I Fix The System Law

Chapter 847: Dog bites dog

"I haven't exerted any strength yet, you killed him." Jiu Li was a little unhappy. Xie Pengyu was one of the two people she hated the most. It would be too cheap for him to die like this.

Leng Shiqi was too lazy to answer. There shouldn't be any underestimation in the late Tianyuan realm. If Xie Pengyu was suppressed everywhere, he wouldn't be killed so easily. Jiuli would still be a good seller if he was cheap.

He changed the subject and said, "Xie Pengyu is dead, what are you going to do next?"

"Xie Pengyu is dead, but the Blood Beast Sect is still there!" Jiu Li's meaning was obvious, and she was still ready to continue to deal with the Blood Beast Sect.

And Leng Shiqi immediately persuaded, "I advise you not to target the Blood Beast Sect. The culprit is dead. The Blood Beast Sect has also lost a large number of the lives of its disciples and two elders, which is enough to dispel your heart. Hate."

"Huh?" Jiu Li was suddenly puzzled. Is this what Leng Shiqi will say?

If it were placed in the past, Leng Shiqi would definitely find ways to destroy the Blood Beast Sect, even if he couldn't destroy it, he would drive the tiger and devour the wolf. In short, the Blood Beast Sect would not be better.

However, Leng Shiqi had said these words at this time, and even Jiu Li felt that the Leng Shiqi in front of him had been compromised!

Of course Leng Shiqi was still him, and the reason why he said this was because he was very jealous of the beast.

Mysterious and powerful beastmaster!

Especially the Beastmaster specially reminded the cold seventeen, the blood beast sect can be chaotic, but there can be no disaster!

Leng Shiqi this is not counseling, but stability.

He explained: "I found a remarkable existence in the Blood Beast Sect before, so don't provoke me with your strength."

Jiuli's expression was also heavy, she knew Leng Shiqi very well.

He can be judged as an unprovokable existence, it must be so powerful that it is perverted!

"Well, the grievances of the Blood Beast Sect are temporarily put down, then I will go to Yu Beast Zhai." Jiu Li also took it seriously.

To Jiu Li’s surprise, Leng Shiqi shook his head again and said, “No, Yu Beast Zhai can’t move either. You must know that Yu Beast Zhai and Blood Beast Sect have been deadly enemies for countless years. Now the Blood Beast Sect has lost three Tian Yuan. The realm strong and a large number of disciples can be said to be the source of the serious injury.

What do you think will be done in the next Yujuzhai? "

"Encroach on the blood beast sect!" Jiu Li immediately understood Leng Shiqi's meaning.

The strength of the Blood Beast Sect is greatly damaged, and Yu Beast Zhai will naturally suppress the Blood Beast Sect from all aspects. Without Jiu Li's action, the Blood Beast Sect will only get worse and worse.

If Jiu Li were to trouble Yu Beast Zhai at this time, with such a powerful enemy, Yu Beast Zhai would not have time to take care of the Blood Beast Sect.

So Jiu Li doesn't have to do anything, just sit and watch the dog bite the dog.

Leng Shiqi continued: "The power of the two top sects was not bad. There was a fight between each other but no one can do nothing. Now the Blood Beast Sect is obviously at a great disadvantage, but the Blood Beast Sect still has Situ. Huanxu was here, so it was impossible to let Yu Beastzhai suppress him.

So I expect there will be a big battle between the two sects in the near future! When the battle begins, if you intervene in secret, that will be the greatest revenge against them. "

After listening to this passage, Jiu Li confirmed that Leng Shiqi had not been dropped, "Okay, I don't have a place to go in this way."

Jiu Li's revenge is half done, and Nanmen Yun, the thousand-legged beast king of Yu Beast Zhai, can't move for the time being, she seems to have nothing to do.

As for going to the All Souls Grand Meeting, it is not enough. If she honestly doesn't do anything, King Gu can help her cover her aura, once she does it, it will be completely exposed.

Jiu Li's eyeballs turned and said, "Forget it, then I will go to the Far North Wilderness. After all, that is the habitat of the Demon Race. With my strength, I might be able to make a Demon King."

With that, she was still excited.

Leng Shiqi clapped his hands and praised, go to the extreme northern wasteland, go to Huohuo group of monsters.

"You helped me kill Xie Pengyu. I don't know how to pay back such a great favor." Before leaving Jiu Li Youyou Road, she used to lend Leng Shiqi a part of his power, and now they are even in opposition to their strength. Turning around, she didn't know how to pay back the favor for a while.

"The time we have been together is not short. It is not easy to be able to go to this day. I can still help if this is a busy point." Leng Shiqi Dafang said, and immediately changed his conversation. "If you have to help me, too. Row."

As he said, he handed a piece of jade slip to Jiu Li, "This is the location of the Thunder System Heaven and Earth Alien Species of Annihilation God Thunder, in the extreme northern wilderness, but the specific location is not very clear, and I don’t know if it has been affected by others. Take it away. Since you are going to the Far North Wilderness, you should just drop in and help me inquire about it."

"I know that your kid won't suffer, it's just a small matter, leave it to me." Jiu Li put away Yu Jian and was about to leave.

A roar full of boundless anger suddenly came, "Those who dare to move my blood beast sect, look for death!"

In the distance, a little green light gathered into a figure, and that voice was made by this person.

"It's Situ Huanxu!" Jiu Li was startled at first. She always used the amethyst space to stop Xie Pengyu, preventing the other party from having a chance to pass on the news. How could Situ Huanxu appear here?

However, Jiu Li glanced at it, and then chuckled: "It turned out to be just a phantom. With this little strength, dare to bark in front of my mother?"

"Monster, it's actually you!" Situ Huanxu immediately recognized Jiu Li, feeling shocked.

Prior to this, he sent Xie Pengyu and Tian Qi to return to the sect to suppress the riots in the beast prison. He had already determined that there was an inner ghost in the main gate, so these two were naturally on the list of his doubts.

So he kept a special eye on him, released a phantom and followed behind quietly, to see if there were any ghosts in these two people.

It's a pity that his phantom body is not fast, so he can only hang far behind.

He happened to run into the scene where Xie Pengyu was killed by mistake, UU read www.uukanshu. Com, he knew that the people who could kill Xie Pengyu and Tian Qisheng were definitely super strong, and he couldn't deal with it with his mere illusion.

His biggest goal is to know who the murderer is!

When he saw that it was Jiu Li, he couldn't help but hate him. This demon girl was besieged by them several times and did not die, but now they killed the two elders of the blood beast sect again, this hatred is not shared!

At the same time, Situ Huanxu also noticed Leng Shiqi. At this time, Leng Shiqi was the costume of Emperor Fengdu, and his breath was as unfathomable as an abyss.

Situ Huanxu saw it instantly, Leng Shiqi was even more threatening than Jiuli!

Who is this mysterious man?

Before he could speak, Jiu Li snapped his fingers, and his illusion was directly torn apart.

"Unexpectedly, Situ Huanxu still left a hand. Fortunately, he started fast enough. His body should be on the way to come. I will withdraw first." After Jiu Li finished speaking, he broke through the air and left.

Leng Shiqi's palm stroked the void, and the strange power of the earth wiped out all the traces of battle. Even if Situ Huanxu came here, he would never find any clues.

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