I Fix The System Law

Chapter 845: 9 Li's strength

Situ Huanxu pondered for a moment, and said: "Beast Prison and Beast Sovereign must have nothing to lose. The Great Elder and Elder Tian will go back together to stabilize the situation of the sect as soon as possible. Then grab me who made the move. It is impossible for a master of formation to destroy, there must be a ghost in the clan!"

He didn't worry about how much the Blood Beast Sect would lose. He already knew that there was no Tier 6 monster beast among the monsters in the Beast Hell riot, and the power in the Sect was more than enough to deal with this monster.

It is precisely the fact that there is no Tier 6 monster riot that makes Situ Huanxu suspicious.

The third layer of the beast prison clearly holds the sixth-order monster beasts, if the formation is destroyed, how can they be indifferent.

What worries him even more is that there are only a handful of people in the Blood Beast Sect who have the ability to break the Beast Hell Formation!

And they are all high-level!

This means there are ghosts in the top!

A middle-aged man with a big belly stood up next to Xie Pengyu. He was Tian Qisheng, one of the elders of the Blood Beast Sect, with a cultivation base in the middle of the Heavenly Origin Realm.

"Senior brother, don't worry."

Xie Pengyu didn't say much, turned around and hurried back to the Blood Beast Sect with Tian Qisheng.

After the two of them left, Situ Huanxu secretly took out a jade medal, and then suddenly crushed it!

Thousands of miles away, Xie Pengyu and Tian Qisheng turned into two **** streamers across the sky. Suddenly, the heaven and the earth's vitality surged wildly, a misty force swayed, and the two suddenly felt that there was a mighty force on their bodies, and they fell from a high altitude unpreparedly.


The two fell to the ground, and they both had spiritual power to protect the body and naturally did not hurt, but their faces were full of dignity and vigilance.

In particular, the pressure like Mount Tai's topping made them have to allocate a part of their strength to resist, and the person who can do this step is at least the powerhouse in the late stage of the Heavenly Origin Realm!

This kind of powerhouse is very rare in the Blood Beast Sect. Who would be targeting them?

Xie Pengyu's blood flowed around his body, and his anger was soaring, his voice spread all over the surroundings, "Your Excellency is a high position anyway, so hiding your head and showing your tail will humiliate your identity."

No one answered him, only the violent sword intent burst out, and the divine light suddenly appeared under this sword, and the ghosts were everywhere, and the ghosts and gods were shocked.

A sword of ghosts and gods!

And the target of this sword was not Xie Pengyu, but Tian Qisheng next to him.

That powerful sword intent was condensed together, and Tian Qisheng was shocked by the power. He subconsciously wanted to hide, but the ghost sword is no longer a simple sword, dozens of miles around has already become a sword domain, so he has no way to hide!

Tian Qisheng made a mark in an instant, and a huge blood-colored circle lit up under his feet, and a huge blood beast emerged.

This blood beast has a long and slender figure, resembling a snake or a snake, or a fish or a fish, with two long dragon whiskers at the corner of its mouth!

Obviously, this beast was a blood beast made by Tian Qisheng refining several kinds of monster beasts.

"Fish Python, Broken Sword!"

The fish python opened its mouth wide, expanding infinitely, and in a blink of an eye, it seemed to swallow the sky and the earth, and even the heaven and the earth's energy was swallowed in!

The ghost and **** suddenly went dark with a sword. Seeing this, Tian Qisheng was secretly delighted.

The greatest ability of his blood beast fish python is to be able to swallow part of the heaven and earth elemental power. You must know that the most powerful place in the heavenly element realm is to use the heaven and earth elemental power. Once the heaven and earth elemental power is limited, the power of spiritual skills will naturally be greatly reduced.

At the same time, Xie Pengyu is also ready to take action.

But once the monster's voice sounded, "Xie Pengyu, do you still remember my old lady?"

