I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 108 Wang Zuozhi's talent Xun Yu! The salt that benefits all the people in the world!

[Ding, congratulations on your successful acquisition of a peerless counselor - Wang Zuozhi's talent Xun Yu]

[Wang Zuozhicai Xun Yu (peak-peak period), intelligence 96, politics 103]


Wang Zuozhi's talent, Xun Yu, was a top internal affairs talent at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and his talent can be said to be comparable to that of "Xiao He".

Not only that, but its reputation is well known by later generations.

Beautiful face, elegant demeanor, and handsome!

Xun Yu also likes to use incense, but it is not a modern perfume, but uses the method of incense to attach the fragrance to the body and clothes. Whenever Xun Yu goes to other people's house as a guest, the fragrance of the place where he sits will dissipate for three days. not fall.

"Xunling Liuxiang" was later synonymous with handsome men.

How beautiful was Xun Yu at that time?

Walking on the road, the man will drop his hoe and forget to plough the field when he sees it, and the woman will put down the weaving and become a nympho when she sees it.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a big sprayer called Miheng, who sprayed no matter who he saw, or bit high officials.

He saw Zhang Liao and said that this man was a drummer.

When he saw Chen Qun, he said that this was a pig butcher.


When he finally saw Xun Yu, he was speechless.

After holding it for a long time, he said, "You have a good face, so what's so great", this kind of remark is not so much a scolding, but a kind of compliment.

"Xun Yu, I have seen Your Majesty. 35


Xun Yu said softly.

A humble gentleman, described as a handsome man like him.

To tell the truth, regardless of Xun Yu's ability for the time being, this appearance alone is enough to gain a lot of extra points in the heart of Qin Shihuang, Ying Zheng. Each one looks like a monkey, and there is no momentum to go out.

Of course, Pang Tong is not targeted here.

Xun Yu, character Wenruo.

A native of Yingyin County, Yingchuan County.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, a statesman and strategist, Cao Cao was the chief counselor and hero of unifying the north.

Xun Yu was called "Wang Zuozhicai" in his early years. He was born in Xiaolian and served as a palace guard. After Dong Zhuo came to power, he abandoned his office and returned to his hometown, and led his clan to flee to Jizhou, where he was treated as a guest by Yuan Shao. Later, he defected to Cao Cao, where he served as an official, guarded the decree of the Shangshu, and was awarded the title of Marquis of Ting Wansui.

Later, because of his opposition to Cao Cao's claim to Duke Wei, he was transferred from the center and died of depression in Shouchun at the age of fifty.

He was given the posthumous title of "King". In the second year of Wei Xianxi (265), he was given the title of Taiwei.

In terms of strategy, Xun Yu formulated a blueprint and military route for Cao Cao's plan to unify the north, and he revised Cao Cao's strategic policy many times and won his appreciation, including "deeply rooted to control the world" and "welcoming the emperor.

Tactically, in the face of Lü Bu's rebellion and protecting the three cities of Yanzhou, he managed to restrain Yuan Shao from Guandu in 703, escaped Wan and Ye Erjian lightly to cover up his surprise attack on Jingzhou and many other achievements.

Politically, he recommended Zhong Yao, Xun You, Chen Qun, Du Xi, Xi Zhicai, Guo Jia and many other talents for Cao Cao.

Xun Yu made many achievements in construction, conspiracy, Kuangbi, and people.

He was called "my son's house" by Cao Cao.

It's a pity that such a talented person did not end up with a good start and a good ending, which is really a sigh.

"Don't be too polite."

Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng nodded in satisfaction.

Although Xun Yu's intelligence attribute was only 96 points, his political attribute directly broke 103 points, reaching 103 points. He was a top-level internal affairs talent, and he would definitely succeed Li Si and Feng Quji's prime minister in the future.

You must know that during Cao Cao's entire life, many battles were due to shortage of resources.

If it wasn't for Xun Yu's excellent internal affairs ability, which kept squeezing out a lot of money, I'm afraid Cao Cao would have been defeated long ago.

"I am very clear about your talent. From today onwards, you will assist me in handling government affairs. In the future, I will need you to take over the position of prime minister."

"Thank you Your Majesty for your appreciation. 55

In the face of the high and powerful Daqin's position as the prime minister.

Xun Yu, who was like a modest gentleman, was neither impatient nor impatient, and seemed very indifferent.


