I Fix The System Law

Chapter 846: kill!

Leng Shiqi originally thought that Jiu Li's strength after returning to the seventh stage could be comparable to that of the late Tianyuan realm. At this moment, he fought with Xie Pengyu, but he was able to crush this late Tianyuan realm with a blood beast. This strength really surpassed Leng Seventeen. Expected.

He withdrew his mind, he should solve his opponent first.

Here Tian Qisheng barely blocked the sword of the ghost and god, Leng Shiqi appeared, and a huge mysterious vortex was slowly rotating above his head.

Immediately afterwards, the whirlpool turned into a huge blood eye, and there was a vertical pupil in the blood eye, which seemed to reflect countless bones.

And those bones are all kinds of monsters!

Giant eyes appeared, whether it was Tian Qisheng's fish python or Xie Pengyu's red punishment beast, they all suddenly wailed in a low voice, appearing extremely frightened, and even the fish and python shrank together and shivered!

Eye of the Six Ways·Beast Way!

The Eye of the Six Paths was comprehended by Leng Seventeen not long ago by comprehending the six paths of reincarnation in the Underworld. Each path has a different power. This animal path can enable the ten thousand demons in the world to succumb to the law.

Leng Shiqi's hands pinched the seal, and the eyes of the animal Dao stood behind him, and immediately his eyes became the eyes of the animal Dao.

Under one look, the fish and python suddenly seemed to have been tortured, his whole body was constantly twisting, and a large number of terrible scars appeared on his body inexplicably!

Fish python also has the power of the seventh-order great demon, but it is so vulnerable in front of Leng Shiqi.

Tian Qisheng didn't know what was going on. He had never seen such a weird method in his cultivation till now. But he knew that if this continued, the fish python he had worked so hard to cultivate would die!

He was about to make a move, but he was suddenly shocked here, he felt a sense of being stared at by death!

Leng Shiqi gave birth to four arms, and instantly stamped Dao Dharma seals. In an instant, Nine Heavens Thunder was all over the sky, the endless wind suddenly rose, and the ground was frozen for thousands of miles without knowing when.

What is even more bizarre is that Divine Thunder, Gangfeng, and Ice Crystal all condense sharply in the blink of an eye, leaving only three half-human seals.

But it was these three seals that made Tian Qisheng frightened!

Because the three Dharma seals are filled with a power that makes him both envious and fearful.

The power of the laws of heaven and earth!

He couldn't even dream that the opponent he was facing was a strong master in the Tongxuan realm!

The three pronunciations evoke the power of the three laws of ice, wind, and thunder between heaven and earth, and repel all energies, forming a small world with a radius of thousands of feet.

Immediately, the endless divine thunder fell down, and the wind of extinguishing void swept the world, and the ice crystals were frozen through the past and the present!

The power of violent surging in this small world is like the end of the world!

This is Leng Shiqi's "Three Talents Imperial Art" continuously deduced to the extreme!

That Tian Qisheng was shocked. Facing the power of this eschatological law, he didn't even have room to fight back, and any spiritual skills and secret methods seemed so weak in front of this power.

Leng Shiqi stretched out his hand and shook it, and the whole small world collapsed. The swallowed Tian Qisheng didn't look at him until he died, staring and asking, "Who are you?"

"Underworld, Emperor Fengdu." Leng Shiqi said indifferently, and then took away Tian Qisheng's soul.

The elders in the middle stage of the blood beast sect Tianyuan realm can be killed by flipping their hands.

On the other side, Xie Pengyu was also desperate.

He had just fought against Jiu Li, although he fell into a disadvantage at the beginning, but he still had a lot of hole cards, not to mention that he would be able to turn defeat into victory, at least he was sure to retreat.

But after the appearance of Leng Shiqi's Six Paths Eyes, Xie Pengyu's Red Punishment Beast was also greatly affected, and he did not even resist and allowed Jiuli to attack. At this time, he was already covered in bruises.

At this moment Xie Pengyu realized that the mysterious person Leng Shiqi was the nemesis of their blood beast sect!

He has already begun to retreat, as long as he can break through the amethyst space of Jiuli, he can immediately contact Situ Huanxu, the master of the blood beast sect, everything is easy to say.

However, Xie Pengyu was a little dazed when Leng Shiqi used the Three Talents Seal to kill Tian Qisheng in an instant.

That mysterious person is actually a strong expert in the Profound Realm!

Experts in the Tongxuan Realm personally took action to deal with them!

Xie Pengyu couldn't figure out, when will the Northern Wei Dynasty reappear in the Profound Realm, and will help Jiu Li, the evildoer, deal with the Blood Beast Sect? !

Now that it’s useless to think about it. With the Profound Realm here, Xie Pengyu knew he was not an opponent. He hurriedly said, “Senior, don’t do anything. There is no hatred that cannot be resolved in this world. As long as Senior raises your hand, I’m willing to pay any price!”

Wen Yan Leng Shiqi secretly laughed.

When Xie Pengyu showed great power in the Demon Mountain Range, Leng Shiqi was only a low-level spiritual practitioner who transformed the spirit realm. This would have become Xie Pengyu's senior.

He wouldn't talk nonsense with Xie Pengyu, the other party was the great elder of the top sect, and he didn't know how many hole cards he still had. Moreover, it is a thousand miles away from Wei, but it is not too far for the Tianyuan realm. If Xie Pengyu passes the news out, it will be troublesome.

So we still have to end the battle as soon as possible.

"Jiu Li, help me stop him."

The corner of Jiu Li's mouth smiled, the lilac giant scorpion phantom appeared behind her, and a sharp voice penetrated Xie Pengyu's sea of ​​consciousness to the depths of his soul!

That voice is like a hook, which can hook out his soul directly!

Xie Pengyu's eyes darkened, and he felt a little faint. He suddenly bit the tip of his tongue and burned the blood all over his body. But he was shocked to discover that a part of his own blood had actually left his body uncontrollably.

He looked up and saw that there was a **** mark floating in the sky, and it was this thing that was pulling his blood.

The blood attracting the heavenly prestige seal is specifically used to deal with the method of burning the blood.

At this moment, Xie Pengyu's soul was not under control, neither was his essence and blood, and was suppressed by the gravitational space, as well as the amethyst space of Nine Li that separated spiritual consciousness.

As for the Red Punishment Beast not daring to move under the deterrence of the Eye of the Six Paths, he actually had a kind of awkwardness that made him unsuccessful every day.

He obviously has the cultivation base of the late Tianyuan realm~www.ltnovel.com~ but at this time he can't even display two or thirty percent of his skills.

Only death is waiting for Xie Pengyu!

Still dead and extremely aggrieved!

"No!!" Xie Pengyu thought of his grand plan, his goal is still achieved, he hasn't achieved what he pursues, he can't just die like this.

And Leng Shiqi had three deities of heaven and earth erected around him.

One is a killing Buddha with a magnificent Buddha and holding a sword.

One is the Emperor Fengdu who is in charge of the life and death of the world from the land of Jiuyou.

The Dharma in the middle is like a **** in the heavens, and treats everything like a dog.

When the three methods were the same, a sword was swung, the divine light suddenly appeared to kill the gods, the demon flames split the void, and the Buddha light bloomed to clear the world.

The three flowers of the gods and demons gathered on top, and it was a flash in the pan!

Xie Pengyu turned to ashes in endless panic!

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