Immediately, Zhou Tian burst out countless purple demon powers, and the flow of demon power formed an amethyst space of about ten miles to envelop Xie Pengyu.

Xie Pengyu recognized the person at once, and he shouted in horror: "Scorpion, you are not dead!?"

The reason why he said "again" was because Jiu Li had indeed resurrected strangely twice in his hands.

The first time was in the Demon Mountain Range, Jiu Li blew his body and transferred his soul and was taken away by Leng Shiqi. The second time was a year ago when the Blood Beast Sect, Yu Shou Zhai, and the Northern Wei Dynasty joined forces to kill Jiu Li, and finally Jiu Li was seriously injured and escaped into the Hades.

Now that Jiu Li appeared again, Xie Pengyu was shocked and at the same time felt a headache.

Before and after Jiu Li had brought a lot of trouble to the Blood Beast Sect, and the disciples under the sect had died a lot, but if Jiu Li's whereabouts were magical, she couldn't kill her.

Anyone will feel a headache for such an enemy.

What's more, at the moment Xie Pengyu is eager to rush back to the Blood Beast Sect, but is stopped by Jiu Li again, wishing to kill Jiu Li ten times or eight times in his heart.

But he also knows very well that it is impossible to leave easily today.

The river of blood behind Xie Pengyu roared, and a strange animal with fleshy wings on its back walked out of the river of blood like a hill.

The strange beast squeezed its fists, and a strong wave visible to the naked eye spread out, and the power of this strange beast was comparable to the middle stage of the Heavenly Origin Realm!

The blood beasts created by the blood beast sect using various secret methods are actually very flawed, and they are definitely not comparable to the real powerhouse of the Heavenly Origin Realm.

But Xie Pengyu's strange beast had a feeling of breaking the law with strength, and it was obviously much stronger than it was in the Demon Mountain Range.

"Your Red Punishment Beast old lady has seen enough, and it's time for you to see the real body of the old lady." After Jiu Li said, the majestic demon power and ghost spirit around him continued to surge.

Her body was raised a little bit, and surrounded by power, she formed a dark purple and mysterious armor. Eight sharp thorns protrude from behind, like a pair of alien wings.

Jiu Li was condescending, but a pair of demon pupils still had a bit of magical flow.

After Jiu Li got the inheritance of Yaoye Guidi, now the realm has finally recovered to the seventh-order great monster, her body has changed from a pure monster to a half-demon and a half-god!

God from Hades!

At this moment, whether it was the blood of the Demon Race or the spirit of the ghost emperor in Jiu Li's body, the Red Punishment Beast felt the suppression of its soul, and even had an impulse to make it kneel on the ground.

With a wave of Jiu Li, a horrible illusion stretching hundreds of feet behind came ~www.ltnovel.com~ It was a hell, where there was a sea of ​​blood rising, there was a river flowing backwards, and there were countless evil spirits in it. Struggling and wailing.

Obviously it's broad daylight, but it makes Xie Pengyu and Tian Qisheng feel like they are falling into the Nine Netherworld!

Xie Pengyu's heart sank. After a year, Jiu Li's strength has improved rapidly, far beyond the last time he played against it!

Jiu Li turned his claws into his hands, and in an instant, thousands of ghosts cried, and the world became extremely dim, and the powerful, cold power seemed to be able to tear the void.

The Red Punishment Beast suddenly screamed, and Xie Pengyu turned his head to see that countless claw marks appeared on the Red Punishment Beast's body!

"What an amazing speed, what a destructive power!"

No one knows the power of the Red Punishment Beast better than him, but now it seems that the Red Punishment Beast is not an opponent of Jiuli at all!

Xie Pengyu held an inverted spear, and a layer of strange ripples appeared. The next moment, the blood-colored gun shadows obscured the sky and the sun, and everything nearby was blocked, but the gun shadows were also rapidly disintegrating, and they could only barely support it.

He was one person, one beast, but was suppressed by Jiu Li's own power!

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