I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 106 The end of the 3 luck quiz! Return to the Daqin era!

"This treasure ship of Ming Dynasty is a good reward."

"However, what is this corn, I have never heard of this crop.

"Since it can appear here, it must not be a general thing, and it must have a huge effect. 99


After listening to the introduction of white and black.

Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng did not directly draw a conclusion, but instead turned his attention to the last reward.

Corn 1000 stone!

Compared with traditional grain crops such as rice and wheat, maize has strong drought resistance, cold resistance, barren resistance and excellent environmental adaptability, and its nutritional value is higher, 5-10 times that of rice and wheat. , is also an excellent food crop.

As a high-yield food crop introduced in China in the later period, corn is an important source of feed for animal husbandry, aquaculture, aquaculture, etc. .

Because corn resources are extremely abundant, cheap and easy to obtain.

They also have many biological activities, such as antioxidant, anti-tumor, lowering blood sugar, improving immunity, and bacteriostasis.

It has broad development and application prospects.

If there is no Daming treasure ship, 1000 stone corn is indeed a good choice.


In the case of already having potatoes.

In addition, the 'competitor' is the Daming treasure ship.

The balance in Baihei's heart was already directly inclined towards the latter.

【‘Corn is a high-yielding crop that is rich in nutrients. ’]

[‘The yield per mu in the southern region is as high as 15 shi, in high-altitude areas it may be 7 or 8 shi, and in the northeast region it is about 10 shi per mu. ’]

['At least the yield is much higher than that of corn. ’]

Bai Zhi introduced this kind of crop.

After listening to this, Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng's eyes lit up, as if he liked it.

no way.

People take food as their heaven.

The Chinese people are also fond of farming, so they have almost no resistance to high-yield crops that can feed their stomachs. At first sight, they want to harvest them for their own use, even if they already have high-yield crops. Yield of potatoes.

Moreover, ordinary 11 surnames may be satisfied if they can eat their stomachs.

But for Qin Shihuang, Ying Zheng, not only had to eat enough, but also had to eat well.

There are indeed many ways to make potatoes, but if he eats them for too long, he will be a little tired of it. It may also be a good choice to change to a new taste.

"Isn't this a better choice, then?"

['Indeed, if it is a single choice, the priority of corn is higher, but in front of the Daming treasure ship, plus the Daqin Empire now has potatoes, the priority of corn will be slightly behind. ’l

On Qin Shi Huang Ying Zheng's opinion.

Bai Hei obviously held different views. He felt that among the last two options, the 'Da Ming Treasure Ship' should be chosen first.

He represents the future sea power of the Qin Empire!

The pinnacle of shipbuilding technology in the Cold Weapons Era, dominating the sea is not a problem at all.


environment of the sea.

It can be very changeable, and various natural disasters may break out at any time. Its power is so great that ordinary ships cannot stop it. Only the 'Daming Treasure Ship' can sail smoothly on the sea, unless it encounters an extraordinarily large ship. natural disaster.

In the face of catastrophic natural disasters, even modern steel warships may not be able to withstand it.

"Okay, since you said so, I will respect your opinion.

"The last three awards.

"I choose the characteristics of the empire. Binggui's speed and Ming's treasure ship manufacturing map."

After some persuasion from white and black.

Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng finally gave up the new high-yield crop, corn, and chose the other two rewards. Although it was a pity, since both white and black persuaded him, there must be his reason.

At least.

White and black will not harm themselves.

Every move of Bai Hei, the starting point is for the prosperity of the Qin Empire!

Only if the Daqin Empire is passed on forever, can he enjoy a longer life and enjoy more preferential treatment.

[Ding, 'Imperial characteristics. Soldiers are very fast' has been issued]

[Ding, the 'Daming Treasure Ship Making Map' has been released]

A golden ray of light was directly integrated into the national fortune of the Daqin Empire.

Acting on the entire army of the Great Qin Empire, their speed of travel has been directly improved by leaps and bounds, and at the same time, the physical strength consumed by traveling will also decrease a lot.

at the same time.

Appeared in the hands of Qin Shi Huang Ying Zheng.

There is also a light blue book that details the specific manufacturing method of the 'Daming Treasure Ship'.

Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng casually flipped through it twice and found the content above. Although he knew every word, when all the words were combined, he was immediately stunned and couldn't understand what was written on it. what!

After all, it is the pinnacle of ancient Chinese shipbuilding technology.

It contains professional knowledge.

If it is not a top-level shipbuilder, it is impossible to understand it. Even the Mohists who are good at crafting, I am afraid that there are very few people who can comprehend this 'Great Ming Treasure Ship'.

As Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng made his final choice, the third Q&A about luck also came to an end.

Comprehensive Rewards:

Qin Shihuang's Ying Zheng: Xuanjia Heavy Cavalry x30000, legendary buildings, panda land, epic buildings, paper workshop, advanced iron smelting, refined salt purification, peerless counselor summoning cards, imperial characteristics.

Auspicious Beast Bai Zhu: Heaven and Earth Lingquan, Zhuge Liannu x2000, the first shot of the Southern Song Dynasty, Diao Chan, Cai Wenji.

Confucian Sage Confucius (force 96): military general skills. Clothes burst (imposing +30%, force +2), legendary weapons. Convince people with virtue (force +2), yellow scarf warrior x1000, four books and five classics.

Emperor Zhaolie of Shu Liu Bei: Elite Soldier with White Ears (3000), Sovereign Skill. Encouragement.

Jiangdong Tiger Sun Jian: Epic equipment. Tiger armor, food 3000 stone, legendary weapon.

Wei Wang Cao Cao: Zhao Yun, Dian Wei took refuge, Bai Bo army took refuge (Xu Huang), the title of five sons.

[Ding, all rewards have been distributed, this luck question and answer is over]


Along with Qin Shi Huang Ying Zheng's rewards, all of them were distributed.

The third luck question and answer also came to an end.

The surrounding pure white space also began to slowly collapse, as if to return to nothingness.

[Three months later, the fourth luck question and answer will begin]

【Please be prepared】


Before anyone else could ask anything, the pure white space completely collapsed.

Except for Bai Hei, everyone felt a whirlwind, as if they had lost their gravity, and were sent back to their respective time and space.

And as the initiator of this "Qiyun Q&A".

You can also enter the stage of harvesting the results.

[In the process of clearing the flat points]

[Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng 15 points, Confucian Confucius 7 points, Shu Zhaolie Emperor Liu Bei 1 point, Wei King Cao Cao 5 points, Jiangdong Tiger Sun Jian 5 points]

【Total: 33 points (x1000)】

[Congratulations to the host, get 33000 lying flat points]

【Remaining points: 33900】


Along with the distribution of lying flat points for the third luck question and answer, Baihei's small treasury, which was close to depletion, became enriched again.

Moreover, because this time has a special problem.

Even if the regular questions are reduced by two.

The total points that can be obtained have also increased a lot, because it is only the last question, if everyone can get full marks, Bai Zhu can get a full 50,000 lying flat points!

Of course, this kind of thing is not very realistic, after all, there is only one Luoyang City.

In the end, there was only one person who was able to capture Luoyang City, occupy twelve hours, and get a full score evaluation.

The Great Qin Empire.

Xianyang City, Jingyang County.

Bai Zhu, who is a 'national auspicious beast', slowly opened his eyes, looking like he had just woken up to outsiders.

After spending so long in the Q&A space of luck, it was just a moment in the outside world.


White and black jumped.

He stood up directly from where he was sitting and walked outside.

When he came back, Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng had already handed over the control of the 'Legendary Building. Land of Pandas' to Bai Hei, and now he can place them at will.


After this time it is placed, it cannot be moved at will.

Came to a quiet place.

With his fleshy palm, Bai Zhi pointed forward, and silently chanted 'summon' in his heart



golden glow.

Immediately condensed.

The first to appear was Gao Chong, the first shot of the Southern Song Dynasty, which was drawn out through the 'God General Summoning Card'.

Secondly, it is the two top young ladies who have accepted the white and black "cross-border symbol", from the Han era to the Daqin era - Diao Chan and Cai Wenji.

One is good at singing and dancing, the other is good at literature.

finally appeared.

It is a 'Panda Land' belonging to white and black, and a thousand fully armed 'Panda Sharp Army'


"This.... where is this?!