I can get this trust from Your Majesty.

Deep down, it is absolutely false to say that you are not moved.

However, his character cannot directly express this emotion, he can only keep it in his heart silently, and try to use his ability to help His Majesty solve problems.


"Report to Your Majesty, the Prime Minister of the Left, the Prime Minister of the Right, the Dianke, and the disciple of the Prime Minister of the Right, Zhang Liang. 39

"Waiting outside the door.

Just when Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng wanted to say something.

The little eunuch hurriedly rushed in and said.




With the retreat of the little eunuch.

After a while, the four top talents of the Great Qin Empire walked in hastily from the outside. His Majesty suddenly summoned them urgently. There must be some important task to be ordered.

The last time I called such an urgent call, I announced the important policy of the Qin Empire - to annihilate the Huns!


For this His Majesty's call, they did not dare to slack off.

Your Majesty must have something important to announce, and its importance is no less than the annihilation of the Xiongnu and the control of the entire northern grassland.

"This time to announce that you are here, there are several important things to announce.""

"I hope you can carry it out meticulously. 35

"This is an internal affairs talent I recently discovered - Xun Yu, he will assist me in handling various internal affairs, you can also get acquainted with it in advance.

Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng said.

By the way, I introduced the new member of the internal affairs - Xun Yu.

After the four of them saw Xun Yu, they were immediately attracted by his temperament and appearance. Although they didn't know his specific internal affairs ability, this temperament alone was enough to make people feel good.


Among the talents summoned by His Majesty.

Each of them is able to surpass others, and it is almost impossible to appear like eating and waiting to die.

Even Zhao Gao, the former 'Order of the CRRC Mansion', if he is not capable enough, how could he possibly be able to usurp the country in the future.

"The future is terrifying.

Right Prime Minister Feng Quji said with emotion.

Such a young man has been highly regarded by His Majesty, and his future achievements are limitless.


Judging from His Majesty's attitude, he intends to cultivate him as a prime minister.

It's a pity that he doesn't know the other party's internal affairs ability. If the other party's ability is outstanding, in a few years' time, he will be able to live in seclusion in the field with peace of mind. After all, the Great Qin Empire is also a successor.

Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng did not stop, and began to announce various strategies that he had already thought of.

"One is called refined salt.""

"After the immortal's suggestion, I have mastered the method of extracting refined salt from the salt mine.

"And because of the extremely high production, the price of salt can drop by at least half.

"Its quality is several times that of coarse salt."

"From tomorrow, the people of the world will be able to identify the officials and merchants of Daqin to buy refined salt. 55

Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng directly threw out the first benefit.

Refined salt!

From the luck question and answer space.

Baihei will receive the reward 'salt purification technique', which will be directly handed over to Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng.

After listening to Bai Hei's suggestion, Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng naturally did not hesitate, and directly took the "salt industry" into the state.

Subsequently, refined salt was continuously extracted from the salt mines and sold to the people of Daqin.

The Great Qin Empire takes ninety percent of the profits.

Officials and businessmen take a share.

Rao is so, and it is enough to make these officials and businessmen eat their mouths full of oil.

Because, originally they still had some competitors, but now they have all been swept away cleanly.

You sell coarse salt on a small scale, and the Qin Empire doesn't bother to care about you.

However, if you dare to grab business with the "official merchants" of the Great Qin Empire, it is equivalent to grabbing money bags from Qin Shi Huang Ying Zheng.

This kind of thing is intolerable.

Either you change careers obediently, and you will be compensated with a little money.

Or wait for the Daqin Empire to find your black material, and directly give you a full-scale copying and confiscation of money.


"What Your Majesty said can't be false!"

"Very good, the price of salt in Xianyang City has always been high, and it is definitely a blessing for the people to be able to reduce the price by half!

"Which monarch of the other (bbcc) six kingdoms can take care of the common people like His Majesty?"


In the hearts of Feng Quji, Li Si, Dun weak, and Zhang Liang, a storm suddenly erupted.

Even the humble and gentleman Xun Yu was not at peace.

No way, the first news that His Majesty throws out is already shocking enough, it really makes people unable to calm down.

The minds of the ancient people were very simple.

Whoever can make them eat enough and live a good life, they will support whoever.

And what Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng is doing now not only gives Daqin soldiers enough dignity through the 'Hall of Heroes', but also gives the people of Daqin enough hope in life through the 'fine salt', enough to make them crazy about it one by one.

