I Fix The System Law

Chapter 808: Tentative

There are two thatched huts in Fenglingqi Valley. A rickety old man and an old woman walked out of the two thatched huts respectively. The rickety old man looked out of the valley with an unnatural expression.

"Where is the hairy boy, I don't know how to measure." The old woman said unhappily.

"Little Lianhua, we are afraid that this time we will have a lot of trouble. You see, there are more than a dozen in the Unity of Heaven and Man, and the young man who is headed by him is the peak cultivation of the Unity of Heaven and Man. I Judging by his extraordinary momentum, his identity must be extraordinary.

I just don't know what their purpose is. "The old man analyzed.

"No matter what their purpose is, those who are acquainted should leave quickly, and if they are not acquainted, they will beat them to acquaintance!" The old woman called Xiao Lianhua didn't seem to have a very good temper.

Outside the valley, Leng Shiqi saw that there was no movement inside, so he stepped up and walked inside.

Ren Ye behind him immediately shouted: "My lord, there are two strong men of the Heavenly Origin Realm there, so you can't take risks."

"It's okay, just to ask for advice." Leng Shiqi waved his hand casually, and got into Fengling Qi Valley with a move.

However, at this moment, a few blood-red lotus flowers fell from the sky, and the snow lotus petals were flying in a blink of an eye, and each lotus petal contained the astonishing power of blood evil and the power of heaven and earth!

"Get off the horse?"

Cold Seventeen Faces didn't change their colors, and the Thousand Illusion Dao Sword in his hand swung out, and countless sword auras continued to condense.

Sword Qi condenses the sword into silk, twined like thousands of splendid flowers blooming, and the flowers floating in the sky are extremely gorgeous. And these flowers are not chaotically arranged but arranged according to a wonderful law, he actually formed a sword formation in an instant!

In the next instant, countless sword threads exploded with strange sword aura, sweeping across Kyushu from the sky and the earth, and there were even more dazzling visions.

This is Leng Shiqi's fusion of the ultimate sword formation, sword aura and illusion.

Those snow lotus faces were swept away by the stray flowers and gradually enchanting eyes, defeating the army!

"Huh!" There was a voice of surprise in the air.

Leng Shiqi looked up and saw an old woman floating in the air with a look of surprise.

Although she just took the blow just now, she was a strong person in the Tianyuan realm. She wanted to use it to cool down seventeen, but it was easily resolved!

"This son is really not easy."

However, the old woman's eyes were more fierce, grabbed by the five fingers, and in an instant, the sea of ​​blood appeared, and there were countless lotus flowers floating in the sea of ​​blood, which looked very strange.


Several dragons' voices suddenly resounded throughout the world, and the flames behind Leng Shiqi were blazing, and nine red golden fire dragons were hovering into the sky. The blazing breath filled the entire Fengling Qigu, burning spiritual energy, burning heaven and earth energy, burning blood, burning everything!

Under the scorching of the Chijin Earth Dragon Flame, most of that blood sea was immediately evaporated!

The old woman frowned this time. She was just about to get serious, but she didn't expect her blood sea to be easily cracked.

At this time, there was an old man beside her, and he said: "That is the pure golden earth dragon flame, very restrained your blood lotus, including my green bamboo sword can not please."

"No matter how restrained, it's just a mere harmony between man and nature, old man Qingzhu, you shouldn't be afraid."

Qing Zhu sighed slightly, "This person knows that I am here, but he is still here alone. Such a person is either a fool or has enough strength.

You have tried it right now, so why not listen to what he wants to do. "

"No, the temptation is not enough, he will be qualified to sit down and talk if he can really take me!" As soon as the old woman's voice fell, the powerful pressure of the Heavenly Origin Realm suddenly fell.

She is finally serious!

The heaven and earth's vitality within a radius of several thousand feet were all disturbed, even with the meaning of violent wind roaring, and faint traces of blood suddenly appeared.

The old woman's hands are sealed, and the blood lotus blossoms blooming, the flowers blooming are very magnificent, but they are full of murderous intent.

Countless blood lotus condensed and formed a fist-sized bead. Leng Shiqi's complexion condensed, and he felt extremely powerful from that bead!


Leng Shiqi turned into a demon instantly, with two wings and six arms, hideous and terrifying.

But immediately, there were bursts of dazzling Buddha light shining from his body, a thought of evil spirits, a year of God and Buddha.

After experiencing the sacrifice of blood beasts and absorbing the power of the two demons, Leng Shiqi blended in the magical power of the imperishable vajra, which is the immortal body of the evil Buddha!

A few surprises flashed in the old woman's eyes, and she flicked her finger, and the blood-colored bead trembled for a while, and then layers of lotus petals were born like a lotus that just bloomed.

Every time that lotus blooms a petal, the heaven and the earth sway gently!

Seeing that the lotus grew older and more dazzling, it seemed to explode soon!

Leng Shiqi was convinced that if the lotus flower was allowed to explode, the entire Fenglingqi Valley would be razed to the ground.

He clasped his hands together, a solemn color, and immediately, the Buddha's light ascended into the sky shone, and a Tathagata stood behind him.

Leng Shiqi took it with one palm, and the heaven and earth's strength was solidified, and a Buddha palm of this heaven appeared above the nine heavens. At the same time, many buddha lotus floated constantly in the sky, purifying all the filth in the world.

Nine Dragons reappeared, clinging to the image of the Tathagata, and the Buddha's palm ignited a raging red golden flame that day.

Big Sun Tathagata Dragon Flame Palm!

The old woman has put away all the contempt at this moment~www.ltnovel.com~ Her heart is shaken, at this time she has already regarded Leng Shiqi as an opponent of the same level.

But just as the two were about to fight, a mysterious figure suddenly appeared among them!

That was a fat spiritual practitioner. As soon as he appeared, he yelled, "Stop, stop!"

"Xiao Chu? Why are you here and dare to shoot at me!" After Xiao Lianhua recognized the person, she burst into a drink.

And Leng Shiqi saw that person and instantly recognized him, that he was a master of no form.

Of course, you can also call him Chu Hezheng.

He estimated that Wuxiang had been waiting for him in Xihuang County since he left the imperial capital. When he entered Xihuang County, he did not hide his whereabouts, but came to Fenglingqi Valley in an open manner, and Wuxiang could naturally find it here.

The purpose of Wuxiang is nothing more than for the **** pavilion.

Leng Shiqi gave up the commander of Dark Thunder Guard and left the imperial capital, which was not good for the Bloody Cloth Pavilion. Presumably Xueyige also realized that he could no longer fully control Leng Shiqi, so he would definitely let Wuxiang come to explore his breath.

Only Leng Shiqi didn't know that Wuxiang was actually acquainted with these two Tianyuan realms.

If there is no phase, he shook his head and said with a smile: "Senior Qingzhu, Senior Lianhua, misunderstandings are all misunderstandings, this Liu Xingzhi is my disciple."

"Your disciple?" Qing Zhu and Hong Lian both looked disbelief.

Wuxiang only broke through the Tianyuan realm not long ago, and Leng Shiqi is now the peak cultivation base of the Unity of Heaven and Man, which means that when Wuxiang was in the Unity of Heaven and Man, there was a disciple of the same realm!

how can that be?

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