I Fix The System Law

Chapter 823: Popular support


   In the Palace of King Zhu Road, a miserable body was blasted out, leaving a deep blood mark along the road.

   That person is Deya.

   Deya flew out by the slap of King Gus.

"As the commander-in-chief of the thief, he escaped and let the nearly ten thousand Tianzhu army return to the Kahlo anti-thief! You still have the guts to see the lonely, if you don't miss your old feelings, you can't wait to break your body now!" Roared.

   In fact, he is usually a good planner, and he has hardly been so irritable. It is really Deya that made him anxious this time.

   This time I went to Lemburg to give people away!

   The thief who said that he was good, eventually sent a large number of Tianzhu army to Princess Kahlo.

   Originally, Princess Kahlo was just a small mess in Gus's eyes, but now it's better, Princess Kahlo has the Tianzhu army, which means that she has the qualifications to really challenge Gus!

   Although Princess Kahlo now has only tens of thousands of people in his hands, there are tens of thousands of troops on the Zhulu country, which seems to be completely worthwhile and still has a big advantage.

   But don’t forget, Zhulu Country is a country after all, and there are Biliu Country and Dayue Country around it that have been watching!

   At this time, Princess Kahlo’s rebellion should have spread to that side. If Gus mobilizes a large number of teams to destroy Princess Kahlo, then Beiliu and Otsuki will never turn a blind eye.

   but will fall into trouble!

   So Princess Kahlo has been able to threaten the safety of Zhu Luguo!

   Deya still had a few breaths, he got up with difficulty and knelt down to explain: "Your Majesty, the minister has been defeated, and he has escaped. The minister deserves death!

   No matter how your Majesty punishes him, Weichen has no complaints, but the biggest reason why he was defeated this time was the inaccurate intelligence.

   Carol’s subordinates have several spiritual masters, and their strength is not inferior to the unity of heaven and man! They came in as if they were in the realm of no one, and no one could resist.

   In addition, Kahlo actually hides two great masters in the unity of heaven and man, Lord Gary and Lord Percy are not their opponents!

   The two adults can testify about this, the Weichen did not say anything false. "

   "Really?" King Gus looked at Gary and asked.

   Gary said solemnly: "What Deya said is true."

   "Kaka!" King Gus directly crushed his throne.

   Now he finally knows where Princess Kahlo's confidence is, it turns out she is hiding so deeply!

   He must find a solution to Princess Kahlo as soon as possible, otherwise there will be no room for the other party to expand step by step.

   King Gus said bitterly: "Deya, I want to save your life for your many years of loyalty. You will be the vanguard in the future against the Kahlo rebels."

   "Weichen obeys orders, thank your majesty Longen." Deya's crazy forehead was delighted to save a little life.

   "It's not good, your majesty has something serious!" At this moment, a group of people ran up a few steps outside the palace. They were the officials responsible for the intelligence of Zhu Luguo.

   Deya saw these people not calling for a long time. It was because of these people's intelligence errors that he caused a big mistake and almost lost his life.

   So he sneered: "Laughter, how could something happen to your Majesty Longti Ankang? How dare you make a loud noise in the hall?"

However, those people ignored him at all. One of them gave out a dozen pieces of information in a panic, and said with a trembling voice: "Your Majesty, I don't know when there will be a large number of people supporting Kahlo in major towns. It continues to preach that Karol’s momentum is unprecedentedly strong, and your Majesty, you are about to lose popular support!"


   King Gus's mind was in a daze, and immediately he murmured: "Impossible, absolutely impossible, just a few days after the Kahlo rebels got up, where are so many supporters?"

   "It's Buddhism."

"The entire Buddhism has taken refuge in Kahlo. I didn’t even care about it. But I suddenly discovered that Buddhism’s believers have spread throughout the Zhulu country! And those believers spread out like a plague. Your Majesty!"

   "Buddha..." King Gus was even more dazed.

   Buddhism, he naturally knew, especially after Tu Deng took the shot, everyone knew that Buddhism had a strong man in the Heavenly Origin Realm.

   A Heavenly Origin Realm poses a great threat to Zhulu Country, either to be subdued or eliminated, so King Gus also specially sent people to persuade Tudeng to return to Zhulu Country. Unfortunately, he failed.

   But he never thought that Buddhism would support Princess Kahlo!

   I didn’t expect the influence of Buddhism to be so great!

   Suddenly, King Gus felt a little scared.

   Princess Kahlo holds a lot of spiritual practitioners, and there are many masters under her command. Together with the support of the people, it can be said that the general situation is complete!

   There is also the Buddhism, if Buddhism takes refuge in Kahlo, it means that Tudeng, a strong man in the Tianyuan realm, is also on Kahlo's side.

   In the King City, who can deal with the strong of the Heavenly Origin Realm?

   King Gus immediately thought of the royal hall!

   The only ones who can save him are those strong men in the royal hall.

   But what he worries about is that those few might not even make a move!

   Princess Kahlo is the daughter of the previous king, and indeed is qualified to inherit the throne. This kind of thing belongs to the battle within the royal family, and the royal hall will not interfere.

   So the key point is Buddhism.

   If King Gus can confirm that Buddhism has taken refuge in Princess Kahlo, then it is equivalent to the spiritual cultivation sect being mixed in, and this is a reason to invite the strong from the worship hall. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

   King Gus sat down, his eyes flashed, and after a while he smiled at the corner of his mouth, and said: "Don't worry about this, you should take care of your own duties, and leave the rest to the gu."

   After all, King Gus left, leaving only a stalwart back for everyone.

   Everyone was suddenly determined, and it seemed that their king had found a way.

In Lenburgh, Princess Kahlo was half happy and half worried after seeing the information. She asked Xiang Leng Shiqi, "You can actually use the power of Buddhism, so that I can gain a lot of people's hearts is a good thing, but with spiritual cultivation With the participation of the sect, Gus is afraid that he can invite the powerhouse of the royal consecration hall!

   I heard that there is a Tianyuan realm powerhouse in Buddhism, and there are several Tianyuan realm powerhouses in Fengtang. If they make a move, we won't even have a chance of winning. "

   Leng Shiqi said: "Buddhism is not strictly a spiritual sect, and the people who support you are just ordinary people. Gus may not be able to invite them."

"Nevertheless, those who are available to Fengtang don't know the true situation of Buddhism. With Gus's scheming, he will definitely avoid the importance and add fuel to it. Once the Tianyuan realm powerhouse is killed, we will not be able to escape." Princess Kahlo A little anxious.

   And Leng Shiqi narrowed his eyes, flashed a trace of murderous invisibility, and said four words: "So what?"


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