct divisions and thieves, and it was completely impossible to live in peace.

In Diaochan's view, as long as the future founding emperor of the Han Empire, Liu Bang, is directly killed.

The Daqin Empire may be able to be stable for a few more years, and they can also live a good life in a stable era.

If you let someone have been headed.

Liu Bang, whose body was eaten by wild dogs, knew Diao Chan's proposal, and he was afraid that he would have a brain hemorrhage on the spot.

I have already passed away, and you still have to whip the corpse.

Are you from the Han Dynasty or from the Qin Dynasty! Take the bamboo shoots!

"Liu Bang? That guy was secretly hacked by the father long ago." Ying Yinman said with a bit of confusion, "What's the matter, do you also have a grudge against Liu Bang? I heard that the father specially sent the Black Ice Platform to deal with a He is such a pavilion."



Diao Chan and Cai Wenji both slowly raised a question mark.

No, the founding emperor who founded the Han Empire has actually passed away?!


Although it is the Qin Dynasty.

However, there seems to be a world of difference between this Daqin era and what was recorded in history, completely different!

"Then your father's body...

"The emperor said that he was blessed by the immortals, and now he has recovered to the peak of his twenties.



Now Diao Chan and Cai Wenji are completely determined.

This Daqin era seems to be completely different from the Daqin in the history they knew. Not only did Liu Bang, the founding emperor of the Han Empire, die on the spot, but even Qin Shihuang Yingzheng returned to his youthful peak.


If the First Emperor is immortal, who would dare to oppose it!

As long as Qin Shihuang Yingzheng did not die, the remnants of the Six Kingdoms would at most make small moves behind their backs, and would not dare to rebel blatantly.

After all, the Six Nations, which were once powerful, were directly destroyed.

Not to mention that the country has now been wiped out, and there are only three or two kittens left in the six countries. If you dare to rebel directly, it is no different from committing death. It is purely an act of giving away the head.


"This seems to be not bad, at least it is a peaceful and stable era.

"Indeed, compared to the times when the feudal lords were chaotic and thieves were everywhere, this place is indeed very good, like a paradise.

Cai Wenji exhaled softly.

Seems relieved.

The era of war and chaos in China's history can be said to occupy most of the time. The real stable development period can be counted by fingers, and it is definitely not more than 30%.

I would rather be a peaceful dog than a chaotic person.

In a chaotic world, they have no ability to protect themselves, which is really dangerous.

And in a peaceful and prosperous age, with the relationship between Princess Daqin and Yinman, Cai Wenji and Diaochan don't want a rich and noble life, as long as they can live in peace and stability.

"Then let me take you to get acquainted with Jingyang County."

"Thank you."

"Don't be so polite, you are all guests brought by the little auspicious beast, and Jingyang County is usually deserted, so it's just that you came to play with me."

For two young ladies with top appearance and gentle personality.

Ying Yinman really couldn't produce any disgust, and took the initiative to assume the role of the protagonist.


Two more playmates.

It is also a good choice for Ying Yinman, who lives in a secluded place.

The Great Qin Empire.

Xianyang City, Qinhuang Palace.

Qin Shihuang, Ying Zheng, who had just finished the Q&A on luck, was sitting upright in his bedroom, closing his eyes and resting.

He has already instructed to call on the right prime minister Feng Quji, the left prime minister Li Si, the Dian Ke Dun weak, and the future 'Holy seeker' Zhang Liang to come to meet and discuss the future development of the Qin Empire.

After all, he had just obtained so many rewards from the Qi Luck question and answer space.

If it is not used and turned into a driving force for the growth of the Daqin Empire, it would be too wasteful.


in the process of waiting.

It's not that he has nothing to do, just to use some rewards.

In the Peerless Adviser Summoning Card, I don't know if I can summon a strategist who is strategizing and defeating a strategist thousands of miles away. "

Qin Shi Huang Ying Zheng muttered to himself.

There are not many counsellors under his command who can shoulder great responsibilities. Many of them are people from previous eras, and they are not young anymore.

And the younger generation of counselors.

There were only Zhang Liang and Meng Yi, and Xiao He, who was white and black, couldn't move.

The three talents recommended by Baihei are estimated to have good abilities, but they are still far from enough.


In addition to continuously recruiting talents, the plan to establish the academy should also be put on the agenda.

Otherwise, the Great Qin Empire will sooner or later fall into a period of incompetence, and once the ruler's ability is insufficient, the Great Qin Empire, which was in its heyday, will quickly enter a period of decline.

After all, Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng has only increased his lifespan, not immortality, and it is impossible for him to rule the Qin Empire for a lifetime.

"Use--Peerless Counselor Summoning Card."


The originally ordinary peerless counselor summoning card instantly radiated a golden light.

In an instant, it seemed to break the shackles of time and space.

In the history of China, there have been countless figures of great achievements, which flashed in front of Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng's eyes, including people he knew and people he was completely unfamiliar with.

[True. Seeking Saint Jiang Ziya (peak-peak period), intelligence 110, politics 105]

[China's first prime minister Guan Zhong (peak-peak period), intelligence 102, politics 107]

[Shang Sheng Fan Li (peak-peak period), intelligence 85, politics 95, businessman 110]

[Wolong Zhuge Liang (peak-peak period), intelligence 101, politics 102]

[Pang Tong (Feng Young) (peak-peak period), intelligence 98, politics 8-9]

[Vulcan Zhou Yu (peak-peak period), intelligence 98, politics 91]

[Ghost genius Guo Jia (peak-peak period), intelligence 102, politics 82]

[Drug Master Jia Xu (Peak-Peak Period), Intelligence 99, Politics 87]

[Wang Zuozhicai Xun Yu (peak-peak period), intelligence 96, politics 103]

[Unifying Jiangshan Liu Bowen (Peak-Peak Period), Intelligence 104, Politics 100]

[Zhao Pu, the first prime minister of the Song Dynasty (peak-peak period), intelligence 95, politics 104 (Zhao's good)]


In China's five thousand years of history.

Countless counsellors have emerged, adding a splendid touch to history and leaving behind their heroic deeds.

One after another figure, in the eyes of Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng kept flashing by.

In addition to the talents of the Daqin era, the top advisors of almost all eras are constantly flashing here, especially Jiang Ziya, who has an intelligence attribute as high as 110 points, reaching the pinnacle of human intelligence!

It's a no-brainer.

Wisdom is close to the demon.

Describe this monster.

Not to mention that Jiang Ziya's political attribute is also as high as 105 points.

This is definitely the perfect type of advisor, just like the highest reward in the 'God Summoning Card' - Li Cunxiao, Li Yuanba, Xiang Yu.


The golden light kept flickering.


Fixed on a figure.

Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng's heart was also instantly tense. If he could get the highest reward, who would choose to have attributes barely breaking 95?

[Ding, congratulations on your successful acquisition of a peerless counselor——]



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