I Fix The System Law

Chapter 825: Hades, Emperor Fengdu!

   Seeing these heads, the audience was shocked!

   King Nagos has blood red eyes. The owners of these heads were all cultivated by him, and many of them have been with him since he was an adult. It can be said that they are the cronies of the cronies!

   Not only that, they now hold important positions in Zhulu Country, and they are all pillars of Zhulu Country.

   But they are dead, all dead!

   The head was still thrown in front of him, which ignited Gus with endless anger.

   At the same time, he can't believe it is true!

  Those who died each have their own guards, and they are scattered all over the city. How could they be served in a pot?

   What kind of chaos in the royal city!

   The most important thing is that there are also the Heavenly Origin Realm powerhouse in the royal palace in the royal city. In this case, even the Heavenly Origin Realm powerhouse can't be stopped.

   How terrifying is the person who shot?

   Is it the hand of the Tianyuan realm of Buddhism?

   Gus doesn't work, but what he knows is that there is a fire in his backyard right now!

"Carol, Carol, it's really a good method! I just look down on you for loneliness, then your life will dispel my hatred!" Gus was almost mad, and the sky was like a black cloud, and the sky was shaking. The killing intent made everyone afraid.

   In fact, Princess Kahlo couldn't believe it. She was obviously with Leng Shiqi these few days. How did he run to the city to kill so many people and then return to the city of Lemburg?

   Even if you can fly to the sky, you can’t do it!

   Actually, Leng Shiqi had let Xioming quietly go to Wangcheng to wait for an opportunity a few days ago.

  His original intention was to let Xiongming find out the reality of Gus. Who would think Gus would bring people to kill directly? This gave Leng Shiqi a huge opportunity!

   After Leng Shiqi informed Princess Kahlo, he turned around and teleported to the royal city through the underworld, followed by a series of killings!

   All Gus's confidants died in his hands.

   It’s not difficult to get information about those people. After all, everyone is in a high position and their whereabouts are well grasped. And they would kill sooner or later after Princess Kahlo took the throne, but now it was just a little bit earlier.

   Leng Shiqi used the universe to reap life ruthlessly like a ghost, and several fierce battles broke out, attracting a large number of guards.

   In the end, he even led to the strong of the Tianyuan realm who guarded the king city!

   Leng Seventeen immediately stopped, and under the cover of fierceness, both teleported back from the royal city, and there was the scene just now.

   At the same time, Leng Shiqi also got a secret message. Since there is only one Heavenly Origin Realm in the King City, it means that the other powerhouses of the Zhu Road Royal Ensemble Hall are all near the city of Lumburg!

   Gus made seals frantically, dazzling aura shining in the night sky, and the power of the endless water element invaded this world.

   Immediately afterwards, a huge spiritual crystal rose from the ground, and a whirlwind of water vapor shot out from the spiritual crystal quickly, enough to sweep away the aura!

   Leng Shiqi's eyes condensed, and Gus's offensive also had a shadow of the Heavenly Origin Realm. Of course, it was still a bit weak for him!

   However, he did not rush to make a move. Instead, he stretched out his hand, and two ghostly figures appeared, it was the sword ghost and the beast ghost.

   "Finally I am willing to show up, but it is a pity that you have to die for the two of you who are fooling around!" King Gus's anger turned into majestic spiritual power, and even the sword ghost and the beast ghost were enveloped in it.

   The sword ghost pointed together into a sword, a sword was pointed out, and the boundless sword intent struck like a thousand swords returning to the origin, tearing most of Gus's spiritual power.

   At the same time, the beast ghost turned into a huge ancient alien beast, and the sharp claws shattered the sky, and together with the spirit crystal of Gus!

   "So strong!" Gus exclaimed. He took a deep look at the Beast Demon and Sword Demon, and then stared at Leng Shiqi again.

   The three heavens and humans are in one realm, which is indeed a very powerful force.

   Gus immediately raised his arms, and four people stood beside him, all masters of the unity of nature and man!

   Even if it's strong, how can it still fail?

   As long as these three people are solved, the remaining Princess Kahlo and others are nothing but lambs to be slaughtered.

   "Does King Gus want to rely on a large number of people? If so, he will be accompanied by him." Leng Shichi said calmly, and he suddenly blew a whistle, even after hearing several demon roars!

   Four monster beasts surging with powerful monster power appeared in the sky. They were a one-person-high monkey, a giant ape with a broken arm, a green snake and a strange bird hovering in the air.


   "Where did the monster beast come from?"

   "This is the first time I have seen a monster in my life."

   "They, they are all Tier 6 monsters!"

   Seeing the land monkeys appearing, both the people on Princess Kahlo and Gus were shocked.

  The Demon Mountain Range and the Far North Wasteland are too far away from Zhulu Country, so people here can only learn about monsters from books, and more than ninety percent of them have never seen monsters in their lives!

  , let alone a Tier 6 monster that is comparable to the Unity of Heaven and Man.

  Moreover, generally speaking, the fighting power of monsters of the same rank is stronger than that of spiritual practitioners, after all, their monster bodies are the most powerful weapons.

   The most incredible thing is that the monster beast actually obeys the order of the spiritual practitioner?

  Monsters and humans are obviously deadly enemies!

   Are everyone confused again, or are the concepts in their minds always wrong?

  Gary and Percy, the celestial beings in one state, felt the pressure doubled. Just now they were five to three, and in a blink of an eye they became five to seven!

   is not only the quantity, the opponent's individual strength is stronger than them, the result of this battle is already known without fighting.

   And Gus wasn't in the mood to think about these things at this time. On the contrary, his face was not as crazy as he was before, and instead he became unwavering.

   "Awesome, awesome." Gus praised Leng Shiqi, as if he had already seen that Leng Shiqi was the real core.

   "If it weren't for me to prepare for the next move, I would really die here, three adults, please show up."

   Suddenly, the heaven and earth element power burst out, and three old figures stood in the air.

   Can be called "adults" by the king Gus, and have the ability to step in the air, those three people are undoubtedly the powerhouses of the Tianyuan realm of the Zhulu Royal Enshrine Hall!

The appearance of the three of them immediately made Princess Kahlo and others face ashes. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Gus finally invited the strong from the Heavenly Origin Realm. Their failure is doomed, and even the end of death can be. Foreseen it.

   But Gus's morale was greatly boosted. They looked at Leng Shiqi and Princess Kahlo like a bunch of dead people.

   Gus raised his head and said: "Three adults, you have also seen, the ghostly aura of this person can also command monsters, and I am definitely not a member of Zhulu Country.

   Kahlo does not hesitate to collude with Buddhism for the throne, and even treacherously with outsiders, she must be killed! "

   None of the three youngest paid any attention to Gus. They were all watching Leng Shiqi!

   At this moment, Leng Shiqi Rugusan wears a large black gold cloak and the mask of Emperor Fengdu on their heads, which makes people impenetrable.

   But the strong gloomy aura in him felt a slight threat from all three heavenly origins!

   This made the three people immediately think of a place, the Nether Temple!

   They suspected that Leng Shiqi might be a member of the Nether Temple. This matter is not trivial, so one of them asked, "Dare to ask your name."

   Leng Seventeen said with one word: "Underworld, Emperor Fengdu!"



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