"Sister Wenji, why did the flower in front of me appear here.

"I don't know, but the air here is fresh and it makes people feel happy, it feels like a fairyland.

Diao Chan and Cai Wenji followed Bai Hei to Luoyang City.

Later, with the completion of the special task, the two of them only felt a flash in front of their eyes, and when they came back to their senses again, they had already appeared here.

A little panic is normal.

However, after they saw Baihei, this panic disappeared without a trace.

They believed that this little black and white dumpling would not harm them.

"Gugugu-(Boss, boss, is this our new home?)"

"Gu Gu Gu (a bit more human smoke, there are a lot of human beings around here.)"

"Cuckoo (Can we go out for a walk?) 39

"Gu Gu Gu (I want to eat human food.)"


Panda Ruijun, who has just arrived in the new environment, is like a curious baby, wearing 'sunglasses' eyes flashing with curious colors.

They can't wait to rush out right now and have a good time!


this kind of thing.

Naturally, Bai Zhu also had to be restrained, and he couldn't let them run wild. Otherwise, these iron-eating beasts, who had the strength of top second-rate generals but were only ten-year-old human children, might make some big trouble.

"Gugugu! (You can't go out together, there are only 100 at a time, take turns to go out to play, obey Gao Chong's arrangement, and don't make trouble)

Baihei gave his order.

Jingyang County is his own territory, and it is also related to the improvement of his 'auspicious beast attribute'.


Absolutely can't let them mess up.

In order to control these powerful little guys, Bai Hei can only use the most powerful general around him, Gao Chong, to supervise their behavior and save them from making trouble.

For this kind of task, Gao Chong is naturally familiar, and has no pressure at all.

There is no problem managing an army of tens of thousands of people, let alone a thousand iron-eating beasts.

Of course, Gao Chong obviously did not realize the seriousness of the matter.

The effect of 'Legendary Building. Land of Pandas' is not only as simple as being able to train a sharp army of pandas, but it can also continuously attract 'iron-eating beasts' to come.

after all.

Whether it is the spiritual spring of heaven and earth, or the spiritual bamboo and spiritual soil of the panda land.

For ordinary 'iron-eating beasts'.

Its temptation is simply unable to resist 703, only Pidianpidian rushes over, and the number may expand to three thousand by then!

"Cuckoo--(Understood, boss.)"

"Gu Gu Gu (Is there only one hundred at a time, so few.)"

"Gu Gu Gu: (Okay, the boss said so, if you chatter again, don't go out.)"

"Gu Gu Gu—— (Resolutely obey the boss's orders!)"


Instructions given by White and Black.

Panda Ruijun is naturally meticulous in its execution.

Even if you can't help but want to go to the human world to play, you must obey the boss's orders.

Heaven and earth are big.

Biggest boss!

In the eyes of Panda Ruijun, the prestige of white and black is irreplaceable!

Just when Bai Hei was thinking about how to explain the current situation with Diao Chan and Cai Wenji in 'Panda Language', as if he had heard a voice, Daqin Princess Ying Yinman also came over.

Looking at the black iron-eating beast in front of him, the whole person was stunned.

"Okay...a lot of little auspicious beasts?!

Ying Yinman was dumbfounded.

What is the situation, why so many little auspicious beasts suddenly gathered.

【‘Little girl, I am here. ’l

Bai Zhu's 'Auspicious Beast's Heart Talk' suddenly sounded in Ying Yinman's ear, attracting her attention.

Although they are all 'iron-eating beasts', their cuteness is also divided into three, six, nine, and nine levels. An existence like Bai Zhu who has the "cute beast temperament" stands out from the crowd no matter where he goes.


Ying Yinman quickly noticed the specific location of Baihei.

"Little Rui Beast, what the hell is going on here?"

【'These are my subordinates, and they are living here from today. The one holding the gun is my subordinate (Gao Chong), the two young ladies over there may not be clear about the current situation, please explain to me chant. '1

"Ah this-"

Ying Yinman looked at nearly a thousand iron-eating beasts.

This guy Baihei, how did he pull up such a big team without making a sound?

Moreover, these 'iron-eating beasts' are wearing heavy armor and holding double axes, they look so fierce, they always feel that they can cut down dozens of ordinary soldiers with one!

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