I Fix The System Law

Chapter 824: Fire in the backyard

Princess Kahlo widened her eyes with an expression of disbelief. She looked up and down Leng Shiqi, as if she had seen this person for the first time.

"You, what did you just say?"

"Finally, Princess Kahlo should relax. I have arranged everything. You can just wait for the throne."

Princess Carol knew that Leng Shiqi was hiding something from her, which made her feel like a tool.

In fact it is true.

But Princess Kahlo is willing to be this tool, as long as she can regain the throne, she is willing to do anything!

Perhaps from the beginning, there was only hatred in her heart. I don't know when she started to covet the throne more and more.

After a few days, the city of Lemberg was calm.

This puzzled many people. Gus would never let Princess Kahlo continue to expand her reputation and influence. Why would she be so late?

But the caring people know very well that this is just the calm before the storm.

At night, Leng Shiqi sat cross-legged in the city lord's mansion of Lemburg, and he opened his eyes and focused on everything in Lemburg.

Suddenly, dozens of powerful spirit energy auras broke into his field of vision.

Leng Shiqi snorted softly: "Sure enough, it's here."

The one who came is King Gus!

The way he thought of was not to suppress the realm with the army, but to kill Princess Kahlo directly with a master!

As long as Princess Kahlo dies, these traitors will become obscure.

In Leng Shiqi's vision, including King Gus, there are five great masters of the unity of heaven and man, and more than sixty masters of Linggang realm!

"It seems that Gus is secretly mobilizing these masters in the past few days. Basically, Zhu Luguo’s masters are almost tuned.

But these people are far from enough. Gus dare not conquer himself by relying on this. "Leng Shiqi guessed that Gus was very likely to also bring a strong Tianyuan realm over.

It's a pity that if the Heavenly Origin Realm was intentionally hidden, he would not be able to detect it with his eyes.

Gus and the others are still dozens of miles away from the city of Lemburg, and they can enter the city of Lemburg for a moment at their speed.

Leng Shiqi immediately transmitted a message to Princess Kahlo, "Gus is here, go out of the city to fight!"

Princess Kahlo couldn't help feeling tight, Gus actually came in person!

Before she could think about it, she immediately took all the Linggang realm masters and left Lemburg with Leng Shiqi.

Once they fight, the city can't stand the toss.

And Gus led a murderous master approaching the city of Lemburg. They just approached but found that more than twenty figures were already standing outside the city gate, as if they had long known they would come.

"Uncle Gus came to Lemburg late at night and didn't tell me in advance, so I could pick you up." Princess Kahlo's voice came from the darkness.

Gus stopped. Originally, he wanted to sneak into the city of Lemburg to kill a surprise, but now it seems that they have been discovered long ago!

I just don’t know if it was guessed by the other party, or if there is news leaked out on my side?

Gus glanced at the people around him unintentionally. There were few insiders in the assassination of Princess Kahlo, almost all of them were here.

Who will leak the information?

But at this moment, there is no time for him to catch the rape, and he can't even show a skeptical attitude, otherwise he will only get confused.

Gus looked at Princess Kahlo, feeling very strange, and he said solemnly: "Little Kahlo, it's fortunate that you didn't die in the first Gu Shenfeng battle, but why did you go against me?

It is not me who killed your father and queen, but Nasang Hetong!

Also, since you have been in the country of Zhulu incognito for the past few years, you should know that since I became the throne, there have been acts of mediocrity, and I have been sorry to the people of Zhulu country!

Now that you are anti-me, I don't understand, let alone understand. "

As soon as he spoke, he placed himself on the side of innocence and justice, but Princess Kahlo was no longer the princess Kahlo used to be.

She said coldly: "It's ridiculous, if I showed up at Gu Shenfeng, I'm afraid I would have died tragically in your hands. The matter has been said to be useless, and you, as the lord of a great country, did not make a sneak attack tonight. The nasty thing.

Up to now, the only result between us is death and death. "

Gus's gaze was watching the spiritual practitioners behind Princess Kahlo. They were all masters in the Linggang realm. Most of them were gathered together, and a few were from the Tianzhu Army.

But there is no one Gus wants to meet.

According to Deya, when he led the Tianzhu army to attack the city of Rhenburg, there were four most weird people who were very strong, but at this moment they did not appear.

There are also two powerful Harmony between Heaven and Man, and they are what makes Gus the most jealous.

Although the people he brought this time can definitely crush Princess Kahlo in terms of strength, Gus is a delicate person and he does not allow hidden dangers.

"Since everything is said to the point, don't blame the uncle for not being merciful." Gus's hands were sealed, and the sky suddenly covered with clouds. The power of the water element in a radius of tens of miles came madly, near the city of Lenburg The moisture is permeated, and the powerful spiritual skills are ready to go.

Gus is still looking around, he doesn't believe that the other party can still be calm!

Immediately afterwards, a cloud of black mist suddenly appeared, and several figures walked out of it. It was Gu San, Yushu and Ou Ziyu.

"Hmph, I was really blown out." Gus smiled triumphantly.

He sneered: "Just the three of you? As for the others, come out, there is no need to hide! Otherwise, you can only save the bodies for you."

"Hey, it's not necessarily who collects the corpse for whom." Yushu immediately became angry. "I have to admire you, as the leader of the country, but dared to fight in person, and you also took away more than 80% of the masters from Wangcheng.

I don’t know if you are self-confident or arrogant. Don’t you worry about a fire in the backyard? "

Hearing that, King Gus felt bad!

Since the other party already knows that he is coming to ~www.ltnovel.com~, it is natural to know that the current Wangcheng is the most vulnerable time!

There are only a few Linggang Realm Guardians left in there. If someone breaks into the royal city at this time, the consequences will be disastrous!

"That's bad." King Gus felt anxious, but he immediately calmed down.

After all, the royal city is the royal city, and the masters of the royal worship hall are sitting in secret, and nothing big can happen. As long as he can kill Princess Kahlo and these people in the shortest time, and then return to the royal city, all crises will no longer exist.

"Listen to the order, do your best to kill the rebels!" King Gus shouted, and then he pressed his hands, and the heavy rain fell, and every drop of rain contained powerful water spiritual power!

The spiritual practitioners on Princess Kahlo's side could barely support her by supporting the body guard Linggang.

At this moment, a figure wearing the mask of Emperor Fengdu appeared strangely, and as soon as he raised his hand, hundreds of **** **** were scattered into the sky.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they fixed their eyes, and they were all human heads!

And it is the head of Gus's trusted followers!

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