Double the price.

And the quality has to improve several grades.

Faced with this kind of benefit, who would be foolish enough to buy expensive coarse salt, unless it's water in the head.


the most important is.

This is the 'official merchant' recognized by His Majesty.

That is to say, without His Majesty's order, these 'official merchants' would have absolutely no guts, dare to raise the price arbitrarily, and only sell at the price given by the Great Qin Empire.

If you want to make a fortune in war, etc., you just wait for the whole door to be slaughtered.

Whether it is Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng or Bai Zhu, they all hate this kind of person, and they can't wait to kill him!


The 'official merchants' who can be assessed as having good morals are generally prestige and good deeds.

Therefore, they will not violate the taboos of the Daqin Empire because of this.

They can reap enough benefits in the long run, and they can reap a lot of benefits in the short term, but they will lose their heads, and they will still be able to carry it out.

Looking at the shocked expressions of the four important ministers

Let Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng, the emperor of the ages, also get a sense of satisfaction.


He is the supreme Qin Shi Huang.

However, he has always been called a tyrant, no one understands his thoughts and ideas, only Bai Zhu is a confidant.

Now his act of directly benefiting the people with refined salt can definitely make the people all over the world change their views on him, not only the recognition of his achievements in unifying the world, but also the recognition of benefiting all people in the world!

Every wise emperor wants to be recognized from the heart of the people of the world!


This is far from over.

"Your Majesty.

Thousands of words in my heart finally converged into one sentence.

In this regard, although Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng was quite satisfied in his heart, he did not show it on his face, and immediately announced the second thing.

"Second, advanced iron smelting.

"This technique is also obtained from the hands of immortals, and it can create sharp weapons and sturdy armor."

"Our current weapons and equipment are far from comparable. 99

"Not only that, its raw materials are also very rich now, and it is a technology that benefits the country and the people.

"There are still three months until next year, not to mention the millions of Daqin soldiers, but all Daqin cavalry must be equipped with the latest equipment to enhance their strength and reduce casualties in the expedition against the Xiongnu.

Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng said in a deep voice.

Advanced iron smelting can be used in many places, but because it is used for the army to change clothes, it cannot be popularized to the common people in a short time.

The strength of a country's military power is related to its long-term stability.


Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng could only temporarily give up the idea of ​​using 'advanced iron smelting' to benefit the people of the world.

Moreover, the previous 'refined salt policy' alone has been enough for the common people to absorb it for a long time. Let's wait until the time is ripe to promote the 'advanced iron smelting technique'.


Emperor Qiangu cannot describe his achievements.

With Ying Zheng's current achievements, it is enough to call it - an emperor of all ages!

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, the task of promoting refined salt and the task of building equipment for the Great Qin Iron Cavalry can be handed over to me with confidence. 99

"I will definitely complete it successfully and give Your Majesty a satisfactory answer.

"If there is a mistake, the minister is willing to plead guilty with his life."9


Left Prime Minister Li Si gritted his teeth, and immediately stood up and said in a deep voice.

As the left prime minister of the Great Qin Empire, Li Si's ability is naturally beyond doubt, but it is a pity that because of the 'Q&A space for luck', he has directly exposed what he will do in the future, even if he gets His Majesty's forgiveness, it is impossible. Trust as before.


Xun Yu's appearance, coupled with His Majesty's attitude.

It added a lot of pressure to Li Si, and he already felt that His Majesty planned to train him as a 'Prime Minister'.

And the Great Qin Empire has set up two prime ministers on the left and right. Even if they want to replace them, they will definitely replace the left prime minister who has been 'stained', and it is impossible to replace the high-ranking right prime minister Feng Quji.


There is value in showing yourself in the future.

Li Si had to take the initiative to stand up and prove his usefulness through a series of real achievements.

There is no way, he Li Si is a complete official fan, unable to let go of the power in his hands, only by constantly showing his talents, to maintain his current glory and wealth.


Glancing at Li Si, Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng said indifferently.

Immediately, he flicked his sleeves.

The books on 'salt purification' and 'advanced iron smelting' were directly handed over to the left prime minister Li Si.

Although he has done some rebellious things in the future, but Li Si's internal affairs ability, after more than ten years of getting along with him, Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng is still quite relieved, and under the circumstance that the technology is fully prepared, there should be no problems.

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