I Fix The System Law

Chapter 809: succeed

   Wuxiangdao: "It's true, my family is my family."

   After finishing speaking, he winked at Leng Shiqi.

   Leng Shiqi knowing, bowed to Wuxiang: "The disciple has seen Master."

The word    Shizun is not a casual call. Seeing Leng Shiqi really salute, the two elders began to be suspicious.

   Without connection, he said hurriedly: "Senior Honglian, please have magical powers, let's sit down and talk."

   The old woman hesitated and said: "Well, this kid is very strong, not weaker than someone who has just entered the Heavenly Origin Realm, and is considered qualified."

   Then her seals were put away, the terrifying blood lotus blooming slowly dissipated, and Leng Shiqi also took back the palm of the Dragon Flame of the Great Sun Tathagata.

   Soon, the four gathered in the thatched house in the deep valley.

   The two old men sit on one side, Leng Shiqi sits opposite them, and Wuxiang sits on the side.

   Honglian looked confused and didn't seem to have the intention to speak. The old man named Qingzhu coughed and said: "Liu Xiaoyou, old man frankly, what do you intend to do when you come to Fengling Qigu?"

   "The junior said at the beginning that he planned to be neighbors with the two seniors."

   Leng Shiqi was interested in Fengling Qigu, and he wanted to establish the Western Wilderness Palace here, and he must offend these two Heavenly Origin Realm powerhouses. Originally, he intended to use his strength and identity to deter the opponent. This is not his big talk. He might not be able to kill if he bursts out with all his strength, but he can definitely win.

   Now that there is nothing to do, and it seems that there is still some connection between them, things are easier to handle, and Leng Shiqi also changed his mind slightly.

   "Neighbors?" Qing Zhu asked puzzledly: "You mean to see Fenglingqi Valley." The fastest computer terminal of the new 81 Chinese website: https://www.@x81zw@@

   "Yes, the younger generation is going to establish the Western Wilderness Palace here..." Leng Shiqi said his plan and identity.

   The second Lao Rao has experienced countless winds and rains, and he is still shocked when he hears Leng Shiqi’s identity, "Are you the four chiefs of the Dark Leiwei of the Leiyan Dynasty, or the prince of foreign surname!?"

   Although they are casual cultivators, they are not very clear about the information of the outside world, but they can still recognize their identity.

   It was said that Leng Shiqi's identity is enough to disregard the Leiyan Dynasty, even in the eyes of Tianyuan Realm, he is a person who can't easily provoke him.

   What's more, Leng Shiqi's strength is superb. Vaguely, he actually made the two elders feel a little jealous.

   Of course, it's just a trace.

   No matter how old the officials of the Leiyan Dynasty were, they couldn't control them.

  The old woman immediately said displeased: "The two of us are used to living in this Fenglingqi Valley. It is impossible for you to build any palace here, let alone leave.

   Leave quickly, I don't care about you for Xiao Chu's face. "

   Leng Shiqi's heart flashed coldly, and when he had just played against each other, he could almost perceive that the strength of this old woman was still slightly worse than Zong Zhenliang and the others.

   It's the green bamboo old man who didn't make a move, making him a little unpredictable.

   At this time, no word came over, "Disciple, this red lotus was a member of the blood lotus demon sect of the six demon realms back then, and the green bamboo was a casual cultivator, and they were all cultivated in the middle of the Tianyuan realm.

   When I was in the Unity of Heaven and Man, I used to retreat here for a period of time. Regardless of the fact that Honglian’s mouth is very poisonous, it is actually cold outside and hot inside. Thanks to the help and guidance of these two elders, I was able to successfully break through the Heavenly Origin Realm.

   But if you want to establish a palace here, I am afraid it is not easy, because they have no desires and desires, no matter if you are threatening or temptation, it will not work. "

   So that's it.

   No wonder Wuxiang is also in the Heavenly Origin Realm, and facing the two and a senior at the time, Leng Shiqi felt a bit strange at the time, and thought Wuxiang had a lot to do with them.

   But he still doesn't believe that someone will have no desires. The reason why they show this is because there is nothing worth eliciting their desires.

   Then Leng Shiqi took out a stone, which looked very ordinary.

   However, when he put the stone on the table, the green bamboo, red lotus, and Wuxiang were all staring at the stone!

  In fact, this is indeed only an ordinary stone, but Leng Shiqi has attached a trace of the power of the law of earth to it!

   "Hiss, the breath of the power of the law of heaven and earth!" Honglian took a deep breath, without concealing his emotions, and exclaimed directly.

   Qingzhu simply stood up, a hint of excitement appeared on his face.

   As for Wuxiang, his gaze shifted back and forth between Shishi and Leng Shiqi, not knowing what he was thinking.

   Leng Shiqi picked up the stone and said, "Two seniors, I don’t need to talk nonsense about the role and value of this stone. I am willing to exchange it for Fengling Qigu, how about?"

   There are not many experts in the Tianyuan realm on the Starfall Continent.

   Among them, only a very small number of people are keen on chasing power, and most of the rest are asking for power!

   Every Tian Yuan realm's heart is thinking about finding a way to break through the Profound Realm, which is to understand the power of the laws of heaven and earth.

   However, there are very few who can succeed in this world, and even most people have not found a clue when their lifespan is exhausted.

   And this stone in Leng Shiqi's hands is like a lighthouse, a shortcut!

   Even if they don't practice the laws of the earth, they can still comprehend by analogy. At least they can experience the power of the laws, which is equivalent to making them take a big step.

   How can this not let the old man's heart move!

Qing Zhu looked at Leng Shiqi deeply and said, "Young man, you haven't broken through the Heavenly Origin Realm yet. Maybe you don't know the true value of this thing. You really want to use this stone to exchange the seal of spirit. Odd Valley?

   You must know that although Fengling Qigu is full of spiritual power, there are also several places in Xihuang County that are not much worse than here, which can be easily obtained as you.

   You'd better think carefully. "

   "The juniors have already considered very clearly, but don't know what the two seniors mean."

   The two elders glanced at each other, Fengling Qigu's spiritual power was actually of no use to them, and they were just used to seeing this pleasingly.

   And the stone that Leng Shiqi took out was a hope for them, a hope that hit the Tongxuan Realm!

   Which one is lighter and which one is heavier, the higher the judgment.

   Honglian nodded and said: "I can't think that you, a little baby, can bring out this kind of treasure. A small Fenglingqi Valley is far inferior to this thing. I took it away from the old lady. I owe you a favor."

   After saying this, she put away the stone with a wave of her hand, and went straight away with the green bamboo old man.

   Leng Shiqi couldn't help but stunned for a moment, this red lotus is really quick to talk.

   A stone was not only exchanged for Fengling Qigu, but it also earned the favor of a Tianyuan realm powerhouse. This transaction was a very good deal.

   Then he gave an order, and many spiritual practitioners began to prepare to build the palace.

   But there is no phase and solemn expression: "Apprentice, this time you can make it difficult for me to do it, Master."

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