I Fix The System Law

Chapter 810: 8 parties come to congratulate

   Leng Shiqi knows that Wuxiang is not talking about Fengling Qigu, but the **** pavilion!

   He can guess that Xueyige must be dissatisfied with him.

   "Apprentice, I have no other meaning in coming as a teacher this time. It means to ask you on behalf of the sect, what are your plans?" Wuxiang is straightforward and asked directly without turning a corner.

   "Master, you should understand me. I have my own ideas no matter what I do." Leng Shiqi explained: "This time I chose to stay away from the imperial capital for three reasons.

   First of all, I am too popular among Dark Thunder Guards and even the emperor. I don't know how many people have seen me displeased. This is not what worries me the most. What's more important is that Lei Haoyan's heart has also begun to be wary of me!

  If I continue to stay in the imperial capital, I will only fall into an endless struggle for power. Although I am not afraid, it will only delay my practice. It would be better to get out in time, to cultivate your own power here is also an option.

  Secondly, Xihuang County originally had the foundation that I left behind, and there were also many disciples in the Bloody Clothes Pavilion. Now that I'm back, Fenglingqi Valley is also in North County. We can cultivate the disciples of the Blood-Clothed Pavilion here and turn Fenglingqi Valley into another Blood-Clothed Pavilion.

   Such words are tantamount to leaving a way for the sect. Even if the blood seed plan fails in the end, it will not be completely wiped out, at least there is still a trace of fire.

   As for the third, I am just a **** in the blood seed plan. The others have not grown up yet, so I can't worry. "

   After he finished speaking, Wuxiang fell into contemplation.

   The reason why Leng Shiqi did this is of course not as good as it sounds, of course he did it for himself.

   This Feng Lingqi Valley is in North County. He still bears the name of the North County Supervisor. In the future, he plans to move the Dark Thunder Guard from North County directly to the Xihuang Palace and slowly start the operation of the Palace.

   even became a force not weaker than the **** pavilion!

   Of course, that’s something to be said. Now, after everything settles down, he can do the long-prepared thing.

   "Even if these words can convince me, they may not be able to convince the pavilion master. I advise you to be more cautious recently." Wuxiang was silent for a while, a little worried.

   He knew very well that Leng Shiqi's remarks were mostly just rhetoric. If he took these remarks back, the high-level members of Xueyi Pavilion would be basically not satisfied. First release https://(www) https://m/.x81zw./com/

   "Don't worry, the disciple knows it well."

   "That's all, knowing that you are a proper person, I will go back and return first."

After    sent away Wuxiang, Leng Shiqi began to vigorously build the palace. In addition to the people he brought, Yu Ruifeng, the inspector of Xihuang County, made a special trip to shoot a large number of people.

   Only ten days later, a magnificent palace has begun to take shape.

And Leng Shiqi also issued an invitation, inviting all forces in Xihuang County, including the Qinglei Army, major cities, high-ranking officials, dark thunder guards, Zhenfusi, and large and small spiritual sects to be a guest in Xihuang after January. Palace.

   Actually, there are countless people who want to visit him without his invitation.

   At that time, when Leng Shiqi was about to resist Xihuang County, many people gathered in Xihuang City, all of them were going to visit this prince of foreign surname.

   But who can think, he didn't go to West Desert City at all, but came to Fenglingqi Valley in North County!

   It’s not a big secret that there are two strong men of the Heavenly Origin Realm living in seclusion here, but anyone with some intelligence channels knows it.

   They all wondered why Leng Shiqi came here?

   The results surprised them!

   Leng Shiqi actually built a palace in Fenglingqi Valley!

   It’s not uncommon to build a palace, but the point is, what about the two Heavenly Origin Realm experts?

   They live well in seclusion here, how can they easily change places?

   But Leng Shiqi was able to occupy Fengling Qigu and also invited guests, which shows that he has solved the two Heavenly Origin Realm powerhouses!

   No matter what method he used, this incident alone shocked many people.

   One month later, the Western Wilderness Palace has been officially completed. The style is mainly atmospheric. Due to the tight time, some details have not been fulfilled, so I can only gradually add it later.

Leng Shiqi also brought a few array wizards from the imperial capital. They have deployed some arrays in several important places in the palace. As for those large-scale, high-level arrays that cannot be made in a short time, they are only now. It's barely enough.

   On this day, spiritual practitioners from all directions gathered in Fenglingqi Valley, and a distinguished person came here. The fastest full text of 噺⒏⑴祌 んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

  Xihuang County has all the power holders of the first-class sects, and there are a lot of major city owners. These people all know each other naturally and talk about it, and the whole palace looks very lively.

   At this time, someone outside shouted loudly: "Please, Qing Lei Army commander Xia Houba!"


   Upon hearing this name, everyone in the palace was stunned.

  Xihuang County was the western border of the Leiyan Dynasty. The Qinglei Army was stationed here to guard the border. This was one of the ace combat troops of the Leiyan Dynasty.

   His commander, Xia Houba, is even a powerhouse at the pinnacle of the Heavenly Origin Realm~www.ltnovel.com~ has been sitting in Xihuang County for hundreds of years, and no one dares to commit a crime!

   So Xiahouba has almost never left the border, let alone participated in any event, and he actually came to the Western Wilderness Palace in person today!

  Everyone looked in the direction of the door, wanting to see the legendary man.

   I saw a tall man, dressed in worn-out animal skins, coming over with a wildness. He still held a jar of strong liquor in his hand, and he could smell the strong and incomparable smell of liquor before he got close.

   Such big people are here, Leng Shiqi greets him, "Xiahou is handsome, long up."

Xiahouba raised his head and took a sip of wine, "Okay, don't talk about the polite words. The Sajia has something else to look for you today. But since the Sajia is here, you will still behave. You are busy with you first, and we are done. Recount."

   Leng Shiqi can't get Xiahouba's mind, but since he has come to Xihuang County, he will have to deal with each other sooner or later, "Dashu Xiahou is really happy, please come inside."

   Then he immediately sent people to inquire about all the information about Xiahouba. After almost everyone arrived, he stepped onto the high platform in the center of the palace.

   The spiritual practitioners in the entire palace immediately calmed down. Leng Shiqi raised his eyes and saw that there were tens of thousands of people under pressure. Among them, there were many powerful and distinguished people.

   Ren Ye took out the imperial decree and read it again. Then, whether it was Xiahouba, the commander of the Red Thunder Army, or someone from a third-rate sect, they all bowed their hands and shouted together:

   "I have seen His Royal Highness Xihuang Wang!"

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